Εισαγωγή στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο / Επιχειρείν


Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις
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2 Μικρές Επιχειρήσεις Μεσαίες Επιχειρήσεις Μεγάλες Επιχειρήσεις Καταναλωτές Κατηγορία Πελατών Ολοκληρωμένες Λύσεις Servers Γενικής Χρήσης Αριθμός Χρηστών.
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Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

Εισαγωγή στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο / Επιχειρείν Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Μεταπτυχιακό Τμήματος ΗΜ & ΜΥ (Άνοιξη - 2014)  Δίκτυα Προστιθέμενης Αξίας EDI και Εφαρμογές Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Εισαγωγή στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο / Επιχειρείν (Electronic Commerce / Business) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 1

Περιεχόμενα Εισαγωγικού Μαθήματος ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ – ΟΡΙΣΜΟΙ - ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο (ΗΕ) – Θεματολογία Είδη ΗΕ – Παραδείγματα - Ιστορική Εξέλιξη ΗΕ ΚΙΝΗΤΡΑ - ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ Πλαίσιο ΗΕ – Κίνητρα – Πλεονεκτήματα – Μειονεκτήματα / Περιορισμοί Στοιχεία Αγοράς Επιχειρηματικά Μοντέλα Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΥΠΟΔΟΜΗ – ΘΕΜΑΤΑ Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 2

Εισαγωγή στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Ορισμοί – Μορφές - Παραδείγματα Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 3

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Τι είναι το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο? Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is the process of two or more parties making business transactions via computer and some type of network. Internet.com - The Electronic Commerce Guide: Expert Advice. Mecklermedia Corporation, 1998. The business practices and technologies known collectively as Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) include: Using E-mail for business communication Using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) with your bank, your suppliers, and your clients Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 4

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Τι είναι το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Establishing a Website to market your products or services Implementing an Internet-based retail business Implementing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with your suppliers and clients Integrating EDI with your in-house financial systems Implementing Technical Data Interchange (TDI) to exchange engineering drawings Implementing compatible E-Commerce practices throughout your acquisition to distribution supply network Creating a "virtual enterprise" that fully integrates the design, manufacturing, finance, inventory control, distribution and maintenance systems in your business Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 5

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Τι είναι το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Ορισμός από το ΣΕΠΕ Το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο είναι μια νέα επιχειρηματική πρακτική. Σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες και μέθοδοι συνδυάζονται προκειμένου οι επιχειρήσεις να αυξήσουν την αξία τους να ελαχιστοποιήσουν τα κόστη τους και να μεγιστοποιηθεί η δυνατότητα προσέγγισης όσο το δυνατό περισσότερων πελατών. Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 6

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Τι είναι το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο (Ηλεκτρονικό Επιχειρείν) ? ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Τι είναι το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο (Ηλεκτρονικό Επιχειρείν) ? E-COMMERCE και E-BUSINESS ταύτιση (???) Carrying out business activities that lead to an exchange of value across telecommunications networks E-COMMERCE και E-BUSINESS με διαφορές (???) E-COMMERCE: Digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals E-BUSINESS: Digitally enabled transactions and processes within a firm involving information systems of the firm Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 7

Διαφορές μεταξύ E-BUSINESS και E-COMMERCE συστήματα e-commerce συστήματα Τεχνολογική Υποδομή ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ The Internet ΠΕΛΑΤΕΣ ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΥΤΕΣ Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 8

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Διαφορετικές Οπτικές Θεωρήσεις ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Διαφορετικές Οπτικές Θεωρήσεις Electronic Commerce is defined from these perspectives Communications (delivery over computer networks or other electronic means) Business process (technology to automate business transactions and workflow) Service (tool to cut service costs while increasing quality and speed of delivery) Online (buy and sell online – over the Internet) Collaborations (facilitator for organizational collaboration) Community (gathering place for community members to learn, transact and collaborate) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 9

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Επιστημονικές Θεωρήσεις Computer sciences and Telecommunications Management information systems Consumer behavior and psychology Marketing Finance Economics Accounting and auditing Business law and ethics … Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 10

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 11 ΣΥΝΟΨΗ Ύλης Μαθήματος Το μάθημα εξετάζει: το θέμα του Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου / Ηλεκτρονικού Επιχειρείν και των Δικτύων Προστιθέμενης Αξίας Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) σε συνδυασμό με το Internet. (Ιστορική Αναδρομή και Περιγραφή του Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου - H Μετάβαση από το καθιερωμένο EDI στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο) τις καθιερωμένες μορφές Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου για τις οποίες παρουσιάζονται παραδείγματα σε διεθνή περιβάλλοντα και στο εθνικό περιβάλλον Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 11

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 12 ΣΥΝΟΨΗ (2) τα θέματα ασφάλειας και προστασίας των πληροφοριών (μηχανισμοί πρόσβασης και πιστοποίησης, ακεραιότητα και αυθεντικότητα συναλλαγών) Συγκεκριμένα, Ασφάλεια Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Θέματα Authentication-Authorization Η χρήση του SET στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Αρχές Πιστοποίησης και Πιστοποιητικά Τρόποι Προστασίας των Δεδομένων και της Ταυτότητας του Αποστολέα Νομοθεσία και Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Νομικό - Κανονιστικό Πλαίσιο, Διεθνής και Ελληνική Εμπειρία Εφαρμογές Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου σε σημαντικούς χώρους (π.χ. Υγεία, Τράπεζες) Ένα Επιχειρηματικό Μοντέλο που αφορά ολοκληρωμένο παράδειγμα Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 12

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 13 ΣΥΝΟΨΗ (3) τη συμβολή των νέων τεχνολογιών στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο (XML, Java, etc.) και του Open source λογισμικού για EC/EB (OpenOffice.org, GNUenterprise.org, κ.λ.π.), καθώς και τη συνεργασία των Grids / Cloud με το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο τη συμβολή των Βάσεων Δεδομένων για εφαρμογές Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου (Web-based data bases, ηλεκτρονικά σημεία συναλλαγών, διαλειτουργικότητα Βάσεων Δεδομένων, εφαρμογές τηλεσυνεργασίας - κατανεμημένο workflow) τα Περιβάλλοντα Λογισμικού για Εφαρμογές Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου (αυτοματοποίηση συναλλαγών, πρότυπα λογισμικού) --- Αρχιτεκτονικές Ενοποιημένου Λογισμικού (ολοκλήρωση τεχνολογιών) Εξελίξεις του Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 13

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Μορφές EC - Κλασσικές Ταξινομήσεις Business-to-Business (B2B) e-marketplace member Business-to-Individual / Consumer (B2C) Online booking & wireless communications, amazon.com Business-to-Employee (B2E) Online training & banking Business-to-Public Body (e.g., Government) e-government, Taxes, IKA Consumer-to Consumer (C2C) ebay.com P2P Peer to Peer gnutella M-Commerce Using Wireless digital devices for transaction on the Web Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 14

E-government Concepts for the application of information and communication technologies in the field of public administration, opening new access possibilities – like the internet - for the co-operation of citizens and official institutes. As a practical example we want to point out “Finanz-Online“ from the Austrian Finance Ministry. Today, this system provides professional representatives (economical trustees, notaries, lawyers) electronic access to their clients data. The medium-range objective is to open this service to all citizens. Another example is the possibility to carry out tax payments

E-BANKING - Individual Customers Banking DEPOSITS & INVESTMENTS Deposit Products Investment Products Structured Products Affluent Banking “Piraeus VALUE” CARDS LOANS & Debit Cards Credit Cards Cards Operations Consumer Loans Mortgage Loans Fraud & Risk (Cards & Web Banking) Life Insurance General Insurance Tailor-made offers INSURANCE BANC-ASSURANCE & ERGO ING Lost Wallet Protection Customer Insights Campaign Management Marketing Automation CUSTOMER INTELLIGENCE & EXPERIENCE User Experience Customer Loyalty Voice of the Customer

INTERACTIVE MARKETING : eBusiness & Electronic Banking Web Banking Cards Online Mobile Banking CHANNELS ATM Network Phone Banking easypay kiosks Debit Card Card-not-present Acquiring easypay.gr Virtual Prepaid Card SEPA Direct Debits easypay mobile SERVICES Alerts Air-time Top-Up Instant Cash Public Web Sites Online Reputation Management Banner Campaign Optimization INTERACTIVE MARKETING Search Engine Marketing winbank Direct Social Media


ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Προμηθευτής Β Προμηθευτής Α Προμηθευτής Γ Η επιχείρηση σας Πελάτες Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 19

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Προμηθευτής Β Προμηθευτής Α Προμηθευτής Γ Η επιχείρηση σας Πελάτες Internal Procurement Β2E Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό Enterprise (Intranet) Portals Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 20

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Προμηθευτής Β Προμηθευτής Α Προμηθευτής Γ Η επιχείρηση σας Πελάτες Β2C Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό Consumer (Internet) Portals Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 21

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Συστατικά Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Προμηθευτής Β Προμηθευτής Α Προμηθευτής Γ Β2B Β2B Β2B Πελάτες Procurement (Extranet) Portals Η επιχείρηση σας Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 22

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Στοιχεία Ολοκλήρωσης Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Στοιχεία Ολοκλήρωσης Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Element INTERNET EXTRANET INTRANET E-Commerce Type Business-to-Consumer Business-to-Business Internal Procurement Access Unrestricted Restricted Security Minimal Firewalls & Restricted Access Payment Method Credit Card Predefined Credit Agreement Within Business Charges Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 23

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: Ενδεικτικά ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: Ενδεικτικά QANTAS Airways B2B, B2C, B2E - όλα amazon.com B2C Ηλεκτρονικές Αγορές (E-Marketplaces) yassas.com, cosmoone.gr, onianet.gr, … Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 24

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: QANTAS Airways Business-to-business (B2B) E-marketplace member Business-to-customer (B2C): Online booking & wireless communications Business-to-employee (B2E): Online training & banking Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 25

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑTA: QANTAS Airways B2B Business-to-business (B2B) E-marketplace member: Joined Airnew Co. (links major airlines with suppliers) Fuel Fuel services Light maintenance services Catering Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 26

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑTA: QANTAS Airways B2C and B2E Business-to-customer (B2C): Online booking Wireless communications Business-to-employee (B2E): Online training Online banking Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 27

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: Γιατί το Β2C προσφέρει πλεονεκτήματα Cost/ Sweater Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer $48.50 $40.34 $20.45 Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 28

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: AMAZON.COM (Β2C) B2C business model where customers look for a: Low price Fast shipment Good return policy Helpful customer service Largest Bookstore in the world Offers millions of items Books and music DVDs and videos Toys and video games Electronics and software Home improvement products Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 29

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: AMAZON.COM (Β2C) Started business in 1995 Sales 1996 = $15.7 million (αλλά, $ 6.24 million losses!) 1999 – $1.6 billion (αλλά, big loans and losses) Share value $113 2001 = $1.8 billion (αλλά, $ 1.4 billion losses!!!) Share value $6 2002 = $ 4 billion (για πρώτη φορά, ΚΕΡΔΗ!) Share value $25 Products 1999 = 5 million titles 2000 = 13 million books, music, DVD/video titles Auctions Hosts and operates auctions for individuals and small businesses zShops, Amazon marketplace, Amazon payment processing Provide the opportunity for small businesses to develop custom storefront Storefronts are supported by Amazon’s backend order fulfillment processing Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 30

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: AMAZON.COM (Β2C) Features Easy browsing and searching Useful product information Reviews, recommendations, and personalization Broad selection and low prices Secure payment system (1-Click order technology) Gifts department Online community Secured payments Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 31

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: AMAZON.COM (Β2C) Strategy for Profitability (after 2002) Cut Prices Offer free shipping Lower Costs of operation significantly (while leveraging the investment Infrastructure created and consumer brands) Financial performance Overall losses rather than profits up to 2002 Ability to move into new areas of business should move them toward profitability, but makes money from books High level of customer service and customer loyalty adds value Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 32

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: AMAZON.COM (Β2C) Diversification through business alliances Online sale of cars - greenlight.com Online health and beauty aids - drugstore.com Wireless phones – multiple business partners Toys - ToysrUs.com Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 33

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: AMAZON.COM (Β2C) Customer relationship management Creates interesting and informative front-end Highly automated and efficient back-end support Personalized service Return customers are welcomed back by name Customer wish lists available E-mails customers purchase recommendations based on their purchasing history Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 34

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: Αγορά του Β2C - Μερικά χαρακτηριστικά Επιτυχίας Characteristics of goods leading to high online sales volumes Brand recognition and guarantees Digitized products Frequently purchased, inexpensive items Well-known items with standard specifications Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 35

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: Ηλεκτρονική Αγορά (Electronic Marketplace) Marketplace: 3 main objectives Match buyers and sellers Facilitate exchange of information, goods, services, payments (transactions) Provide institutional infrastructure enabling efficient functioning of the market EC in the marketplace Increased efficiencies Decreased cost of executing business functions Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 36

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: Marketplaces --- Ηλεκτρονικές Αγορές Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 37

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΑΓΟΡΑ Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 38

Conceptual Architecture for Net Markets Publish Supply & Demand Connect Buyers To Sellers Enable Price Discovery Vet Buyers at Point of Sale Commit Transactions Finalize & Generate Order Track & Manage Orders Support Members Report Market Metrics Enable Decision Support Ensure Market Trust & Satisfaction Manage Content Provide Community Services Qualify New Members Manage Member Entitlements & Access Control Net Market Maker Ship and Receive Goods Check Order Status Make & Receive Payment Access & Contribute Content Access Community Services Enroll and Register Members Specify or Locate Items to Sell & Buy Browse Market Establish Price for Goods and Services Establish Transaction Terms &Conditions Net Market Provide Content Enable Logistics Manage Credit & Risk Enable Payment Value-Added Service Providers Anatomy of a Net Market This chart describes the responsibilities (functions or processes) for the roles defined in the previous slide. It is analogous to a Business Context Diagram in the CSC Catalyst methodology Net markets can be considered as a single application suite. While instantiations will differ, based on unique characteristics of horizontal or vertical industries, these processes represent a generic superset of the capabilities and interfaces that Net Markets typically require, if not initially, then over their lifecycle evolution.

Technology Map for Net Markets Market Participants Participant Info. Systems Market Member Access: User & System Proxies (Future) Application Service Components Administration The technology map enumerates the components required to build a Net Market based on the Conceptual Architecture and functionality appearing on the previous chart. The map is not an architecture. Rather, it is a specification of the kinds of building blocks that would go into a Logical Net Market Architecture (cf next slide) Think of it as a palette, organized into segments. Key elements: Market access browsers, PDAs, pagers, phones for members, integration interfaces for their IT systems Proxies: Akin to eBay bidding agents. Allow members to participate in dynamic pricing without being glued to their screen for the duration of an auction. Automated bidding also increased liquidity. App Service Components: Application level functionality for market, including interfaces to third-party provider of value-added services and tools required to link with member back-office systems, both for individual data exchange transactions and for the overall business processes (workflow automation) Administration: tools that enable Net Market Maker to run and secure infrastructure and to manage their business (tracking trades, generating bills, direct sales to grow membership, CRM to support members, and back office systems). The most likely elements to be neglected during start-up phase, low volume Platform: Core IT infrastructure Platform

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: : B2B Ολοκλήρωση (από παρουσιάσεις της Microsoft) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 41

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: : B2B Ολοκλήρωση (από παρουσιάσεις της Microsoft) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 42

ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑΤΑ: : B2B Ολοκλήρωση (από παρουσιάσεις της Microsoft) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 43

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Ιστορική Εξέλιξη Προπομποί του E-Commerce Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) business-to-business e-commerce for the delivery of structured business messages (since 1980) Standards: ANSI X.12 EDIFACT (ISO) UN / GTDI (United Nations for Tradacom - an EDI net) SWIFT (propietary by 3600 financial institutions) CALS (Department of Defense - USA) e-mail X.400 Standard cc:mail (de facto for business-to-business) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 44

ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ: Ιστορική Εξέλιξη EFT – Electronic Fund Transfer Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) widespread for information and cash delivery EPOS and EFTPOS electronic point-of-sale data used by retailers funds transfer methods supported (credit cards, digital money, etc.) VIDEOTEX Minitel in FRANCE, BTX in GERMANY, Kapatel in Greece Internet Commerce following major technological developments Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 45

Κίνητρα για Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Χαρακτηριστικά και Μοντέλα Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 46

EC: ΟΙ 7 ΒΑΣΙΚΕΣ ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΕΣ ΙΔΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ Ubiquity – Internet / Web Technology is everywhere! Global Reach – The Technology reaches everywhere Universal Standards – Internet Standards Richness – Video, Audio, Text Messages Interactivity – The Technology works through interaction with the User Information Density – Reduction of information costs while quality is increased Personalization / Customization – The Technology allows personalized messages delivered to individuals / groups Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 47

Τι περιμένουν να κερδίσουν οι ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΕΣ από το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο? Streamlining Procurement Processes Decrease costs Decrease length of production cycles Achieve closer customer - vendor relationship Enhance Competitiveness and Economic Growth Enable Enterprises to Conduct Business with distant partners - Expand Marketplace Empower Small Businesses Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 48

Κίνητρα για Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο DRIVERS for the Uptake of E-Commerce Time-to-market fast supply-chain Customer Relationships loyal, happy customers Reduced Costs no storage, no intermediaries Access to the Global Market Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 49

Στοιχεία κλειδιά για το EC Ασφαλείς πληρωμές Προστασία Αντιγράφων Πολυγλωσσισμός Εκπαίδευση Διαλειτουργικότητα/ Διασυνδεσιμότητα Νομικό και Οικονομικό Πλαίσιο Πληροφόρηση/καλή πρακτική Ψηφιακές Υπογραφές Πιστοποιητικά (Certificates) Τήρηση Απορρήτου Ασφάλεια Δεδομένων Προμήθεια Εμπορικές Υπηρεσίες Τυποποίηση Ιδιοκτησία (Ownership)

Περιορισμοί Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου NON-TECHNICAL - Critical Factors for Success Security and Privacy concerns Acceptance of new payment methods (TRUST) Cost to business and consumers – small numbers of buyers and sellers Lack of mature methodology and measuring the benefits Legal and regulatory issues IPR, consumer protection, security regulation, content regulation, cross-border regulation, etc) Linguistic and cultural issues Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 51

Περιορισμοί Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου TECHNICAL - Critical Factors for Success Lack of “sufficient” Security mechanisms Encryption and other security technologies (firewalls, smart cards, protocols, etc.) Lack of universally accepted standards for quality, reliability Availability of infrastructure and bandwidth Difficulties in integrating the Internet and EC software to some existing (especially legacy) applications and databases Special WEB servers (additional to Network servers) are needed – some are STATELESS (have no memory) and NON-DYNAMIC Internet accessibility Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 52

Η Εμπλοκή στο Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο είναι Δύσκολη και έχει μεγάλο Κόστος positioning for e-commerce implementing an Intranet (internal communications for a good infrastructure) links with new suppliers adapting the legacy systems to a new e-commerce oriented environment re-engineering the business adapt organization processes for an e-commerce environment (e.g., changing or even deleting them) re-defining the business outsourcing (even core activities!) virtual companies Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 53

ΣΤΑΔΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΓΗΣ στο e-commerce Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 54

ΣΤΑΔΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΑΡΜΟΓΗΣ στο e-commerce Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 55

Η Ανάπτυξη της Αγοράς Προοπτική και Εικόνα από το 1996 Η Ανάπτυξη της Αγοράς Προοπτική και Εικόνα από το 1996 Source: Yankee Group, IDC, Forrester Research The Real Revenue Growth in E-Commerce has not yet happened (1997) 360 Billion** By 2000 32 Billion* Now * 22% from consumer transactions and 78% from business-to-business transactions. ** A more conservative estimation of “only” 294 billion in revenue by 2002, was given by the West Chester Electronic Commerce Resource Center. 8.8% out of the revenue from consumer transactions and 91.2% from business-to-business transactions. Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 56

Ένα Διάλλειμα στην Ανάπτυξη του Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου Η κατάρρευση των dot.com – από το 1999 Μόνο το 10% των dot.com εταιρειών του 1999 (ήταν περίπου 12.500) υπάρχουν σήμερα! Χρηματιστηριακές Φούσκες (διεθνώς) Αισιοδοξία πάλι μετά το 2001-2002, με κέρδη των εταιρειών Internet E-commerce είναι πολύ περισσότερο από αποτυχίες των dot.com – είναι βασικά ο τρόπος με τον οποίο οι σύγχρονες επιχειρήσεις και οργανισμοί ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΟΥΝ Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 57

To NEO (?) Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο Από ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΑ σε ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΑ Από ENTERPRENEURIAL ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΕΣ σε ΜΕΓΑΛΕΣ ΚΛΑΣΣΙΚΕΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΕΣ Σταθερότερο και αυστηρότερο Νομικό / Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο Νέες Αγορές που δεν είναι «περιορισμένες» Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 58

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 59 Η Ανάπτυξη της Αγοράς Μερικά Νέα Νούμερα (Παγκοσμίως) Internet χρήστες έφτασαν τους 1000 Μ το 2010 50% από αυτούς χρησιμοποιούν e-commerce Μέχρι το τέλος του 2010 ο συνολικός τζίρος B2B ήταν 10 trillion $ (eMarketer) Συνολικός τζίρος B2B και online shopping σε όλο τον Κόσμο το 2010 ήταν μεταξύ 12 και 14 trillion $ Συνολικός τζίρος B2C και online shopping σε όλο τον Κόσμο το 2010 ήταν μεταξύ 2 και 3 billion $ Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 59

The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce Defining characteristics of the first wave: Dominant influence of U.S. businesses Extensive use of the English language Many new companies started with outside investor money Unstructured use of e-mail Over-reliance on advertising as a revenue source EMΠ

The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce (continued) Global enterprises in many countries are participating in electronic commerce Established companies fund electronic commerce initiatives with their own capital Customized e-mail strategies are now integral to customer contact ΕΜΠ

Business Models, Revenue Models, and Business Processes A set of processes that combine to yield a profit Revenue model A specific collection of business processes used to: Identify customers Market to those customers Generate sales to those customers ΕΜΠ

Role of Merchandising Merchandising Combination of store design, layout, and product display knowledge ΕΜΠ

Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce Commodity item Hard to distinguish from the same products or services provided by other sellers Features have become standardized and well known ΕΜΠ

Product/Process Suitability to Electronic Commerce (continued) Shipping profile Collection of attributes that affect how easily a product can be packaged and delivered High value-to-weight ratio Can make overall shipping cost a small fraction of the selling price ΕΜΠ

Advantages of Electronic Commerce Electronic commerce can increase sales and decrease costs If advertising is done well on the Web, it can get a firm’s promotional message out to potential customers in every country Using e-commerce sales support and order-taking processes, a business can: Reduce costs of handling sales inquiries Provide price quotes ΕΜΠ

Advantages of Electronic Commerce (continued) It increases purchasing opportunities for buyers Negotiating price and delivery terms is easier The following cost less to issue and arrive securely and quickly: Electronic payments of tax refunds Public retirement Welfare support ΕΜΠ

Disadvantages of Electronic Commerce Perishable grocery products are much harder to sell online It is difficult to: Calculate return on investment Integrate existing databases and transaction-processing software into software that enables e-commerce Cultural and legal obstacles also exist ΕΜΠ

Economic Forces and Electronic Commerce Economics Study of how people allocate scarce resources Two conditions of a market Potential sellers of a good come into contact with potential buyers A medium of exchange is available ΕΜΠ

Transaction costs are the total costs that a buyer and seller incur Significant components of transaction costs: Cost of information search and acquisition Investment of the seller in equipment or in the hiring of skilled employees to supply products or services to the buyer ΕΜΠ

Using Electronic Commerce to Reduce Transaction Costs Businesses and individuals can use electronic commerce to reduce transaction costs by: Improving the flow of information Increasing coordination of actions ΕΜΠ

Network Economic Structures Neither a market nor a hierarchy Companies coordinate their strategies, resources, and skill sets by forming long-term, stable relationships with other companies and individuals based on shared purposes Strategic alliances (strategic partnerships) Relationships created within the network economic structure ΕΜΠ

Network Economic Structures (continued) Virtual companies Strategic alliances that occur between or among companies operating on the Internet Strategic partners Entities that come together as a team for a specific project or activity ΕΜΠ

Law of diminishing returns Network Effects Law of diminishing returns Most activities yield less value as the amount of consumption increases Network effect As more people or organizations participate in a network, the value of the network to each participant increases ΕΜΠ

Identifying Electronic Commerce Opportunities Firm Multiple business units owned by a common set of shareholders Industry Multiple firms that sell similar products to similar customers ΕΜΠ

Strategic Business Unit Value Chains A way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes Primary activities include: Designing, producing, promoting, marketing, delivering, and supporting the products or services it sells Supporting activities include: Human resource management and purchasing ΕΜΠ


Industry Value Chains Value system Larger stream of activities into which a particular business unit’s value chain is embedded Also referred to as industry value chain ΕΜΠ


Supply-Chain Management Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 80

SWOT Analysis: Evaluating Business Unit Opportunities In SWOT analysis: An analyst first looks into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses The analyst then reviews the operating environment and identifies opportunities and threats ΕΜΠ



International Nature of Electronic Commerce Companies with established reputations: Often create trust by ensuring that customers know who they are Can rely on their established brand names to create trust on the Web Customers’ inherent lack of trust in “strangers” on the Web is logical and to be expected ΕΜΠ

Language Issues To do business effectively in other cultures a business must adapt to those cultures Researchers have found that customers are more likely to buy products and services from Web sites in their own language Localization Translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment ΕΜΠ

Culture Issues An important element of business trust is anticipating how the other party to a transaction will act in specific circumstances Culture: Combination of language and customs Varies across national boundaries Varies across regions within nations ΕΜΠ


Επιχειρηματικά Μοντέλα (Business Models) Many EC Business Models today are An online version of traditional models An extension of physical businesses that are able to reduce cost and improve customer satisfaction They follow a vertical and rigid supply chain Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 88

BUSINESS MODELS -- Emerging Virtual Communities / Companies and markets a consortium of companies build on each others’ businesses to exploit opportunities Open buyer centric markets comparison shopping Coalition and outsourcing e.g. in REAL ESTATE: brokers, banks, escrow (εγγυητές) , lawyers (for title inspection) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 89

INTERNET BUSINESS MODELS VIRTUAL STOREFRONT – E-TAILER - ONLINE DIRECT MARKETING: sells goods, services on-line (amazon, Virtual Vineyards, ..) PORTALS: collects catalogues characterizing a huge amount of information (large number of hyperlinks as entrance to the WWW – vertical and horizontal portals) yahoo.com, AOL.com, MSN.com, in.gr, … VORTALS: vertical / specialized portals sailnet.com MARKETPLACE CONCENTRATOR: concentrates information from several providers InsureMarket, DealerNet, etc.) INFORMATION BROKER / TRUST BROKER: provides product, pricing, availability information Auto-by-Tel, PartNet, etc) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 90

INTERNET BUSINESS MODELS TRANSACTION BROKER: buyers view rates, terms from various sources (E-Trade, Ameritrade, hotels.com, expedia.com, …) ELECTRONIC CLEARINGHOUSE: auction-like setting, products, prices, change in response to demand (bid.com, OnSale.com, eBay, etc.) REVERSE AUCTION –ELECTRONIC TENDERING SYSTEMS: buyer sets price, submits to multiple sellers (gxs.com) NAME YOUR OWN PRICE – buyer sets the price he wants to pay and the model matches the request with a supplier (priceline.com) FIND THE BEST PRICE: buyer specifies a need – an intermediary locates the best price (hotwire.com, eloan.com) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 91

INTERNET BUSINESS MODELS DIGITAL PRODUCT DELIVERY: sell, download software, other digital products (dell.com, SonicNet, Build-a-Card, etc.) CONTENT PROVIDER: creates revenue through providing client for a fee, and advertising (Tripod, Wall Street Journal, cnn.com etc.) ON-LINE SERVICE PROVIDER: provides service, support for hardware, software products (lawinfo.com, CyberMedia, Tune Up, mybconsulting.com, etc.) COMMUNITY PROVIDER: sites for individuals to come together (about.com, oxygen.com, epinions.com, …) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 92

See also http://www.ryanair.com Travel portals The wide field of leisure plays a very important role in our society, the demand for travelling is accordingly high. By now, not only the big travel agencies offer their services online, even quite small companies enable online booking. Some travels can only be booked through the internet: See also http://www.ryanair.com

Τέσσερις Τρόποι για Κέρδη από τις Εταιρείες Internet ΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΗ yahoo.com ΣΥΝΔΡΟΜΗ WSJ.com, sportsline.com ΠΟΣΟΣΤΟ ΔΟΣΟΛΗΨΙΑΣ ebay.com, e-trade.com ΠΩΛΗΣΕΙΣ amazon.com, gap.com, sears.com, … Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 94

Link collection (a-e) http://www.amazon.de/ http://www.anna.at/ http://www.bezahlen.at http://www.bibit.com http://www.career.at http://www.cisco.com/ http://www.cybercash.com/ http://www.easyshop.de/ http://www.ec3.at/ http://www.ecaustria.at/ http://www.eduscho.at http://www.elda.at http://www.emb.ch/ http://www.electronic-commerce.org/ http://www.eurosign.com/

Link collection (f-z) http://www.fleurop.com/ http://www.geizhals.at/ http://www.guetezeichen.at/ http://www.help.gv.at/ http://www.jobboerse.de/ http://www.paysafecard.com/at/de/ http://www.redzac.at http://www.ryanair.com/ http://www.sagekhk.de http://www.schatzkiste.at/ http://www.wien.gv.at/amtshelfer http://www.wienerzeitung.at/aktuell/2001/onlineshopping/links.htm

ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΕΣ ΥΠΟΔΟΜΕΣ Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 97

ΕΝΑ ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΟΥ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΟΥ (Turban and King) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 98

ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES high performance, interoperability, protocols, support for interactivity - interoperability, teleconferencing, etc. Two main methods used for transferring e-commerce data: VAN (Value Added Networks) Internet The WWW hypertext, markup languages (SGML, HTML, XML, …) Web servers , clients, browsers, search engines, intelligent agents, chat, streaming media… Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 99

ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (2) IDENTIFICATION - ENCRYPTION privacy, security, trust, encryption, e-signatures, smartcards, …. PAYMENT SYSTEMS Online payment (digital cash, credit accounts, digital wallets, credit cards, e-check, ebpp, …) MULTIMEDIA vast amount of multimedia data, image exchange, compression, user interfaces EDI --- BUSINESS MODELS (financial) data interchange, business processes, business re-engineering, electronic money, regulation, etc. Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 100

ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (3) SHARED DATABASES distributed - autonomous and heterogeneous information sources, web databases, electronic catalogues, directories, middleware, servers, etc. CO-OPERATIVE APPLICATIONS CSCW, collaborative work, interoperability, intelligent agents, workflows, e-mail LEGAL and REGULATORY ISSUES Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), electronic copyright, Consumer Protection --- Linguistic and Cultural Issues Regulation for: Security, Content, Cross-Border Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 101

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 102 Data sources E-Commerce involves massive data transfer among systems. This data is stored, in an electronic form, in data sources. There are several ways to classify the different types of data sources that might participate in the provision of data in E-Commerce: Structure of the information source: Fully structured data, e.g. databases Semi-structured data, e.g, HTML files, source code files Unstructured data, e.g. books in electronic form Basic operations provided for each source: Query facility: fetch all items x where P(x) Similarity-based retrieval: fetch items x that are similar to y Classification: classify x near similar items Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 102

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 103 Structured data A database is a collection of data items, whose structure is defined by a schema (e.g., a relational schema). A Database Management System (DBMS) is a generic system, which supports the construction and access of a database; in particular: sets up a scalable implementation provides a data model (e.g., a relational data model) for defining the schema of a database provides a basic set of operations for accessing and updating the database (e.g., relational algebra). offers a variety of other services, such as concurrency control and error recovery. Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 103

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 104 Semi-structured data Here data have some structure, for example, HTML/DHTML/XML / RDF files -- consist of text interleaved with HTML formatting commands Literature files -- have a syntax for references, but the “atoms” of that syntax, such as paper titles, are text Source code files -- based on the syntax of some programming language Electronic Data Interchange transmission -- based on standards. Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 104

E-catalogs --- Definition Any GUI, typically a Web page, that supports online shopping, ordering and payment capabilities A gateway to a digital version of the business itself (more than a list of products) Presents a new medium with new capabilities Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 105

Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 106 E-catalogs -- TYPES Stand-alone Independent Web site, primarily for online retailing (e.g., Amazon) E-mall Collection of catalogs for different merchants (e.g., Internet shopping network) Embedded Part of a large corporate web site Primarily for non-retail (e.g., marketing, customer support) Corporations using it include HP, Bank of America, etc. Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 106

E-catalogs vs. Traditional catalogs Interactivity Allow two-way communication channel between Business and Consumer in real time Allow for the development of new and closer relationships between Business and Consumer Dynamic Updating Capabilities quickly adapt to market conditions by adapting prices, repackaging, re-channeling, etc. Global Presence SMEs can enter the global E-marketplace transcending traditional limitations Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 107

E-catalogs -- Functional Features Content SCOPE: products, services, pricing info, detailed descriptions, links to other resources, etc. SEARCH and FILTERING Presentation LAYOUT: spatial arrangement of the catalog and MM use UI and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Back-end Processing Level of Integration (with Company’s databases and legacy systems, with financial institutions) and Interoperability Usage Tracking Data Warehousing and Data Mining Computational Services Scalability and Efficiency Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 108

Interoperable Commerce HTML, CORBA, EDI All suffer from one or more of the following limitations: too expensive, too dumb, a private language between 2 partners, a formatting language Need an OPEN framework for Electronic Commerce Standards is one approach - others include: negotiation protocols, mappings from one to another Need to have a common means to EXCHANGE information between applications required to support EC process flow and fully utilize such components as Databases, EDI, Browsers, Agents, Catalogs, etc... Users need to be able to search for products using catalogs from multiple suppliers Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 109

Architecture for Data Integration Applications: Inf. brokers Neg. brokers Architecture: Controller WfMS CoopWARE Infrastructure: EDI HTTP VAN Data mgmt: DBMS Communication: HTML TCP/IP flat files UNIX sockets Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 110

The E-Enterprise Framework Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 111

ELECTRONIC COMMERCE SUPPORT SYSTEMS WEB HOSTING SERVICES: provides large servers for Web sites of fee-paying customer ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEM: using Web for electronic funds transfers, credit , smart & debit cards Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 112

Electronic Commerce Servers ICAT: on-line catalog shopping, order placement (Icat) NET.COMMERCE: merchant server supporting Secure Electronic Transactions protocol (IBM) MerchantXpert:: search tools, order management, tax, payment, logistics modules (Netscape) Microsoft - Commerce Server 2000 Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 113

Electronic Commerce Services OPEN MARKET TRANSACT: customer authentication, order & payment processing, tax, multi-language customer service (Open Market) INTERNET COMMERCE SERVER: integrates orders, inventory, customer service, payments (Oracle) Ε.Μ.Π. Ι. Βασιλείου --- Electronic Commerce Εισαγωγή --- 114