Κατέβασμα παρουσίασης
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Αγκωνας ανατομια και εμβιομηχανικη
Γιαννης Καλουδης
Μαθησιακα αποτελέσματα
Ανασκοπηση της λειτουργιας του αγκωνα Ανασκοπηση της ανατομιας του συμπλεγματος του αγκωνα Ανασκοπηση της εμβιομηχανικής του συμπλεγματος του αγκωνα
Γενικα χαρακτηριστικα
Το συμπλεγμα του αγκώνα: Παρέχει επιπλέον κινητικόητα και λειτουργικότητα στο ανω άκρο και στο χέρι Παρέχει σταθερότητα για επιδέξιες ή ισχυρές κινήσεις της άκρας χείρας. Οι αρθρώσεις του συμπλεγματος του αγκώνα: βραχιονωλενια(ΒΩ), βραχιονοκερκιδική (ΒΚ), ανω και κατω and κερκιδωλενικές αρθρώσεις ΒΩ & ΒΚ joints επιτρέπουν κάμψη και εκταση και συμμετέχουν στο οβελιαίο επιπεδο,γύρω απο μετωπιαίο άξονα. Οι άνω και κάτω κερκιδωλενικές αρθρώσεις δρουν μαζί και επιτρέπουν υπτιασμό και πρηνισμό του αντιβραχίου στο κάθετο επίπεδο,γύρω απο επιμήκη άξονα.
Βραχιονοκερκιδική αρθρωση
Now let’s take a closer look at the joints that make up the elbow complex The humeroradial joint is where the convex surface of the Capitulum articulates with the concave radial head Articulation involves sliding of the concave head of the radius over the convex surface of the capitulum. In Extension there is no contact at all between surfaces but the amount of contact increases with ever increasing elbow flexion. During flexion the rim of the radial head glides in what is known as the capitulotrochlear grove and enters the radial fossa in full flexion, which is also the close-packed position of the elbow. Passive flexion can have a bony or hard end feel and this is due to the contact made between the head of the radius and the floor of the radial fossa on the humerus. The humeroradial joint is considered a “non-axial, gliding” joint and the biomechanics are considered to broadly follow the concave convex rule. The stability of this joint in conjuction with the humeroulnar joint is maintained by the configuration of the joint surfaces (osseus stability), the ligaments (ligamentous) and the joint capsule
Βραχιονωλενια άρθρωση
The humeroulnar joint is where the hourglass shaped trochlear articulates with the trochlear notch. Articulation involves sliding of the ulna on the trochlear. The trochlear notch has a ridge which slides along the trochlear groove on the distal humerus. In full flexion the coronoid process reaches the floor of the coronoid fossa. This joint is classified as a uniaxial hinge joint. The axis for flexion/extension (Morray) is the centre of the trochlear/capitulum as viewed laterally. From extension to flexion (in mid/pro/sup) the forearm rotates internally (five degrees) during the early part of and then rotated externally during the terminal part of flexion (contrary to Dempsters earlier work). This rotation is dictated by the articular surfaces and ligamentous constraints. This lateral rotation could account for the problems seem in athletes who throw repetitively as the medial aspect of the olecranon and the fossa create contact as the elbow is forcibly snapped into extension. The long axis of the forearm changes from valgus to varus during flexion i.e. the carrying angle is lost. Fick observed opening of the medial side of the humero-ulna articulation during full extension and on the lateral side during full flexion. The joint is considered at its most stable ‘closed packed’ in extension
Ανω και κατω κερκιδωλενικες
SRUJ – UNIAXIAL PIVOT JOINT The axis for pronation/Supination falls along a line extending from the centre of the radial head through the base of the ulna styloid. The articulating surfaces of the superior radioulnar joint include the radial notch on the ulna, the annular ligament, the capitulum and the head of the radius. The annular ligament is lined with articular cartilage which is continuous with that of the radial notch (hence it forms part of the articulating surface) The surface of the radial notch is concave and covered in hyaline cartilage. The annular ligament attaches onto the anterior and posterior surfaces of the radial notch. Studies have established convincingly that the joint does not follow the concave convex rule but is paradoxical. During Supination the radial head glides posteriorly as it roll/spins and conversely of pronation the radial head glides anteriorly (Jean Pierre Baeyens 2006)
Γωνία Απόκλισης (Carrying Angle)
Ορισμός: Η γωνία μεταξύ του μακρού άξονα του βραχιονίου και του μακρού άξονα του αντιβραχίου από ανατομική θέση Οφείλεται στη μορφολογία των αρθρ. επιφανειών της ωλενοβραχιονίου άρθρωσης ♂ 5° ♀ 10-15° Σε θέση πλήρους κάμψης και πρηνισμού, η γωνία αυτή εξαφανίζεται.
Γωνια αποκλισης
Εύρος Τροχιάς Κάμψη 135 – 145° (ενεργητική – με υπτιασμό αντιβραχίου)
150 – 160° (Παθητική με Έκταση 0 – -10° Υπτιασμός αντιβραχίου: 90 ° Πρηνισμός αντιβραχίου: 80 to 90 °
Σταθεροτητα του συμπλεγματος
Bony configuration, the collateral ligaments, local muscles and the capsule all contribute to the valgus and varus stability of the elbow complex . allowing it to rotate through degrees with the elbow flexed, however, this mobility is at the expense of stability because the movable forearm is unable to provide a stable base for the attachment of hand and wrist muscles. The main flexors and extensors of the wrist and hand therefore originate from the medial and lateral epicondyle of the humerus respectively. These muscles help anatomically to reinforce the elbow capsule thereby increasing the elbow’s stability(by means of co-contraction). These muscles also act in such a way that they cause compression of the elbow joints and passive tension in the medial musculature contributes to valgus stability in supination, and the lateral to varus stabilty in pronation
Ορια του αρθρικού θύλακου
The joint capsule extends from the humerus superiorly (anteriorly and posteriorly from just above the fossae) to the annular ligament, surrounding the radial head, and the ulna along the margin of the coronoid process inferiorly. It is lax and thin anteriorly and posteriorly allowing the joint to enjoy freedom of movement, medially and laterally it is reinforced by the ligaments that support the elbow complex
Μεσόστεος υμένας The two layers of fibres of the Interosseous membrane run in opposite directions obliquely between the two bones and this configuration helps to strengthen the attachment between the radius and the ulna. The predominant fibre direction is from the radius distally to the ulna (i.e. obliquely down and medially). This enables forces from the wrist to pass up the radius and then to be transmitted across to the ulna where they can then effectively cross the elbow. The interosseus membrane primarily attaches onto the ulna along its medial border which is known as the interosseus border. The proximal end is considered deficient, but reinforced by an oblique cord. The membrane fulfils a number of functions… It provides a system for force transmission It provides attachment for the deep muscles of the forearm. It is essential in maintaining the length relationship between the radius and ulna and stabilizing the forearm and the distal radioulnar joint during supination and pronation
Βοηθητικές κινήσεις του αγκωνα
Μικρές σε σχέση με το υπολοιπο άκρο Η μεγάλη σταθερότητα της άρθρωσης στηρίζεται στην αυλακωτή μορφή της τροχηλίας του βραχιονίου καθώς και στις ταιριαστές επιφάνειες της ωλένης και της κερκίδας . Επίσης στους ισχυρούς πλάγιους συνδέσμους. Σε κάψηέλξη εάν το βραχιόνιο έιναι σταθεροποιημένο. Θέση κλειδώματος:έκταση και 5ο υπτιασμός
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Πως ονομαζεται το σημειο Χ? Αυλακα του ωλενίου νεύρου
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