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(συνέχεια) eqseis.geosc.psu.edu en.wikipedia.org www.comics.com earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/nca/1986/reid.php geology.com/articles quake.usgs.gov/research/deformation/ www.seismo.unr.edu/ftp/puby/louie/class/plate/seismology.html newweb.ig.utexas.edu/people/staff/mrina www.umsp.edu/geo/faculty/hefferin/geol320/ www.utdallas.edu/scimathed/resources/Melville/fig%201-x.html www.soi.wide.ad.jp/class/20060029/slides/01/35.html-2k- home.hiroshima-k.ac.jp earthquake.usgs.gov/learning clahr.com/science/psu/251/setupond/cal/index.htm www.geology.uiuc.edu/~hsui/classes/geo350/lectures/earthquakes www.tremor.nmt.edu
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