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Η παρουσίαση φορτώνεται. Παρακαλείστε να περιμένετε


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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 –JANUARY 2015"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

The New Front Face of Our Church THE THROWING and Retrieving OF THE CROSS THE GLOBAL BLESSING OF THE WATERS Saint Markella Church SUNDAY, JANUARY, AT THE WANTAGH PARK Orthros and Divine Liturgy 8:45 a.m. – 12 Noon The Throwing of the Cross immediately following the Divine Liturgy Those who wish to take part in retrieving the Cross, please communicate with Fr. Sarantis. Directions from the church: Take Wantagh Avenue South, cross over Sunrise Hwy; go to the end of Wantagh Avenue. Take right on Merrick Rd and then immediately (about 100 yards) make left onto the Wantagh Park. Proceed to the marina by the swimming pool area to the right of it. Ο ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΣ ΑΓΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΥΔΑΤΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΓΟΥΑΝΤΑ ΠΑΡΚ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ, ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 11, 2015 Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία…………………………8:45 π.μ. - 12:00 Μεσημέρι Ο Αγιασμός των Υδάτων θα λάβει χώρα αμέσως μετά το πέρας της Θείας Λειτουργίας στο Γουάντα Πάρκ. Όσοι επιθυμούν να λάβουν μέρος δια την ανάκτηση του Σταυρού, παρακαλείστε να επικοινωνήσετε με τον πατέρα Σαράντη. Οδηγίες προς το Wantagh Park Από την εκκλησία μας προχωρήστε στο Wantagh Avenue και προχωρήστε δεξιά (νότια), προχωρήστε στο Wantagh Avenue, μέχρι το τέλος. Εκεί στρίψτε δεξιά στο Merrick Rd, και μετά από 100 μέτρα στρίψτε αριστερά στο Wantagh Park. Προχωρήστε στο τέρμα του Πάρκου στη δεξιά μεριά του δρόμου στο λιμάνι. IMPORTANT DATED MATERIAL return service requested

2 Floral Design WANTAGH FLORIST www.wantaghflorist.com
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 The Sand Castle 505 Franklin Avenue Franklin Square, NY Phone: Fax: The Sand Castle hosts one wedding at a time making your memories unforgettable. 5am till 5pm 6 days Proudly Serving The Food Industry And Their Families Since 1965 WANTAGH FLORIST 3366 Park Ave, Wantagh, NY 11793 Tel: Fax: Floral Design Wedding – Celebrations Corporate Events Fresh Cut – Fruit Gift Baskets Page 23 Page 2

3 Τα Θυρανοίξια της Εκκλησίας μας.
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 Τα Θυρανοίξια της Εκκλησίας μας. «...Άρατε πύλας οι άρχοντες υμών• και επάρθητε πύλαι αιώνιοι και εισελεύσεται ο βασιλεύς της δόξης. Τίς έστιν ούτος ο βασιλεύς της δόξης; Κύριος κραταιός και δυνατός, Κύριος δυνατός εν πολέμω. 'Αρατε πύλας οι άρχοντες υμών• και επάρθητε πύλαι αιώνιοι και εισελεύσεται ο βασιλεύς της δόξης Τίς έστιν ούτος ο βασιλεύς της δόξης; Κύριος των δυνάμεων αυτός έστιν ο βασιλεύς της δόξης...» Αυτή την φράση εκφώνησε ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αμερικής κ.κ. Δημήτριος και καθώς κτυπώντας τις πύλες της εκκλησίας μας με την ποιμαντική ράβδο του στην τελετή των Θυρανοιξίων του ανακαινιστού νέου ναού μας της Αγίας Μαρκέλλας, ΆΝΟΙΞΑΝ επίσημα οι «πόρτες» του για να συνεχισθεί, αμέσως μετά, το τελετουργικό των θυρανοιξίων. Ο ναός της Αγίας Μαρκέλλας είναι ένα πραγματικό πνευματικό αριστούργημα, ένας παρακαλείς ναός μέσα από την αγάπη των ανθρώπων που είχαν την έμπνευση να μεταβάλουν τον παλαιό ναό ώστε να γίνει ορθόδοξος ναός. Η σημασία του εγχειρήματος, στην αφιέρωση του ναού της Αγίας Μαρκέλλας της Χιοπολίτιδος με το παρεκκλήσιο του Αγίου Νεκταρίου και γενικώς για την δραστηριότητα της ενορίας Αγίας Μαρκέλλας εν Γουάντα τόνισαν στην ομιλία τους ο αιδεσιμότατος Πατήρ Σαράντης Λουλάκης, και ο Πρόεδρος του εκκλησιαστικού Συμβουλίου κ. Κώστας Γαλήτος ως έργο συλλογικό, έργο αγάπης των πιστών της ενορίας, έργο πίστης, και μαρτυρίας Ιησού Χριστού, και Σωτήρα. Με την σειρά του ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος και ποιμενάρχης μας κ.κ. Δημήτριος συνεχάρη όλους για τις προσπάθειες των κατοίκων, τονίζοντας ότι η πίστη, η σύμπνοια, η ενότητα και η αγάπη των κατοίκων είναι αυτά που ξεπερνούν προβλήματα και οδηγούν στην πρόοδο και στην ορθοτόμηση του ατομικού και συλλογικού μέλλοντος. Στην τελετή των θυρανοιξίων παραβρέθηκαν όλοι οι πάροικοι της ενορίας και πολλοί από τίς τριγύρω αδελφικές Ορθόδοξες ενορίες. Επίσης, εκ μέρους του Εκκλησιαστικού Συμβουλίου ως ανάμνηση των Θυρανοιξίων της αναστήλωσης του πανηγυρίζοντος Ι. Ναού Αγίας Μαρκέλλας, προσφέρθηκε στον Σεβ. κ. Δημήτριον απο τον Πρόεδρον του Ε. Σ. κ. Γαλήτον μία Αρχιερατική Ράβδος ενώ στο παριστάμενο ποίμνιο ένα φλυτζάνι καφέ με επιγραφή ένχρωμης εικόνας της αγίας Μαρκέλλας και την ημερομηνία της σημαντικής ημέρας Θυρανοιξίων. Μετά το πέρας της ακολουθίας προσφέρθηκε κέρασμα σε όλο το εκκλησίασμα και συνοδεύτηκε δεξίωσης με γεύμα στο Σάντ Κάτσλε. Το γεύμα ήταν ακόμα μια μεγάλη εκ καρδίας δωρεά του μεγάλου ευεργέτου κ. Νικολάου Μπουλταδάκη και της σεβαστής συζύγου Ευαγγγελίας. Βοήθεια τους! Η υλική και ηθική σημασία των Θυρανοιξίων του σπουδαίου έργου της αναστηλώσεως είναι «πρώτον ότι έτσι συνεχίζουμε την πατροπαράδοτη κληρονομιά των προγόνων μας και αποδεικνύομε την επάξια συνέχιση του έργου και της προσφοράς τους. Δεύτερον, η απόδειξη της πίστεως που και σήμερα γίνεται με τα έργα τα χρηστά και ωφέλιμα στους ανθρώπους κι όχι με τα λόγια «Δείξον μοι την πίστιν σου εκ των έργων σου, καγώ δείξω σοι εκ των έργων μου την πίστιν μου» (Ιακ. 2,18) και «η πίστις άνευ έργων νεκρά εστι» (Ιακ. 2,20). Τρίτον, έχουμε την ευλογία και τη χάρη του Θεού γιατί γινόμαστε συνεργοί και συνδημιουργοί του Θεού Πατέρα, γιατί «τοις αγαπώσιν τον Θεον πάντα συνεργεί εις αγαθόν» (Ρωμ. 8,1) και, τέταρτον, η αναστήλωση, δηλώνει την ανανέωση και ανακαίνιση της πίστεώς μας και της ζωής μας γενικότερα. Ανανεώνεται ο άνθρωπος και ξαναγεννάται γιατί συνεχίζεται το έργο της Εκκλησίας που συνεχώς μνημονεύει «δωρητών, αφιερωτών, κτητόρων και ανακαινιστών» και έτσι αποδεικνύεται και σήμερα ζωντανή η ιερή παράδοση της Εκκλησίας μας, γιατί μέσα στην Εκκλησία τίποτα δεν παλιώνει. Όλα μιλούν για το Θεό και τη Χάρη Του και τους Αγίους και φίλους του Χριστού που αναγεννούν τον άνθρωπο ολκόκληρο τη ζωή και τα έργα του» Η πνευμαιτκή σημασία των θυρανοιξιών μιας εκκλησίας όμως διακρίνεται πολύ περισσότερο από τό υλικό και ηθικό νόημα. Εικονίζει και φανερώνει την αγάπη του Σωτήρα, καθώς Αυτός ως αρχιστράτηγος, υπερένδοξος και θριαμβευτής νικητής επι του θανάτου και της αμαρτίας ξανανίγει κυριολεκτικά την είσοδον μας πίσω στο Παράδεισον. Γήϊνος Παράδεισος είναι η εκκλησία όπως το χαρακτηρίζει κι ο ακόλουθος ύμνος τον οποίον έψψαλε ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος ενώ ευλογούσε τους πιστούς καθώς εισάγοντον στην εκκλησία «Οὐρανὸς πολύφωτος ἡ Ἐκκλησία, ἀνεδείχθη ἅπαντας, φωταγωγοῦσα τοὺς πιστούς· ἐν ᾧ ἑστῶτες κραυγάζομεν· τοῦτον τὸν οἶκον, στερέωσον Κύριε.Τὸ στερέωμα,τῶν ἐπὶ σοὶ πεποιθότων, στερέωσον Κύριε τὴν Ἐκκλησίαν, ἣν ἐκτήσω, τῷ τιμίῳ σου Αἵματι.» Ευχώμεθα σ’ όλους που εργάστηκαν και ύδρωσαν, μαζί με τους μικρούς και μεγάλους ευεργέτες, και συνδρομητές της αναστήλωσης του Ιερου Ναού, η θεία χάρης της Αγίας Μαρκέλλας να είναι πάντα προστάτης και βοηθός του τόπου μας που σήμερα θα στολίζει την περιφέρεια του Λόνγ Αϊλαντ και σε κάθε οικογένεια να δωρίζει την υγεία, ειρήνη, και πρόοδο. Συνχαρητήρια και εις ανώτερα. Τω Θεώ Δόξα! Η θαυματουργή εικόνα της αγίας Μαρκέλλας που προσκυνείται στον ιερόν νοό μας. Κάθε πιστός έχει την ευκαιρία να προσλάβει την εικόνα στην οικία του για μια εβδομάδα ως ευλογία. Όσοι έχουν την επιθυμία παρακαλούντε να επικοινωνήσουν με τον πατέρα Σαράντη. ************** The Miraculous icon of St. Markella has its home in the altar of our church. Faithful are encouraged to take the icon home for a week for blessing. All interest are to call Fr. Sarantis for arrangements. HOSPITAL VISITATION Nowadays, due to the new HIPAA laws, it is difficult for Fr. Sarantis to obtain and to visit parishioners in the near by hospitals. These laws do not allow the hospital to release any information, or even the name of the patient, unless you are their doctor or family member. Nonetheless, Fr. Sarantis continues his regular hospital visits to Mercy Memorial Hospital, South Shore, which still allows him to see the names of Greek Orthodox patients in its computer, but in other are hospitals he is not able to get these names. In order for Fr. Sarantis to be more effective in visiting you or your loved ones in the hospital, or at home, you must please inform him by contacting the church. He will not know to visit you unless he knows that you are in the hospital. When you register at the local hospitals please make sure you inform the admissions office that you wish to be listed as a member of Saint Markella and as a Greek Orthodox Christian. If you also wish to receive Holy Communion, please let the church know beforehand. We thank you for your assistance and cooperation. CONFESSION:** Fr. Sarantis is available for Holy Confession by appointment, please call in advance (516) Page 22 Page 3

4 Sunday School Blessings
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 The Inauguration of our Church. «Open the doors Oh, Rulers • Open eternally closed doors and let the King of glory come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord, the strong and mighty, the Lord who is mighty in war. '' Open the Doors you Rulers and let the Lord of Glory enter! Who is this King of glory? He is The Lord of hosts, the Lord of the Strong, HE is the King of glory... " . With this prayer, His Eminence Archbishop of America Demetrios, and while knocking with His pastoral staff on the doors of our church (a spirited symbolic act of Christ entering Hades to free the people from the eternal bondage to death) during the ceremonial service of inauguration of our new Church of Saint Markella, its "doors opened officially". The new church of Agia Markella is a real spiritual masterpiece, a beautiful new building, built through the love of the people and who had the inspiration to rebuild the old church in order to meet the needs while “officially” becoming an Orthodox Church. The importance of the project, and generally for rebuilding the church of Saint Markella of Wantagh, was stressed empathically during the dedication of the church of Agia Markella (along with its chapel of St. Nektarios) in their speeches by the Reverend Father Sarantis Loulakis, and the President of the Parish Council Mr. Kostas Galitos, that it was a project of labor of love, a collective love of the faithful of the parish working in faith, and testimony of Jesus Christ and Savior. In addition, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios congratulated all the efforts of parishioners and supporters, stressing that faith, unity, unity and love of the Parishioners are those who transcend problems and lead to progress for the individual and collective bright future. The inauguration ceremony and the hierarchical divine liturgy was attended by all the faithful of the parish, and many of those around sisterhood Orthodox parishes. In remembrance of this special feast day of our community, and on behalf of the community, the President of the Parish Council, Mr. Gus Galitos, presented His Eminence Archbishop a “Pastoral Staff”, while the entire congregation received a coffee mug with the icon of Saint Markella along with the date inscribed on its outer wall. At the conclusion of the liturgical services, a reception took place at the beautiful Sand Castle Caterers hall in Franklin Square. The reception was a complementary and humble gesture by the Grand Benefactor, Mr. Nicholas Boultadakis and his humble spouse Evangelia. We are grateful and may St. Markella intercede on their behalf always. The ordinary significance of the Thyranoixia (Grand-opening of doors) of this great edifice are many: “Firstly, to show that we, the faithful, continue the traditional heritage of our ancestors and revealing the worthy continuation of building church as part of our stewardship. Secondly, the proof of faith is being revealed today again through our good works, which are beneficial to the people and not with just words: "show me your faith of your deeds, and I will show my faith through my works" (James. 2.18) and "faith without works is dead" (James. 2.20). Thirdly, in the process we are receiving the blessing and favor of God, because we become accomplices and co-authors with God, the Father, as He created the world. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Rom. 8.28) and, lastly, the restoration of a church declares the renewal and renovation of our faith and our lives in general. Humanity is renewed because we continue the work for the Church, and in turn the church through the holy services commemorates for health and salvation of “the donor, the builder and the care-taker.” The spiritual message, however, of the Thyranoixia of a church, has more meaning then its natural part. It iconizes and reveals the love of our Savior, Who, as a victorious commander against death and sin reopens the doors of Heaven for all of us to re-enter back into Paradise. It iconizes church as the new haven, the earthy heaven, which it would enlighten all of us through our participation in the sacraments. As the hymn states: “an ever lighted heaven is the church, which gives wisdom to the faithful, as we sing standing: this house Oh, Lord, keep safe, as the protection for those who have faith, which you have built with Your own blood.” We will like so much to wish to those who participated and labored in our church restoration in their own way that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ through the intercessions of St. Markella to be always a protection from danger, and may their hearts be filled with peace, health and prosperity. Congratulations to all. Worthy! Kai is anotera! Glory be to God! Sunday School Blessings December 2014 Dear St. Markella Parents, As you know, our Sunday School welcomes three new teachers this year: Ms. Markella Liadakis, Mrs. Koula Bachas and Mrs. Vicki Kayantas. They have been kind enough to volunteer their time to teach the older children and to help cover classes when Miss Antonia and I are absent. We appreciate all of their help and welcome them to the St. Markella Sunday School family. Up until now, we have been reviewing basic concepts with the younger students that are taught every year, such as proper formation of the sign of the cross, how to receive Holy Communion, understanding the symbols of our church, and many more. We have also moved on to teaching all of the students new parables and quotes from the bible, which are discussed and explored through various activities, including coloring, games, projects and role playing. The students are always engaged in a mini-lesson, then a short discussion, followed by an activity to help them further understand the lesson of the day. During the lesson, all students go up to church to receive communion, then return to their class to finish their activity. Afterwards, they all enjoy a snack and a drink in the church hall, where they spend time with their friends, while waiting for their parents to pick them up. It is always a pleasure to teach your children, to answer their questions and to help them expand their knowledge of our Greek Orthodox faith, thus bringing them closer to God and to the church. May God bless you and your families. I look forward to seeing your children in Sunday School! In God’s Love, Mrs. Christina Zanelotti Page 4 Page 21

O Αγιασμός των σπίτια μας● The Annual Blessing of Our Homes «Εν Ιορδάνη βαπτιζομένου σου Κύριε, η της Τριάδος εφανερώθη προσκύνωσις του γαρ Γεννήτορος η φωνή προσεμαρτύρει σοι, αγαπητόν σε Υιόν ονομάζουσα, και το Πνεύμα εν είδει περιστεράς, εβεβαίου του λόγου το ασφαλές. Ο επιφανείς Χριστέ ο Θεός, και τον κόσμον φωτίσας δόξα σοι.» H Τρισυπόστατη Ευλογία του Αγιασμού των Αγίων Θεοφανείων στα Σπίτια μας O ετήσιος αγιασμός των σπιτιών μας με Αγιασμό των Θεοφανείων, είναι ένας τρόπος με νόημα να αρχίσουμε τον νέο έτο με την ευλογία του Θεού. Αυτή η ωραία παράδοσης της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας μας επιτρέπει να αρχίσουμε τον νέο έτος με τον πιο άγιο τρόπο, με αγίασμα των σπιτιών μας – τον χώρο όπου περνούμε τον περισσότερο χρόνο της ζωής μας. Όταν ο ιερέας επισκεφτεί το σπίτι σας παρακαλείστε να έχετε έτοιμα μία εικόνα, (κλωνάρια βασιλικού) και τα ονόματα μελών των οικογενειών σας, δίπλα στο δοχείο με το νερό, στο οποίο θα προστεθεί λίγος Αγιασμός από τη τελετή του Μικρού Αγιασμού (5η Ιανουαρίου). Ο πατήρ Σαράντης θα ευλογήσει όλα τα σπίτια και τις επιχειρήσεις μόνο με την σειρά που θα προσκαλεστεί (τουλάχιστο πριν 1 μέρα) και αναλόγως τον γεωγραφικό διάστημα. Οι αγιασμοί θα τελούνται καθημερινώς από τις 12 το μεσημέρι μέχρι τις 7:30 το βράδυ κατά τον Ιανουάριο μήνα και όσο χρειαστεί κατά τον μήνα του Φεβρουαρίου. Παρακαλείστε όπως συμπληρώσετε το κάτωθι μέρος της σελίδας δια την κατάλληλη ώρα που σας ευκολύνει και που όλα τα πρόσωπα της οικογενείας σας να βρίσκονται στο σπίτι σας. Το εκκλησιαστικό γραφείο δεν θα τηλεφωνήσει σε κανένα πιστό. Χρόνια Πολλά, Καλή Χρονιά, και Ευλογημένο Νέο Έτος 2015. BRING CHRIST INTO YOUR HOME—EPIPHANY 2015 As you well know, after Epiphany, the priest blesses the faithful’s homes with blessed water with the Agiasmos, from the celebration of Epiphany (January 5th). The blessing of our homes with the Holy Water of Epiphany is a meaningful way to begin the blessings of our Lord for the New Year. This beautiful tradition of our Orthodox Church allows us to start the year off in a most holy way by sanctifying our homes – the place where we spend most of our time. When the priest visits your home for this blessing, please have ready on a table an icon, a list of first names (only) of the living members of your family, and as well some basil branches (if possible) next to the bowl of water, in which Holy Water will be added from the service of the Lesser Agiasmos. Fr. Sarantis will visit and bless all the homes and business by invitation only (Archdiocese protocol) and according of the area. Blessings will take place normally from noon everyday until 7:30 in the evening, in the month of January and February if needed. You are kindly being requested to call the church office (at least 1 day in advance) to schedule a convenient time for you, so Fr. Sarantis may visit your home at your wish, when most of the family members are at home. Please remember that the Church office WILL NOT call your home to schedule the visit. Please complete and detach the lower portion and return it to the church officer or call the church office to make arrangements for the Agiasmos blessing. Thank you. Kali hronia and a Blessed New Year 2015. Όνομα/Name………………………………………………………………………………………. Διεύθυνσης/Address…………………………………………………………………………….. Πόλης/Town……………………………………… Τηλέφωνο/Phone……………………………Ημέρα Αγιασμού/Day for blessing…………… Χριστουγεννιάτικο Μύνημα +Π. Σαράντης Λουλάκης Δεκέμβριος 2014 Αγαπητοί αδελφοί εν Κυρίω Ιησού Χριστώ, Σας χαιρετώ στο πνεύμα των Αγίων και χαρμόσυνων Χριστουγέννων. Όντως, είναι με ιδιαίτερη χαρά που επικοινωνώ μαζί σας διά μέσου αυτού του εν χείρας ενοριακού δελτίου για να απευθύνω σ’ όλους σας της Πρεσβυτέρας Νόρμας και τις δικές μου εγκάρδιες ευχές μας. Καλά, Άγια και εθλογημένα Χριστούγεννα και υγιές, ειρηνικό και ευημερούσιο Νέο Έτος Η χριστιανική παράδοση αυτές τις μέρες είναι εμφανής τριγύρω μας και παντού. Μερικές φορές είναι εμφανής μέσα από τραγούδια, μουσική και ύμνους, μερικές φορές μέσα από τα δώρα της κοινής χρήσης και γέλιο, και άλλοτε με τη διακόσμηση των σπιτιών μας με τα χριστουγεννιάτικα δέντρα, ντυμένα με πολύχρωμα φώτα. Πιστεύω ότι ο καθένας βλέποντας και ακούοντας ενυσχείτε με ενθουσιασμό και χαρούμενο συναίσθημα που τροφοδοτείτε εόρταζοντας άμεσα την Γέννεση Του Νηπίου Ιησού Χριστού ό,τι είναι μαζί μας, και ό,τι φέρνει στο νού μας πίσω τη ευλογημένη νύχτα που γεννήθηκε ο Θεός μας. Πριν δύο χιλιάδες χρόνια, ο Πατέρας Θεός έστειλε έναν άγγελο και έλαμπε κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας σε βοσκούς που πρόσεχαν τα πρόβατα τους στο ύπεθρο. Ο Άγγελος τους ανακοίνωσε τα ευάριστα νέα, που είχε γεννηθεί το Σωτήρα μας. Στη συνέχεια, εμφανίστηκε ένα πλήθος αγγέλων, τραγουδώντας και να υμνούν τον Θεό για την καλοσύνη και αγάπη Του προς την ανθρωπότητα. Όταν έφυγαν οι άγγελοι, οι βοσκοί αποφάσισαν να πάνε στη Βηθλεέμ για να δούν με τα μάτια τους το Άγιο Βρέφος που μόλις είχε γεννηθεί και να το προσκυνήσουν. Σπεύδουν στην Βηθλεέμ, το άσημο τότες χωριουδάκι, και ήρθαν προς την μητέρα του Θεού και τον Ιωσήφ, και είδαν ένα μικρό αγοράκι να αναπαύεται σε μια φάτνη. Οι βοσκοί, εκείνη την στιγμή σ’ όσους ήταν παρόντες καθώς προσκυνούσαν είπαν το τι τους ειπε ο Άγγελος για τον Ιησού Χριστό που γεννήθηκε ως Σωτήρας των ψυχών και των σωμάτων μας. Όταν η Παναγία, η μητέρα του Ιησού, άκουσε τα λόγια των βοσκών, θυμήθηκε τα λόγια του Αρχαγγέλου Γαβριήλ, και Αυτή "κράτησε όλα στην καρδιά της." Ω του Θαύματος! Τι απερίγραπτη χαρά ένιωσε μέσα της η Παναγία μας που δευτεροπίστειν ότι όντως κράτησε στα σπλάχνα της τον Θεό. Τι ευλογία για όλους μας! Αυτά που άκουσε από τους βοσκούς δεν ήταν η πρώτη φορά που η μητέρα του Κυρίου είχε ξανακούσει ότι το παιδί Της θα είναι ο Σωτήρας. Ο Άγγελος Γαβριήλ της είχε εκφωνήσει τον ίδιο χαιρετισμό όταν της απήγγειλε τη γέννηση του Ιησού εννέα μήνες νωρίτερα. Εφρενομένοι πλέον με χαρά, οι βοσκοί επέστρεψαν στους οικίους τους, δοξολογώντας και υμνώντας το Θεό για όλα όσα είχαν ακούσει και είδαν, ακριβώς όπως τα άκουσαν από τον άγγελο. Σεβαστοί αδελφοί εν Χριστώ, το φώς των Χριστουγέννων, το φώς του Θεού μας λάμπει και φωτίζει παντοτινά και σε μας όπως αυτό έλαμψε στην Μητέρα του Θεού, στον Ιωσήφ, στους βοσκούς και όπως το έιδαν οι άγγελοι πριν δύο χιλιάδες χρόνια. Το ξέρουμε και το βλέπουμε με τα φυσικά μάτια μας τριγύρω μας, το νιώθουμε στις ψυχές μας. Διότι όσο κρύο και χειμωνιάτικη ημέρα μπορεί να είναι η ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων θα δούμε τα χαμόγελα των παδιών, θα ακούσουμε τους ύμνους, τα κάλαντα, τα τραγούδια θα νιώσουμε μέσα μας την Παρουσία ότι ο Χριστός είναι μαζί μας, η αγάπη του κοντά μας όπως την ημέρα εκείνη, που εγεννήθην, καμμία διαφορά απο εκείνους τους βοσκούς. Αυτός είναι ο σκοπός των Χριστουγέννων! Αυτά τα Χριστούγεννα, έχουμε και εμείς την χάριν να βρεθούμε όλοι στην εκκλησία μας να παρομοιάσουμε κι εμείς εκείνους τους βοσκούς την ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων, να νιώσουμε κι εμείς στα σπλάχνα μας την αγάπη και την παρουσία του Νεοβρέφους Χριστού μαςως την Παναγία, το πρωϊ των Χριστουγέννων στις 9:00πμ, καθώς θα Τον υμνούμεν και δοξολογούμεν στην θεία λειτουργία των Χριστουγέννων. Να συν-ψάλλουμε κι εμείς μαζί με τους αγγέλους «Η Γέννηση σου Χριστέ ο Θεός ημών». Να μεταφέρουμε κι εμείς τις καλές ειδήσεις στους οικίους μας, τη γέννηση του Θεού μας, ο οποίος είναι μαζί μας κάθε μέρα της ζωής μας, διότι το όνομα Του είναι Εμμανουήλ:Ο ΘΕΟΣ είναι μαζί ΜΑΣ. Τω Θεώ Δόξα! Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος 2015! Σας ασπάζομαι αδελφικώς με το άγιο ΦΩΣ των Χριστουγέννων, π. Σαράντης Λουλάκης Page 20 Page 5

6 Emmanuel: God is with us!
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 A Christmas Message By Fr. Sarantis Emmanuel: God is with us! My dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus, I hail you in the spirit of the Christmas season. It is with countless joy that I communicate with you so I may convey to all of you Presvytera Norma’s and mine cordial best Christmas wishes and a healthy, peaceful and prosperous blessed New Year 2015. The Christian tradition these days is evident around us everywhere we go. Sometimes it is evident through songs, music and hymns, sometimes through the sharing gifts and laughter and other times by decorating our homes with Christmas Trees, dressed with colorful lights and so enthusing everyone with that joyful feeling that Baby Jesus is with us; and whatever it is, it does bring our minds back to the night that Jesus was born to us. Two thousand years ago, God sent a shining angel during the night to some shepherds who were watching their sheep in the field. The angel announced the good news, that our Savior Jesus had been born. Then, a multitude of angels appeared, singing and praising God for His goodness and loving kindness towards mankind. When the angels had left, the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem to see Baby Jesus who had just been born. Rushing to Bethlehem, they came upon the Mother of God and Joseph, and a little Baby Boy who was resting in a manger. When they had found Jesus, they told those who were present what the angel had told them about Jesus. When the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, heard what the shepherds had said to them, she reflected on the words and “kept them all in her heart.” What great joy she must have experienced in knowing once more that she was the Mother of the Savior. This was not the first time that the Mother of our Lord, had heard that her Child would be the Savior. The angel Gabriel had told her the same thing when he announced to her the birth of Jesus nine months earlier. Filled with joy, the shepherds returned to their fields, glorifying and praising God for all what they had heard and seen, just like it had been told to them by the angel. My brothers and sisters in Christ, this Christmas season, the Light of God shines on us as it shined then on the Mother of God, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the angels two thousands years ago. We know because, although Christmas Day may be a cold winter day, we can see all the happy spirits around us, the shining eyes and the smiling faces. We know because we can hear the Christmas sounds and see the twinkling lights. We know because we are spiritually elevated in the Divine Presence of Baby Jesus who is with us here today. It will be a moment of a wonder to see you all on Christmas Day in our new “inaugurated “church of St. Markella, to celebrate and chant together as and with the angels and shared as the shepherds the good news to each other and to others, the birth of our God who is with us every day of our lives. Let us all not forget this special day. Let every day that will follow be a very special Christmas day for you like this one. May the Christmas light of our living faith in Jesus shine in your thoughts, your words and your actions sharing the good news of Emmanuel: GOD IS WITH US, for the glory of God! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Adelfikos, +Fr. Sarantis Loulakis Page 6 Page 19

7 Grand Opening of Our Church
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 2014 Paid Stewards of Saint Markella Greek Orthodox Church Ευχαριστούμε θερμά όλους για την εμπιστοσύνη σας. Ο Κύριος να σας ευλογεί πάντοτε! ●●●●●●● We wish to thank all the stewards for their prompt blessings. May God bless you all! Grand Opening of Our Church Mr. & Mrs. John Kaneris Mr. John Papoulis Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Abazis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaneris Mr. & Mrs. John Papoulis Mr. & Mrs. Stylianos Almiroudis Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Kaneris Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Papoulis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Antonakis Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Karambatsakis Mr. & Mrs. George Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Socrates Antoniou Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Katsalas Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Parikos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bachas Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Katsigiogis Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Petrakis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bachas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Katsigiorgis Mr. & Mrs. Piacquadio Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bachas Mr. & Mrs. John Kayantas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pipelias Mr. Vasilios Caras Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kershaw Mr. & Mrs. John Potamousis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Condos Mr. Vasilis Kefalas Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Psilis Mrs. Konstas Charas Mr. John Klidas Mr. & Mrs. Christo Rallis Mrs. Peter D’Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Koukounis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Sazaklis Mr. & Mrs. Leo Davis Mr. George Kouimanis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Siozio Mr. & Mrs. Peter Diamantis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kovoros Mr. & Mrs. George Skiriotis Mr. Steve Diakogiannis Ms. Irene Kovoros Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sotiriou Mrs. Kaliope Diapoulos Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Kovoros Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sotiryadis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Drakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Krempa Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Splinis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Eleftheriou Mr. & Mrs. Charalambos Lalousis Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Theodorou Mr. & Mrs. John Eleftheriou Mr. & Mrs. Peter LaRosa Mr. & Mrs. Christos Tsakos Mrs. Maria Fasolas Mr. & Mrs. Elias Liadakis Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Tsakos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Filas Mr. & Mrs. Stephanos Liadakis Mr. & Mrs. Stamatis Tsakos Mr. & Mrs. George Gasparis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Liapis Mr. George Tsimis Mr. & Mrs. Christos Gonias Mr. & Mrs.George Lilikas Mr. & Mrs. Kostantinos Tsimis Mr. & Mrs, Demetrios Gonias Mr. & Mrs. John Lilikas Mr. & Mrs. Alex Tsimakalis Mr. & Mrs. John Gonias Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Linaris Mr. & Mrs. Gerasimos Tsimaras Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Gonias Mr. & Mrs. Nikolas Linaris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tsiorvas Mr. Michael Gonias Mr. & Mrs. John Malafis Mr. & Mrs. John Varthis Mr. & Mrs. Soterios Gregoriou Mr. & Mrs. Nick Malafis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Zanelotti Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Hatzis Mr. & Mrs. Emmanouil Manolakis Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Psyllis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hillas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Markopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Rallis Mr. & Mrs. Stelios Hillas Mr. & Mrs. Theofanis Melios Mr. & Mrs. Manolis Sazaklis Mrs. Angeliki Hionis Mr. & Mrs; Theodore Papadopoulos Mr. Nick Skiriotis Ms. Theodora Ierides Mr. & Mrs. Mihail Papazis Mr. & Mrs. Andy Spirou Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kalas Mr. & Mrs.. Bill Papoulis Mr. Emmanuel Stavroulakis Mrs. Despina Kaneris Mrs. Eugenia Kalogiros Mr. Dimitrios Tsikis Mr. & Mrs. Akis Aristidou Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Kayantas Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsikitas Mr. & Mrs. Roman Aruytsuyants Mr. & Mrs. John Kayantas Ms. Markella Tsoukalas Mr. & Mrs.. Thomas Bussi Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kayantas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vouvoudakis Mr. & Mrs. Gus Davetas Mr. & Mrs. Tony Kontorinakis Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Zervos Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Dembris Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Galitos Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon Georgatos Mr. & Mrs. George Lios Mr. & Mrs. Nick Georgoulis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lios Ms. Sophia Gialvanis Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Milonas Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Haviaras Mr. John Patsiotis Ενα ΜΑΓΑΛΟ ευχαριστώ! Σεβαστοί πιστοί και αδελφοί εν Κυρίω Ιησού Χριστώ, Είναι μετά ιδιαιετέρας χαράς που εκ μέρους του Προέδρου του Κοινοτικού Συμβουλίου, κ. Κωνσταντίνου Γαλήτου, καθώς και ολοκλήρου του Εκκλησιαστικού Συμβουλίου, εκφράζω την ειλικρινή ευγνωμοσύνη μας σ’ όλους που παρευρέθηκαν στην όμορφη και πνευματικά γεμάτη ημέρα, τα επίσημα Θυρανοίξια της Εκκλησίας μας. Ήταν εκπληκτικό, να συμμετάσχουμε όλοι μας στίς ἱερές ἀκολουθίες, και με δέος στις καρδιές μας, να αισθανθούμε την ολοκλήρωση του ονείρου μας, την νέα εκκλησία της Αγίας Μαρκέλλας, που επίσημα ολοκληρώθηκε με την ευχές και ευλογίες του Αρχιεπισκόπου μας κ. Δημητρίου. Όντως ήταν θαυμαστικό! Ταυτόχρονα, η ευγνωμοσύνη μας προς όλους εσάς που με την ιδική σας υποστήρηξη και προσφορά παρευρεθήκατε στο επίσημο γεύμα Ευχαριστούμε ιδιατέρως, τον Κον και Κα Νικόλαον Μπουλταδάκη, που μας φιλοξένησαν στο ιδιωτικό τους χώρο Σάντ Κάστλ και πρόσφεραν το τιμητικό γεύμα εντελώς δωρεάν. Επίσης, ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες και την ευγνωμοσύνη στους λίγους εκείνους, συμπεριλαμβάνοντας και την Επιτροπή Οικοδομήσεωςς, που είδαν την ανάγκη και ένιωσαν την ευλογία να προσφέρουν τον χρόνο και την προσωπική δύναμη να εργαστούν με πίστη και αγάπη για την διακόσμοση, καθαρισμό, και προετοιμασία, ολόκληρη την περασμένη εβδομάδα, ώστε η εκκλησία μας να μοιάζει με μια "νύφη" για τον επίσημο εορτασμό της. Συνχαρητήρια! Ο Θεός να σας ευλογεί όλους! +π. Σαράντης Λουλάκης Our sincere gratitude! Dear Faithful, It is with most joy that on behalf of the President of the Parish Council, Mr. Gus Galitos, and the entire PC Membership, I wish to convey our heartfelt gratitude to all who came to celebrate the beautiful and spiritually filled day of the official Grand Opening of our church. It was amazing, to participate in the Divine services fulfilling with all our hearts, as our dream of building the new church of St. Markella. Our church, was officially completed through our very own eyes. It indeed was amazing! Simultaneously, our gratitude to all of you who have contributed though your own offering supporting the luncheon at Sand Castle. We are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Boultadakis for their generosity to sponsor the luncheon at Sand Castle Special thanks and gratitude to those, including the Building Committee, who saw the need and honor of the church and felt the blessing and offered their time and talent and worked with faith and love to decorate, clean, and prepare our church, this entire past week, so our church would look like a “bride” for its official celebration Congratulations! God Bless You All! Fr. Sarantis P. Loulakis Page 18 Page 7

8 Το Μήνυμα του Προέδρου President's Message
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 Το Μήνυμα του Προέδρου Μετά ιδιαιτέρας χαράς, επιθυμώ εκ μέρους όλων των μελών του Κοινοτικού Συμβουλίου, μαζί με τη δική μου, να ευχηθώ σ’ ολους σας χαρούμενα και ευτυχισμένα Χριστούγεννα, υγιές, ειρηνικό και προδευτικό Νέο Έτος 2015! Μαζί με τις εορταστικές ευχές πρέπει να σας ευχαριστήσω άλλη μιά φορά γιά το ό,τι έχετε προσφέρει αυτό το έτος προς την εκκλησία μας. Ο κάθε ένας από εσάς, με τον τρόπο σας, βοηθήσατε να χτίσουμε και να διατηρήσουμε την εκκλησία μας. Είμαστε ευγνώμονες και υπερήφανοι για όλους σάς! Το 2014 είναι ένα χρόνος που θα θυμόμαστε αφού γιορτάσαμε λαμπρά τα Θυρανοίξια του νέου ναού μας. Παρά το γεγονός ότι, ήταν μιά πολύ κρύα και θυελλώδη ημέρα, η παρουσία σας και οι προσευχές σας κράτησαν όλους ζεστά την καρδιά Τώρα που είχαμε το Θυρανοίξια της Εκκλησίας μας, θα ήθελα να επωφεληθώ αυτή την ευκαιρία να σας υπενθυμίσω ό,τι ακόμα υπάρχει πολλή δουλειά να γίνει. Με σαβασμό παρακαλώ την συνεχούσα βοήθειά σας για να αντιμετωπίσουμε αυτό το ατελές έργο, είτε με την συμμετοχή σας στο εκκλησιαστικό Συμβούλιο, ή της Φιλοπτώχου ή απλά σ’ ενα μέρος του έργου. Επιπλέον, ταπεινά ζητώ την οικονομική σας υποστήριξη για την κάλυψη εξόδων των αναγκών της εκκλησίας, τα οποία όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι έχουν αυξηθεί δραστικά. Ξέρω ότι η υποστήριξή σας θα είναι εκεί ως πάντα, τουλάχιστον της συνδρομή σας. Ο Θεός να σας ευλογεί! Δεδομένου ότι είμαστε σε διάθεση εορτών, θα ήθελα όντως να σας καλέσω στο Ρεβεγιόν της κοινότητας μας που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην κοινωτική αίθουσα μας την παραμονή Πρωτοχρονιάς. Ελάτε να γορτάσουμε όλοι μαζί και να απολαύσουμε την χαρά και κέφι, με χορό, και πλούσιο τραπέζι, ψάλλοντας τα κάλαντα, και εύχοντας ο ένας στο άλλο κάθε ευτυχία, ειρήνη και πρόοδο, καθώς θα καλοσωρίσουμε το Νέο Έτος Και πάλι, εύχομαι σ’ όλους σας καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο και ειρηνικό Νέο Έτος 2015. Με εκτίμηση, Κωνσταντίνος Γαλήτος, Πρόεδρος, Ε. Σ. Dear Faithful and supporters of St. Markella. It is with most sincere joy that on behalf of the entire membership of the Parish Council, along with my own, I would like to wish and convey to all of you a joyful Christmas season and a healthy, prosperous New Year 2015! Among with the holiday wishes, I believe, however, that it is fitting to thank you for all you have offered this entire year of 2014 to our church. Each and every one of you, in your own way, has helped to build and maintain our church. We are grateful and proud of all of you! The 2014 year is a year to remember, as we have celebrated brightly the Thyranoixia of our new church. Although, it was a very cold and windy day, your presence, well wishes and prayers, kept everyone warm. Now that we have had the Thyranoixia of our church, I would like to take this opportunity to remind all that still much work needs to be done. So I respectfully request for your continued support tackling this unfinished work, either by taking part as a Parish Council, or the Philoptochos Society or simply taking part in a single task. In addition, I humbly request for your financial assistance to meet the needs of the church’s operating expense, which we all know that is has drastically increased. I know your support would be there as always at least for your stewardship pledge. God bless you! As we are in a holiday season, I would like to cordially invite you all to our New Year’s Eve party that would take place at our social hall, and bring a friend. Come and enjoy, chant with us the kalanta, as will be wishing the old year to be part of our past, while welcome-in the New Year 2015, with new hope and progress for your family’s future and of course for beloved our community of St. Markella. Again, I wish to all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy and peaceful New Year 2015! Respectfully, Konstantinos Galitos, P.C. President Ο ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΣ ΑΓΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΥΔΑΤΩΝ ΣΤΟ ΓΟΥΑΝΤΑ ΠΑΡΚ THE GLOBAL BLESSING OF THE WATERS at Wantagh Park Saint Markella Church ● Wantagh, NY ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ, ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 11, 2015 Όρθρος και Θ. Λειτουργία…………………………9:00 π.μ. - 12:00 Μεσημέρι Ο Αγιασμός των Υδάτων θα λάβει χώρα αμέσως μετά το πέρας της Θείας Λειτουργίας στο Γουάντα Πάρκ, περίπου 1:00μμ. Όσοι επιθυμούν να λάβουν μέρος δια την ανάκτηση του Σταυρού απο τα ύδατα, παρακαλείστε να επικοινωνήσετε με τον πατέρα Σαράντη, για να υπογραφεί το γράμμα ασφαλείας. Ευχαριστούμε. Ως υπόμνημα, ο τυχερός ανακτήσης θα λάβει ως δώρο ένα ευλογημένο χρυσό σταυροό απο το Ελληνικό Απογευματινό Σχολείο μας κατά την εορτή των Τριών Ιεραρχών, καθώς επίσης θα έχει και την ευλογία να έχει στη οικία του τον ίδιο Σταυρό που ανάκτησε απο τα ύδατα για τις 40 ημέρες τη Σαρακοστής. Αξιος! Οδηγίες προς το Wantagh Park Από την εκκλησία μας προχωρήστε στο Wantagh Avenue και προχωρήστε δεξιά (νότια), προχωρήστε στο Wantagh Avenue μέχρι το τέλος της οδού. Εκεί στρίψτε δεξιά στο Merrick Rd, και μετά από 100 μέτρα στρίψτε αριστερά μέσα στη είσοδο του Wantagh Park. Προχωρήστε στο τέρμα του Πάρκου στη δεξιά μεριά του δρόμου στο λιμάνι. SUNDAY, JANUARY, AT THE WANTAGH PARK Orthros and Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon The Throwing and retrieving of the Holy Cross will take place immediately following the Divine Liturgy at Wantagh Park, about 100pm Those who wish to take part in retrieving the Cross, please communicate with Fr. Sarantis so you may be on the list and also to sign the letter of intent. The person who will retrieve the Holy cross from the waters will receive as a blessing a golden cross from the PTA of the Greek Afternoon School and he will also have the retrieved cross at home during the forty days of holy lent as well. Axios! Directions from the church: Take Wantagh Avenue South, cross over Sunrise Hwy; go to the end of Wantagh Avenue. Take right on Merrick Rd and then immediately (about 100 yards) make left onto the Wantagh Park. Proceed to the marina by the swimming pool area to the right of it. President's Message MOMMY & ME This year our Mommy and Me group is very excited to start meeting in our new Church Community Hall! Once again under the direction of Joanna Georgatos, we will do story time in both Greek and English, circle time, arts and crafts to enhance fine motor skills through cutting pasting and drawing, field trips, and park adventures. Mommy and Me is open to all preschool age children ranging from 18 months to 5 years old, and everyone, including grandparents, are welcome to attend. Continuous Registration will be each meeting. We will be meeting Wednesdays at 11:30 starting October 2nd. We look forward to seeing all of you there! For further information please contact teacher Joanna or assistant Maria: or call the church's office Page 17 Page 8

THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 UP-COMING COMMUNITY CALENDAR OF EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY EVENTS Sponsored By the Parish Council Parish Council Meeting – Thursday, December 19, 2014, at Conference room at 8:30pm (All invited) Annual New Year’s Eve Party - December 31, 2014 At the Community Social Hall 9:00 - ?? Retrieving of the cross at Wantagh Park - Sunday, January 11, 2015 at Wantagh Park following the Divine Liturgy. Parish council Meeting – Friday, 23, 2014, at Conference room at 8:30pm. (All invited) 25th Annual Community Dance – February 21st at the community hall THE LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS Christmas Community Card Drive – As you convey your Holiday Christmas to the community your donation of $20.00 would benefit the Koula Koimanis Scholarship Fund for our graduates and Holy Cross Seminarians. Thank you for participating! Christmas Tree Dinner and Chinese Auction - Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 5pm at community social hall. ON GOING Non-Perishable Food Drive – Please bring any nonperishable food in containers or dry food to be distributed by Philoptochos to local Soup Kitchens. Vasilopita cutting/distribution. Sunday, January 18, 2015 at social hall. All are invited Philoptochos meeting – TBA GREEK AFTERNOON SCHOOL Christmas Pageant and Christmas tree ceremony Folk dancing – Saturday, December 13, 2014 Luncheon - The 3 Hierarchs ceremony and Vasilopita cutting – Sunday, January 25, Awards for our Regent Students and to the retriever of Theophany Cross at social hall. Donation. All invited Greek School Board Meeting – Thursday, January 29. All parents are invited Classes are on Monday and Tuesday Evenings. Curriculum includes Folk Dancing. Our Greek Afternoon School Program has Pre-K through Regents classes from 4pm-8pm. GOYA / JOY Brunch: Youth fundraiser event – Sunday, January 18, 2014 at social hall following the Divine Liturgy. Donation. All invited. SUNDAY SCHOOL God Parents day Lenten luncheon – Always on Cheese Fare Sunday. Sunday, February 22, A luncheon is offered in honor of Godparents and children as they received Holy Communion together. A Communion Candle may be purchased at the pagkari. Community hall. All are invited. Donation. Sunday School Choir – (Forming now – Boys and girls ages 7-12) Sunday school meets every Sunday at 10:30 am in church for Fr. Sarantis’ sermonette, and then in class for a Sunday lesson. It’s fun that it includes spiritual food. GOLDEN YEARS ASSOCIATION Group of over 50 years of age meet every Thursday at 11 o’clock at the community hall for coffee, kali parea and fun. Come and join us. A late spring extrusion and bi- monthly luncheon is planned – Details in Sunday bulletin. Δεκεμβρίου Πέμπτη , 04 Δεκεμβρίου- * Αγ. Βαρβάρας. Εορτάζεται την Σάββατο 06 Δεκεμβρίου. Παρασκευή, 05 Δεκεμβρίου- * Αγ. Σάββα. Εορτάζεται την Σάββατο 06 Δεκεμβρίου. * Εσπερινός Αγ. Νικολάου στο West Babylon :00μμ Σάββατο, 06 Δεκεμβρίου- Θεία Λειτ. για την Αγ. Βαρβάρα, τον Αγ. Σάββα & τον Αγ. Νικόλαο :00πμ Κυριακή, 07 Δεκεμβρίου- Κυριακή 10η του Λουκά. Όρθρος…… :45πμ./Θ. Λειτουργία… :00πμ Τρίτη , 09 Δεκεμβρίου- Η Σύλληψη της Αγ. Άννας. Θεία Λειτ :00πμ Παρασκευή, 12 Δεκεμβρίου- Αγ. Σπυρίδωνα. Θεία Λειτουργία :00πμ Κυριακή, 14 Δεκεμβρίου- * Κυριακή 11η του Λουκά. Όρθρος :45πμ. Θ. Λειτ :00πμ Δευτέρα, 15 Δεκεμβρίου- Αγ. Ελευθερίου. Εορτάζεται την Κυριακή 14 Δεκ. Τετάρτη, 17 Δεκεμβρίου- Ευχέλαιο :30-7:00μμ Κυριακή, 21 Δεκεμβρίου- Κυριακή Προ του Χριστού Γεννήσεως. Όρθρος :45πμ. Θ. Λειτ :00πμ Πέμπτη , 25 Δεκεμβρίου- ΕΥΤΥΧΙΣΜΕΝΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ !! Χριστουγεννιάτικη Απογευματινή Θ. Λειτ. για τα παιδιά και για όλους…………..……9:00πμ Σάββατο, 27 Δεκεμβρίου- Αγ. Στεφάνου. Εορτάζεται την Κυριακή 28 Δεκ. Κυριακή,28 Δεκεμβρίου- Κυριακή Μετά του Χριστού Γεννήσεως. Όρθρος :45πμ.Θ. Λειτ :00πμ Τετάρτη, 31 Δεκεμβρίου- * Ρεβεγιόν Πρωτοχρονιάς & Λαχνοί Αυτοκινήτων. ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ 2015 Πέμπτη , 01 Ιανουαρίου - Καλή χρονιά, Χαρούμενο & ευτυχισμένο Νέο Έτος 2015 * Η Περιτομή του Χριστού - Βασιλείου του Μεγάλου. Θ. Λειτουργία :30πμ Κυριακή, 04 Ιαν. * Κυριακή Πρό Τον Φωτών. Όρθρος………...8:45. Θ.Λειτ :00πμ Δευτέρα, 5 Ιαν. - Ο Μικρός Αγιασμός. Όρθρος :45πμ. Θ.Λειτ :00πμ Τρίτη, 06 Ιανουαρίου Τα Άγια Θεοφάνια. Ο Μεγάλος Αγιασμός. Θεία Λειτουργία :00πμ Τετάρτη, 07 Ιανουαρίου * Η Σύναξη του Προδρόμου και Βαπτιστού Ιωάννου. Θ. Λειτ… :00πμ Κυριακή, 11 Ιανουαρίου * Κυριακή Μετά τα Φώτα. Όρθρος :45πμ. Θ. Λειτ :00πμ Ο Αγιασμός των Υδάτων στο Γουάντα Πάρκ μετά το τέλος της Θ. Λειτουργίας. Σάββατο, 17 Ιανουαρίου- * Αγ. Αντωνίου, Εορτάζεται Κυριακή 18 Ιαν. Αγιασμός των οικιών, των καταστημάτων και των επιχειρήσεων της Ενορίας μας. Καθαγιασμός όλης της περιοχής . Όλων των ενοριτών, των συμπάροικων και πάντων των κατοικούντων στην ενορία μας και δίπλα μας !! Κυριακή, 18 Ιανουαρίου- * Κυριακή 12η Λουκα. Αγ. Αθανασίου. Όρθρος :45πμ.Θ. Λειτ :00πμ Τρίτη, 20 Ιανουαρίου-* Αγ. Ευθύμιος. Εορτάζεται Κυριακή 18 Ιανουαρίου Κυριακή, 25 Ιανουαρίου- * Κυριακή 15η του Λουκά. Αγ. Γρηγοριου Τον Θεολογου. Όρθρος :45πμ. Θ. Λειτ :00πμ Τρίτη, 27 Ιανουαρίου- Αγ. Χρυσοστομο. Θ. Λειτ… :30πμ Παρασκευή, 30 Ιανουαρίου-* Των Τριών Ιεραρχώ. Page 16 Page 9

10 St. John Chrysostom on Fasting
THE AGIASMA DECEMBER JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 DECEMBER Thursday, 04 December- St. Barbara. Celebrated on Saturday 06 December. Friday, 05 December- * St. Savva. Celebrated on Saturday 06. December. * Vespers of St. Nicholas at West Babylon :00pm Saturday , 06 December- *Div. Lit. for St. Barbara, St. Savva, And St. Nicholas :00am Sunday, 07 December- 10th Sunday of Luke. Orthros 8:45am Div.Lit :00am Tuesday, 09 December- Conception of St. Anna. Celebrated Sunday Dec. 07. Friday,12 December- St. Spyridon. Div. Liturgy :00am Sunday, 14 December- 11th Sunday of Luke. Orthros 8:45am……......Div.Lit… :00am Monday, 15 December- St. Eleftherios. Celebrated on Sunday the 14th Dec. Wednesday, 17 December- Holy Unction :30pm-7pm Sunday, 21 December- Sunday Before Christmas. Orthros 8:45am....Div.Lit……….10:00am Grandparents Day/ Breakfast with Santa offered by our Greek School after Divine Liturgy. Thursday, 25 December- Merry Christmas!!! Christmas Day Divine Liturgy for our children and everyone :00am Saturday, 27 December- St. Stephen. Celebrated on Sunday the 28th Dec. Sunday, 28 December- Sunday after Christmas. Orthros 8:45am………..Div.Lit……10:00am Wednesday, 31 December- New Year's Eve Dance :00pm Messages from Actual Signs Seen on Church Properties TRUE OF FALSE - What do YOU think? "No God-No Peace. Know God-Know Peace." "Free Trip to heaven. Details Inside!" "Try our Sundays. They are better than Baskin-Robbins." "Searching for a new look? Have your faith lifted here!" An ad for St. Joseph's XXX Church has a picture of two hands holding stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments are inscribed and a headline that reads, "For fast, fast, fast relief, take two tablets." When the restaurant next to the XXXX Church put out a big sign with red letters that said, "Open Sundays," the church reciprocated with its own message: "We are open on Sundays, too." A singing group called "The Resurrection" was scheduled to sing at a church. When a big snowstorm postponed the performance, the pastor fixed the outside sign to read, "The Resurrection is postponed." "People are like tea bags - you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are." "God so loved the world that He did not send a committee." "Come in and pray today. Beat the Christmas rush!" "Fight truth decay-study the Bible daily." "Dusty Bibles lead to Dirty Lives" "Come work for the Lord. The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low. But the retirement benefits are out of this world." "Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church." "If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns." "Forbidden fruit creates many jams." "In the dark? Follow the Son." "Running low on faith? Stop in for a fill-up." "This is a ch_ _ ch. What is missing?" ---> (U R) Well are YOU? JANUARY 2015 Thursday, 01 January- HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!! * St. Basil the Great/ Circumcision of Our Lord. Div. Lit :30am Sunday, 04 January- *Sunday before Epiphany. Orthros………………...8:45am. Div. Lit……… :00am Monday, 5 Jan. The Lesser Blessing. Orthros………8:45am. Div. Lit :00am Tuesday, 06 January- St. John Chrysostom on Fasting For the value of fasting consists not in abstinence from food, but in withdrawing from sinful practices; since he who limits his fasting only to an abstinence from meats, is one who especially disparages it. Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works! Is it said by what kind of works? If you see a poor man, take pity on him! If you see in enemy, be reconciled to him! If you see a friend gaining honor, envy him not! If you see a handsome woman, pass her by! For let not the mouth only fast, but also the eye, and the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast, by being pure from rapine and avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing from running to the unlawful spectacles. Let the eyes fast, being taught never to fix themselves rudely upon handsome countenances, or to busy themselves with strange beauties. For looking is the food of the eyes, but if this be such as is unlawful or forbidden, it mars the fast; and upsets the whole safety of the soul; but if it be lawful and safe, it adorns fasting. For it would be among things the most absurd to abstain from lawful food because of the fast, but with the eyes to touch even what is forbidden. Do you not eat flesh? Feed not upon lasciviousness by means of the eyes. Let the ear fast also. The fasting of the ear consists in refusing to receive evil speaking and calumnies. ‘You shall not receive a false report,’ it says. Let the mouth too fast from disgraceful speeches and railing. For what does it profit if we abstain from birds and fishes; and yet bite and devour our brethren? The evil speaker eats the flesh of his brother, and bites the body of his neighbor. Because of this Paul utters the fearful saying, ‘If you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another.’ [Galatians 5:15] *The Theophany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Div. Lit :00am Wednesday, 07 January- * Synaxis of John the Holy Glorious Prophet, Baptist, & Forerunner. Sunday, 14 January- Div. Lit :30am * Sunday after Epiphany. Orthros :45am. Div. Lit :00am **The Blessing of the Waters at Wantagh Park following the Divine Liturgy. Saturday, 17 January -* St. Antonios. Celebrated on Sunday the 18th. Sunday, 18 January- Orthros…………....8:45am. Div. Lit :00am * 12th Sunday of Luke. St. Athanasios & Cyril Patriarchs. *The Blessing of the Community Vasilopita by the Ladies of Philoptochos Sunday, 25 January- 15th Sunday of Luke. Orthros…….8:45am. Div. Lit :00am ●The Celebration of the Letters by the children of the Greek school. Tuesday, 27 January- St. John Chrysostom. Div. Liturgy….………….……………9:30am Friday, 30 January- *Synaxis of the three Hierarchs. On this day the Homes blessing begin. Please keep in mind that Fr. Sarantis will bless your home only by invitation as is the protocol from the Archdiocese. If you wish to have Fr. Sarantis bless your home or your business kindly call the church office at (516) or Fr. Sarantis at (516) Page 10 Page 15

THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 THE AGIASMA DECEMBER 2014 JANUARY 2015 VOL. 15, ISSUE 04 CHURCH INFORMATION / CONTACT INFORMATION CHURCH CLERGY Secretary: Anastasia Riso Rev. Fr. Sarantis Loulakis Address: 1960 Jones Avenue North Cell: Wantagh, NY Telephone: Fax: Office Hours: Church Secretary: Mon-Fri. 9am-2pm Priest: Mon.,Tues, 11am-6pm; Wed by appt. only; Website: agia-markella.org Thurs, Fri 9am-2pm ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. GOYA NEWS I would like to welcome all the GOYANS both new and current ones to the new year ahead. We kicked off the season with the annual picnic at Holiday Hill. For those who attended it was a great time for all. Hopefully next year we can double our participation. There are many exciting events planned for the year ahead, with dances, retreats, the annual ski trip and more. This year we are also making a push to have our kids participate in more volunteer work. GOYA is not only about having fun but giving back to our community. There will be outside volunteering as well as helping out our own church. I hope everyone will join me in making this year a success. I look forward to working with you all. Sincerely, Debbie Markopoulos Advisor THE AGIASMA A BI-MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF SAINT MARKELLA CHURCH Did you know that the agiasma is available online on the church's website. Visit to view, read, or download previous issues of the Agiasma, as well As the most recent issue. Happy Reading! Parish Council President………………………………………………………………… Gus Galitos Philotochos President……………………………………………………………………………………...….Mary Koinis Religious Education……………………………… Koula Bachas, Markella Liadakis, Vicky Kayantas, Antonia Fotinos, & Christina Zanelotti Chanter……………………………………….………………………….…………Nicholas Dembris & Georigos Lilikas Sexton………………………………………………………………………….…….Athanasios Hatzis & Christos Rallis Honoree Sexton…………………………………………………………………………………….……...Ioannis Papoulis Greek Afternoon School PTA President……………………………………………………….….Chrysoula Kayantas Greek Afternoon School Principal…………………………………………………………………….Tanya Laloudakis Golden Stars (Senior Citizens)………………………………………………………....……...Every Thursday at 12:00 GOYA……………………………………………………………………………..…………………….Debbie Markopoulos JOY…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………..…..Angelica Gizas Mommy & Me…………………………………………...………………………..Joanna Georgatos & Maria Eleftheriou Building Committee……………………………………………………………………………………………Peter Bachas Neokoros…………………………………………………………………………………………………...Markos Vizaniaris Saint Markella Church FOOD DRIVE SACRAMENTS Baptisms - “As many have been baptized in Christ, they have put on Christ. Alleluia!” OCTOBER Ariana Kalliopi Tsikis, daughter of Dimitrios and Mary Tsikis. Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios and Penelope Tsikis NOVEMBER 08 Jayce Elijah Lugo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tsikitas. Sponsors Andy and Irene Spyrou NOVEMBER 22 Angelika Marina Petrolekas, daughter of Nicholas and Evangelia Petrolekas. Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Peter Giannitsas NOVEMBER 29 Connor Christos Melendes, son of Joseph and Sofia Melendes. Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Palaios NOVEMBER 30 Markos Tetonis, Son of John and Stella Tetonis. Sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kekatos DECEMBER Gabriela Kritikos, daughter of Socrates and Crystal Kritikos. Sponsor Marina Moreno. Kalorizika and Congratulations! AXIOI! WEDDINGS - “Lord, crown them with glory and honor!” SEPTEMBER 28 - Mr. Stylianos Almyroudis and Ioanna Nikolis. Koumbaros Mr. Petros Mamais OCTOBER 19 – Konstantinos Tsimis and Maria Pissias. Koumbaroi Mr. John and Miss Panagiota Kologiros OCTOBER 26 – Emmanuel Stavroulakis and Markella Papoulis. Koumbara Markella Tsoukalas. We wish them all a very happy and prosperous life. May the Lord always be their guide! Congratulations! Na zisoun! St. Markella Philoptochos, along with the entire St. Markella community is committed to helping those in need. Please help us to help others by donating non-perishable foods items. You can drop off your donated items at the dedicated boxes at or near the church community hall. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. May God and St. Markella bless you and your loved ones. Sponsored by St. Markella Philoptochos Page 14 Page 11 JANUARY 2015 Thursday, 01 January- HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!! * St. Basil the Great/ Circumcision of Our Lord. Div. Lit :00am Sunday, 04 January- * Sunday before Epiphany. Orthros……………..8:45am. Div. Lit :00am Tuesday, 06 January- *The Theophany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Div. Lit :00am Wednesday, 07 January- * Synaxis of John the Holy Glorious Prophet, Baptist, & Forerunner. Div. Lit :30am Sunday, 14 January- * Sunday after Epiphany. Orthros :45am. Div. Lit :00am **The Holy Unction of the Water at Wantagh Park following the Divine Liturgy following the Div. Liturgy Saturday, 17 January -* St. Antonios. Celebrated on Sunday the 18th. Sunday, 18 January- * 12th Sunday of Luke. St. Athanasios & Cyril Patriarchs. Orthros……………………………………....8:45am. Div. Lit :00am Tuesday, 20 January- * St. Euthymius the Great. Celebrated on Sunday the 18th. Sunday, 25 January- * 15th Sunday of Luke. Orthros :45am. Div. Lit :00am Tuesday, 27 January- St. John Chrysostom. Div. Liturgy……………………………………….…9:30am Friday, 30 January- *Synaxis of the three Hierarchs.

Clergy Etiquette The following is a guide for properly addressing Orthodox clergy. Greeting Clergy in Person When we address Deacons or Priests, we should use the title “Father.” Bishops we should address as “Your Grace.” Though all Bishops (including Patriarchs) are equal in the Orthodox Church, they do have different administrative duties and honors that accrue to their rank in this sense. Thus, “Your Eminence” is the proper title for assistant Bishops, Metropolitans, and most Archbishops (among the exceptions to this rule is the Archbishop of Athens, who is addressed as “Your Beatitude”). “Your Beatitude” is the proper title for Patriarchs (except for the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople, who is addressed as “Your All—Holiness”). When we approach an Orthodox Presbyter or Bishop (but not a Deacon), we make a bow by reaching down and place our right hand over the left (palms upward), and say: “Bless, Father” (or “Bless, Your Grace,” or “Bless, Your Eminence,” etc.). The Priest or Bishop then answers, “May the Lord bless you,” blesses us with the Sign of the Cross, and places his right hand in our hands. We kiss then his hand. We should understand that when the Priest or Bishop blesses us, he forms his fingers to represent the Christogram “ICXC” a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for “Jesus Christ” (i.e., the first and last letters of each of the words “IHCOYC XRICTOC”). Thus, the Priest’s blessing is in the Name of Christ, as he emphasizes in his response to the believer’s request for a blessing. We should also note that the reason that a lay person kisses the hand of a Priest or Bishop is to show respect to his Apostolic office. More importantly, however, since both hold the Holy Mysteries in their hands during the Divine Liturgy, we show respect to the Holy Eucharist when we kiss their hands. In fact, Saint John Chrysostomos once said that if one were to meet an Orthodox Priest walking along with an Angel, that he should greet the Priest first and kiss his hand, since that hand has touched the Body and Blood of our Lord. For this latter reason, we do not normally kiss the hand of a Deacon. While a Deacon in the Orthodox Church holds the first level of the Priesthood (Deacon, Presbyter, Bishop), his service does not entail blessing the Mysteries. When we take leave of a Priest or Bishop, we should again ask for a blessing, just as we did when we first greeted him. In the case of married clergy, the wife of a Priest or Deacon is also informally addressed with a title. Since the Mystery of Marriage binds a Priest and his wife together as “one flesh,” the wife shares in a sense her husband’s Priesthood. This does not, of course, mean that she has the very Grace of the Priesthood or its office, but the dignity of her husband’s service certainly accrues to her, and for this reason she is called Presvytera. The wife of a Deacon is called “Diakonissa.” Whenever you speak to Orthodox clergy of Priestly rank on the telephone, you should always begin your conversation by asking for a blessing: “Father, bless.” When speaking with a Bishop, you should say “Bless, Despota [Thés—po—ta]”. It is also appropriate to say, “Bless, Your Grace” (or “Your Eminence,” etc.). You should end your conversation by asking for a blessing again. Addressing Clergy in a Letter When we write to a clergyman (and, by custom, monastics), we should open our letter with the greeting, “Bless, Father.” At the end of the letter, it is customary to close with the following line: “Kissing your right hand….” It is not appropriate to invoke a blessing on a clergyman, as many do: “May God bless you.” Not only does this show a certain spiritual arrogance before the image of the cleric, but laymen do not have the Grace of the Priesthood and the prerogative to bless in their stead. Even a Priest properly introduces his letters with the words, “The blessing of the Lord” or “May God bless you,” rather than offering his own blessing. Though he can do the latter, humility prevails in his behavior, too. Needless to say, when a clergyman writes to his ecclesiastical superior, he should ask for a blessing and not bestow one. Formal Address Orthodox Priests are addressed as “The Reverend Father,” if they are married Priests. If they are Hieromonks (monks who are also Priests), they are addressed as “The Reverend Hieromonk.” Priests with special honors are addressed in this manner: an Archimandrite (the highest monastic rank below that of Bishop), “The Very Reverend Archimandrite” (or, in the Slavic jurisdictions, “The Right Reverend Archimandrite”); and Proto-presbyters, “The Very Reverend Protopresbyter.” In personal address, as we noted above, all Priests are called “Father,” usually followed by their first names (e.g., “Father John”). Bishops in the Orthodox Church are addressed as “The Right Reverend Bishop,” followed by their first name (e.g., “The Right Reverend Bishop John”). Archbishops, Metropolitans, and Patriarchs are addressed as “The Most Reverend Archbishop” (“Metropolitan,” or “Patriarch”). Because they are also monastics, all ranks of Archpastors (Bishops, Archbishops, Metropolitans, or Patriarchs) are addressed by their first names or first names and sees (e.g., “ArchBishop Demetrios of San America”). It is not correct to use the family name of a Bishop—or any monastic for that matter. Though many monastics and Bishops use their family names, even in Orthodox countries like Russia and Greece, this is absolutely improper and a violation of an ancient Church custom. All male monastics in the Orthodox Church are called “Father,” whether they hold the Priesthood or not, and are formally addressed as “Monk (name),” if they do not have a Priestly rank. If they are of Priestly rank, they are formally addressed as “Hieromonk”. Monastics are some-times addressed according to their monastic rank; for example, “Rasophoros—monk (name),” “Stavrophoros—monk (name),” or “Schemamonk (name).” The Abbot of a monastery is addressed as “The Very Reverend Abbot,” whether he holds Priestly rank or not and whether or not he is an Archimandrite by rank. Under no circumstances whatsoever is an Orthodox monk addressed by laymen as “Brother.” This is a Latin custom. The term “Brother” is used in Orthodox monasteries in two instances only: first, to designate beginners in the monastic life (novices or, in Greek, dokimoi [“those being tested”]), who are given a blessing, in the strictest tradition, to wear only the inner cassock and a monastic cap; and second, as an occasional, informal form of address between monastics themselves (including Bishops). Again, as we noted above, a monk should never use his last name. This reflects the Orthodox understanding of monasticism, in which the monastic dies to his former self and abandons all that identified him in the world. Lay people are also called to respect a monk’s death to his past. (In Greek practice, a monk sometimes forms a new last name from the name of his monastery. Thus a monk from the Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery [Mone Agiou Gregoriou Palama, in Greek] might take the name Agiogregorites.) The titles which we have used for male monastics also apply to female monastics. In fact, a community of female monastics is often called a “monastery” rather than a convent (though there is nothing improper, as some wrongly claim, in calling a monastery for women a “convent”), just as the word “convent,” in its strictest meaning, can apply to a monastic community of males, too. Women monastics are formally addressed as “Nun (name)” or “Rasophore—nun (name),” etc., and the Abbess of a convent is addressed as “The Very Reverend Abbess.” Though traditions for informal address vary, in most places, Rasophore nuns are called “Sister,” while any monastic above the rank of Rasophore is called “Mother.” Novices are addressed as “Sister.” Page 12 Page 13

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