The King’s Wisdom: Righteousness as Policy. Mt 5:1 Ἰ δ ὼ ν δ ὲ το ὺ ς ὄ χλους ἀ νέβη ε ἰ ς τ ὸ ὄ ρος, κα ὶ καθίσαντος α ὐ το ῦ προσ ῆ λθαν α ὐ τ ῷ ο ἱ.


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Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

The King’s Wisdom: Righteousness as Policy

Mt 5:1 Ἰ δ ὼ ν δ ὲ το ὺ ς ὄ χλους ἀ νέβη ε ἰ ς τ ὸ ὄ ρος, κα ὶ καθίσαντος α ὐ το ῦ προσ ῆ λθαν α ὐ τ ῷ ο ἱ μαθητα ὶ α ὐ το ῦ · Then after seeing the crowd He went up to a mountain and after sitting down His disciples came to Him.

Mt 5:2 2 κα ὶ ἀ νοίξας τ ὸ στόμα α ὐ το ῦ ἐ δίδασκεν α ὐ το ὺ ς λέγων· And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying, “

The Setting 1.The Teacher sees a need and addresses it. 2.He assumes the position of a teacher so that His message will be received by His audience. 3.From the Son of God will come the Word of God. 4.Principle: The presentation of the Word of God commands a disciple’s attention. 5.Application: The written Word is no less authoritative or valuable than the Word spoken by Jesus Christ.

Mt 5:3-12: The Beatitudes 3 Μακάριοι ο ἱ πτωχο ὶ τ ῷ πνεύματι, ὅ τι α ὐ τ ῶ ν ἐ στιν ἡ βασιλεία τ ῶ ν ο ὐ ραν ῶ ν. 4 μακάριοι ο ἱ πενθο ῦ ντες, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ παρακληθήσονται. 5 μακάριοι ο ἱ πραε ῖ ς, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ κληρονομήσουσιν τ ὴ ν γ ῆ ν. 6 μακάριοι ο ἱ πειν ῶ ντες κα ὶ διψ ῶ ντες τ ὴ ν δικαιοσύνην, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ χορτασθήσονται. 7 μακάριοι ο ἱ ἐ λεήμονες, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ ἐ λεηθήσονται. 8 μακάριοι ο ἱ καθαρο ὶ τ ῇ καρδί ᾳ, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ τ ὸ ν θε ὸ ν ὄ ψονται. 9 μακάριοι ο ἱ ε ἰ ρηνοποιοί, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ υ ἱ ο ὶ θεο ῦ κληθήσονται. 10 μακάριοι ο ἱ δεδιωγμένοι ἕ νεκεν δικαιοσύνης, ὅ τι α ὐ τ ῶ ν ἐ στιν ἡ βασιλεία τ ῶ ν ο ὐ ραν ῶ ν. 11 μακάριοί ἐ στε ὅ ταν ὀ νειδίσωσιν ὑ μ ᾶ ς κα ὶ διώξωσιν κα ὶ ε ἴ πωσιν π ᾶ ν πονηρ ὸ ν καθ ʼ ὑ μ ῶ ν [ψευδόμενοι] ἕ νεκεν ἐ μο ῦ. 12 χαίρετε κα ὶ ἀ γαλλι ᾶ σθε, ὅ τι ὁ μισθ ὸ ς ὑ μ ῶ ν πολ ὺ ς ἐ ν το ῖ ς ο ὐ ρανο ῖ ς· ο ὕ τως γ ὰ ρ ἐ δίωξαν το ὺ ς προφήτας το ὺ ς πρ ὸ ὑ μ ῶ ν.

Mt 5:3-12: The Beatitudes 1.3 Μακάριοι ο ἱ πτωχο ὶ τ ῷ πνεύματι, ὅ τι α ὐ τ ῶ ν ἐ στιν ἡ βασιλεία τ ῶ ν ο ὐ ραν ῶ ν. 2.4 μακάριοι ο ἱ πενθο ῦ ντες, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ παρακληθήσονται. 3.5 μακάριοι ο ἱ πραε ῖ ς, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ κληρονομήσουσιν τ ὴ ν γ ῆ ν. 4.6 μακάριοι ο ἱ πειν ῶ ντες κα ὶ διψ ῶ ντες τ ὴ ν δικαιοσύνην, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ χορτασθήσονται. 5.7 μακάριοι ο ἱ ἐ λεήμονες, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ ἐ λεηθήσονται. 6.8 μακάριοι ο ἱ καθαρο ὶ τ ῇ καρδί ᾳ, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ τ ὸ ν θε ὸ ν ὄ ψονται. 7.9 μακάριοι ο ἱ ε ἰ ρηνοποιοί, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ υ ἱ ο ὶ θεο ῦ κληθήσονται μακάριοι ο ἱ δεδιωγμένοι ἕ νεκεν δικαιοσύνης, ὅ τι α ὐ τ ῶ ν ἐ στιν ἡ βασιλεία τ ῶ ν ο ὐ ραν ῶ ν μακάριοί ἐ στε ὅ ταν ὀ νειδίσωσιν ὑ μ ᾶ ς κα ὶ διώξωσιν κα ὶ ε ἴ πωσιν π ᾶ ν πονηρ ὸ ν καθ ʼ ὑ μ ῶ ν [ψευδόμενοι] ἕ νεκεν ἐ μο ῦ. 12 χαίρετε κα ὶ ἀ γαλλι ᾶ σθε, ὅ τι ὁ μισθ ὸ ς ὑ μ ῶ ν πολ ὺ ς ἐ ν το ῖ ς ο ὐ ρανο ῖ ς· ο ὕ τως γ ὰ ρ ἐ δίωξαν το ὺ ς προφήτας το ὺ ς πρ ὸ ὑ μ ῶ ν.

#1: v3: POORNESS 3 Μακάριοι ο ἱ πτωχο ὶ τ ῷ πνεύματι, ὅ τι α ὐ τ ῶ ν ἐ στιν ἡ βασιλεία τ ῶ ν ο ὐ ραν ῶ ν. Happy are the poor in spirit because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Poverty of Spirit 1.Poverty of spirit refers to the inner conviction of a fallen human’s spiritual bankruptcy. 2.A man who is poor in spirit realizes that he has no right to relationship with God because he is sinful. 3.Poor means you do not have something you need. 4.Poor in spirit means you know that you have that need. 5.Most humans are poor in righteousness but not in spirit. 6.Everywhere in the Sermon on the Mount, experience is expected to match position.

#2: v4: SADNESS 4 μακάριοι ο ἱ πενθο ῦ ντες, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ παρακληθήσονται. Happy are those who are mourning Because they will be comforted

Mourning 1.Mourning is the action that corresponds to knowing we’re poor. 2.Comfort for the sadness that should be present in everyone over sin is available only to those who know it. 3.The picture of mourning and poorness of spirit presents a principle we need to understand: 1.Our attitude should match God’s attitude concerning sin. 2.The more we take on His character the more we will reject what He rejects and approve what He will approve.

Altogether Now Happy are the poor in spirit because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are those who are mourning because they will be comforted

#3: v5: WEAKNESS 5 μακάριοι ο ἱ πραε ῖ ς, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ κληρονομήσουσιν τ ὴ ν γ ῆ ν. Happy are the humble because they will inherit the earth.

#4: v6: HUNGER 6 μακάριοι ο ἱ πειν ῶ ντες κα ὶ διψ ῶ ντες τ ὴ ν δικαιοσύνην, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ χορτασθήσονται. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled.

Altogether Now Happy are the poor in spirit because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are those who are mourning because they will be comforted Happy are the humble because they will inherit the earth. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled.

#5: V7: MERCY 7 μακάριοι ο ἱ ἐ λεήμονες, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ ἐ λεηθήσονται. Happy are the merciful because they will be mercied.

#6: V8: PURITY 8 μακάριοι ο ἱ καθαρο ὶ τ ῇ καρδί ᾳ, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ τ ὸ ν θε ὸ ν ὄ ψονται. Happy are the clean of heart because they will see God.

Altogether Now Happy are the poor in spirit because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are those who are mourning because they will be comforted Happy are the humble because they will inherit the earth. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled. Happy are the merciful because they will be mercied. Happy are the clean of heart because they will see God.

#7: v9: PEACEFUL 9 μακάριοι ο ἱ ε ἰ ρηνοποιοί, ὅ τι α ὐ το ὶ υ ἱ ο ὶ θεο ῦ κληθήσονται. Happy are those who make peace because they will be called sons of God.

#8: v10: PERSECUTED 10 μακάριοι ο ἱ δεδιωγμένοι ἕ νεκεν δικαιοσύνης, ὅ τι α ὐ τ ῶ ν ἐ στιν ἡ βασιλεία τ ῶ ν ο ὐ ραν ῶ ν. Happy are those who have been persecuted on account of righteousness because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Altogether Now Happy are the poor in spirit because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are those who are mourning because they will be comforted Happy are the humble because they will inherit the earth. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled. Happy are the merciful because they will be mercied. Happy are the clean of heart because they will see God. Happy are those who make peace because they will be called sons of God. Happy are those who have been persecuted on account of righteousness because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven.

#9: v11-12: YOU 11 μακάριοί ἐ στε ὅ ταν ὀ νειδίσωσιν ὑ μ ᾶ ς κα ὶ διώξωσιν κα ὶ ε ἴ πωσιν π ᾶ ν πονηρ ὸ ν καθ ʼ ὑ μ ῶ ν [ψευδόμενοι] ἕ νεκεν ἐ μο ῦ. 12 χαίρετε κα ὶ ἀ γαλλι ᾶ σθε, ὅ τι ὁ μισθ ὸ ς ὑ μ ῶ ν πολ ὺ ς ἐ ν το ῖ ς ο ὐ ρανο ῖ ς· ο ὕ τως γ ὰ ρ ἐ δίωξαν το ὺ ς προφήτας το ὺ ς πρ ὸ ὑ μ ῶ ν. Happy are YOU when they should revile you and persecute and say all kinds of evil concerning you, being false, on behalf of Me. Rejoice and leap for joy because your reward is great in heaven, for in this way they persecuted the prophets before you.

Altogether Now Happy are the poor in spirit because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are those who are mourning because they will be comforted Happy are the humble because they will inherit the earth. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness because they will be filled. Happy are the merciful because they will be mercied. Happy are the clean of heart because they will see God. Happy are those who make peace because they will be called sons of God. Happy are those who have been persecuted on account of righteousness because belonging to them is the Kingdom of Heaven. Happy are YOU when they should revile you and persecute and say all kinds of evil concerning you, being false, on behalf of Me. Rejoice and leap for joy because your reward is great in heaven, for in this way they persecuted the prophets before you.