What teachers in Greece think about their students’ knowledge of other languages.


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What teachers in Greece think about their students’ knowledge of other languages

Objectives The purpose: to investigate the beliefs and opinions of primary and secondary school teachers in Thrace, Greece with respect to their multilingual students. The aim: to determine how teachers view the role that prior linguistic knowledge plays in their students’ education and in society in general to record the role of the teacher, school and family in education of multilingual learners to identify teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards their learners with L1 other than Greek to investigate the teaching practices in order to suggest ways to improve them in the light of the findings. Variables that influence attitudes and beliefs were also examined. Those included: age, gender, teaching experience, subject matter taught, teaching context, prior linguistic knowledge, etc.

Methods The subjects: 60 primary and secondary school teachers who mainly taught languages (Greek, English, French, German, etc.) but also other school subjects ranging from science to religion. They all worked in Thrace, Greece, an area comprising a significant number of bilingual/multilingual school children with L1 other than Greek belonging to the Muslim minority or immigrant families. The instrument: the questionnaire adapted by De Angelis (2011: ) and used to assess teachers’ beliefs in Italy, Austria and UK. It consisted of 25 statements to be rated on the 1 to 4 Likert scale and 17 background questions.

Results The data were analyzed with respect to the frequency of the answers ranging from (1) “strongly disagree” to (4) “strongly agree” and the percentage was calculated for each individual statement using ‘Crosstubs’. ‘One way ANOVA’ was used to examine the effect of variables such as: age, gender, teaching experience, teaching context, etc. in relation to the 25 statements. Overall results suggest that teachers tend to share similar views and that there are statistically significant differences regarding the afore mentioned variables. Values below 0.05 are regarded as significant.

Conclusion The study discusses the importance of raising awareness of the presence and characteristics of multilingual learners in schools and the need to improve upon teaching practices by offering in-service teacher training programs that would focus on taking advantage of the benefits of multilingualism.

‘In addition to having pedagogical power inside the classroom, it may be added that teachers also have a great deal of power outside the classroom, as they are in the position to advice families on how and when to use the home language in their daily lives. Teachers may choose to encourage or discourage the use and/or maintenance of the home language on the basis of personal beliefs, individual interests or personal experience, and the advice they offer will inevitably influence parents’ decisions and contribute to supporting or hindering the spread of multilingualism in the school context.’ Gessica De Angelis (2011):Teachers' beliefs about the role of prior language knowledge in learning and how these influence teaching practices, International Journal of Multilingualism, 8:3,

Previous research There is now a wide agreement among researchers whose work focuses on the effects of bi/multilingualism on the learning process that bi/multilingualism facilitates the acquisition of additional languages and improves cognitive functioning in individuals. One of the factors that has been argued to play a central role in bringing about positive effects is literacy

a distinction between additive and subtractive learning contexts having knowledge of more than one language seems to lead to a heightened awareness of language and to the development of metalinguistic abilities which are put to use during the learning process. the crucial role of interaction among languages during the learning process

research on professionals who are in the position to offer advice to bi/multilingual parents is on the increase information on the effect of bi/multilingualism on additional language learning is not usually included in teacher training programs

Teachers’ beliefs are taken to be ‘psychologically held understanding, premises, or propositions felt to be true’ (Zheng, 2009, p. 74). The statements are divided into 6 thematic groups: statements on (1) the role of prior language knowledge in language learning (2) perceived usefulness of language knowledge (3) how teachers deal with multilingual learners (4) the role of the school in maintaining multilinguals’ L1 (5) teachers’ views of multilinguals’ L1 (6) teachers’ views of the role of the family

Διαφωνώ πλήρως (ΟΧΙ)% Μάλλον ΟΧΙ%Μάλλον ΝΑΙ% Συμφωνώ απόλυτα (ΝΑΙ)% 1. Οι εκπαιδευτικοί είναι υπεύθυνοι να βοηθούν τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική* να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλωσσά. 19,031,o27,622,4 2. Η γνώση μιας γλώσσας βοηθά τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική να μάθουν και άλλη γλώσσα. 1,7 Italy 4,9 Austria 0 UK 0 6,9 16,5 11,9 20,0 53,4 32,0 40,5 43,3 62,1 46,6 47,6 36,7 3. Θα ήθελα να μάθω περισσότερα για την μητρική γλώσσα και τον πολιτισμό των μαθητών με Γ1 μη ελληνική. 1,78,533,955,9 4. Όταν διδάσκω, συνήθως δεν αναφέρομαι στη μητρική γλώσσα ή τον πολιτισμό των μαθητών με Γ1 μη ελληνική τους οποίους έχω στη τάξη μου. 45,8 Italy 14,6 Austria16,7 UK 19,4 32,2 38,8 23,8 51,6 15,3 29,1 35,7 12,9 6,8 17,5 23,8 16,1

Διαφωνώ πλήρως (ΟΧΙ)% Μάλλον ΟΧΙ%Μάλλον ΝΑΙ% Συμφωνώ απόλυτα (ΝΑΙ)% 5. Οι μαθητές που γνωρίζουν περισσότερες γλώσσες θα έχουν περισσότερες ευκαιρίες να πετύχουν επαγγελματικά. 03,439,057,6 6. Για τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική είναι πιο σημαντικό να γνωρίζουν μια βασική διεθνή γλώσσα παρά τη μητρική τούς γλώσσα. 42,4 Italy 17,5 Austria22,0 UK 16,1 44,1 35,0 41,5 12,9 6,8 29,1 14,6 58,1 6,8 18,4 22,0 12,9 7. Οι μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική δεν ενδιαφέρονται ιδιαίτερα να μιλήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα μπροστά σε συμμαθητές τους. 37,931,027,63,4 8. Οι μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική ντρέπονται να μιλήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα μπροστά σε συμμαθητές τους. 32,230,532,25,1 9. Οι μαθητές που γνωρίζουν περισσότερες γλώσσες είναι εκείνοι οι οποίοι έχουν καλύτερα αποτελέσματα σε όλα τα μαθήματα. 10,341,443,18,2

Διαφωνώ πλήρως (ΟΧΙ)% Μάλλον ΟΧΙ%Μάλλον ΝΑΙ% Συμφωνώ απόλυτα (ΝΑΙ)% 10. Οι γονείς των μαθητών με Γ1 μη ελληνική πρέπει να τους βοηθάνε περισσότερο να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα. 1,711,949,237,3 11. Οι γονείς των μαθητών με Γ1 μη ελληνική φαίνεται ότι δεν επιθυμούν τα παιδιά τους να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα. 55,241,43, Οι μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική πρέπει να μαθαίνουν μια γλώσσα τη φορά. 37,939,717,25,2 13. Οι μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική μπορούν να διατηρήσουν τον πολιτισμό τους ακόμα και χωρίς να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα. 44,837,510,36,9 14. Η συχνή χρήση της μητρικής γλώσσας καθυστερεί την εκμάθηση των ελληνικών. 18,625,428,827,1

Διαφωνώ πλήρως (ΟΧΙ)% Μάλλον ΟΧΙ%Μάλλον ΝΑΙ% Συμφωνώ απόλυτα (ΝΑΙ)% 15. Το σχολειό προσφέρει δραστηριότητες που σκοπεύουν στο να αναπτύσσουν συνείδηση σχετικά με τη μητρική γλώσσα και πολιτισμό των μαθητών με Γ1 μη ελληνική. 20,352,516,510,2 16. Η εκμάθηση της μητρικής γλώσσας είναι η υποχρέωση της οικογενείας. 016,930,552,5 17. Η εκμάθηση της μητρικής γλώσσας είναι η υποχρέωση του σχολείου. 27,123,732,216,9 18. Η διατήρηση της μητρικής γλώσσας βοηθά τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική να διατηρήσουν και το πολιτισμό τους. 0031,069,0 19. Στη κοινωνία μας είναι σημαντικό κάποιος να γνωρίσει περισσότερες γλώσσες. 0015,584,5 20. Δεν επιτρέπω στους μαθητές μου να μιλάνε στη γλώσσα τους μέσα στο μάθημα. 32,834,512,120,7

Διαφωνώ πλήρως (ΟΧΙ)% Μάλλον ΟΧΙ%Μάλλον ΝΑΙ% Συμφωνώ απόλυτα (ΝΑΙ)% 21. Δίνω πρακτικές συμβουλές σε μαθητές με Γ1 μη. ελληνική οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα. 13,8 31,034,520,7 22. Για να βοηθήσει τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα, ο εκπαιδευτικός πρέπει να έχει βασικές γνώσεις της γλώσσας τους. 17,2 Italy 23,3 Austria34,1 UK 41,9 15,5 26,2 24,4 25,8 48,3 26,2 29,3 25,8 19,0 24,3 12,2 6,5 23. Για τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική που ζουν στην Ελλάδα δεν είναι ιδιαιτέρα χρήσιμο να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα. 56,932,85,2 24. Ενθαρρύνω τους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική να διατηρήσουν τη μητρική τους γλώσσα. 3,417,246,632,8 25. Η συχνή χρήση της μητρικής γλώσσας κατά τη διάρκεια εκμάθησης της ελληνικής προκαλεί σύγχυση στους μαθητές με Γ1 μη ελληνική. 10,5 Italy 27,7 Austria23,8 UK 22,6 38,6 28,7 40,5 51,6 33,3 28,7 21,4 19,4 17,5 14,9 14,3 6,5

Where do you teach? * Knowing a language helps students with L1 other than Greek learn another language. Crosstabulation Knowing a language helps students with L1 other than Greek learn another language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,0%5,3%73,7%21,1%100,0% primary minority ,0%10,0% 80,0%100,0% secondary public ,0%5,3%57,9%36,8%100,0% secondary minority ,1% 55,6%22,2%100,0% Total ,8%7,0%54,4%36,8%100,0%

Where do you teach? * I would like to be more informed about the home language and culture of the students with L1 other than Greek Crosstabulation I would like to be more informed about the home language and culture of the students with L1 other than Greek Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,0% 31,6%68,4%100,0% primary minority ,0% 20,0%80,0%100,0% secondary public ,0%15,8%57,9%26,3%100,0% secondary minority ,0%20,0%10,0%60,0%100,0% Total ,7%8,6%34,5%55,2%100,0%

Where do you teach? * In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Crosstabulation In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,6%31,6%10,5%5,3%100,0% primary minority ,0%10,0% 100,0% secondary public ,8%47,4%26,3%10,5%100,0% secondary minority ,0%20,0%10,0%,0%100,0% Total ,6%31,0%15,5%6,9%100,0%

Where do you teach? * Students with L1 other than Greek are not particularly interested in speaking their home language in front of school peers. Crosstabulation Students with L1 other than Greek are not particularly interested in speaking their home language in front of school peers. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,3%36,8%57,9%,0%100,0% primary minority ,9%,0% 11,1%100,0% secondary public ,6%31,6%15,8%,0%100,0% secondary minority ,0%40,0%20,0%10,0%100,0% Total ,6%29,8%28,1%3,5%100,0%

Where do you teach? * Students with L1 other than Greek are ashamed of speaking their home language in front of school peers. Crosstabulation Students with L1 other than Greek are ashamed of speaking their home language in front of school peers. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,3%31,6%57,9%5,3%100,0% primary minority ,0%20,0%10,0%20,0%100,0% secondary public ,4%36,8%15,8%,0%100,0% secondary minority ,0%30,0%,0%100,0% Total ,8%31,0% 5,2%100,0%

Where do you teach? * The frequent use of the home language delays the learning of Greek. Crosstabulation The frequent use of the home language delays the learning of Greek. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,6%42,1%15,8%10,5%100,0% primary minority ,0%10,0%30,0% 100,0% secondary public ,5%15,8%36,8% 100,0% secondary minority ,0%20,0%40,0% 100,0% Total ,0%24,1%29,3%27,6%100,0%

Where do you teach? * The school offers activities aimed at raising awareness about home language and culture of students with L1 other than Greek. Crosstabulation The school offers activities aimed at raising awareness about home language and culture of students with L1 other than Greek. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,1%57,9%15,8%5,3%100,0% primary minority ,0%20,0%40,0%30,0%100,0% secondary public ,3%68,4%5,3%,0%100,0% secondary minority ,0%50,0%10,0%20,0%100,0% Total ,7%53,4%15,5%10,3%100,0%

Where do you teach? * The teaching of the home language is the responsibility of the school Crosstabulation The teaching of the home language is the responsibility of the school Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Where do you teach? primary public ,3% 31,6%15,8%100,0% primary minority ,0%,0%60,0%30,0%100,0% secondary public ,4%31,6%21,1%,0%100,0% secondary minority ,0%30,0% 100,0% Total ,6%24,1%32,8%15,5%100,0%

Have you ever attended seminars on intercultural education? * In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Crosstabulation In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Have you ever attended seminars on intercultural education? yes ,0%23,1%12,8%5,1%100,0% no ,1%47,4%21,1%10,5%100,0% Total ,6%31,0%15,5%6,9%100,0%

Have you ever attended seminars on intercultural education? * I offer practical advice to students with L1 other than Greek who wish to maintain their home language. Crosstabulation I offer practical advice to students with L1 other than Greek who wish to maintain their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Have you ever attended seminars on intercultural education? yes ,7%30,8%33,3%28,2%100,0% no ,8%33,3% 5,6%100,0% Total ,0%31,6%33,3%21,1%100,0%

Would you like to learn another foreign language? * Maintaining the home language helps students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home culture as well. Crosstabulation Maintaining the home language helps students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home culture as well. Total "agree""strongly agree" Would you like to learn another foreign language? yes ,9%77,1%100,0% no538 62,5%37,5%100,0% Total ,6%71,4%100,0%

Would you like to learn another foreign language? * Parents of the students with L1 other than Greek must do more to help their children maintain the home language. Crosstabulation Parents of the students with L1 other than Greek must do more to help their children maintain the home language. Total "disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you like to learn another foreign language? yes ,2%44,9% 100,0% no ,0%75,0%,0%100,0% Total ,3%49,1%38,6%100,0%

Would you like to learn another foreign language? * The teaching of the home language is the responsibility of the family. Crosstabulation The teaching of the home language is the responsibility of the family. Total "disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you like to learn another foreign language? yes ,3%28,6%57,1%100,0% no ,5% 25,0%100,0% Total ,5%29,8%52,6%100,0%

Would you like to learn another foreign language? * I offer practical advice to students with L1 other than Greek who wish to maintain their home language. Crosstabulation I offer practical advice to students with L1 other than Greek who wish to maintain their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you like to learn another foreign language? yes ,4%31,3%35,4%22,9%100,0% no ,5% 12,5% 100,0% Total ,3%32,1% 21,4%100,0%

Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? * It is the teachers' responsibility to help students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home language. Crosstabulation It is the teachers' responsibility to help students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? yes ,6%24,4%31,7%29,3%100,0% no ,3%43,8%18,8%6,3%100,0% Total ,3%29,8%28,1%22,8%100,0%

Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? * I would like to be more informed about the home language and culture of the students with L1 other than Greek Crosstabulation I would like to be more informed about the home language and culture of the students with L1 other than Greek Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? yes ,0%4,8%26,2%69,0%100,0% no ,3%18,8%50,0%25,0%100,0% Total ,7%8,6%32,8%56,9%100,0%

Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? * In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Crosstabulation In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? yes ,1%31,0%9,5%2,4%100,0% no ,8%31,3% 18,8%100,0% Total ,6%31,0%15,5%6,9%100,0%

Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? * For students with L1 other than Greek it is more important to know a major international language than their home language. Crosstabulation For students with L1 other than Greek it is more important to know a major international language than their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? yes ,4%38,1%4,8% 100,0% no ,8%56,3%12,5% 100,0% Total ,1% 6,9% 100,0%

Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? * The teaching of the home language is the responsibility of the school Crosstabulation The teaching of the home language is the responsibility of the school Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? yes ,4% 38,1%19,0%100,0% no ,8%31,3%12,5% 100,0% Total ,6%24,1%31,0%17,2%100,0%

Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? * Maintaining the home language helps students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home culture as well. Crosstabulation Maintaining the home language helps students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home culture as well. Total "agree""strongly agree" Would you be interested in learning one of your students' home languages? yes ,0%78,0%100,0% no ,3%43,8%100,0% Total ,6%68,4%100,0%

Do you often use a language that is not your mother tongue? * The school offers activities aimed at raising awareness about home language and culture of students with L1 other than Greek. Crosstabulation The school offers activities aimed at raising awareness about home language and culture of students with L1 other than Greek. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Do you often use a language that is not your mother tongue? yes ,5%57,1%9,5%23,8%100,0% no ,3%50,0%21,1%2,6%100,0% Total ,3%52,5%16,9%10,2%100,0%

How many years have you been teaching? * Knowing a language helps students with L1 other than Greek learn another language. Crosstabulation Knowing a language helps students with L1 other than Greek learn another language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" How many years have you been teaching? ,0% 25,0%75,0%100,0% ,3% 73,7%15,8%100,0% ,0%16,7%25,0%58,3%100,0% 16 or more ,0%5,9%58,8%35,3%100,0% Total ,8%7,1%51,8%39,3%100,0%

How many years have you been teaching? * Students who are familiar with several languages will have more opportunities to succeed in their professional life. Crosstabulation Students who are familiar with several languages will have more opportunities to succeed in their professional life. Total "disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" How many years have you been teaching? ,0%25,0%75,0%100,0% ,5%52,6%36,8%100,0% ,0%38,5%61,5%100,0% 16 or more041317,0%23,5%76,5%100,0% Total ,5%36,8%59,6%100,0%

How many years have you been teaching? * For students with L1 other than Greek it is more important to know a major international language than their home language. Crosstabulation For students with L1 other than Greek it is more important to know a major international language than their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" How many years have you been teaching? ,0%37,5%25,0%12,5%100,0% ,2%36,8%,0% 100,0% ,2%38,5%,0%15,4%100,0% 16 or more ,4%58,8%11,8%,0%100,0% Total ,9% 7,0%5,3%100,0%

How many years have you been teaching? * Students who know several languages are also those who achieve better results across disciplines. Crosstabulation Students who know several languages are also those who achieve better results across disciplines. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" How many years have you been teaching? ,0%62,5%37,5%,0%100,0% ,7%44,4%38,9%,0%100,0% ,0%30,8%46,2%23,1%100,0% 16 or more ,6%41,2%,0%100,0% Total ,7%42,9%41,1%5,4%100,0%

How many years have you been teaching? * Parents of the students with L1 other than Greek do not seem to want their children to maintain their home language. Crosstabulation Parents of the students with L1 other than Greek do not seem to want their children to maintain their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" How many years have you been teaching? ,5%87,5%,0%100,0% ,7%21,1%5,3%100,0% ,2%30,8%,0%100,0% 16 or more ,0%,0%100,0% Total ,1%41,1%1,8%100,0%

Do you have a frequent contact with native speakers of other languages outside the school? * Students who are familiar with several languages will have more opportunities to succeed in their professional life. Crosstabulation Students who are familiar with several languages will have more opportunities to succeed in their professional life. Total "disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Do you have a frequent contact with native speakers of other languages outside the school? yes ,5%29,5%65,9%100,0% no09312,0%75,0%25,0%100,0% Total ,6%39,3%57,1%100,0%

Do you have a frequent contact with native speakers of other languages outside the school? * In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Crosstabulation In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Do you have a frequent contact with native speakers of other languages outside the school? yes ,5%29,5%9,1%6,8%100,0% no ,7%41,7%33,3%8,3%100,0% Total ,4%32,1%14,3%7,1%100,0%

Can you hold a basic conversation in a language that is not your mother tongue? * In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Crosstabulation In my teaching, I do not usually make reference to the home language or culture of the students with L1 other then Greek I have in class Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Can you hold a basic conversation in a language that is not your mother tongue? yes ,0%34,0%12,0%4,0%100,0% no ,2% 33,3%22,2%100,0% Total ,8%32,2%15,3%6,8%100,0%

Can you hold a basic conversation in a language that is not your mother tongue? * For students with L1 other than Greek it is more important to know a major international language than their home language. Crosstabulation For students with L1 other than Greek it is more important to know a major international language than their home language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Can you hold a basic conversation in a language that is not your mother tongue? yes ,0%42,0%6,0%4,0%100,0% no ,1%55,6%11,1%22,2%100,0% Total ,4%44,1%6,8% 100,0%

Can you hold a basic conversation in a language that is not your mother tongue? * Students with L1 other than Greek are ashamed of speaking their home language in front of school peers. Crosstabulation Students with L1 other than Greek are ashamed of speaking their home language in front of school peers. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" Can you hold a basic conversation in a language that is not your mother tongue? yes ,0%30,0%28,0%4,0%100,0% no03519,0%33,3%55,6%11,1%100,0% Total ,2%30,5%32,2%5,1%100,0%

What subject do you teach? * The frequent use of the home language delays the learning of Greek. Crosstabulation The frequent use of the home language delays the learning of Greek. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" What subject do you teach? languages ,4%29,3%22,0%24,4%100,0% other01449,0%11,1%44,4% 100,0% Total ,0%26,0% 28,0%100,0%

Age * To help students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home language the teacher must have some basic knowledge of their language. Crosstabulation To help students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home language the teacher must have some basic knowledge of their language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" age ,5%7,7%53,8%26,9%100,0% ,9% 43,8%12,5%100,0% Total ,2%15,5%48,3%19,0%100,0%

Gender * To help students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home language the teacher must have some basic knowledge of their language. Crosstabulation To help students with L1 other than Greek maintain their home language the teacher must have some basic knowledge of their language. Total "strongly disagree""disagree'"agree" "strongly agree" gendermale ,0%10,0%50,0%,0%100,0% female ,8%19,5%43,9%26,8%100,0% Total ,7%17,6%45,1%21,6%100,0%

Thank you for bearing with all my statistics !