Chapter 5 GRK 101.


Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
Greek Verbs. Present Tense The Present Tense is formed from the first principle part of any verb. κελεύω, κελεύσω, ἐκέλευσα, κεκέλευκα, κεκέλευσμαι, ἐκελεύσθην.

John 4:20 οἱ πατέρες ἡμῶν ἐν τῷ ὄρει τούτῳ προσεκύνησαν· Our fathers worshipped on this mountain. ὁ ἀγγελος βλεπει τον θεον. οἱ ἀγγελοι βλεπει τον θεον.
NT Greek Grammar (Macnair Ch. 1-4)
AΩ Fall Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 20. Participles, Tenses & Translation Participle Main Verb PRESENT FUT will be saved PRES are being saved Believing, they.
Fall Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 19.
GREEK NOUN DECLENSIONS 2 nd Declension (-ο Stems) Masculine Examples: (λόγος) Singular NOMINATIVE GEN./ABL. L.I.D. ACCUSATIVE VOCATIVE Plural NOMINATIVE.
Noun declensions/’families’ CASEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTER Nom. Sing.ὁ λογοςἡ γραφητο ἐργον Acc. Sing.τον λογοντην γραφηντο ἐργον Gen. Sing.του λογουτης γραφηςτου.
Estoy agradecido a Wermuth’s Greekbook por esta presentación de las declinaciones.
Estoy agradecido a Wermuth’s Greekbook por esta presentación de los verbos indicativos.
Athenaze ch1 Quote, Grammar Drill.
The City of Athens GRK 101.
C.W. Shelmerdine Introduction to Greek 2nd edition (Newburyport, MA: Focus, 2008) Chapter 7.
What is myth? grk 101, ch6 civ. ὅ τε Θησεὺς καὶ οἱ ἑταῖροι ἀφικνοῦνται εἰς τὴν Κρήτην.
AΩ Fall Greek 2003 Croy Lesson 17. GENDERNUMBERCASE masculine feminine neuter singular plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Vocative Greek Nouns.
Class IV – Third Declension nouns
Η προσωπική αντωνυμία ἐγώ – σύ.
Ancient Greek for Everyone: A New Digital Resource for Beginning Greek Unit 3 part 2: Feminine Nouns 2015 edition Wilfred E. Major
C.W. Shelmerdine Introduction to Greek 2 nd edition (Newburyport, MA: Focus, 2008) Chapter 6.
Mastering NT Greek 3. Present Active Indicative Verb By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
Mastering NT Greek 4. Nouns: Second Declension 4. Nouns: Second Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
Mastering NT Greek 8. Getting Personal Pronouns By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
Unit 11. Imperatives Another verbal mood in Greek is the Imperative mood. Another verbal mood in Greek is the Imperative mood. Imperative mood expresses.
Mastering NT Greek 5. Nouns: First Declension 5. Nouns: First Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.
Greek religion ch5 civ. ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή ch5 Quiz Quote.
The Verb ο ἶ δα. ο ἶ δα, ε ἴ σομαι, --, --, --, --
LAN 401 BEGINNING GREEK I Class VIII: Contract verbs.
Prepositions and Review
Genitive and Dative Nouns
Nominative and Accusative Nouns and THE Definite Article
Contract Verbs Introduction to Greek By Stephen Curto
Adjectives Introduction to Greek By Stephen Curto For Intro to Greek
Third Declension Nouns
Future Active, Future Middle, and the Imperfect Indicative
We loosen Indicative active 1st person plural
I loosen indicative active 1st person singular
2013 edition Wilfred E. Major
Exercise 9.
Exercise 8 Parsing Word Case Num Gen Lex Fm Lex M 1. ἡμέρᾳ Dat Sing
Personal Pronouns Introduction to Greek By Stephen Curto
Class V: Personal Pronouns and 3rd Decl. Cont.
Chapter 10: future tense athenaze – grk 102.
Class IIIa Prepositions and “to be” © Dr. Esa Autero
Chapter 12 grk 102.
Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs
Class IIIa: Prepositions and “to be”
Class V: Personal Pronouns and 3rd Decl. Cont. (chs )
Croy 7 - Exercises 1. λέγετε λόγον κατὰ τοῦ κυρίου τοῦ οὐρανοῦ;
Class IV – Third Declension nouns © Dr. Esa Autero
Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Present Indicative Verbs
Regular/Irregular Comparison; Interrogatives/Indefinites
CH13, Imperfect Tense, Relative Prons.
Class IV Aorist Adverbial Participle © Dr. Esa Autero
ch3 various: grammar, etc.
Ch4 various grk 101.
Homeric Epic GRK 101 Rhapsōidos.
Mastering NT Greek Greek  English English  Greek
Grk 101, ch6 civ.
Personal Pronouns.
Personal Pronouns.
middle participles, quantity/number
Grk 101, ch6 civ.
Class VIII: Contract verbs © Dr. Esa Autero
Nominative & Accusative Definite Article
1 and 2 Personal Pronouns More third declension stems
Present Active Indicative
GRK 101 GRK 101.
2nd aorist ch11, grk102.
Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

Chapter 5 GRK 101

Ὁ λαγώς, “The Hare” Oral Greek...

Vocab ὁράω (alpha-contract verb) ὁ λαγώς, acc. τὸν λαγών

Vocab (cont’d) ἐγώ ἡμεῖς σύ ὑμεῖς

present indicative active: present imperative, infinitive active ὁράω, “see”   uncontracted contracted present indicative active: I see ὁρ-ά-___ ______ you see he/she/it sees we see they see present imperative, infinitive active (you sing.) see! ὅρ-α-___ (you plur.) see! to see

present indicative active: present imperative, infinitive active ὁράω, “see”   uncontracted contracted present indicative active: I see ὁρ-ά-ω ὁρ-ῶ you see ὁρ-ά-εις ὁρ-ᾷς he/she/it sees ὁρ-ά-ει ὁρ-ᾷ we see ὁρ-ά-ομεν ὁρ-ῶμεν ὁρ-ά-ετε ὁρ-ᾶτε they see ὁρ-ά-ουσῐ(ν) ὁρ-ῶσι(ν) present imperative, infinitive active (you sing.) see! ὅρ-α-ε ὅρ-ᾱ (you plur.) see! to see ὁρ-ά-ειν ὁρ-ᾶν

Article + δέ ἡ μὲν Μέλιττα τὸν Φίλιππον ὁρᾷ ὁ δὲ οὐχ ὁρᾷ αὐτήν

Personal Pronouns (Quiz Chart)   1st per 2nd per 3rd per singular “I” “you” “he”/“she”/ “it” masc/fem masc fem neut nom                    gen dat acc plural “we” “you(-all)” “they”

Personal Pronouns 1st per 2nd per 3rd per singular “I” “you”   1st per 2nd per 3rd per singular “I” “you” “he”/“she”/ “it” masc/fem masc fem neut nom ἐγώ σύ                    gen ἐμοῦ / μου σοῦ / σου αὐτοῦ αυτῆς dat ἐμοί / μοι σοί / σοι αὐτῷ αὐτῇ acc ἐμέ / μέ σέ / σε αὐτόν αὐτήν αὐτό plural “we” “you(-all)” “they” ἡμεῖς ὑμεῖς ἡμῶν ὑμῶν αὐτῶν αυτῶν ἡμῖν ὑμῖν αὐτοῖς αὐταῖς ἡμᾶς ὑμᾶς αὐτούς αὐτάς αὐτά

Examples-Drill Models ἡ Μέλιττα ὁρᾷ ... ὁ Φίλιππος ἔχει τὸν τῆς Μελίττης λαγών τὸν λαγὼν αὐτή αὐτόν τὸν Φίλιππον αὐτόν τὸ ἄροτρον αὐτό me you etc.

ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή ch5 Quiz Quote ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή

Greek Religion Civ Reading

concepts, terms hiera (neut. plur.) “sacred things” = SACRIFICE (noun) “victim” = (animal) offering reciprocity Ram led to sacrifice

religious space: the temple altar naos Athena Nike (Athens, Acropolis)

temple (cont.) east pronaos (entry porch) altar (sacrifice) naos (god’s statue, offerings) pronaos (entry porch) altar (sacrifice) main focus east temenos (sacred area) wall

Epithets, Function: Aphrodite meaning function Ourania Heavenly marriage, childbirth Pandemos “Everyone’s” marriage, politics, prostitution Hegemone Leader-Guide Military, civic,coming-of-age Kolias “She of Cape Kolias” marriage, fertility en kēpōi “In the Gardens” marriage, fertility (?) Pontia of the sea navigation