Development of sample e-Hoop content

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Development of sample e-Hoop content"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Development of sample e-Hoop content
Lefteris Kozanidis . PhD Hellenic Open University e-Hoop 5th Meeting Patras, Greece 26-27/05/2015

2 Different forms of Educational Content
Static html form Static text & images video with voice description Text description & Images or animations video with text description voice description with Images or animations Video with voice and text description Description in text and voice format. Use of Images or animations e-Hoop 4th Meeting Patras, Greece 11-12/11/2014

3 Examples: Static text (1)Oι Πέρσες κατέλαβαν την Ιωνία.
e-Hoop 4th Meeting Patras, Greece /11/2014 Examples: Static text (1)Oι Πέρσες κατέλαβαν την Ιωνία. (2)Οι Ίωνες αποφάσισαν να επαναστατήσουν γι’ αυτό ζήτησαν βοήθεια απο την ηπειρωτική χώρα. (3)Οι Αθηναίοι έστειλαν 20 πλοία, με περίπου 1000 άντρες και η Ερέτρια 5 πλοία. (4)Οι Ίωνες και οι σύμμαχοί τους κατέστρεψαν τις Σάρδεις. (5)Οι Πέρσες απάντησαν καταστρέφοντας την Έφεσο και την Μίλητο. Έκαψαν τα κτίρια, σκότωσαν τους περισσότερους άνδρες και υποδούλωσαν γυναικόπαιδα.

4 Examples: video with voice description

5 Examples: video with text description

6 Examples: video with voice & text description

7 Programs used Gimp 2.8 e-Hoop 4th Meeting Patras, Greece 11-12/11/2014

8 Create (a little bit more) complex educational content
No standard layout Modify text layout First upload images to the media library e-Hoop 5th Meeting Patras, Greece 26-27/05/20

9 Create (a little bit) complex educational content
e-Hoop 5th Meeting Patras, Greece 26-27/05/20

10 Suggestions about the size of the images
e-Hoop 4th Meeting Patras, Greece /11/2014 Use images with the proper rights Suggestions about the size of the images Use images no larger than 1 MB Due to performance issues. approximate size of 400kb is enough. Use png or jpg format do not use image files of bmp  format Use image smaller than 800px in width Test how the images is presented in the learning object when you access the learning platform as student It is possible to click on images but the procedure is not automatic. You have to set a hyperlink to the location of the larger image.

11 Web site:
Thank you! Web site:

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