Greek Roots.

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Greek Roots."— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Greek Roots

2 Greek Roots Almost 70% of the English language is derived from Latin and Greek By studying Greek and Latin roots, you can gain a better understanding of English, and it becomes easier to recognize and decode unfamiliar words that are related to these roots.

3 astr ἀστηρ “star” astronomy, astrology, astronaut, asteroid

4 bio βιος “life” biology, amphibian, biography

5 geo γαια “earth” geology, geography

6 hydr ὑδωρ “water” hydrophobia, hydrant, hydroelectric, dehydrate

7 mega μεγας “big”, “large” megalopolis, megaphone, megabyte

8 micro μικρος “small” microscope, microphone

9 mono μονος “alone”, “single”, “one”
monarchy, monologue, monotonous, monopoly

10 phil φιλος - “friendship” φιλεω - “to love”
philanthropy, philosophy, Philadelphia, Phillip

11 phon φωνη “sound”, “voice” phonics, telephone, microphone

12 photo φως “light” photosynthesis, photograph

13 poly πολυς “many” polytheism, polygon

14 protos πρωτος “first” prototype, protozoan, protagonist

15 psyche ψυχη “spirit”, “mind”, “soul” psychology, psychosis

16 tele τηλε “distant”, “far away”
telephone, television, telepathy, telescope

17 thermos θερμος “heat” thermometer, thermostat, hypothermia

18 Bonus Roots νομος - arrangement, law, order
λογος - word, reason, speech, thought φοβος - fear πολις - city σκοπος - look at, examine αρχη - rule ἀνθρωπος - man θεος - god

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