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ΔημοσίευσεΦυλλίς Ζωγράφος Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 8 χρόνια
From Applying Theory to Theorising Practice Achilleas Kostoulas Epirus Institute of Technology
Presentation Outline Using the conceptual framework What?How?Why? Theorising practice Inverting Applied ScienceA conceptual framework Applying Theory What it isProblems
Applied Science Practice LiteraturePedagogyLinguistics
What is wrong with Applied Science? Professional development and practice are physically and temporally disconnected. Scholarship is perceived as irrelevant to practice. Teachers are relegated to lower status compared to ‘expert’ policy-makers.
Theorising Practice theory Experimentation Observation Teaching Reflection
Theory General Abstract Top-down theory Personal Situated Bottom-up Applying Theory Theorising practice In brief…
Communicative CriticalTransmissive HOW? WHAT? WHY? cf. Kostoulas, A. 2011. From local pedagogy and global influences to eclectic practice. Paper presented at the British Association of Applied Linguistics Language Learning and Teaching SIG conference, hosted by Aston University. Birmingham: July 2011
What should be taught in an ELT class? Content «Άλλο τραγελαφικό μειονέκτημα του βιβλίου είναι η προφορά των πρωταγωνιστών στα περισσότερα κείμενα.» «…ακόμα πιο απαράδεκτη προφορά των κειμένων» «Τα listenings είναι άλλη πληγή του βιβλίου. Η άρθρωση των πρωταγωνιστών είναι κάκιστη…»
Content Building a theory Is a native-like accent a requisite for communicative competence? Do these books help students to develop a native-like accent? Is it useful to expose learners to emerging varieties (e.g. ‘World Englishes’, ELF?)
How can I use the tools at my disposal? Media «Ο μαθητής δεν μπορεί να εποπτεύσει την γραμματική που διδάσκεται αφού δεν υπάρχει κάποιος αναλυτικός πίνακας δίπλα στα κείμενα.» «τα κείμενα είναι δυσνόητα και τεχνοκρατικά και δεν υπάρχει ένα τραγουδάκι, ένα παιχνιδάκι, κάτι τέλος πάντων που να ΄σπάει΄ την αφόρητη πλήξη που αναδίδουν» «Τα περισσότερα κείμενα είναι ανούσια, ανέμπνευστα, άχαρα και συνεπώς δεν δημιουργούν χαρά στους μαθητές μας.»
Media Building a theory How can these media be used to develop communicative competence? Do these media conform to my expectations, as a language teaching expert? Who makes the choice of media to be used? How is this choice made?
Why are students made to learn English? Ends «Όσοι οραματίζονται κρατικά πιστοποιητικά γλωσσομάθειας με αυτά τα βιβλία, είναι μακρυά νυχτωμένοι! »
Ends Building a theory Is communicative competence a useful goal? Does my teaching promote this? Is examination competence a useful goal? How does my teaching promote this? Is intercultural competence a useful goal? In what ways can my teaching promote this?
We build theory by questioning practice… Do these books help students to develop a native-like accent? Is a native-like accent important? Is it useful to teach ‘World Englishes’ and ELF? How can these media be used to develop communicative competence? Who decides what should be taught? How is this choice made? Does my coursebook conform to my expectations, as an language teaching expert? Is communicative competence a useful goal? Does my teaching promote this? Is intercultural competence a useful goal? In what ways can my teaching promote this? Is examination competence a useful goal? How does my teaching promote this?
Questioning all aspects of practice Who benefits from teaching English the way we do? Are there aspects of our practice that serve our interests more than those of our learners? What are the implications of using the same coursebook across the country? Why was this coursebook designed in the way it was?
Questions? Thank you for your attention! achilleas@kostoulas.com
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