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Βαγοτονία Τρέχουσα θεώρηση Δ. Λευθεριώτης

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Βαγοτονία Τρέχουσα θεώρηση Δ. Λευθεριώτης"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Βαγοτονία Τρέχουσα θεώρηση Δ. Λευθεριώτης
Βαγοτονία Τρέχουσα θεώρηση Δ. Λευθεριώτης

2 Ποιο από τα κάτωθι δεν ισχύει;
Η δοκιμασία ανακλίσεως μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στη διάκριση βαγοτονίας από επιληψία Η δοκιμασία ανακλίσεως εκτιμά την ανταπόκριση στην θεραπεία της βαγοτονικής συγκοπής Η μάλαξη του καρωτιδικού κόλπου είναι χρήσιμη σε ασθενείς >40 ετών, όταν η αρχική διερεύνηση δεν οδηγεί σε διάγνωση Η βηματοδότηση ενδέχεται να βοηθά ασθενείς >40 ετών με επαναλαμβανόμενες παρατεταμένες παύσεις



5 Pathophysiology of reflex syncope

6 Mechanisms of Vasovagal Syncope in the Young: Reduced Systemic Vascular Resistance Versus Reduced Cardiac Output 23% 52% ↓ venous return ↔/↑ venous return ↑ splanchnic ↔/↑ CO blood pooling ↑ HR ↔/↑ HR

7 Copeptin levels in patients with vasovagal syncope
83% of patients with negative tilt test and typical history of vasovagal syncope had increased levels of copeptin following HUT

8 More Often Associated With Noncardiac Causes of Syncope
Younger age No known cardiac disease Syncope only in the standing position Positional change from supine or sitting to standing Presence of prodrome: nausea, vomiting, feeling warmth Presence of specific triggers: dehydration, pain, distressful stimulus, medical environment Situational triggers: cough, laugh, micturition, defecation, deglutition Frequent recurrence and prolonged history of syncope with similar characteristics


10 History

11 Tilt-Table Testing: Recommendations
If the diagnosis is unclear after initial evaluation, tilt-table testing can be useful for patients with suspected VVS Tilt-table testing can be useful for patients with syncope and suspected delayed OH when initial evaluation is not diagnostic Tilt-table testing is reasonable to distinguish convulsive syncope from epilepsy in selected patients Tilt-table testing is reasonable to establish a diagnosis of pseudosyncope Tilt-table testing is not recommended to predict a response to medical treatments for VVS

12 Carotid sinus massage


14 Diagnostic yield



17 Treatment of vasovagal syncope
2017 ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Patients with Syncope

18 Stop vasodepressor drugs in reflex syncope: a randomised controlled trial



21 Effectiveness of midodrine treatment in patients with recurrent vasovagal syncope not responding to non-pharmacological treatment (STAND-trial). Initial treatment of vasovagal syncope (VVS) consists of advising adequate fluid and salt intake, regular exercise, and physical counter-pressure maneuvers. Despite this treatment, up to 30% of patients continue to experience regular episodes of VVS. We investigated whether additional Midodrine treatment is effective in these patients. The proportion of patients who experienced syncopal and pre-syncopal recurrences did not differ significantly between Midodrine and placebo treatment (syncope: 48 vs. 65%, P= 0.22; pre-syncope: 74 vs. 78%, P> 0.99). Our findings indicate that additional Midodrine treatment is less effective in patients with VVS not responding to non-pharmacological treatment than reported as first-line treatment. Europace. 2011 Nov;13(11):


23 Prevention of Syncope Trial (POST) A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study of Metoprolol in the Prevention of Vasovagal Syncope Circulation. 2006;113:

24 Fluoxetine vs. placebo for the treatment of recurrent vasovagal syncope with anxiety sensitivity
The effect of fluoxetine vs. placebo on syncope recurrence.

25 Recommendation for Driving and Syncope
* 2017 ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Patients with Syncope

26 Benefit of Pacemaker Therapy in Patients With Presumed Neurally Mediated Syncope and Documented Asystole Is Greater When Tilt Test Is Negative An Analysis From the Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain Etiology (ISSUE-3)

27 Pacing as a Treatment for Reflex-Mediated (Vasovagal, Situational, or Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity) Syncope: A Systematic Review for the 2017 ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Patients with Syncope 9 randomized trials and 1 observational study Of the 10 studies, 4 addressed patients with carotid sinus hypersensitivity, and the remaining 6 addressed vasovagal syncope

28 When the 2 analyzable studies with double-blinded methodology were considered separately, there was no clear benefit, but confidence intervals were wide. The evidence does not support the use of pacing for reflex-mediated syncope beyond patients with recurrent vasovagal syncope and asystole documented by implantable loop recorder.

29 Vasovagal Syncope To Pace or Not to Pace
It is possible that some ISSUE-3 patients who had severe bradycardia actually had sick sinus syndrome instead of VVS. Increasing the heart rate early after abrupt heart rate decline (“rate drop response”) has been proposed, but even with the rate-drop response algorithm, therapeutic benefit from pacing may be too late and can be overwhelmed by placebo effects. The tilt-table test may or may not predict clinical cardioinhibitory responses during VVS. Monitoring heart rhythm is problematic because asystole may occur after the hemodynamic collapse is already underway.

30 Dual-chamber pacing might be reasonable in a select population of
patients 40 years of age or older with recurrent VVS and prolonged spontaneous pauses In a select population of patients >40 years of age with recurrent syncope and documented spontaneous pauses ≥3 seconds correlated with syncope or an asymptomatic pause ≥6 seconds, dual-chamber pacing reduced syncope recurrence.

31 Effects of closed-loop stimulation vs
Effects of closed-loop stimulation vs. DDD pacing on haemodynamic variations and occurrence of syncope induced by head-up tilt test in older patients with refractory cardioinhibitory vasovagal syncope: the Tilt test-Induced REsponse in Closed-loop Stimulation multicentre, prospective, single blind, randomized study The MAS1 oncogene is a G protein-coupled receptor[1] which binds the angiotensin-II metabolite angiotensin-(1-7).[2][3] The MAS1 receptor when activated by binding angiotensin-(1-7) opposes many of the effects of angiotensin-II activated angiotensin receptor. 

32 Dual-Chamber Pacing With Closed Loop Stimulation in Recurrent Reflex Vasovagal Syncope The SPAIN Study The MAS1 oncogene is a G protein-coupled receptor[1] which binds the angiotensin-II metabolite angiotensin-(1-7).[2][3] The MAS1 receptor when activated by binding angiotensin-(1-7) opposes many of the effects of angiotensin-II activated angiotensin receptor. 

33 Recommendations for Carotid Sinus Syndrome
Permanent cardiac pacing is reasonable in patients with carotid sinus syndrome that is cardioinhibitory or mixed (IIa) It may be reasonable to implant a dual-chamber pacemaker in patients with carotid sinus syndrome who require permanent pacing (IIb) 2017 ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Patients with Syncope

34 In silico Therapeutics for Neurogenic Hypertension and Vasovagal Syncope

35 The MAS1 oncogene is a G protein-coupled receptor[1] which binds the angiotensin-II metabolite angiotensin-(1-7).[2][3] The MAS1 receptor when activated by binding angiotensin-(1-7) opposes many of the effects of angiotensin-II activated angiotensin receptor. 

36 Catheter Ablation as a Treatment for Vasovagal Syncope: Long-Term Outcome of Endocardial Autonomic Modification of the Left Atrium

37 91.2% without syncope at 102 months after the procedure

38 Ποιο από τα κάτωθι δεν ισχύει;
Η δοκιμασία ανακλίσεως μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στη διάκριση βαγοτονίας από επιληψία Η δοκιμασία ανακλίσεως εκτιμά την ανταπόκριση στην θεραπεία της βαγοτονικής συγκοπής Η μάλαξη του καρωτιδικού κόλπου είναι χρήσιμη σε ασθενείς >40 ετών, όταν η αρχική διερεύνηση δεν οδηγεί σε διάγνωση Η βηματοδότηση ενδέχεται να βοηθά ασθενείς >40 ετών με επαναλαμβανόμενες παρατεταμένες παύσεις

39 Vasovagal Syncope: Hypothesis Focusing on Its Being a Clinical Feature Unique to Humans
Although seemingly a disadvantageous evolutionary adaptation, the faint causes the body to take on a gravitationally neutral position, and thereby provides a chance of restoring brain blood supply and preserving brain function.

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