 You need textbooks today. If they are in your locker – get them NOW!  Don’t ask once class has started…

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: " You need textbooks today. If they are in your locker – get them NOW!  Don’t ask once class has started…"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1  You need textbooks today. If they are in your locker – get them NOW!  Don’t ask once class has started…

2 Ελλάδα: Το ομόσπονδο κράτος του Ελληνισμού

3  Εξηγήστε τα πλεονεκτήματα της Κρήτης κατείχε η οποία της επέτρεψε να αναπτύξει ένα εξελιγμένο πολιτισμό, την αξιολόγηση της achievemens αυτού του πολιτισμού, καθώς και τους λόγους για αυτό είναι παρακμή.

4  Περιγράψτε την πολιτική και κοινωνική οργάνωση του μυκηναϊκού πολιτισμού, όπως αποκάλυψαν στο αρχαιολογικό και εγγράφως.

5  3.2: Explain the advantages Crete possessed which enabled it to develop a sophisticated civilization, evaluate the achievements of that civilization, and the reasons for it’s decline.  3.3: Describe the political and social organization of Mycenaean civilization as revealed in the archaeological and written record.



8  Minoan 2000-1450 BCE  Mycenaean 1600-1100 BCE  The Dark Ages 1100-800 BCE  City-States/Colonization – 800-550 BCE  Persian Wars – 550-480 BCE  Classical Greece – 480-338 BCE  The Hellenistic Age – 338-27 BCE  Greco-Roman Period – 27 BCE-400 AD

9  Central location for trade with Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Egypt led to early development and progress;

10  System of Weights and Measures  Early Science  Skilled mathematicians ◦ Decimals ◦ Percentage ◦ Geometry  Used astronomy to aid in navigation and agriculture  Plumbing, sewage, mechanics

11 Minoan ArtMinoan Religion  We know very little except they were polytheistic and revered the bull  Temples  Sun  Goddesses

12  Theories  Volcanic Eruption  Tsunami  Invasion

13  Mainland Greece and Crete  Trade  Skilled craftspeople

14  Bulls and animals  Linear B writing

15  King  Landowners  Community  Elders  2 groups of free men: those who worked in the palace and those who lived in the community

16  Sea People  Most likely cause of demise of Mycenaean civilization  Ushers in “Dark Age” of Greek history  WHY “DARK AGE?”

17  Using the handout and the textbook: 1. Read the sheets in the handout package 2. Complete the task on page 4 of the handout using the textbook 3. If you don’t finish today, have it done when you return on Tuesday of next week

Κατέβασμα ppt " You need textbooks today. If they are in your locker – get them NOW!  Don’t ask once class has started…"

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