AΩ Summer Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 13. Greek Verbs Who is acting Kind (and with Indic, Time) of action Manner in which action is regarded by subject Relation.


Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
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Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

AΩ Summer Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 13

Greek Verbs Who is acting Kind (and with Indic, Time) of action Manner in which action is regarded by subject Relation of subject to action P ERSON N UMBER T ENSE M OOD V OICE SingularPluralPresentImperfectFutureAoristPerfectPluperfectIndicativeInfinitiveImperativeSubjunctiveParticipleOptativeActiveMiddlePassiveDeponent Endings: 123 and S/P Augment Tense Code Endings: Prim/Sec/Other Active or M/P/D Endings

Principal Parts Present Active (Deponent) Future Active (Deponent) Aorist Active Present Active & M/P/D Imperfect Active & M/P/D Future Active and M/D Aorist Active and Middle

Greek Verbs: Conjugating AORIST ACTIVE INDICATIVE AORIST ACTIVE INDICATIVE SingularPlural 1 st I loosened we loosened 2 nd you loosened you (y’all) loosened 3 rd he/she/it loosened they loosened Aorist Indicative: Simple action in the past Has the ἐ augment


Greek Verbs - ω* - μεν - εις* - τε - ει* - σι(ν) - μαι - μεθα - σαι / ῃ - σθε - ται - νται -ν-ν-ν-ν - μεν -ς-ς-ς-ς - τε - __ - ν (σαν) - μην - μεθα - σο (ου, ω) - σθε - το - ντο

Greek Verb Formation Αug | STEM | Tense | Theme | Ending and/or Code Vowel Redup PRES ACT --STEM-- o/ε PrimAct PRES M/P--STEM-- o/ε PrimMP IMPF ACT ἐ STEM-- o/ε SecAct ΙΜPF M/P ἐ STEM-- o/ε SecMP FUT ACT--STEM σo/ε PrimAct FUT M/P--STEM σo/ε PrimMP 1AOR ACT ἐ STEM σα/α -- SecAct

Greek Verbs AORIST ACTIVE INDICATIVE AORIST ACTIVE INDICATIVE SingularPlural 1 st ἔ λυσα ἐ λ ύ σαμεν 2 nd ἔ λυσας ἐ λυσατε 3 rd ἔ λυσε(ν) ἔ λυσαν NB: 1S: lack of ν 3S: α shortened to ε

Greek Verbs: Conjugating AORIST MIDDLE INDICATIVE AORIST MIDDLE INDICATIVE SingularPlural 1 st I loosened (for) myself we loosened (for) ourselves 2 nd you loosened (for) yourself you (y’all) loosened (for) yourselves 3 rd he/she/it loosened (for) him/her/itself they loosened (for) themselves Aorist Indicative: Simple action in the past Has the ἐ augment

Greek Verb Formation Αug | STEM | Tense | Theme | Ending and/or Redup PRES ACT --STEM-- o/ε PrimAct PRES M/P--STEM-- o/ε PrimMP IMPF ACT ἐ STEM-- o/ε SecAct ΙΜPF M/P ἐ STEM-- o/ε SecMP FUT ACT--STEM σo/ε PrimAct FUT MID--STEM σo/ε PrimMP 1AOR ACT ἐ STEM σα/α -- SecAct 1AOR MID ἐ STEM σα/α -- SecMP

Greek Verbs AORIST MIDDLE INDICATIVE AORIST MIDDLE INDICATIVE SingularPlural 1 st ἐ λυσ ά μην ἐ λυσ ά μεθα 2 nd ἐλύσωἐλύσωἐλύσωἐλύσω ἐ λ ύ σασθε 3 rd ἐ λ ύ σατο ἐ λ ύ σαντο NB: 2S: ἐλυσασο shortened to ἐλυσω

Greek Verbs PRESENT ACTIVE INFINITIVE PRESENT ACTIVE INFINITIVE λ ύ ειν to be loosening - λ ύ ειν PRESENT ΜIDDLE/PASSIVE INFINITIVE PRESENT ΜIDDLE/PASSIVE INFINITIVE λ ύ εσθαι to be loosening myself / to keep on being loosened - λ ύ εσθαι AORIST ACTIVE INFINITIVE AORIST ACTIVE INFINITIVE to loosen – λ ῦ σαι to loosen – λ ῦ σαι ΑΟRIST MIDDLE INFINITIVE ΑΟRIST MIDDLE INFINITIVE to loosen (for) oneself – λ ύ σασθαι to loosen (for) oneself – λ ύ σασθαι

ΑΟRIST Indicative: Formation Labial stops: π β φ βλεπω πεμπωγραφω Labial stops: π β φ βλεπω πεμπωγραφω ( π β φ ) + σ = ψ ἐ βλεψα ἐ πεμψα ἐ γραψα ( π β φ ) + σ = ψ ἐ βλεψα ἐ πεμψα ἐ γραψα Palatal stops: κ γ χ ἀ ρχομαι ἀ νοιγωδεχομαι Palatal stops: κ γ χ ἀ ρχομαι ἀ νοιγωδεχομαι ( κ γ χ ) + σ = ξ ἠ ρξαμην ἠ νοιξα ἐ δεξαμην ( κ γ χ ) + σ = ξ ἠ ρξαμην ἠ νοιξα ἐ δεξαμην Dental stops: τ δ θ πειθω Dental stops: τ δ θ πειθω ( τ δ θ ) + σ = σ ἐ πεισα ( τ δ θ ) + σ = σ ἐ πεισα

ΑΟRIST Indicative: Formation Verbs ending in ζ Verbs ending in ζ βαπτιζω >> ἐ βαπτισα βαπτιζω >> ἐ βαπτισα δοξαζω >> ἐ δοξασα δοξαζω >> ἐ δοξασα κραζω >> ἐ κραξα κραζω >> ἐ κραξα

Lesson 13 Vocabulary Vocabulary

ANALYSIS (for Inf, no Pers/#) PERSON NUMBER S P TENSE Pres, Impf MOOD Ind Inf VOICE Act Mid Dep Pass ἐ λυεν ἐ λυετο ἤ ρχοντο ἤ ρχου ἐ πιστευεν ἐ πιστευον ἐ πιστευετε ἠ θελεν κατεβαινεν

Croy 13 - Exercises Do even sentences of Practice and Review Do even sentences of Practice and Review

QUIZ on Conjugate λυω in the: Conjugate λυω in the: Future Active Indicative Future Active Indicative Future Middle Indicative Future Middle Indicative Aorist Active Indicative Aorist Active Indicative Aorist Middle Indicative Aorist Middle Indicative Conjugate εἰμι in the Future Indicative Conjugate εἰμι in the Future Indicative Form of Aorist Active Infinitive of λυω Form of Aorist Active Infinitive of λυω Αnalyze (PNTMV) 2 different forms of α verb Αnalyze (PNTMV) 2 different forms of α verb Vocabulary from Lessons Vocabulary from Lessons 12-13