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ΔημοσίευσεLilah Primo Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 10 χρόνια
Some information about our place
Greece is a small country on the south of Europe. The peninsula, where Greece is located, is called Balkan
Greece is full of islands. Xylokastro is Situated on Pelopon- nesus. It is being continued… …with click.
As you have seen until now, Greece is a country in Europe. It is situated on South Europe. Greece consists of areas. The area which includes Xylokastro is called Peloponnesus. On the north of Peloponnesus there is Korinthia prefecture. In this prefecture is located Xylokastro. If someone wants information about Korinthia, he may go to the www.korinthia.net, website! If he chooses there, the phrase: “Διαδραστικός Χάρτης”, which means “ Interactive map” he can see a lot of places in Korinthia. He also can see where is Xylokastro!!
Peloponnesus and Korinthia
Xylokastro is a small town in north Korinthia. It has a nice pine forest along the sea. Our beautiful sea is called Korinthian Golf. In our place come many tourists during summer. If you want to see and to learn more about Xylokastro you can go to www.xylokastro.com website!www.xylokastro.com The first page is written in Greek, but we have made a small dictionary about this page.
The word: Trikala Korintrias ( are three mountain villages, one after the other at the foot of Ziria mountain. They reach the 1100 m high). Above The word Means Φωτογραφίες Photos Οδηγός Guide Χωριά Villages Χρήσιμα Useful Πανόραμα bird’s eye view Αγγελίες advertisements Συνδέσεις Links Επικοινωνία Communication Most important are: Photos, bird’s eye view. “Villages’ choice” has the villages around Xylokastro. Left and perpendicular: The word Means Αρχική First Ζήρεια Ziria ( The high mountain south of Xylokastro) Το Ξυλόκαστρο τον παλιό Xylokastro in old time καλό καιρό Ο καιρός του Ξυλοκάστρου The weather in Xylokastro Ο καιρός στον κόσμο The weather all over the world Πυροσβεστική υπηρεσία Fire brigade Λύκεια Σχολεία High Secondary Schools
Left and perpendicular: The word Means Αρχική First Ζήρεια Ziria ( The high mountain south of Xylokastro) Το Ξυλόκαστρο τον παλιό Xylokastro in old time καλό καιρό Ο καιρός του Ξυλοκάστρου The weather in Xylokastro Ο καιρός στον κόσμο The weather all over the world Πυροσβεστική υπηρεσία Fire brigade Λύκεια Σχολεία High Secondary Schools
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