Ιατρική Ορολογία Medical Terminology Is it really all Greek?


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Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

Ιατρική Ορολογία Medical Terminology Is it really all Greek?

Ετυμολογία> Etymology (ἔτυμος = αληθινός, πραγματικός + λόγος> λέγω) In forming or understanding a word root, one needs a basic comprehension of the term and the source language. The study of the origin of words is called etymology.In forming or understanding a word root, one needs a basic comprehension of the term and the source language. The study of the origin of words is called etymology.etymology KidneyKidney Greek ( nefr(os) )Greek ( nefr(os) ) Latin ( ren(es) ).Latin ( ren(es) ). Renal failure would be a condition of kidneys. Renal failure would be a condition of kidneys. Renal failure Renal failure Nephritis is also a condition, or inflammation, of the kidneys. The suffix -itis means inflammation, and the entire word conveys the meaning inflammation of the kidney. Nephritis is also a condition, or inflammation, of the kidneys. The suffix -itis means inflammation, and the entire word conveys the meaning inflammation of the kidney. Suprarenal  is a combination of the prefix supra- (meaning "above"), and the word root for kidney, and the entire word means "situated above the kidneys". Suprarenal  is a combination of the prefix supra- (meaning "above"), and the word root for kidney, and the entire word means "situated above the kidneys". Nephrologist  combines the root word for kidney to the suffix - ologist with the resultant meaning of "one who studies the kidneys". Nephrologist  combines the root word for kidney to the suffix - ologist with the resultant meaning of "one who studies the kidneys".ephrologist

Medical Terminology In medical terminology, the word root is not usually capable of standing alone as a complete word within a sentence.In medical terminology, the word root is not usually capable of standing alone as a complete word within a sentence. The medical word root is taken from a different source language (Greek/Latin), so it will remain meaningless as a stand-alone term in an English sentence.The medical word root is taken from a different source language (Greek/Latin), so it will remain meaningless as a stand-alone term in an English sentence. A suffix or prefix must be added to make a usable medical term. For example the term for "concerning the heart" is "cardiacus", from the Greek kardía.A suffix or prefix must be added to make a usable medical term. For example the term for "concerning the heart" is "cardiacus", from the Greek kardía. Medical Terminology often uses words created using prefixes and suffixes in Latin and Ancient Greek. In medicine, their meanings, and their etymology, are informed by the language of origin.Medical Terminology often uses words created using prefixes and suffixes in Latin and Ancient Greek. In medicine, their meanings, and their etymology, are informed by the language of origin. prefixessuffixesLatinAncient Greek prefixessuffixesLatinAncient Greek

Gastr- (=denoting relationship to stomach) γαστήρ, ἡ (=στομάχι) gastrectomygastrectomy incision of the stomachincision of the stomach gastralgiagastralgia stomach painstomach pain GastroenterologyGastroenterology the study of the stomach and the intestinesthe study of the stomach and the intestines gastroscopygastroscopy visual inspection of the stomachvisual inspection of the stomach ΓαστρεκτομήΓαστρεκτομή Γαστήρ + τομή (incision) ΓαστραλγίαΓαστραλγία Γαστήρ + άλγος (pain) ΓαστρεντερολογίαΓαστρεντερολογία Γαστήρ + έντερο (intestine) + λόγος (>λέγω=speak/study) ΓαστροσκόπησηΓαστροσκόπηση Γαστήρ + σκοπώ (examine, inspect)

Cardiο- (=heart) Καρδιά, η ΚαρδιογράφημαΚαρδιογράφημα Καρδιά + γράφω (write)Καρδιά + γράφω (write) ΚαρδιολογίαΚαρδιολογία Καρδιά + λόγος (>λέγω=speak/study)Καρδιά + λόγος (>λέγω=speak/study) ΚαρδιολόγοςΚαρδιολόγος (Καρδιά + λόγος)(Καρδιά + λόγος) Βραδυκαρδία Βραδυκαρδία Βραδύς ( =slow) + καρδιά Βραδύς ( =slow) + καρδιά CardiogramCardiogram the record of the heart beat CardiologyCardiology the study of the heart and its functions CardiologistCardiologist practitioner of cardiology Bradycardia Bradycardia slow heartbeat (less than 60 beats per second)

Rhino = nose Α.Ε. ῥίς, ἡ (μύτη) ΡινίτιδαΡινίτιδα φλεγμονή του ρινικού βλεννογόνου φλεγμονή του ρινικού βλεννογόνου ΡινορραγίαΡινορραγία ΡινοτομίαΡινοτομία ῥίς+τέμνω (cut)ῥίς+τέμνω (cut) διάνοιξη ή αποκοπή της μύτης διάνοιξη ή αποκοπή της μύτης RhinitisRhinitis inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane RhinorrhagiaRhinorrhagia hemorrhage from the nose, nosebleed RhinotomyRhinotomy process of cutting or making an incision into the nose

ophthalm- (=eye) ὀ φθαλμός, ὁ (μάτι) Οφθαλμία Οφθαλμία Oφθαλμολογία Oφθαλμολογία ophthalmia ophthalmia Οφθαλμός (=eye) + -ia (= disease). This suffix used to be more common but is being superseded by - itis. Ophthalmology Ophthalmology the medical and surgical study of the eye, including treatment of diseases

hyper = excessive / hypo = less υπερχοληστεριναιμία (hypercholesterolemia) : excessive cholesterol in the blood υπερχοληστεριναιμία (hypercholesterolemia) : excessive cholesterol in the blood υπερθρεψία, υπερτροφία (hypernutrition) : eating more than normal; supernutrition; overnutrition υπερθρεψία, υπερτροφία (hypernutrition) : eating more than normal; supernutrition; overnutrition Hyperglycemia – Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia – Hypoglycemia

Let’ s see what you know! /medicalwords/ /medicalwords/

Do you know the meaning? Osteoarthritis – OsteoporosisOsteoarthritis – Osteoporosis

/appendixa.htmlhttp:// /appendixa.htmlhttp:// /appendixa.htmlhttp:// /appendixa.html