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ΔημοσίευσεΔιογένης Μπουκουβαλαίοι Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 9 χρόνια
Unit 11
Imperatives Another verbal mood in Greek is the Imperative mood. Another verbal mood in Greek is the Imperative mood. Imperative mood expresses commands. Imperative mood expresses commands. Tense of the imperative mood expresses aspect only, like subjunctives, optatives, and infinitives. Tense of the imperative mood expresses aspect only, like subjunctives, optatives, and infinitives. The imperative only occurs only in the second and third persons. The imperative only occurs only in the second and third persons.
Present Imperative - Active -ε -ε -ετω -ετω -ετε -ετε -οντων -οντων βάλλε βάλλε βαλλέτω βαλλέτω βάλλετε βάλλετε βαλλόντων βαλλόντων
Present Imperative – Mid/Passive -ου < -εσο -ου < -εσο -εσθω -εσθω -εσθε -εσθε -εσθων -εσθων βάλλου βάλλου βαλλέσθω βαλλέσθω βάλλεσθε βάλλεσθε βαλλέσθων βαλλέσθων
Contract Verbs Present Imperative The three types of contract verbs (α, ε, ο) form their imperatives by using the same endings and following the normal rules of contraction. The three types of contract verbs (α, ε, ο) form their imperatives by using the same endings and following the normal rules of contraction. This is true both for the active and middle/passive forms. This is true both for the active and middle/passive forms. τιμῶ (τιμάου) τιμῶ (τιμάου) τιμώντων (τιμαόντων) τιμώντων (τιμαόντων) τιμάσθων (τιμαέσθων) τιμάσθων (τιμαέσθων)
1 st Aorist Imperative - Active -ον -ον -ατω -ατω -ατε -ατε -αντων -αντων γράψον γράψον γραψάτω γραψάτω γράψατε γράψατε γραψάντων γραψάντων
1 st Aorist Imperative - Middle -αι -αι -ασθω -ασθω -ασθε -ασθε -ασθων -ασθων γράψαι γράψαι γραψάσθω γραψάσθω γράψασθε γράψασθε γραψάσθων γραψάσθων
2 nd Aorist Imperative - Active -ε -ε -ετω -ετω -ετε -ετε -οντων -οντων βάλε βάλε βαλέτω βαλέτω βάλετε βάλετε βαλόντων βαλόντων
2 nd Aorist Imperative - Middle -οῦ -οῦ -εσθω -εσθω -εσθε -εσθε -εσθων -εσθων βαλοῦ βαλοῦ βαλέσθω βαλέσθω βάλεσθε βάλεσθε βαλέσθων βαλέσθων
Aorist Imperative - Passive ητι (ηθι) ητι (ηθι) ητω ητω ητε ητε εντων εντων γράφητι γράφητι γραφήτω γραφήτω γράφητε γράφητε γραφέντων γραφέντων
Commnads Summary PERSON 1Subjunctive (Hortatory) 2Imperative 3Imperative Many commands in both the hortatory subjunctive and the imperative are preceeded by idiomatic statements like: ἄγε, ἄγετε, φέρε, ἴθι, εἰ δ’ἄγε. All mean “come on”. Many commands in both the hortatory subjunctive and the imperative are preceeded by idiomatic statements like: ἄγε, ἄγετε, φέρε, ἴθι, εἰ δ’ἄγε. All mean “come on”.
Prohibitions Summary PERSONPROGRESSIVE/REPEATEDSIMPLE 1 μή+ Present Subj.μή + Aor. Subj. (Hortatory) (Hortatory) (Hortatory) (Hortatory) 2 μή+ Present Imperativeμή + Aor. Subj. (Prohibitive) (Prohibitive) 3 μή+ Present Imperativeμή + Aor. Subj. (Prohibitive) (Prohibitive)
αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό This word is used in Greek both as an adjective and a pronoun. This word is used in Greek both as an adjective and a pronoun. It functions as an adjective in the attributive position. It functions as an adjective in the attributive position. It functions as a adjective in the predicate position. It functions as a adjective in the predicate position. It is a personal pronoun for the third person when used independently. It is a personal pronoun for the third person when used independently.
αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό αὐτός αὐτήαὐτό αὐτοῦ αὐτῆςαὐτοῦ αὐτῷ αὐτῇαὐτῷ αὐτόν αὐτήναὐτό αὐτοί αὐταίαὐτά αὐτῶν αὐτῶναὐτῶν αὐτοῖς αὐταῖςαὐτοῖς αὐτούς αὐτάςαὐτά
αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό - Attributive In the attributive position, it functions as an adjective. In the attributive position, it functions as an adjective. The English translation will be “the same”. The English translation will be “the same”. ὁ αὐτὸς ποιητής ὁ αὐτὸς ποιητής the same poet the same poet τὸ αὐτὸ πρᾶγμα τὸ αὐτὸ πρᾶγμα the same thing/issue/event/problem the same thing/issue/event/problem
αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό - Intensive In the predicate position, it functions as an intensive adjective. In the predicate position, it functions as an intensive adjective. The English translation will be “-self” or “personally”. The English translation will be “-self” or “personally”. It may modify an unexpressed subject of a verb. It may modify an unexpressed subject of a verb.
αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό - Intensive ὁ ποιητής αὐτὸς ὁ ποιητής αὐτὸς the poet himself/personally the poet himself/personally τὸ πρᾶγμα αὐτὸ τὸ πρᾶγμα αὐτὸ the thing/issue/event/problem itself the thing/issue/event/problem itself
αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό - Pronoun When it does not modify another word it is serving as the third person pronoun. When it does not modify another word it is serving as the third person pronoun. In classical Attic, it will not appear in the nominative in this use. In classical Attic, it will not appear in the nominative in this use. him, her, it, his, hers, its, etc. him, her, it, his, hers, its, etc. αὐτοῖς αἶγας ἐθύσαμεν αὐτοῖς αἶγας ἐθύσαμεν We sacrificed goats to them. We sacrificed goats to them.
Temporal Clauses Temporal clauses are dependent clauses which express a relationship in time between the action within the clause and the action of the main sentence. Temporal clauses are dependent clauses which express a relationship in time between the action within the clause and the action of the main sentence. As usual, the action of a main clause can be past, present, or future. As usual, the action of a main clause can be past, present, or future. The action of a dependent clause will then be prior, simultaneous, or subsequent. The action of a dependent clause will then be prior, simultaneous, or subsequent.
Temporal Clauses Like conditional statements, temporal clauses are the dependent protasis, and the main clause is the independent apodosis. Like conditional statements, temporal clauses are the dependent protasis, and the main clause is the independent apodosis. Temporal clause = protasis Temporal clause = protasis Main clause = apodosis Main clause = apodosis
Temporal Clauses Past Definite (past tense indicative) Past Definite (past tense indicative) –Prior: ἐπεί, ἐπειδή + past tense indicative –Simultaneous: ὅτε + aorist or imperfect ind. Present General (present indicative) Present General (present indicative) –Prior: ἐπειδάν + aorist subj. –Simultaneous: ὅταν + present or aorist subj.
Temporal Clauses Past General (imperfect indicative) Past General (imperfect indicative) –Prior: ἐπεί, ἐπειδή + aorist optative –Simultaneous: ὅτε + present or aorist optative Future More Vivid (future indicative) Future More Vivid (future indicative) –Prior: ἐπειδάν + aorist subj. –Simultaneous: ὅταν + present or aorist subj.
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