Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs


Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
Chapter 2: Personal pronouns Verb to be Stephania Savva

Imperfect Tense Mounce, chapter 21.
NT Greek Grammar (Macnair Ch. 1-4)
GREEK NOUN DECLENSIONS 2 nd Declension (-ο Stems) Masculine Examples: (λόγος) Singular NOMINATIVE GEN./ABL. L.I.D. ACCUSATIVE VOCATIVE Plural NOMINATIVE.
Class IX: Present Middle/Passive Ind. and Future Active/Middle Ind.
Class II – 1st Aorist Act/Mid Indicative
AΩ Fall Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 17. GENDERNUMBERCASE masculine feminine neuter singular plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Vocative Greek Nouns.
Class X: Verbal Roots and Imperfect
Class IV – Third Declension nouns
AΩ Fall Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 21. Contract Verbs ANALYZE (PNTMV or GNCTV) forms of λαλεω = to speak ἐ λαλησαμεν ἐ λαλησαμεν ἐ λαληθη ἐ λαληθη λαλησω.
Passive Voice. English two voices: active and passive. In the ACTIVE VOICE the subject is the performer of the main action. In the PASSIVE VOICE the subject.
Ancient Greek for Everyone: A New Digital Resource for Beginning Greek Unit 3 part 2: Feminine Nouns 2015 edition Wilfred E. Major
LAN 402 BEGINNING GREEK II Class X: Athematic verbs II.
Week 11 Quiz Sentence #2. The sentence. λαλο ῦ μεν ε ἰ δότες ὅ τι ὁ ἐ γείρας τ ὸ ν κύριον Ἰ ησο ῦ ν κα ὶ ἡ μ ᾶ ς σ ὺ ν Ἰ ησο ῦ ἐ γερε ῖ κα ὶ παραστήσει.
Mastering NT Greek 3. Present Active Indicative Verb By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
Mastering NT Greek 4. Nouns: Second Declension 4. Nouns: Second Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
Unit 11. Imperatives Another verbal mood in Greek is the Imperative mood. Another verbal mood in Greek is the Imperative mood. Imperative mood expresses.
Mastering NT Greek 5. Nouns: First Declension 5. Nouns: First Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
The Verb ο ἶ δα. ο ἶ δα, ε ἴ σομαι, --, --, --, --
LAN 401 BEGINNING GREEK I Class VIII: Contract verbs.
LAN 402 BEGINNING GREEK II Class IX: Imperative. Imperative 1.1 Imperative  In English – second person command You! No inflection  In Greek similar.
Chapter 1(a) What I expect you to know…. Vocabulary Verbs: ̉έστι(ν), λέϒει, οι̉κει̂, πονει̂, ϕιλει̂, χαίρει Nouns: ο͑ α̉ργός, ο͑ ά̉νθρωπος, ο͑ αυ̉τουργός,
Prepositions and Review
Class IX: Present Middle/Passive Ind. and Future Active/Middle Ind.
Present Middle-Passive Indicative
Genitive and Dative Nouns
Nominative and Accusative Nouns and THE Definite Article
Contract Verbs Introduction to Greek By Stephen Curto
Class X: Athematic verbs II
Class XI: 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Ind.
Adjectives Introduction to Greek By Stephen Curto For Intro to Greek
Third Declension Nouns
Future Active, Future Middle, and the Imperfect Indicative
2013 edition Wilfred E. Major
Personal Pronouns Introduction to Greek By Stephen Curto
Class V: Personal Pronouns and 3rd Decl. Cont.
Class IIIa Prepositions and “to be” © Dr. Esa Autero
Class IIIa: Prepositions and “to be”
Class V: Personal Pronouns and 3rd Decl. Cont. (chs )
Class IV – Third Declension nouns © Dr. Esa Autero
Class II: English and Greek Nouns © Dr. Esa Autero
Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Present Indicative Verbs
Class IX: Present Middle/Passive Ind. and Future Active/Middle Ind.
Class XI: 2nd Aorist Act/Mid Ind. © Dr. Esa Autero
Class X: Verbal Roots and Imperfect © Dr. Esa Autero
Class III Introduction to Participles and Adverbial Participle
Class IV Aorist Adverbial Participle © Dr. Esa Autero
Noun Inflection.
Class II – Aorist and Future Passive & Perfect © Dr. Esa Autero
Personal Pronouns.
Personal Pronouns.
Class VII: Infinitive © Dr. Esa Autero
Grk 101, ch6 civ.
Class IX: Athematic verbs I © Dr. Esa Autero
Class VIII: Imperative © Dr. Esa Autero
Class X: Athematic verbs II © Dr. Esa Autero
Chapter 32 Infinitive.
Class VIII: Contract verbs © Dr. Esa Autero
Future Active/Middle Indicative
Nonindicative of δίδωμι Conditional Sentences
Nominative & Accusative Definite Article
1 and 2 Personal Pronouns More third declension stems
Perfective (Aorist) Adverbial Participle
Present Active Indicative
Chapter 34 Indicative of δίδωμι.
Verbs (Indicative).
Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs LAN 401 Beginning Greek I Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs

Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs 1.1Relative Pronouns in English Relative pronouns in English: “who”, “whom” -- refer to humans The teacher whom the students love, won the award. “which” – used to refer to neuter (objects) “that” – can refer to either human beings or objects The glass that broke I helped the boy that fell on a bike “whose” – usually refers to humans

Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs Masculine Feminine Neuter Translation Nom. Sg. ὅς ἥ ὅ Who/which/that Gen. Sg. οὗ ἧς of whom/which/whose Dat. Sg. ᾦ ᾖ To whom/which Acc. Sg. ὅν ἥν Whom/which/that Nom. pl. οἵ αἵ ἅ Gen. pl. ὧν Dat. pl. οἷς αἷς Acc. Pl. οὕς ἅς

Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs 1.2 Case and Translation of Relative Pronoun ὃς οὐ λαμβάνει τὸν σταυρὸν αὐτοῦ καὶ ἀκολουθεῖ ὀπίσω μου, οὐκ ἔστιν μου ἄξιος Matt 10:38 38 Whoever [He who] does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:38

Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs ἰδοὺ ὁ ἀστὴρ ὃν εἶδον ἐν τῇ ἀνατολῇ προῆγεν αὐτούς the star [that] they had seen when it rose went ahead of them Matt 2:9 Translation: ‘who’, ‘which’ , ‘that’ – remember to include the case though Sometimes you need to add - for clarification Pronoun Demonstrative pronoun

Exercises Workbook: p. 49, warm-up and parsing

English & Greek Verbs 2.1 English & Greek Verb - Intro The verb is the key in Greek sentence Similarities and differences Tense, voice, mood, person, and number

English Verb 2.2 English Verbs English verbs have: A word that describes action I am studying Greek Greek is the heavenly language English verbs have: a.) Person (three persons [1-3]) First person = I/We Second person = You Third person = he/she/it/they

English Verb b. Number c. Agreement of verb with the subject Singular Plural I am We are c. Agreement of verb with the subject Singular subject – singular verb (person & number) etc. Bill says [not: Bill say_] They are etc.

English Verb d. Time “when” e. Tense - “time” and “form” “Times” – present, past, future e. Tense - “time” and “form” Time when the action takes place Form of the verb Generally “-ed” forms simple past tense in English

English Verb f. Aspect pr. past future Completed action Continuous action pr. past future Completed: I study I studied I will study Continuous: I am studying I was studying I’ll be studying

English Verb g.) Voice Active voice: Passive voice: Active voice [subject does the acting] Passive voice [subject receives the action] Active voice: Bill hits the ball Passive voice: Bill was hit by the ball

English Verb h.) Mood – Action’s relation to reality Indicative – something that “is” I am a disciple of Jesus NOT: I may be a disciple of Jesus Subjunctive Optative  Moods that point to “possibility” and/or “wish”

The Greek Verb 2.3 Greek verb a.) Agreement Agrees with its subject Personal endings [suffixes added to the end] ἀκούω – I hear ἀκούουσι - they hear  personal ending indicates the person doing the action

The Greek Verb Who is speaking or spoken to… Singular: b. Person and number: Who is speaking or spoken to… Singular: ἐγω - (sg.1) σύ – (sg.2) αὐτός/αὐτή/αὐτό - (sg.3) Greek verb – personal ending Plural: must agree with the subject ἡμεῖς – (pl. 1) ὑμεῖς – (pl.2) αὐτοί, -αί, -ά – (pl. 3)

The Greek Verb c.) Tense: Form of the verb E.g. present, aorist, imperfect, perfect etc. d.) Aspect – what type of action Continuous (progressive) – “I am eating” Undefined (simple event) – “She left” Perfected (past event w/ present implications)

The Greek Verb Cont. e. Voice: The quality of the verb which indicates the relationship of the subject to the action Active – the subject is acting Passive – the subject is passive (or acted upon) Middle - the action returning to the subject Jesus answered nothing [in his defense] Matt 27:12

The Greek Verb Cont. The relation of the verb’s relation to reality f. Mood: The relation of the verb’s relation to reality Real or Potential Indicative – Real action (from speaker’s viewpoint) Eng. I complete my homework Subjunctive, optative, imperative – Potential action Eng. I may complete my homework.

The Greek Verb Cont. 3.1 Present Active Indicative Greek verb: stem + personal ending λύ (Pres. Stem) + - ω (personal ending)  λύω (pres. act. ind. sg.1) λύ + ο + μεν  λύομεν Stem + connecting vowel + personal ending

The Greek Verb Cont. λύω λύομεν λύεις λύετε λύει λύουσι(ν) λύειν Singular Plural λύω I loose λύομεν We loose λύεις You loose λύετε λύει He/she/it is looses λύουσι(ν) They loose λύειν To loose (infinitive) Only tense and voice Functions as verb or noun

The Greek Verb λύω -ο - λύεις -ε ς λύει ι λύομεν μεν λύετε τε Form Translation Connecting vowel Personal Ending Sg. 1 λύω I am loosing -ο - Sg. 2 λύεις You are loosing -ε ς Sg. 3 λύει He/she/it is loosing ι Pl. 1 λύομεν We are loosing μεν Pl. 2 λύετε τε Pl. 3 λύουσι(ν) They are loosing νσι

The Greek Verb 3.2 Parsing ἀκούετε ἀκούετε ἀκούω Inflected Gr. word Person/ case Number Tense/ gender Voice Mood Lexical form Inflected meaning ἀκούετε Inflected Gr. word Person/ case Number Tense/ gender Voice Mood Lexical form Inflected meaning ἀκούετε 2 plural present active Indicative ἀκούω You are hearing

The Greek Verb 3.3 Personal pronouns and the verb Personal pronouns are not needed with a verb λύω – I loose Personal pronouns can be used for emphasis Οὐχ ὡς ἐγὼ θέλω ἀλλ’ ὡς σύ (Matt 26:39) Not as I will but as you [will] Note the gender with αὐτός αὐτή λέγεις ἀνθρώποις you [yourself] speak to men

Exercises & Homework Workbook: Homework: Word study assignment: Practice: p. 59 Parsing and warm-up Homework: p. 51 – no: 6-7 p. 61 – no: 9-10 Word study assignment: Hand in 11/12/2012 Exam II: 10/29/2012