CRMba Examples-issue 321 Room 19 Window Rooms Zominthos Project

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1 CRMba Examples-issue 321 Room 19 Window Rooms 26-53 Zominthos Project
The lightwell in Room 19 was used for the diffusion of the light on the adjacent Rooms 26 and 53, via an opening-window. CRMba Examples-issue 321 Room 19 Rooms 26-53 Window Zominthos Project Christaki E. Opening-window between Rooms 19 and Rooms 26-53 Virtual reconstruction of Room 19 (lightwell) with the window (Christaki 2013, Master Thesis)

2 CRMba Examples-issue 321 “Το Δωμ. 11 είναι το μεσαίο από τα τρία επιμήκη, παράλληλα δωμάτια ενός προσκτίσματος στο βορειοδυτικό τμήμα του κτηρίου. Εκτείνεται σε τμήμα των τετραγώνων κανάβου N1E1 και S1E1 και βρίσκεται αμέσως νότια του Δωματίου 12, δηλαδή του κεραμεικού εργαστηρίου, με το οποίο επικοινωνεί, όπως και με το νοτιότερο Δωμάτιο 10, μέσω ενός διαδρόμου στα ανατολικά της εισόδου του“ (Σακελλαράκης 2005, ΠΑΕ, 92). “Room 11 is located at the NW part of the Central Building, in the middle of three parallel rooms. It communicates with the adjacent Rooms 12 and 10, via a corridor to the east of its entrance”.

3 CRMba-B3 Examples “The Minoan building was destroyed by an earthquake in Minoan times and also in the Roman period. The seismologist, who studied the wall that divided Rooms 14 and 15 of the Late Minoan IA Building highlighted the fact that Zominthos preserves ‘fossilised vibrational seismic movements’ from the moment of the earthquake. Zominthos is the most explicit example of the destruction by an earthquake in Crete” (Sakellaraki 2013, photo ΠΑΕ 2011). Zominthos Project

4 CRMba-B3 and B5 Examples Zominthos Project
A fourth column base came to light, inside of the foundation wall (Archaeology Magazine-Interactive Dig Zominthos, 2016-Room 37-Week 5 )

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