Κατέβασμα παρουσίασης
Η παρουσίαση φορτώνεται. Παρακαλείστε να περιμένετε
By Christos N. Hadjichristidis
5th Lesson By Christos N. Hadjichristidis
MEA CULPA Today’s 1st quote is from the Romans here is the Greek one: “Ο Τολμών Νικά (who dares, wins)” Revision of the course’s objectives: No more grammatical jargon! Focus on speaking & listening activities Places to visit & shopping suggestions Emphasis on the most commonly used phrases Get you to speak Greek ASAP Grammar will be incorporated within the activities
The different ways of asking ‘How are you doing?’
Singular (Informal) Plural (Formal) Meaning Possible answers Τι κάνεις; Τι κάνετε; How are you doing? Καλά (ευχαριστώ) Πώς είσαι; Πώς είστε; How are you? Πολύ καλά Πώς πας; Πώς πάτε How’s everything with you? Έτσι κ’ έτσι
Countries & Nationalities
Country Nationality English Greek masculine feminine Greece Ελλάδα Έλληνας Ελληνίδα Cyprus Κύπρος Κύπριος Κύπρια England Αγγλία Άγγλος Αγγλίδα Wales Ουαλία Ουαλός Ουαλή Ireland Ιρλανδία Ιρλανδός Ιρλανδέζα America Αμερική Αμερικανός Αμερικανίδα Australia Αυστραλία Αυστραλός Αυστραλέζα Scotland Σκωτία Σκωτσέζος Σκωτσέζα
Introducing yourselves
You’ll be given a card stating your name, nationality and purpose of visit. Introduce yourself to the class as follows: Με λένε (Mark/Clare) [Me lene …] I am called (Mark/Clare) Είμαι (Άγγλος/Αγγλίδα) [ime Anglos/AngliTHa] I am (English [man], English [woman]) Είμαι εδώ για διακοπές/δουλεία [ime eTHo gia Thiakopes/THoulia] I am here for (holidays/work)
Revision of Greek numbers: 1-12
μηδέν meeTHen 1 ένα ena 7 επτά/ εφτά epta /efta 2 δύο dheeo 8 οκτώ/ οχτώ okto/ ohto 3 τρία treea 9 εννέα/ εννία ennea/ ennia 4 τέσσερα tessera 10 δέκα THeka 5 πέντε pende 11 ένδεκα enTHeka 6 έξι exee 12 δώδεκα THoTHeka
‘Dice-cards’ Activity
The objective of this activity is to revise the pronunciation of Greek numbers: 0 – 12 You’ll be given a set of cards or dice and you have to try to pronounce each card’s number or the numbers of the two dice thrown and the sum Making bets is not recommended, however should you wish to bet remember that there will be a tiny 25% fee for the house (for educational purposes of course)! Perhaps we should repeat the ‘International song competition Activity’ since it brought such good luck to Greece – well we’ll listen to the song instead!
Lottery Activity Select six lottery numbers between 1 and 49 and tell the person next to you which numbers you have chosen. Your partner notes them down in figures. You then change roles. Finally the two lists are compared and any discrepancies sorted. When ready pass the numbers to me – guess two of my lucky numbers correctly and win two ‘Colloquial Greek’ cds (Do not forget to write down your name!)
Δεκατέσσερα (Thekatesera) 33 Τριάντα τρία (trianda tria) 15
13 Δεκατρία (THekatria) 30 Τριάντα (trianda) 14 Δεκατέσσερα (Thekatesera) 33 Τριάντα τρία (trianda tria) 15 Δεκαπέντε (Thekapende) 40 Σαράντα (Saranda) 16 Δεκαέξι (THekaexi) 44 Σαράντα τέσσερα (saranda tesera) 17 Δεκαεπτά/δεκαεφτά (Thekaepta,THekaefta) 50 Πενήντα (peninda) 18 Δεκαοκτώ/δεκαοχτώ (Thekaokto, THekaohto) 60 Εξήντα (Exinda) 19 Δεκαεννιά (THekaenia) 70 Εβδομήντα (evTHominda) 20 Είκοσι(ikosi) 80 Ογδόντα (ogTHonda) 21 Είκοσι ένα (ikosi ena) 90 Ενενήντα (eneninda) 22 Είκοσι δύο (ikosi THio) 100 Εκατό(ν) (ekato(n))
“Introducing your Family” Activity
‘Asking a Greek about his/her particular place of origin & introducing your family’ Needs: Greek numbers 0-100 Asking questions like (How many children do you have? How old are you/they) politely The verb to be The verb to have Brief notes on articles & nouns
How old are you? (…and more)
Be aware! Greeks ask all kinds of personal questions!! Πόσο χρονών είσαι/είσαστε; – (poso hronon ise/isaste?) How old are you? Είστε/είσαστε παντρεμένος; (man) /παντρεμένη (woman) – (iste pandremenos? (for a man) pandremeni? ( for a woman) Are you married? Πόσα παιδιά έχετε; - (posa paiTHia exete) How many children do you have? These are just cultural differences and the questions are not intended to make you feel uncomfortable
Differences between Greek- English
While in English the personal pronoun is always used together with the verb in order to distinguish the person that it is referring to, in Greek this is not necessary. The ending of the verb itself differs from the first person to the second and so on, and this indicates whether the speaker is referring to himself or herself, or to another person or persons: Sg. 1 είμαι I am 2 είσαι you are 3 είναι (s)he/it is Pl. είμαστε we are είστε είσαστε they are
A very useful verb (I have)
First-conjugation verbs are those that, in their active present tense, have the stress on the last syllable of the stem (i.e.: γράφω “I write”, διαβάζω “I read”) Sg. 1 έχω I have 2 έχεις you 3 έχει (s)he/it Pl. έχουμε we έχετε έχουν they
Activity Dialogue Πως σας/σε λένε;
What’s your name (lit: how do they call you?) (sing/pl) Με λένε Άγγελο I’m called Angelos Πόσο χρονών είσαι/είσαστε; (poso chronon ise/isaste?) How old are you? Είμαι 42 (χρονών) Έχεις/Έχετε παιδιά; Do you have any children? Ναι έχω ένα αγόρι και ένα κορίτσι (ne echo ena agori ke ena koritsi) Yes, I have a (one) boy and a (one) girl Πόσο χρονών είναι; How old are they? Ο Μάρκος είναι 15 και η Φανή (είναι) 11 χρονών Mark is fifteen and Fanny is eleven years old
Where are you from? Από πού είσαι; (apo pu ise?)
Από πού είσαστε/είστε; (apo pu isaste/iste?) Where are you from? (plural, polite plural) Από πού είσαι; (apo pu ise?) Where are you from? (singular, informal) Or if you want to be more specific Ποια είναι η ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα σας; (pia ine i iTHieteri patriTHa sas?) Which is your (particular) homeland? Or Which is your (particular) place of origin? ‘Particular’ in Greek has dual meaning: (special, private)
I am from … Είμαι από Object (Accusative case) τον Πόρο το Λαγκαδά
την Αθήνα τη Τζια το Πήλιο το Ναύπλιο Είμαι από
... or (Athens) is my (particular) homeland
Subject (Nominative case) ο Πόρος o Λαγκαδάς η Αθήνα η Τζια το Πήλιο το Ναύπλιο είναι η ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα μου
Some useful observations
In Greek a noun (i.e.: the word Canadian in the phrase I am Canadian) has to be written differently when it denotes different gender: Είμαι Καναδός – I am Canadian (man) Είμαι Καναδέζα – I am Canadian (woman) That means that Greek nouns are inflected for gender In Greek a noun has to be written also differently when is being used as an object than as a subject: Είμαι από τον Καναδά – I am from Canada Ο Καναδάς είναι η πατρίδα μου – Canada is my homeland That means that Greek nouns are inflected for case also In Greek a noun is almost always preceded by an article (the). The noun and the preceding article have to agree in gender, case and number.
Some forms of the definite article
Singular M F N Nominative ο η το Accusative το(ν)* τη(ν)* * Has a ν ending when the word immediately following begins with a vowel or with any of the following consonants/consonant combinations: κ, π, τ ,γκ, μπ, ντ, ξ, ψ
How on Earth we can guess the gender of a given Greek noun?
Some tips: All masculine nouns (nominative/singular) ends in “ς” Almost all feminine nouns end in either “α or η” Most neuter nouns end in “ο, ι, or μα” Of course, there are exceptions, and there are those words ending in “ος”, which can be any gender.
Ordering in a cafeteria
Τι θα πάρετε/πάρεις παρακαλώ; (ti tha parete/paris parakalo) What will you have (take)? Τι θα θέλατε παρακαλώ (ti tha thelate parakalo) What would you like? Έχετε εξυπηρετηθεί? (ehete exipiretithi) Have you been served/helped? Or if it happens to deal with a not very talkative waiter: Παρακαλώ; Yes? Or even Ορίστε; Yes?
Some of the most commonly used Greek verbs
Sg. 1 θέλω I want 2 θέλεις you want 3 θέλει (s)he/it is wants Pl. θέλουμε we want θέλετε θέλουν they want
Θα ήθελα ένα Θα ήθελα ένα(ν) καφέ I would like a coffee
Θα ήθελα μία σαλάτα Θα ήθελα ένα παγωτό I would like a salad
I would like an ice-cream
Essential vocabulary for the ‘Cafeteria Activity’
λεμονάδα Make a wild guess! Ουίσκι Πορτοκαλάδα Orangeade Μεταξά Χυμός πορτοκάλι Fresh orange juice Ελληνικός καφές Greek coffee Σόδα Παγωτό Ice cream Κόκα κόλα Σοκολάτα Ζεστή Hot chocolate Μπύρα beer Γιαούρτι με μέλι Yogurt with honey
The Greek coffee The Greek coffee is traditionally served in small cups with the sugar already added before the coffee is served. So you are mainly left with the following choices: βαρύς γλυκός strong and very sweet γλυκός sweet μέτριος medium sweet σκέτος no sugar added
Ordering Activity One person starts by saying ‘I’ll have’ and adding an item of his choice as if s/he were ordering something in a café, e.g. Θα πάρω έναν καφέ The person on his/her left continues by repeating the original order and adding an item of his/her own choice, e.g. Θα πάρω έναν καφέ και μία πορτοκαλάδα The activity continues clockwise around the group, each learner adding another item to the order for as long as the learners are able to sustain the orders.
Accepting or Refusing a drink
Will you have an ouzo? Α: Ναι ευχαριστώ/ Όχι ευχαριστώ Yes thanks A: Όχι ευχαριστώ, θα πάρω μια μπύρα No thanks, I’ll have a beer Α&Β: Στην υγειά σας/σου Cheers! To your health! (formal/informal)
How much …? Πόσο κάνει αυτό; (poso kani afto?)
How much is it? Κάνει 6 ευρώ (kani exi evro) It’s 6 euros Πόσο κάνουνε αυτά (poso kanune afta?) How much are they? Κάνουνε 8 ευρώ και 50 λεπτά (kanune ochto evro ke peninda lepta) They are 8 euros and 50.
Some forms of the definite article
Singular Plural M F N Nominative ο η το οι τα
Essential vocabulary for the ‘Price Activity’
βούτυρο butter κρέας meat ελιές olives σταφύλια grapes ψωμί bread ντομάτες tomatoes λεμόνια lemons γιαούρτι yoghurt φέτα Make a wild guess! μήλο apple κρασί wine πορτοκάλι orange
Essential vocabulary for the ‘Price Activity’
Εφημερίδα newspaper τηλε-κάρτα Make a wild guess! τσιγάρα Αντιηλιακή κρέμα Sun-tan lotion Ασπιρίνες φιλμ Γραμματόσημα stamps αναψυκτικά refreshments περιοδικά magazines καπέλο hat βιβλία A bit hard to guess μπισκότα biscuits
Shopping Activity’
Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
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