Class XI: 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Ind.

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1 Class XI: 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Ind.
LAN 401 Beginning Greek I Class XI: 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Ind.

2 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
1.1 English and Greek past tenses English: Regular and irregular formation Study – studied Eat – ate Greek: Imperfect – continuous action Aorist – undefined action 2nd aorist 1st aorist

3 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
2.1 2nd Aorist Active Formation: Aug. + aor. act. stem + connect. vowel + sec. act. pers. end. ἐ λαβ ο μεν  ἐλάβομεν We took ἐλαβεν οὖν τοὺς ἄρτους ὁ Ἰησοῦς (Jh 6:11) He took then the bread the Jesus  Jesus then took the bread

4 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
Aorist Paradigm: NOTE: ἐλάμβανον (Imperfect) Aorist (*λαβ) Translation Imperfect Sg. 1 ἔλαβον I took ἔλυον Sg. 2 ἔλαβες You took ἔλυες Sg. 3 ἔλαβε(ν) S/he/it took ἔλυε(ν) Pl. 1 ἐλάβομεν We took ἐλύομεν Pl. 2 ἐλάβετε ἐλύετε Pl. 3 They took

5 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
Important observations about 2nd aorist: Augment follows standard rules Aorist active – 3rd in the lexicon λαμβάνω, (ἐλάμβανον), λήμψομαι, ἔλαβον... In Active 2nd aorist has a different stem from present λέγω  εἶπον βάλλω  ἔβαλον Translation and parsing: augment, stem, endings

6 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
2.2 2nd Aorist Middle Formation: Aug. + aor. act. stem + connect. Vow. + sec.mid/pas.pers. end. ἐ γεν ο μην  ἐγενόμην I became

7 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
Paradigm: In aorist (like future) middle and passive are distinct Aor. Mid. form Translation Imperfect Sg. 1 ἐγενόμην I became ἐλυόμην Sg. 2 ἐγένου You became ἐλύου Sg. 3 ἐγένετο S/he/it became ἐλύετο Pl. 1 ἐγενόμεθα We became ἐλυόμεθα Pl. 2 ἐγένεσθε ἐλύεσθε Pl. 3 ἐγένοντο They became ἐλύοντο

8 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
2.3 Aorist words & Miscellaneous info: Present Aorist γίνωσκω ἔγνων ἐκβάλλω ἐξεβάλον ἔρχομαι ἦλθον ἔχω ἔσχον λέγω εἶπον ὁράω εἶδον συνάγω συνήγαγον

9 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
Paradigms for ἔγνων & οἶδα οἶδα = pf. with present meaning; ᾔδειν functions as impf. & aor. of οἶδα (though actually ἔγνων [γίνωσκω] οἶδα Sg.1 ἔγνων ᾔδειν Sg. 2 ἔγνως ᾔδεις Sg. 3 ἔγνω ᾔδει Pl. 1 ἔγνωμεν ᾔδειμεν Pl. 2 ἔγνωτε ᾔδειτε Pl. 3 ἔγνωσαν ᾔδεισαν

10 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
Practice: Parsing (p. 87) Warm-up Translation p. 88, no:1, 3-4, 7 Review exercises: p. 79, no:2; parsing p. 81; translation p. 82 Homework: pp , no: 2, 6, 9-10

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