Training EFL teachers on differentiated Instruction


Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
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Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

Training EFL teachers on differentiated Instruction Dr. Maria Andritsopoulou ELT Coordinator

Differentiated Instruction

Activity Spot similarities and/or differences between this description and your school. «Χρόνια ολόκληρα καρφωμένοι στα θρανία ακίνητοι ακούγαμε τον δάσκαλο. Αυτός μιλούσε, μονολογούσε αδιάκοπα, αυτός σκεπτόταν, κι εμείς καθόμαστε φρόνιμα με σταυρωμένα χέρια και μαθαίναμε. Στην τάξη σερνόταν από το δάσκαλο πάντα το ίδιο θέμα για όλους, που συχνά μας ήταν ολότελα αδιάφορο και ξένο από τη ζωή μας […] Ποτέ δε σταθήκαμε μόνοι μας απέναντι στα πράγματα, ανάμεσά τους και σε μας μπερδευόταν πάντα ο δάσκαλος […] αυτός εξηγούσε, αυτός ενεργούσε, αυτός παντού ήταν το επίκεντρο». Αλ. Δελμούζος, ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΙΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ, (Αθήνα: εκδ. Ελληνοευρωπαϊκής Κίνησης Νέων), 1971, σ. 7.

Differentiation in the EFL classroom

Σκηνή: Δ' Τάξη δημοτικού σχολείου Αθήνας Σκηνή: Δ' Τάξη δημοτικού σχολείου Αθήνας Φέτος στην τάξη μου έχω 22 παιδιά. Από αυτά τα 8 δεν είναι ελληνικής καταγωγής: τα 4 είναι από την Αλβανία και έχουν αρκετά χρόνια στην Ελλάδα, τα 3 είναι από τις Φιλιππίνες, έχουν έρθει στην Ελλάδα μόλις πριν από 1 χρόνο και μιλούν ελάχιστα ελληνικά, και 1 παιδί κατάγεται από την Πολωνία, έχει γεννηθεί στην Ελλάδα και μιλά καλά ελληνικά. Όταν, πριν ξεκινήσει η χρονιά, έμαθα τη σύνθεση των παιδιών της τάξης μου, σκέφτηκα ότι δε θα τα καταφέρω. Είχα ωστόσο την ελπίδα ότι οι ελληνικής καταγωγής μαθητές μου, που ήταν εξάλλου και οι περισσότεροι, θα με βοηθούσαν να κάνω το μάθημά μου, αφού θα μπορούσαν να συνεννοηθούν μαζί μου, θα ήξεραν πάνω κάτω τα ίδια πράγματα ως προς την Ξένη Γλώσσα, θα μπορούσαν να διαβάσουν και να γράψουν. Δυστυχώς η πραγματικότητα με διέψευσε. Από τα παιδιά αυτά άλλα ήξεραν να διαβάζουν, να κατανοούν αυτά που διαβάζουν και να γράφουν με σχετική άνεση και άλλα όχι, άλλα έδειχναν ευτυχισμένα και ήταν ορεξάτα για δουλειά και άλλα έδειχναν να βαριούνται, άλλα μάθαιναν γρήγορα και άλλα χρειάζονταν πολύ χρόνο και επαναλήψεις, άλλα ήταν προσεκτικά και συγκεντρωμένα και άλλα έκαναν συνέχεια λάθη αφηρημάδας, άλλα συμμετείχαν στο μάθημα και άλλα έμεναν σιωπηλά, άλλα ήταν πάντα διαβασμένα και άλλα ποτέ. Ένιωσα πολύ άτυχος που βρέθηκα σε μια τάξη με τόσο διαφορετικά παιδιά και δεν μπορούσα καθόλου να σκεφτώ τι θα έπρεπε να κάνω για να οργανώσω αποτελεσματικά το μάθημά μου. Η ιδέα να δουλέψω μόνο με τους καλούς μαθητές ήταν για μένα η πιο βολική, αλλά δε με ενθουσίαζε. Τι να κάνω όμως;

What’s the problem in the previous slide? The teacher is challenged by a mixed-ability class Learners come from different backgrounds, different L2 levels, different attitudes towards school learning Kids are of different levels of competence She feels she can’t organize her lesson well

In reality a mistake we often make is that we plan very carefully, organize everything only to open the classroom door and discover that we were given the wrong students

When is a learning program effective? The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners (Tomlinson 1999) When is a learning program effective? The modification should be based on: • readiness levels, • interests, • learning profiles (Learning preferences are influenced by gender, culture, learning styles and multiple intelligences). • talents • cognitive needs of individual students… • the technology the students have access to and know to use

Definition: Differentiated Instruction is doing what`s fair for students. It means creating multiple paths so that the students of different abilities, interests or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to learn. So, it is the means to respect the human right of students for equality in mixed-ability classes - one of the essential topics of teaching practice and educational theory in general. The differentiated form of learning is based on the fact that the teacher should not address the average pupil of the class, but design activities of graded difficulty according to the individual abilities and peculiarities. «The teacher prepares different ways in advance, to help the student understand and show what he has learned». Carol Ann Tomlinson

Differentiated teaching begins with the choice of goals/objectives Bloom`s taxonomy

Content: (Vocabulary, phrases, concepts, structures etc Content: (Vocabulary, phrases, concepts, structures etc. that students need to understand). The educator does not change the learning goal but differentiates the content with choices (multiple sources of information/different levels of difficulty). Process: concerns the way in which knowledge is transferred to the child and the ability of the child to choose how to use it. It relates to organization and teaching strategies (structured or more free, with gradual exercises or quizzes and constructions) Product: Demonstration of acquired knowledge = The result = the source for assessing student progress (through dramatization, construction, a project, the individual file). Learning environment: secure, encouraging, collaborative, non-threatening and respectful. ("Linguistic corner", posting of pupils' work in a room, appropriate layout of the desks for group work).

Differentiated Teaching Principles Accept difference Offer choices Promote collaboration Connect new knowledge with Ss` experiences Promote communication Teach Ss how to learn Multiple methods/Investigation/Collective work Establish routines Adopt a variety of assessment methods Take advantage of what technology can offer Collectivity

Differentiation IS NOT … Different program for each student Division of a mixed-ability class into homogeneous groups to reduce differences More chaotic teaching of the same things Higher expectations from "good" students than average students Lower expectations from students with learning disabilities compared to average students

Differentiation IS.., A teaching approach that accepts the many levels of students` diversity, so that they can respond according to their abilities individually. Every person has a personal learning profile. A learner-centred approach, where academic excellence and respect of students` differences are promoted. Students are not passive recipients of information and knowledge, but active learners. Evolutionary. New knowledge is built on the past knowledge and experiences of students. It exploits at the same time a variety of active ways of acquiring learning (Group collaboration, exploratory & experiential method).

Differentiation IS… Exploitation of one or more types of multiple intelligence, according to Gardner's theory, which suggested the existence of different conceptual modules corresponding to the independent, collaborative and equal types of intelligence: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-Kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrarpersonal and naturalistic, existential.

Differentiation IS…. Focus on activity as a means of achieving learning goals and promoting cognitive skills. Careful planning of activities based on diversity is required. Activation of students on an individual or small group. Grouping is random or targeted depending on/according to the type and objectives of the activity. The teacher takes care of involving all students in an interesting job, with respect and emphasis on personal development.

Differentiation IS… More qualitative distinction between work steps and activities than quantitative Contrary to traditional teaching which is teacher- focused/the students do not develop self - activity defines the same content, uses the same practices, has the same requirements from all students, ignores the individuality of each learner according to the learning style fails to meet the needs and interests of each student and has the books as the reference point. Multiple tools are not provided Often uses one evaluation form. Students are not evaluated in multiple ways

KEY PRINCIPLES OF THE DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Clarity in Work Plan (Refers to objectives, key concepts, principles and skills) Flexibility that is involved in: a) the way the groups are formed b) the teaching materials (printed material, electronic, multimedia, multimodal material) Assessment: Continual, Diagnostic and formative as a feedback tool for student progress /as data used to modify instruction. The evaluation is done through: Observation using a relevant grate, Students' self-evaluation forms Discussion with all students or groups of students

Students are assessed before, during and after their learning Students are assessed before, during and after their learning. Using assessment we gather information about students’ readiness, interests and learning

The teacher is ready to create conditions of differentiation in his class when he/she: loves learning /considers learning to be a lifelong process encourages conversation among students revises his/her teaching plans. looks for opportunities to get to know his/her pupils better. looks for pupils` capabilities and not for their weaknesses offers students more help and time to complete their work when they encounter difficulties Is well prepared: to create flexible student groups, to give voice to the students, to speak to them and to hear what they have to say, to think on individual and group terms, to create a sense of community within the classroom, to organize materials, space and time to meet the needs and the capacities of students to share the responsibility of teaching and learning with students

INSTRUCTIONAL AND ORGANIZATION STRATEGIES TRAINING AND ORGANIZATION STRATEGIES OF THE CLASS INSTRUCTIONAL AND ORGANIZATION STRATEGIES The discussion groups, The diary, Teaching peers, Group or individual work, The extra time for a job Language corner Work Plans (Projects) Multimodal texts ICT Recorded material Various complementary materials and more.

Differentiating the Content (EXAMPLE) Purpose: What are the sports that I am going to teach my students? (Sports are selected on the basis of the pupils' interests). Objectives: Students learn vocabulary and sport-related phrases through the use of various materials by exploring and presenting their own sport to their peers in the way they choose. Language level: A1 Step 1: Students are briefed on the subject of their actions and start with "Four Corners". At the four corners of the class, there are labels with different sports categories, "Water Sports", "Winter Sports", "Athletics", "Team Sports", and students move to the corner with the sport category they like best. Step 2: Under each sign the students write what sports they know belonging to the category they chose. Then using a dictionary they find the name of these sports in the target language. Step 3: The teacher introduces the verbs associated more often with the target language sport. Step 4: At the end of the lesson, students in order to leave the classroom should tell a sport they do and a sport they have never done in the target language.

Step 5: At the second meeting with students, the teacher calls them to choose a sport from the list (they created in Step 2) and explore it more. They are provided with books, magazines, newspaper articles, internet, illustrated dictionary ... as many resources as possible. They are provided with an auxiliary worksheet to guide them in their research. For example Things I Want To Know About Sports: The History of The Rules Famous players Necessary equipment Big record Something else ... Step 6: The students prepare a presentation about the sport they chose. Each student should mention at least six words related to this sport. He/she also chooses the presentation format (poster, demo, video, brochure, advertisement, crossword, story, photo album, power point, poem or song). Small groups (4-5 people) are created (small group presentation is less stressful for most students/ it can also be repeated several times. Step 7: The teacher gives each student an alphabetical list of sports that will be presented together with a Check Sheet to complete it during the presentation. This will ensure their active participation.

Differentiating the Process on the basis of student readiness Students are divided into smaller groups. Each group gets its own name. It is important for teams to be set up on the basis of the main criteria for differentiation such as readiness (language levels) and learning profile. Students choose from the table below two activities from their group column and one activity from any other column they want. This will allow them to engage in activities that interest them and do not belong to their team. ADVANCED READINESS LEVEL Find in the Internet or in magazines two articles that interest you in sports and make a relevant vocabulary. Create a sports show and made a five-minute ad. Make a flipping book for sports. Read about the contribution of sports to maintain good health and write a small relevant article. MEDIUM READINESS LEVEL Read a story with an athlete as a central hero and present him. Create a power point presentation to persuade your classmates to engage in two sports that you like. Create a video showing sports in categories. Prepare an oral presentation of a sport .

LOW READINESS LEVEL Write the name of each sport under the image of the sport. Create a power point presentation of a sport you like. Create a mental map with the sports that you like, mentioning the required equipment, important people Play a pantomime game (it will be a different sport each time)

Differentiation on the Process based on the pupils' learning profile After introducing the course and various activities to identify the basic vocabulary, students create groups based on their learning style. However, there are pupils who belong to more than one learning style. They choose one activity from each column in the table below. The other students choose three activities from the column they belong to. Linguistic type Take an interview from your peers about the sports they are interested in and write a small article in the school's newspaper or blog. Tell or read a little story about a sport. Talk to a classmate about your participation in a sports match. Watch the video clip of a song that refers to a sport. Learn the words. Visual type Create vocabulary charts where on the one hand the word will be in the target language and on the other a picture that will represent it. Read two articles about the sport you like and write a summary. Select articles from magazines or online. Create a poster for a fantastic athletic event taking place in your school about the sport you like. Create a Power Point presentation with vocabulary words (you will add related images), so you can create a little story.

Kinesthetic type Present sports that you like to your classmates without words and let them guess. Create a set of cards with the words of the vocabulary in English on the one hand, and on the other hand the translation of the word into Greek or a relative image. Then classify the cards in team and individual sports, according to the time the sport is played or according to a criterion you will choose. Present a routine preparation of the athletes for a sport you like.

Differentiating the product According to the learning profile Students have been informed about the sport they are interested in, through a variety of educational materials and then they present it to their classmates. They choose themselves the way they will present the sport: Linguistic types: video, written reference (brochure, poster, story) Audiovisual types: video, poster, illustrated book Kinesthetic types: poster, oral presentation (eg fitness bag with equipment), demonstration of the rules of the sport Students in mixed groups (one in each profile category) are prepared (corrected, practiced, encouraged) and they present the results of their action in the classroom. By closing the unity, students are invited to create a sports page with articles about the sports they presented in their class by posting it to the school's magazine or blog / they can create a sports show for television (live or video), imitating journalists and athletes.

Teaching Strategies/ Differentiated activities Learning Centers (Κέντρα Μάθησης) Tiered Lesson (Διαβασμένο μάθημα) Think – Tac – Toe (Τρίλιζα) Cubing (Κύβοι) RAFT (Role Audience Format Topic) Know, Understand and Do – KUD (Γνωρίζω, Κατανοώ, Κάνω) Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS) Jigsaw (Συνεργατική Συναρμολόγηση) Frayer Model Think - Pair – Share Find - Someone - Who (Βρες Κάποιον Που…) KWL (Know– Want to know- Learned)

Teaching Strategies Learning Centers Learning Center features include: Location: Learning Centers have a definite position or space within the classroom. This space can be a few desks beside the wall, a corner of the class, some pillows….. The Label: Each Learning Center must have a clear label or title that makes the focus and purpose clear to students. Instructions: It is important for each Learning Center to have clear instructions on tabs on what to accomplish and how long. In fact, these tabs describe the activities to be done at the Center and the order in which they should be completed. Resources: The Learning Centers must have the information material and everything the students need (maps, pencils, cardboards, radios, microphones, computers, photos, etc.)

Six Learning Centers are proposed that could help the teacher to diversify the content of teaching a Literature course in a Foreign Language class (Theisen, 2003). Students will examine the content and complete the activities corresponding to four of these Centers according to their interests. When they complete the activities, within a certain time, they will be assigned to groups of three to discuss what they have found and how this knowledge has helped them to understand better the literary text.

Differentiated Strategies of teaching Τiered Lesson Teachers work with activities of different levels of difficulty and with different supportive means from the teacher. (Tomlinson (1999) -The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners). Activities have the same objectives, but they provide a variety of access and information management paths, according to the level of language skills. In this way, students with different learning needs work with the same ideas and use the same skills. Ss at the low level of language need work with very specific results (closed questions), whereas high-level students can respond to more abstract assignments (open questions). Medium-level students need a combination of closed and open questions / actions. However, the teacher ensures that all activities have the same learning value and interest. e.g. If a group creates a movie, another group can create an ad or digital poster using the same vocabulary.

Tierred Lesson Example Subject: Clothes Language Level B1 The rationale: Students study the vocabulary of clothing and descriptive adjectives. Use the appropriate phrases to persuade, encourage and suggest clothing. Students use different communication for friends and "clients". Students conduct research activities on the Internet and carry out evaluative judgments. STEP ASSIGNMENT 1 Your team is working at an Institute for Vocational Training. Your goal is to write two role scenarios (two conversations) that will be used by Business School students to engage in the appropriate interaction that a salesperson working in a clothing store must have with a demanding customer. Conversations must convince the client and encourage him / her to buy specific clothes. Be prepared to present your two conversations verbally to the classroom.

STEP ASSIGNMENT 2 STEP ASSIGNMENT 3 Your team participates in the "Rules Committee" in a Gymnasium. You have been assigned to write a small section of the school book explaining the school's dress code. In this brochure you will need to write 12 school rules on what pupils should and should not wear. Describe the clothes that are allowed and the clothes that are not allowed to wear. Also create a poster with the 12 clothing instructions and be ready to show it. STEP ASSIGNMENT 3 You are working in an advertising company that has undertaken to create a small catalog and an ad for one of the largest department stores in Paris. Using magazine pictures, drawings or pictures from the internet, create a list of 12 types of clothing. You can decide on the type of clothing and the gender to be addressed. Describe each garment based on standards found in magazines or on the internet (fabric, color, price). Carefully create the list to make it attractive to customers. Also create an ad that promotes at least two of these types of clothing. Be creative in your design and be ready to present the list and the advertisement in the classroom.

Differentiated activities

Γραφικοί οργανωτές

Frayer model

Οι πέντε τομείς διαφοροποίησης του Renzulli

Answer the questions and discuss Activity Answer the questions and discuss   YES NO DN Do you challenge students to teach others what they have learnt? Do you offer choices in everything that you do? Do you display your Ss’ work Do you praise your Ss’ progress every day? Do you put every child in a specific location in the room that works best for their learning and for you?

The end