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ΔημοσίευσεThaddeus Philemon Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 10 χρόνια
1 Please include the following information on this slide: Παρακαλώ, συμπεριλάβετε τις παρακάτω πληροφoρίες στη διαφάνεια: Name Balafouti MariaWhich of the four face-to-face institute or Elluminate session topics did you select to report on and why? I chose Literacy, more particularly the warm and cool feedback for an oral presentation of three students in French. The subject of this presentation was the desire of today’s teenagers to have rules imposed on them by their parents or teachers. I believe that this active participation of the students contributes to the success of the aim of the lesson.With whom did you pilot this new practice and at what grade level did you undertake your pilot? None Second class of high school Cover Slide Cover Slide (change this slide title to fit your presentation)
2 Connections with Colleagues - Διασυνδέσεις με συναδέλφους Replace text instructions with your own entry in response to the question below: Αντικαταστείστε τις τυπωμένες οδηγίες με τη δικιά σας απάντηση στην παρακάτω ερώτηση: Describe in a few brief phrases what connections you made with colleagues in experimenting with this new practice. Περιγράψτε με σύντομες φράσεις, τι διασυνδέσεις δημιουργήσατε με τους συναδέλφους σας κατά τη διάρκεια του πειραματισμού σας με αυτή τη νέα μέθοδο.
3 Successes - Επιτυχίες Replace text instructions with your own entry in response to the question below: Αντικαταστείστε τις τυπωμένες οδηγίες με τη δικιά σας απάντηση στην παρακάτω ερώτηση: Name two or three 'successes' you experienced with this pilot. What changes did you notice? The participation of all the students. Assessment and criticism by the students. More interest and concentration of the whole class.
4 Challenges - Δυσκολίες Replace text instructions with your own entry in response to the question below: Name two or three challenges you experienced with the pilot. What got in the way of your success? Excessive marking which was not objective by the students. Lack of questions after the presentation. Αναφέρετε δύο ή τρεις δυσκολίες που αντιληφθήκατε ή νιώσατε κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του προγράμματος. Τι παρεμπόδισε την επιτυχία σας?
5 Next Steps - Επόμενα Βήματα Replace text instructions with your own entry in response to the question below: Αντικαταστείστε τις τυπωμένες οδηγίες με τη δικιά σας απάντηση στην παρακάτω ερώτηση: Name two or three next steps with this material. What will you try next? How will you build on your experiences with the institute? More time for clarifications and explanations before the presentation. Criteria for the assessment to the students.
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