ΕΛΛΗΝΟ-ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ Το έπος του 1940 ( )

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "ΕΛΛΗΝΟ-ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ Το έπος του 1940 ( )"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 ΕΛΛΗΝΟ-ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ Το έπος του 1940 (1940-1941)
Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

2 Το καταδρομικό «Έλλη» που βυθίστηκε στο λιμάνι της Τήνου ανήμερα τον Δεκαπενταύγουστο του 1940 από Ιταλικό υποβρύχιο

3 Το Ιταλικό υποβρύχιο «Ντελφίνο» που βύθισε την «Έλλη»

4 Εφημερίδα Ασύρματος (28η Οκτωβρίου 1940)

5 ΕΠΙΣΤΡΑΤΕΥΣΗ Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

6 Ο αποχαιρετισμός της μάνας: Η Παναγιά μαζί σου

7 Αναχώρηση για το μέτωπο

8 «Η ταν ή επί τας»

9 «Με το χαμόγελο στα χείλη, παν οι φαντάροι μας μπροστά...»

10 Η Παναγιά μαζί σας!

11 ΣΤΟ ΜΕΤΩΠΟ Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

12 «Η αγάπη θέλει φίλημα και ο πόλεμος τραγούδια...»

13 Η πορεία στο χιόνι

14 Πορεία στο χιόνι

15 Το έπος του 1940

16 Το έπος του 1940

17 Το έπος του 1940

18 Ο Υποστράτηγος Χ. Κατσιμήτρος Διοικητής 8ης Μεραρχίας Ηπείρου

19 Ο Συνταγματάρχης Κ. Δαβάκης Διοικητής αποσπάσματος Πίνδου

20 Στα βουνά της Πίνδου

21 Το έπος του 1940

22 Τραυματίες πολέμου σε Νοσοκομείο

23 ΟΙ ΠΡΩΤΕΣ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΕΣ Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

24 Κορυτσά. (21 Νοε 1940) Πρεμετή. (3 Δεκ 1940) Άγιοι Σαράντα
Κορυτσά! (21 Νοε 1940) Πρεμετή! (3 Δεκ 1940) Άγιοι Σαράντα! (6 Δεκ 1940) Αργυρόκαστρο! (8 Δεκ 1940)

25 Απελευθέρωση Κορυτσάς: 22 Νοεμβρίου 1940

26 Το πανηγύρι της ΝΙΚΗΣ μετά τις επιτυχίες του ελληνικού στρατού

27 Το τεύχος του αμερικάνικου περιοδικού Life αφιερωμένο στον Έλληνα Στρατιώτη: Greek Soldier (Δεκέμβριος 1940)

Η ΤΕΧΝΗ ΥΜΝΕΙ ΤΟ ΕΠΟΣ ΤΟΥ 1940 Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

29 Σοφία Βέμπο: Η τραγουδίστρια της ΝΙΚΗΣ

30 Αέραααα!!!

31 «Εμπρός, της Ελλάδος παιδιά!» (έργο Κ. Γραμματόπουλου)
«Εμπρός, της Ελλάδος παιδιά!» (έργο Κ. Γραμματόπουλου)

32 Έλληνας Τσολιάς: «Μολών Λαβέ!» (έργο Κ. Γραμματόπουλου)
Έλληνας Τσολιάς: «Μολών Λαβέ!» (έργο Κ. Γραμματόπουλου)

33 «Η Παναγιά μαζί του» (έργο Γ. Γουναρόπουλου)
«Η Παναγιά μαζί του» (έργο Γ. Γουναρόπουλου)

34 Το έπος του 1940

35 Το έπος του 1940

36 Αέρααα...! (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)
Αέρααα...! (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)

37 «Η προέλασις» (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)
«Η προέλασις» (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)

38 «Ξαφνικά μέσ’ τη νύχτα» (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)

39 «Μέχρις εσχάτων!» (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)
«Μέχρις εσχάτων!» (πίνακας του Α. Αλεξανδράκη)

40 Το έπος του 1940

41 Το έπος του 1940

42 Το έπος του 1940

43 Ηρωικές Γυναίκες της Πίνδου

44 «Για τους στρατιώτες» (έργο Βάσως Κατράκη)
«Για τους στρατιώτες» (έργο Βάσως Κατράκη)

45 «Οι ηρωίδες του 1940» (έργο Κ. Γραμματόπουλου)
«Οι ηρωίδες του 1940» (έργο Κ. Γραμματόπουλου)

46 Mantegna, The Flemish Proverbs. 1559

47 Το ορεινό πυροβολικό μας: αναπαράσταση κέρινων ομοιωμάτων (Μουσείο Βρέλλη, Ιωάννινα)

48 Η 8η Μεραρχία: αναπαράσταση κέρινων ομοιωμάτων (Μουσείο Βρέλλη, Ιωάννινα)

49 Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος Το έπος του 1940 (1940-1941)
Ελληνοϊταλικός Πόλεμος Το έπος του 1940 ( ) Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

50 ΤΑ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΑ Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

51 Ο βασιλιάς Γεώργιος ο Β΄

52 Ο Πρωθυπουργός Ιωάννης Μεταξάς

53 Ο αρχιστράτηγος Αλέξανδρος Παπάγος

54 Ο Υποστράτηγος Χ. Κατσιμήτρος Διοικητής 8ης Μεραρχίας Ηπείρου

55 Ο Συνταγματάρχης Κ. Δαβάκης Διοικητής αποσπάσματος Πίνδου

56 Σοφία Βέμπο: Η τραγουδίστρια της ΝΙΚΗΣ

57 Επιμέλεια Παρουσιάσης: Φιλοθέη Κολίτση
Επιμέλεια Παρουσιάσης: Φιλοθέη Κολίτση Delacroix, Eugène, in full FERDINAND- VICTOR-EUGENE DELACROIX (b. April 26, 1798, Charenton-Saint-Maurice, Fr.--d. Aug. 13, 1863, Paris), the greatest French Romantic painter, whose use of colour was influential in the development of both Impressionist and Postimpressionist painters. His inspiration came chiefly from historical or contemporary events or literature, and a visit to Morocco in 1832 provided him with further exotic subjects. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1994 Eugene Delacroix is numbered among the greatest and most influential of French painters. He is most often classified as an artist of the Romantic School. His remarkable use of color was later to influence impressionist painters and even modern artists such as Pablo Picasso. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix was born on April 26, 1798, in Charenton-St-Maurice, France. In 1815 he became the pupil of the French painter Pierre-Narcisse Guerin and began a career that would produce more than 850 paintings and great numbers of drawings, murals, and other works. In 1822 Delacroix submitted his first picture to the important Paris Salon exhibition: Dante and Virgil in Hell. A technique used in this work--many unblended colors forming what at a distance looks like a unified whole--would later be used by the impressionists. His next Salon entry was in 1824: Massacre at Chios. With great vividness of color and strong emotion it pictured an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed by Turks on the island of Chios. The French government purchased it for 6,000 francs. The Massacre at Chios (60 Kb); Oil on canvas; Louvre Impressed by the techniques of English painters such as John Constable, Delacroix visited England in His tours of the galleries, visits to the theater, and observations of English culture in general made a lasting impression upon him. Between 1827 and 1832 Delacroix seemed to produce one masterpiece after another. He again used historical themes in The Battle of Nancy and The Battle of Poitiers. The poetry of Lord Byron inspired a painting for the 1827 Salon, Death of Sardanapalus. Delacroix also created a set of 17 lithographs to illustrate a French edition of Goethe's Faust.

Κατέβασμα ppt "ΕΛΛΗΝΟ-ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ Το έπος του 1940 ( )"

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