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Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs

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1 Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs
LAN 401 Beginning Greek I Class VII: Relative Pronouns; Pr. Ind.Verbs

2 Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs
1.1Relative Pronouns in English Relative pronouns in English: “who”, “whom” -- refer to humans The teacher whom the students love, won the award. “which” – used to refer to neuter (objects) “that” – can refer to either human beings or objects The glass that broke I helped the boy that fell on a bike “whose” – usually refers to humans

3 Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs
Masculine Feminine Neuter Translation Nom. Sg. ὅς Who/which/that Gen. Sg. οὗ ἧς of whom/which/whose Dat. Sg. To whom/which Acc. Sg. ὅν ἥν Whom/which/that Nom. pl. οἵ αἵ Gen. pl. ὧν Dat. pl. οἷς αἷς Acc. Pl. οὕς ἅς

4 Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs
1.2 Case and Translation of Relative Pronoun ὃς οὐ λαμβάνει τὸν σταυρὸν αὐτοῦ καὶ ἀκολουθεῖ ὀπίσω μου, οὐκ ἔστιν μου ἄξιος Matt 10:38 38 Whoever [He who] does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Matt 10:38

5 Relative Pronouns & Intro to Verbs
ἰδοὺ ὁ ἀστὴρ ὃν εἶδον ἐν τῇ ἀνατολῇ προῆγεν αὐτούς the star [that] they had seen when it rose went ahead of them Matt 2:9 Translation: ‘who’, ‘which’ , ‘that’ – remember to include the case though Sometimes you need to add - for clarification Pronoun Demonstrative pronoun

6 Exercises Workbook: p. 49, warm-up and parsing

7 English & Greek Verbs 2.1 English & Greek Verb - Intro
The verb is the key in Greek sentence Similarities and differences Tense, voice, mood, person, and number

8 English Verb 2.2 English Verbs English verbs have:
A word that describes action I am studying Greek Greek is the heavenly language English verbs have: a.) Person (three persons [1-3]) First person = I/We Second person = You Third person = he/she/it/they

9 English Verb b. Number c. Agreement of verb with the subject Singular
Plural I am We are c. Agreement of verb with the subject Singular subject – singular verb (person & number) etc. Bill says [not: Bill say_] They are etc.

10 English Verb d. Time “when” e. Tense - “time” and “form”
“Times” – present, past, future e. Tense - “time” and “form” Time when the action takes place Form of the verb Generally “-ed” forms simple past tense in English

11 English Verb f. Aspect pr. past future
Completed action Continuous action pr. past future Completed: I study I studied I will study Continuous: I am studying I was studying I’ll be studying

12 English Verb g.) Voice Active voice: Passive voice:
Active voice [subject does the acting] Passive voice [subject receives the action] Active voice: Bill hits the ball Passive voice: Bill was hit by the ball

13 English Verb h.) Mood – Action’s relation to reality
Indicative – something that “is” I am a disciple of Jesus NOT: I may be a disciple of Jesus Subjunctive Optative  Moods that point to “possibility” and/or “wish”

14 The Greek Verb 2.3 Greek verb a.) Agreement Agrees with its subject
Personal endings [suffixes added to the end] ἀκούω – I hear ἀκούουσι - they hear  personal ending indicates the person doing the action

15 The Greek Verb Who is speaking or spoken to… Singular:
b. Person and number: Who is speaking or spoken to… Singular: ἐγω - (sg.1) σύ – (sg.2) αὐτός/αὐτή/αὐτό - (sg.3) Greek verb – personal ending Plural: must agree with the subject ἡμεῖς – (pl. 1) ὑμεῖς – (pl.2) αὐτοί, -αί, -ά – (pl. 3)

16 The Greek Verb c.) Tense: Form of the verb
E.g. present, aorist, imperfect, perfect etc. d.) Aspect – what type of action Continuous (progressive) – “I am eating” Undefined (simple event) – “She left” Perfected (past event w/ present implications)

17 The Greek Verb Cont. e. Voice: The quality of the verb which indicates the relationship of the subject to the action Active – the subject is acting Passive – the subject is passive (or acted upon) Middle - the action returning to the subject Jesus answered nothing [in his defense] Matt 27:12

18 The Greek Verb Cont. The relation of the verb’s relation to reality
f. Mood: The relation of the verb’s relation to reality Real or Potential Indicative – Real action (from speaker’s viewpoint) Eng. I complete my homework Subjunctive, optative, imperative – Potential action Eng. I may complete my homework.

19 The Greek Verb Cont. 3.1 Present Active Indicative
Greek verb: stem + personal ending λύ (Pres. Stem) + - ω (personal ending)  λύω (pres. act. ind. sg.1) λύ ο μεν  λύομεν Stem + connecting vowel + personal ending

20 The Greek Verb Cont. λύω λύομεν λύεις λύετε λύει λύουσι(ν) λύειν
Singular Plural λύω I loose λύομεν We loose λύεις You loose λύετε λύει He/she/it is looses λύουσι(ν) They loose λύειν To loose (infinitive) Only tense and voice Functions as verb or noun

21 The Greek Verb λύω -ο - λύεις -ε ς λύει ι λύομεν μεν λύετε τε
Form Translation Connecting vowel Personal Ending Sg. 1 λύω I am loosing -ο - Sg. 2 λύεις You are loosing ς Sg. 3 λύει He/she/it is loosing ι Pl. 1 λύομεν We are loosing μεν Pl. 2 λύετε τε Pl. 3 λύουσι(ν) They are loosing νσι

22 The Greek Verb 3.2 Parsing ἀκούετε ἀκούετε ἀκούω Inflected Gr. word
Person/ case Number Tense/ gender Voice Mood Lexical form Inflected meaning ἀκούετε Inflected Gr. word Person/ case Number Tense/ gender Voice Mood Lexical form Inflected meaning ἀκούετε 2 plural present active Indicative ἀκούω You are hearing

23 The Greek Verb 3.3 Personal pronouns and the verb
Personal pronouns are not needed with a verb λύω – I loose Personal pronouns can be used for emphasis Οὐχ ὡς ἐγὼ θέλω ἀλλ’ ὡς σύ (Matt 26:39) Not as I will but as you [will] Note the gender with αὐτός αὐτή λέγεις ἀνθρώποις you [yourself] speak to men

24 Exercises & Homework Workbook: Homework: Word study assignment:
Practice: p. 59 Parsing and warm-up Homework: p. 51 – no: 6-7 p. 61 – no: 9-10 Word study assignment: Hand in 11/12/2012 Exam II: 10/29/2012

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