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“Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion”
1/12/07-30/11/09 Hμερίδα Ιδρύματος Διαχείρισης Ευρωπαϊκών Προγραμμάτων, 02/12/08 Δρ Γιασεμίνα Καραγιώργη Βοηθός Συντονίστρια Προγράμματος
Στόχοι Εταίροι Δραστηριότητες Αποτελέσματα Διαπολιτισμική Εκπαίδευση Ωφέλη Φωτογραφίες
Σκοπός H αύξηση της συμμετοχής των τσιγγανοπαίδων στη σχολική εκπαίδευση σε όλες τις εμπλεκόμενες χώρες μέσα από γεφύρωση του χάσματος μεταξύ της παράδοσης των τσιγγάνων και της παράδοσης του σχολείου και αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος των στεροτύπων και των προκαταλήψεων που υπάρχουν στα σχολεία για τη συγκεκριμένη εθνική ομάδα. The overall aim of the project is to increase the school attendance of Roma children in the participating countries by bridging the gap between Roma tradition and school tradition and addressing the stereotyping and prejudice harboured in schools towards this ethnic group. In order to achieve its overall aim, the project focuses on training primary and secondary school teachers to understand, accept, value and respect Roma culture and practices and apply interventionist strategies and social-psychological strategies to involve Roma parents in their children’s education. Teacher training designed within the scope of this project has the following particular objectives: Teachers to become aware of the Roma culture, challenge their misconceptions and stereotypes and be enabled to re-define their role as educationalists with regards to contributing to Roma students remaining in mainstream education and adopt a positive stance towards Roma culture Teachers to develop their social and intercultural competency; to be able to build a new pedagogy aiming at an intercultural school environment, which will respect differences in ethnic and cultural identity and will value diversity and social inclusion of Roma children, by focusing on Roma parent and children’s needs and building rapport between school and family Teachers to acquire and/or improve their social and intercultural skills in order to communicate, build rapport and work effectively with Roma parents, using a framework of intercultural dialogue to build ‘Parent-Teacher Alliances’ to support Roma students. Teachers will be enabled to develop a positive regard towards Roma culture through active listening and communication links with Roma parents. These initiatives will help them overcome their stereotypes and fulfil their aims for personal, professional and social development To develop a functional/efficient co-operation interface between Roma parents and schools through a variety of activities, involving Roma parents in school life in order to enhance social cohesion and tackle xenophobia in the broader community To motivate Roma parents to value their children’s institutionalised education and become more involved in the school education of their children. Roma parents will be encouraged to assert their own perspectives on their children’s education by being empowered to raise their voice as active citizens in school and within the broader local society. Roma parents will be assured that their values will be safeguarded by the school system and will be supported to feel included and accepted at school while becoming active agents in their children’s education. The project additionally aims at: Developing inter-cooperation within the European partnership in order to suggest solutions to meet the needs of Roma parents and the Roma community. The collaboration among partners with very diverse backgrounds and outstanding experiences in terms of Roma populations will enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training in each partner country. The establishment of an environment of collaboration and shared goals will contribute to the development of a common European perspective about Roma education Disseminating good practices of Roma inclusion in the partners’ educational systems through its activities (scientific meetings, training, workshops, publications, and media with the support of regional and national authorities). This will apply the available knowledge in the development of teacher training curricula regarding Roma education, which will facilitate the inclusion of Roma people in the broader society, enhancing in this way, social cohesion. Moreover, based on its outcomes, the project can propose to relevant educational authorities at the local and European level specific measures for legislative changes at the policy-making level to address Roma educational and social exclusion
Στόχοι Eκπαιδευτικοί Να γνωρίσουν την κουλτούρα των τσιγγάνων
Teacher training designed within the scope of this project has the following particular objectives: Teachers to become aware of the Roma culture, challenge their misconceptions and stereotypes and be enabled to re-define their role as educationalists with regards to contributing to Roma students remaining in mainstream education and adopt a positive stance towards Roma culture Teachers to develop their social and intercultural competency; to be able to build a new pedagogy aiming at an intercultural school environment, which will respect differences in ethnic and cultural identity and will value diversity and social inclusion of Roma children, by focusing on Roma parent and children’s needs and building rapport between school and family Teachers to acquire and/or improve their social and intercultural skills in order to communicate, build rapport and work effectively with Roma parents, using a framework of intercultural dialogue to build ‘Parent-Teacher Alliances’ to support Roma students. Teachers will be enabled to develop a positive regard towards Roma culture through active listening and communication links with Roma parents. These initiatives will help them overcome their stereotypes and fulfil their aims for personal, professional and social development To develop a functional/efficient co-operation interface between Roma parents and schools through a variety of activities, involving Roma parents in school life in order to enhance social cohesion and tackle xenophobia in the broader community To motivate Roma parents to value their children’s institutionalised education and become more involved in the school education of their children. Roma parents will be encouraged to assert their own perspectives on their children’s education by being empowered to raise their voice as active citizens in school and within the broader local society. Roma parents will be assured that their values will be safeguarded by the school system and will be supported to feel included and accepted at school while becoming active agents in their children’s education. The project additionally aims at: Developing inter-cooperation within the European partnership in order to suggest solutions to meet the needs of Roma parents and the Roma community. The collaboration among partners with very diverse backgrounds and outstanding experiences in terms of Roma populations will enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training in each partner country. The establishment of an environment of collaboration and shared goals will contribute to the development of a common European perspective about Roma education Disseminating good practices of Roma inclusion in the partners’ educational systems through its activities (scientific meetings, training, workshops, publications, and media with the support of regional and national authorities). This will apply the available knowledge in the development of teacher training curricula regarding Roma education, which will facilitate the inclusion of Roma people in the broader society, enhancing in this way, social cohesion. Moreover, based on its outcomes, the project can propose to relevant educational authorities at the local and European level specific measures for legislative changes at the policy-making level to address Roma educational and social exclusion T Eκπαιδευτικοί Να γνωρίσουν την κουλτούρα των τσιγγάνων Να αναπτύξουν κοινωνική και διαπολιτισμική ικανότητα. Να αποκτήσουν και βελτιώσουν τις κοινωνικές και διαπολιτισμικές τους δεξιότητες. Γονείς Να εκτιμούν την θεσμοθετημένη εκπαίδευση. Λειτουργική και αποτελεσματική συνεργασία μεταξύ τσιγγάνων γονιών και σχολικών μονάδων.
Εταίροι Cyprus College (τώρα European University) (Κύπρος)
Università di Torino, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione e della Formazione (Ιταλία) International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) (Ολλανδία) Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων – Παιδαγωγικό Τμήμα Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης – Εργαστήριο Μελετών Απόδημου Ελληνισμού & Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης (Ελλάδα) We are very happy to have representatives of all partner institutions with us for the kick off meeting. I need to note that the participation in the consortium of partners of key personnel with a vast experience in Roma education is crucial.
Εταίροι Universität Wien, Institut für Bildungswissenschaft (Αυστρία)
Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţe ale Educaţie (Ρουμανία) University of Sunderland, School of Education and Lifelong Learning (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο) Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa V Nitre (Σλοβακία)
Φάση 1 Δραστηριότητες Ανάλυση αναγκών WP2, WP3
Our project has five phases. These phases resulting in workpackages will be discussed in detail during tomorrow’s meeting. During the first phase, an assessment of emerging needs of teachers and the Roma families in specific primary and secondary target schools in each partner country will take place. The assessment will provide a comprehensible picture about the way education is perceived by Roma families and schools. We will proceed to this analysis tomorrow as we will start talking about the research instruments during the afternoon meeting and Francesca will be guiding us through as she is the lead partner for this workpackage. Common research instruments (questionnaires for teachers, interviews with parents) for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as the data analysis methodology will be agreed upon among ourselves. Moreover, a common set of sampling criteria and strategies for the selection of schools, teachers, Roma parents and children will be decided. As partner countries may have different educational situations and school-family links, the research tools will allow for possible adaptation to the social and educational context of each country. After this first meeting, data collection instruments will be translated to the languages of the partners and piloted. Each partner will then proceed with fieldwork first aiming at establishing rapport with teaching staff and Roma families in 2-3 schools in their own country that will be considered the target schools of the study and then collecting data from the school teachers through questionnaires and from a sample of parents and children through interviews. Teacher questionnaire data will be analysed statistically and interviews of Roma parents and Roma children will be transcribed for qualitative analysis in each country. Each partner will proceed with the preparation of a separate report regarding the findings of the analysis of the emerging needs of the Roma parents and children in the target schools in their country. On the basis of these reports, the Austrian partner UniVie will prepare a joint report on the results of needs analysis in the different countries with reference to each country’s particularities. This report will include a section on the resulting implications of the needs assessment for the design of the curriculum, in terms of the context and the methodology to be adopted. As part of the ongoing evaluation of the project activities, project partners will be given the opportunity to reflect on the joint report, in terms of strengths and weaknesses in both the process as well as the outcomes. UniVie will be responsible for finalizing the joint report on the basis of the partners’ feedback and circulating it to the consortium. The report will become accessible electronically to all stakeholders/organizations interested through the project website. WP2, WP3
Φάση 2 Ανάπτυξη αναλυτικού προγράμματος για ενδοϋπηρεσιακή επιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτικών Based on the implications of the needs assessment, partners will communicate in order to design a common analytic curriculum for teacher training aimed at enhancing teachers’ awareness of the Roma culture; developing skills and strategies to engage Roma parents to become active agents in their children’s education. The training curriculum will include the training goals, modules and methodology. The lead partner (Italy) will be responsible for coordinating the communication among the partners. The preparation of certain module/s will be assigned to the different partners of the consortium, based on the personnel expertise. It is anticipated that the training curriculum will include, among others, basic components of Roma culture; ways to connect schools and Roma families; development by teachers of an action plan for class and/or school level; communication/counselling skills. All partners will create curriculum teams to work on the modules of the curriculum while the lead partner will monitor the process and provide feedback. The partners will then meet for a second meeting at the end of this phase in Spisska Nova Ves, Eastern Slovakia in order to finalise the proposed curriculum. To include the different educational aspirations and/or problems of the Roma populations in each partner’s educational system, it is envisaged that the training curriculum will have targeted curricular sections responding to a country’s specific educational needs. Such local sections will be developed in cooperation with the country partner. Thus the curriculum will have a considerable core common to all countries and then eventually branch out into specific targeted training units which will respond to specific local needs. The finalized curriculum and other INSET materials that might accompany it will be forwarded to partner countries for translation and will become available through the project website (August 2008). WP4
Φάση 3 Παροχή ενδοϋπηρεσιακής επιμόρφωσης εκπαιδευτικών WP5
Παροχή ενδοϋπηρεσιακής επιμόρφωσης εκπαιδευτικών Teacher in-service training seminars will be organised and provided for primary and secondary school teachers (and possibly school psychologists and other teaching personnel, like teacher assistants, socio-medical assistants, missionary assistants, if applicable) of the target schools (and possibly of a few others) in all the partner countries and will be coordinated by the lead partner (IAIE). The training will aim at supporting teacher participants to apply intervention strategies and social- psychological strategies to involve Roma parents in their children’s education by effectively communicating with Roma parents and developing an action plan at class and/or school level. Each partner will aim at training a minimum of 10 teachers and the maximum of 20 teachers for a period of four months in the partner institution language. The training will be provided by a small team (2-3) of trainers from each partner. Two to three national experts will complement this team and provide the necessary national context and input. The duration of the training will range from 4-5 meetings of 3-5 hours each. WP5
Φάση 4 Εφαρμογή παρεμβάσεων από εκπαιδευτικούς WP6, WP7
Teachers will then apply intervention programmes in their schools, following their participation in the training modules. The overall aim of all interventions will be to differentiate school practices and in particular, to initiate and establish communication with Roma parents. An introductory meeting to the interventions will be held to inform trained teachers of the processes and communication structures to be followed during the implementation of the interventions. Teachers will then proceed with implementing their interventions, applying action research methodologies while documenting on the processes employed and recording their reflections on the quality and efficiency of their intervention (instruments will be designed by IAIE that will additionally establish and facilitate an online community through which participants in different partner countries will participate in discussions and share experiences). Support to practitioners will also be provided -if necessary-through face-to-face meetings, telephone conversations or school-based visits by members of the training teams in each country (SK is the lead partner). Following the implementation of teachers’ interventions in schools, two face-to-face meetings in each country will take place between participant teachers and the members of the training teams. Teachers will present the design of their interventions and will reflect on efficiency and quality issues and provide feedback to each other. It is envisaged that issues raised during individual presentations will lead into conclusions and implications for future intervention programmes in schools. Sustainability aspects as well as transferability of success stories in different school contexts will also be discussed. During the second meeting, training participants will also provide feedback as to the overall training provided in terms of the material distributed, the context covered, the methodology employed, etc (instruments will be designed by IAEI). Partners will forward the description of the intervention programme and practitioners’ reflections to the lead partner (UK), who will make them available through the project’s website. Partners will also forward feedback on the programme, provided by participants, to the evaluator. WP6, WP7
Φάση 5 Αξιολόγηση του προγράμματος ενδοϋπηρεσιακής επιμόρφωσης εκπαιδευτικών και των παρεμβάσεων The IAIE will be responsible for the overall evaluation of the teacher training as well as the implementation of the interventions at schools, using its network of professional project evaluators. The overall evaluation will take place by two persons from the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE): one person who is involved in the project and one who is not involved in the project except for the evaluation component. The evaluation of the training modules will take place through distribution of research tools for evaluation to training participants and teachers through the partner institutions (who will translate the instruments and distribute the questionnaires). This will result in a short descriptive report based on (pre and post training) questionnaires given to teachers, which will be issued by IAEI regarding the teacher training in each partner’s country and a common report on the evaluation of the training and the evaluation of the implementation of the intervention. The project’s Web Page will also provide for restricted access to all partners, including a communication platform used for training participations and access to resources. In this way, it can be used by the Coordinating Organisation (CyCo) for monitoring purposes (discussion and dissemination of feedback). WP8
Αποτελέσματα Ιστοσελίδα του προγράμματος http://www.iaie.org/insetrom/
Φυλλάδιο για διάδοση του προγράμματος Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα για ενδοϋπηρεσιακή επιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτικών Έκθεση αναγκών σε σχέση με την εκπαίδευση των τσιγγάνων Τελικό βιβλιαράκι Διεθνές Συνέδριο (Turin, IT) Περιοδικό “Intercultural Education” The project will result in the development of: Web Page of the project: from the beginning of the project, IAIE will proceed to the development of a Web Page, which will be managed together with the Coordinating Institution (CyCo). The site will provide for open access to products of the project such as the curriculum and the training to anybody interested. Therefore, the web page will be used for publishing reports, activities and material produced. Initial leaflet for public awareness campaign to gain support for project goals (in all partner’s language): A leaflet describing the aims and scope of the project, which will also advertise the project’s Web Page, will be prepared by the Coordinating Organisation (CyCo), translated by each partner to their national language and be distributed to all countries involved. Teacher training curriculum modules (objectives, contents, teaching processes, initiatives and evaluation), which will be worked out in the languages represented by all the partners. These modules will take the form of in-service training courses, conducted in the teachers’ language. A report on Roma education and teachers’ and Roma families’ needs regarding education, within each national context and cross-nationally. Final handbook: CyCo will publish a handbook which will be translated by each partner to their national language targeting at disseminating the material produced, as well as further promoting the project to organisations dealing with inclusive and multicultural education. International conference: the final meeting of the partners in Turin in June 2009 will be complemented by an international conference in order to disseminate the results and the conclusions of the project (e.g. interventions, curriculum etc). Moreover, the project and its results will be presented at a conference of the thematic network within the IAEI that focuses on Roma, headed by the Austrian partner leader. The dissemination of the project results in a special issue or supplement of the scientific journal “Intercultural Education”, published by the IAIE, as well as in other scientific journals. WP9
Culture and enculturation (Italy) Stereotypes and prejudices (Austria)
ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΓΙΑ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΣΗ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ Culture and enculturation (Italy) Stereotypes and prejudices (Austria) Roma history (Slovakia) -Roma culture (Austria and Cyprus) Cultures of the schools-The arts and cultural diversity (Italy) Intercultural education (Greece) Classroom Management and Methodology (United Kingdom) Curriculum Development (Romania) Teacher-Parent Communication (Cyprus) 16
Διαπολιτισμική Εκπαίδευση
ΣΧΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ Lisbon Education & Training Progress Indicators Lisbon Key Competences LLP Horizontal policies Lisbon Education & Training Progress Indicators Making Learning more Attractive Participation rates in education by age and by level of education By meeting the objectives of this project through the actions set it is anticipated to contribute in involving teachers in professional training, in bridging the gap between Roma parents and school culture and in keeping Roma children in education longer. The accomplishment of these goals will increase the participation rates in education of three different age-groups and education levels of people in eight E.U. countries. This is more directly addressed with Roma children, but also in-directly and long term-wise with teachers and Roma parents who through their participation to the project will be empowered to mutually respect and include each other in their lives. Lisbon Key Competences Interpersonal, intercultural and social competences and civic competence The attainment of communication skills and the enhancement of teachers’ awareness of Roma culture and Roma parents’ awareness of the school culture through training, will to a great extent increase the interpersonal, intercultural and social competences of teachers and families involved in this project. These will result in empowering them to become active citizens, by providing them with cultural tools to articulate and to voice their concerns in each context with politically viable ways. LLP Horizontal policies Fight against racism and xenophobia By enhancing teachers’ awareness of Roma culture, by motivating and enabling Roma parents to come closer to school culture, by ensuring them that their values will be safeguarded, and by keeping Roma children longer in the school system will eventually promote social cohesion and will address prejudice, xenophobia and racism amongst teachers, school administration, education authorities in the countries involved, Roma parents and students as well as students of other origin and their parents. Complementarily with other policies Culture The interactions between the people involved in this project will lead them to appreciate each other’s culture. This will be achieved by increasing teachers’ awareness of Roma culture, thereby enabling their schools to better adjust their work around Roma children; by involving and bringing closer Roma parents to the school culture; and by educating Roma children to better understand and participate in their extended community culture. Teachers’ awareness is also anticipated to raise such awareness amongst the rest of their pupils and the latter’s’ parents. 17
ΜΑΚΡΟΠΡΟΘΕΣΜΗ ΕΠΙΔΡΑΣΗ: Τα παιδιά των τσιγγάνων και οι γονείς (οικογένειες) The immediate target group of this project are the teachers but the long-term beneficiaries are the Roma children and their parents. Specifically, teachers will have the opportunity to be professionally trained in using new methods and approaches to come closer to the Roma culture and develop their expertise in involving Roma parents in their children’s education. The teachers will then develop and implement activities that will target Roma parents and children in order to create better synergies between the Roma families and the school system. The final recipient of potential outcomes of teacher professional development initiatives and parental involvement activities are the Roma school age children by being encouraged and supported to remain in compulsory education. 18
Λευκωσία, Δεκέμβρης 2007 19
Spisska Nova Ves, Σεπτέμβρης 2008
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