City and festivals (panathenaea, dionysia) ch10 civ – grk 101.


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2013 edition Wilfred E. Major
8 th Primary School Zografou, Athens,GREECE 8 ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ζωγράφου, Αθήνα COMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT “The Source of Our Health” May 2014 The.
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Δ Η Μ Η Τ Ρ Η Σ Ε Υ Σ Τ Α Θ Ι Α Δ Η Σ Τ Α Ξ Η : ΑΤ’1
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1 Please include the following information on this slide: Παρακαλώ, συμπεριλάβετε τις παρακάτω πληροφoρίες στη διαφάνεια: Name Giannakodimou Aliki Kourkouta.
City and festivals (panathenaea, dionysia) ch10 civ – grk 101.
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“ Ἡ ἀ γάπη ἀ νυπόκριτος. ἀ ποστυγο ῦ ντες τ ὸ πονηρόν, κολλώμενοι τ ῷ ἀ γαθ ῷ, τ ῇ φιλαδελφί ᾳ ε ἰ ς ἀ λλήλους φιλόστοργοι, τ ῇ τιμ ῇ ἀ λλήλους προηγούμενοι.
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Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

city and festivals (panathenaea, dionysia) ch10 civ – grk 101

Quote… α ὐ τ ὰ ρ ἐ π εί ῥ ’ ε ὔ ξαντο κα ὶ ο ὐ λοχύτας π ροβάλοντο, α ὐ έρυσαν μ ὲ ν π ρ ῶ τα κα ὶ ἔ σφαξαν κα ὶ ἔ δειραν, μηρούς τ ’ ἐ ξέταμον κατά τε κνίσ ῃ ἐ κάλυψαν δί π τυχα π οιήσαντες, ἐ π’ α ὐ τ ῶ ν δ ’ ὠ μοθέτησαν.

Discussion •participation (social) – everyone •political – messages get expressed through –identity and pride –feel-included •inclusion •people who funded aspects –reputation of winners •Communal sacrifice – inclusion again – esp. as to the shared meal  mortals-mortals  mortals-gods

Athens & Piraeus

harbor (foreign contacts) harbor district astu (town) walls ACROPOLIS (“high city”): religious center, citadel AGORA: public center, marketplace KHŌRA (countryside) burial ground (outside walls) KHŌRA (countryside) City with Port (compare Athens)

theater and sacred area of Dionysus Acropolis: sacred area of Athena

Roman Theater of Herodes Atticus Theater of Dionysus Parthenon N Temple of Dionysus Eleutherius Odeon Athenian Acropolis

Theater of Dionysus, Athens

Panathenaea, Dionysia Compared PanathenaeaGreater Dionysia dateJuly/AugustMarch godAthenaDionysus processionpresentation of peplosphallic procession + night revel (komos) contestsathletic, poetic every fourth year (Great Panathenaea) poetic: dithyramb, tragedy, comedy celebrantscitizens; limited metic, non-Greek (barbarian, slave) role citizens, limited metic role; foreigners (xenoi) at performances sacrifice and feasting!

Parthenon, West Front (Reconstruction) slide show

PANATHENAIC FRIEZE: Riders, south frieze slab VI (much restored)

Silenus rides the phallus pole (compare Dionysia)

Oral Greek •πῶς ἔχετε τήμερον; •πῶς ἕξετε αὔριον;

Oral Greek + Oral Quiz •λύω –untie –λύσω •βλέπω –look (at) –βλέψομαι •σπεύδω –hurry –σπεύσομαι •κομίζω – bring/convey (a person/people) – κομι ῶ (contracted from κομι έ ω ) •γίγνομαι – come into being / become / happen / show up – γεν ή σομαι

Oral Greek •τίς; τί; –genitive?? –τίνος; τίνος; –acc.? –τίνα; τί; •λύω –untie •τίνα λύεις; –Whom are you untying? •τίνα λύσεις; –Whom WILL you untie? –Whom will SHE untie?

Oral Greek (cont’d) •τίνα λύει σύ; –(λύ-ε-σαι => λύ-ει) –Whom are you ransoming? •τίνα λύσει σύ; –(λύσ-ε-σαι => λύσ-ει) –Whom WILL you ransom? –Whom will SHE ransom?

Oral Greek (cont’d) •ἆρα ἔξεστι λυειν τὴν Μυρρίνην; •ἆρα δεῖ σε ἰέναι πρὸς τὸ ἄστυ; •πῶς δεῖ σε ἰέναι πρὸς τὸ ἄστυ; •ποῖ εἶ; •πόθεν εἶ; •πότε δεῖ σε ἰέναι πρὸς τὸ ἄστυ; •ποῦ δεῖ σε ἰέναι πρὸς τὸ ἄστυ;