Class VIII: Contract verbs © Dr. Esa Autero


Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
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Present Active Indicative
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Verbs (Indicative).
Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

Class VIII: Contract verbs © Dr. Esa Autero GRE4220 Beginning Greek I Class VIII: Contract verbs © Dr. Esa Autero

Functions as verb or noun The Greek Verb Cont. Singular Plural λύω I loose λύομεν We loose λύεις You loose λύετε λύει He/she/it looses λύουσι(ν) They loose λύειν To loose (infinitive) Only tense and voice Functions as verb or noun

Contract Verbs 1.1 Introduction to Contract Verbs Contract verbs are verbs that end in: α, ε, ο [letter b/f connecting vowel & personal ending] The final vowel is called the “contract vowel” αγαπα- “Contract vowel” + connecting vowel  contraction ποιε- +ομεν  ποιοῦμεν

Contract Verbs Some examples: all α, ε, ο contract vowels behave in similar manner Contractions only in present and imperfect tenses Some examples: ποιέ-ω ποιοῦμεν < ποιεομεν < ποιε-ομεν ἀγαπάω ἀγαπᾷ < ἀγαπαει < ἀγαπα-ει

Contract Verbs 1.2 Rules of Contraction - Basics Five basic rules of contraction: 1.) ου is formed from εο, οε, and οο ου < εο ποιοῦμεν < ποιεομεν ου < οε πληροῦτε < πληροετε ου < οο πληροῦμεν < πληροομεν

Contract Verbs ει < εε ποιεῖτε < ποιεετε 2.) ει is formed from εε ει < εε ποιεῖτε < ποιεετε 3.) ω is formed from almost any combination of ο or ω with any other vowel, except for rule no:1. ω < αο ἀγαπῶμεν < ἀγαπαομεν

Contract Verbs α < αε ἀγαπᾶτε < ἀγαπαετε 4.) α is formed from αε α < αε ἀγαπᾶτε < ἀγαπαετε ᾳ < αει ἀγαπᾷ < ἀγαπαει 5.) η is formed from εαι ᾐ < εαι ποιῇ < ποιηι < ποιεαι < ποιεσαι [] αε, εα  “The first one wins”

Contract Verbs -άω -έω -όω 1.3 Paradigm – Contract Verbs (Pr. Ac. Ind.) -άω -έω -όω ἀγαπῶ (αω) ποιῶ (εω) πληρῶ (οω) ἀγαπᾷς (αεις) ποεῖς (εεις) πληροῖς (οεις) ἀγαπᾷ (αει) ποιεῖ (εει) πληροῖ (οει) ἀγαπῷμεν (αομεν) ποιοῦμεν (εομεν) πληροῦμεν (οομεν) ἀγαπᾶτε (αετε) ποιεῖτε (εετε) πληροῦτε(ν) (οετε) ἀγαπῶσι(ν) (αουσι) ποιοῦσι(ν) (εουσι) πληροῦσι(ν) (οουσι)

Contract Verbs Practice p. 63 Homework: Warm-up Parsing p. 64-65, no: 6-10