Licensing Marketing Manager


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Licensing Marketing Manager Preparation Workshop for the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Exam 70-671 Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organizations Konstantinos Kritis Licensing Marketing Manager Microsoft Hellas

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in Licensing Ποια είναι τα οφέλη για εσάς;   Η ύπαρξη 2 τουλάχιστον MCPs αποτελεί μία από τις βασικές προϋποθέσεις για την απόκτηση του Volume Licensing Competency καθώς και την διάκριση της εταιρία σας ως Microsoft Silver Competent Partner. Η κατάρτιση MCP αποτελεί σημαντικό επαγγελματικό εφόδιο για τους πιστοποιημένους συνεργάτες σας αλλά και όχημα παραγωγικότητας για την επιχείρηση σας. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες από τον Μιχάλη Μεταξά (211-1206411,

Procedure 1 day training for giving the 70-671 exam In the next 3 days: You will receive instructions for giving the exam and the link with the material MATERIAL : PPTs (training) Localized training material, prep tests Exam Scenarios Don’t forget to complete the evaluation form

Microsoft Volumenlizenzprogramme - September 2005 How the Exam works In English The test is scenario-based You will be given a business case (5 business cases) for a specific customer, and there will be 4-8 questions that are based on that business case.   The questions are multiple choice.  If there is more than one correct answer, you will get a hint: “Choose two” or “Choose all that apply” The exam will last between 2hrs and 3hrs You will need 700 points (out of 1000) to pass the exam (70%) There are no “impossible” answers. Each answer is potentially possible, but may be not the “best” solution for the customer based on the criteria as stated in the given business case.

How the Exam works Please read the customer scenario carefully. After you finish reading, answer the questions in the given time. The customer scenario provides information for reference that you need in completing these questions. After completing the questions, you will see a review screen. This screen allows you to review your answers and to make changes before you move to the next section of the exam. You cannot return to this customer scenario after you begin a new section!

Agenda Product Licensing VL Programs Software Assurance Case Studies 30 minute break at 14.45 (Light lunch) 15 minute break at 17:00 (Coffee break) Hint: Please keep notes and ask for clarification whenever is required!

Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Product Licensing seminar. Product Licensing Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Microsoft Sells Licenses, Not Software We sell licenses to use software… We don’t sell the software Software can only be used within parameters defined by the license Match customer needs Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microsoft Corporation for the Microsoft software product identified above, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, "online" or electronic documentation, and Internet-based services ("Product"). An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accompany the Product. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT; YOU MAY RETURN IT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Microsoft grants you the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this EULA: * Installation and use. You may install, use, access, display and run one copy of the product on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device (“workstation computer"). The product may not be used by more than two processors at any one time on any single workstation computer. You may permit a maximum of 10 computers or other electronic devices (each a “device") to connect to the workstation computer to utilize the services of the product solely for File and Print services, Internet Information Services, and remote access (including connection sharing and telephony services). The 10 connection maximum includes any indirect connections made through "multiplexing" or other software or hardware which pools or aggregates connections. Except as otherwise permitted by the NetMeeting, Remote Assistance, and Remote Desktop features described below, you may not use the product to permit any device to use, access, display or run other executable software residing on the workstation computer, nor may you permit any device to use, access, display, or run the product or product's user interface, unless the device has a separate license for the product. The common perception is a misconception It is a common misconception that software, once purchased, may be used by the person(s) who bought it in any, and every way they want. Customers think that they can buy one software product and then re-install it more than once. Although this may be physically possible, it is actually against the law. Intellectual Property (IP) allows people to own their creativity and innovation in the same way that they own physical property. The owner of IP can control and be rewarded for its use, and this encourages further innovation and creativity to the benefit of all involved. The four main types of IP are: Patents for inventions - new and improved products and processes that are capable of industrial application. Trade Marks for brand identity - of goods and services allowing distinctions to be made between different traders. Designs for product appearance - of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colors, shape, texture or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation. Copyright for material - literary and artistic material, music, films, sound recordings and broadcasts, including software and multimedia. Source: UK Government IP Web site Microsoft does not sell software, it sells the right to use the software. Use of the software outside of the rights defined is a breach of the vendor’s IPR. IP is protected by law in a number of ways. A software owner can protect their rights by: Civil action brought by the copyright owner Criminal proceedings brought by: A criminal enforcement authority, for example, Trading Standards, the Police or HM Customs Actions by HM Customs and Excise A private prosecution brought by the rights holder And Microsoft is no different than other software companies like IBM & Oracles (for example). If license are not used within the parameters defined, Microsoft has the right to revoke the right to use.

Server Licensing Microsoft servers can be licensed according to the following licensing models. Licensing Model Licenses Required Server Example Servers – Operating Systems Server license + CAL + optional external connector Windows Server Servers – Server/CAL Exchange Server Servers – Management Servers Server license + device management license System Center Configuration Manager Servers – Per Processor Per processor license SQL Server Speaker Notes: As per the PUR, the licensing models for servers are as follows: Servers – Operating Systems Servers – Server/CAL Servers – Management Servers Servers – Per Processor Servers – Specialty Servers

Standard and Enterprise CALs A CAL allows client computers access to the services of a server A Standard CAL allows client computers access to a limited set of fundamental services of the server Client gets basic functions Standard CAL An Enterprise CAL allows client computers access to more advanced services of the server It “adds to” rather than includes the functionality of the Standard CAL Enterprise CAL Client gets more functions BOTH CALs are required to give clients access to all functions Instructor Note: Enterprise CAL (or Additive CAL) was introduced in FY07, with the launch of Wave12 (Office2007, Vista and Exchange). These enterprise features can be enabled through the Admin module, simply by choosing from the menu “Enable Enterprise Features”, and entering the Enterprise CAL product key. For example, with Exchange Server 2007, the Enterprise CAL provides these additional features: Advanced Exchange ActiveSync Policies Unified Messaging Per-User/Per-Distribution List Journaling Managed E-mail Folders (Custom Folders) Forefront Online Security for Exchange (formerly Exchange Hosted Filtering) Forefront Security for Exchange Server In Office SharePoint Server, the additional features include: Business Data Catalog Excel Services Report Center InfoPath Forms Services Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Filter Web Parts Question to class : If a customer needs the functionality in server that requires the Enterprise CAL, do they need to buy the Standard/Base CAL? - Yes Standard CAL Client gets basic functions 2007 Office System Server Licensing

Servers and CALs – Per Device Server Licence Slide Overview: To understand the notion of Device CALs Notes to Presenter (Microsoft Confidential): Ensure that attendees understand that a device CAL entitles them to access the services of that type of server anywhere on the network The CAL is not only product-specific, but it is also version-specific, which means that the version of the CAL must be at least the same or higher than the installed version of the server. Note that a Windows Server CAL is required whether you use client software supplied by Microsoft or software from a third party vendor Supporting Information: Transition: The other way of licensing a CAL... Device CAL Number of CALs equal to total number of devices accessing or utilising the server(s)

Servers and CALs – Per User Server Licence Phone and /or PDA Slide Overview: To understand the notion of User CALs Notes to Presenter (Microsoft Confidential): Make sure that people realise that this is a frequent and usual scenario – use your own example of many devices connecting to get email Windows Device and User CALs can be used on the same server. For ease of management and tracking though, Microsoft recommends that customers choose to acquire CALs on either a device or user basis. Give examples at the end of the slide as to when a Device CAL would be useful – perhaps in a manufacturing organisation where a PC was used for lots of people to enter timesheet information Supporting Information: Transition: And the final aspect with CALs is to understand that there are different Client Access Licensing Modes... User CAL One CAL covers the total number of devices accessing or utilising the server owned by one person

Check-point Question (1 of 2) What is a CAL? A CAL is a software product that enables a user to access the services of the server. A CAL is a license that gives a user the right to access the services of the server. A CAL is a software product license for preferred customers. A CAL is a special kind of license used by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).

Check-point Question (1 of 2): Solution What is a CAL? A CAL is a software product that enables a user to access the services of the server. A CAL is a license that gives a user the right to access the services of the server. A CAL is a software product license for preferred customers. A CAL is a special kind of license used by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Option B is correct. A CAL is a license that gives the user the right to access the services of the server. Option A is incorrect. A CAL is not a software product. Option C is incorrect. A CAL is not a software product license for preferred customers. Option D is incorrect. OEMs do not use CALs. Option B is correct.

Product Licensing 1 Windows Server 2008 license with User-CAL Your customer has 2 full-time and 12 part-time employees that share desktops. There is one Microsoft Windows 2008 Server that needs to be upgraded in order to keep up with sales growth. Which options are the most cost effective? Windows Server 2008 license with User-CAL Windows Server 2008 license with Device CALs Windows Server 2008 license with External Connector

Per Processor Licensing SQL Server Standard running in the physical OSE, 4 physical processors (regardless of cores) = 4 processor licenses (no CALs required) SQL Server Standard running in 2 virtual OSEs, 2 virtual processors used = 2 processor licenses (no CALs required)

External Connector External Connector Licence External users (not employees) may be licensed with individual CALs or a single EC Licence (per server)

Server/CAL Licensing: Example Microsoft Windows XP Pro Windows Server 2008CAL Windows Server 2008 CAL Client Licenses The Internet External User CAL Server Licenses Exchange Server Windows Server 2008 SQL per Processor Exchange Server CAL Terminal Licenses Windows Server 2008 CAL Terminal Server CAL (or Windows Remote Desktop Services CAL) Exchange CAL Windows Server 2008 External Connector License Exchange Server CAL Speaker Notes: In the sample network configuration presented on the screen, the licenses that would be required for the devices connected to the network are as follows: The customer would require two licenses for the physical server; Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Client computers accessing the server would require CALs. The server always defines the CAL. For example, a client device accessing a server using Windows would need a Windows CAL. An External Connector license is also required for all authenticated external users that access the server. Exchange Server CAL

Updated Core CAL Suite from August 2011 SharePoint Enterprise CAL SC Service Manager CML Lync Enterprise CAL SC Data Protection Manager CML Forefront UAG CAL Windows RMS CAL Exchange Enterprise CAL SC Operations Manager CML Forefront Protection Suite SL Lync Standard CAL SharePoint Standard CAL Windows Server CAL Exchange Standard CAL SC Configuration Manager CML Forefront Endpoint Protection Network Infrastructure Collaboration Management Security

Standard CAL Enterprise CAL Plus CAL CALS Standard CAL Enterprise CAL Plus CAL Exchange Server 2010 email, calender, contacts Unified Messaging, archiving, anti-virus, anti-spam, … - SharePoint Server 2010 sites, content, Communities, search Business Connectivity Services Excel Services, … Lync Server 2010 IM, presence Audio Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Video Conferencing Enterprise-VoIP OCS 2007 R2 Call Management

System Center Products Description System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) Assesses, deploys, and updates servers, client computers, and devices Data Protection Manager (SCDPM) Data protection, backup, and recovery SCDPM 2010: Server license included in ML Operations Manager (SCOM) Insight into the state, health and performance of the IT environment Service Manager (SCSM) Integrated platform for automating and adapting IT service management best practices Virtual Machine Manager (SCVM) Management solution for virtualized data centers with centralized management of the IT Infrastructure Server license included in ML OSE = Operating System Environment

Product Licensing 2 Your customer has 2000 sales representatives with a notebook and a handheld device each. There are 800 desktops in the main office. They want to launch an online store to increase sales. Their network comprises Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2007, SharePoint Server 2007 and SQL Server 2005 for the online store. What options below do you recommend? (all answers that apply) Core CAL Suite per Device Core CAL Suite per User Windows Server User-CAL Exchange Server Device-CAL SQL Server CALs SQL Server per processor licenses SharePoint Portal Server CAL

Product licensing 3 You customer has 350 desktops running Office and Core CAL Suite. Their network contains 6 Windows Servers 2003. They now plan to deploy Systems Center Configuration Manager Server 2007. Which additional licenses does the customer need? SQL CALs only SQL CALs and SMS CALs SQL Per Processor Licenses and SCC with SQL 2008 Technology SQL Per Processor Licenses only SCC with SQL 2005 Technology

Windows Small Business Server (SBS): 1–2 Box Solution Maxed out at 75 Users or Devices

What's in Small Business Server 2008? Standard Edition Premium Edition Standard Edition plus a second server running Windows Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition for Small Business Windows Server 2008 Windows SharePoint Services v3 Exchange Server 2010 Forefront Security for Exchange 120 day trial Integration with Office Live Small Business Standard CAL Works for both editions Premium CAL Needed for Users or Devices accessing SQL

Checkpoint question This customer needs SBS CALs for all 75 employees. 25 of them need access to SQL Server. Which solution will you suggest if Open Value Companywide will be used? 1x Small Business Server, Premium + 75x SBS CAL, Premium 1x Small Business Server, Premium + 50x SBS CAL (Standard) + 25x SBS CAL, Premium 1x Small Business Server, Standard + 75x SBS CAL (Standard) + 1x SQL Server + 25x SQL CAL Answer 2: 1x Essential Business Server, Premium + 175x EBS CAL (Standard) + 25x EBS CAL, Premium. You cannot mix CALs for different server products, e.g. SBS and EBS CALs, but you can mix Standard and Premium CALs.

Windows Server 2008 and Virtualization Rights Why virtualization? Server consolidation and reduce energy costs

Office 2010: Simplified Suite Line-up Licensing Benefits Across Suites More Value in Each Suite Licensing Benefits New Suite Line-up New PCs Only OEM, PKC and FPP Only Volume License Only Starter* Home & Student Home & Business Professional Standard Pro Plus Word Starter Excel Starter Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Publisher Access Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook w/BCM Publisher Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook w/BCM Publisher Access InfoPath Communicator New SKU New New New New New New SKU New New Features Includes advertising Reduced functionality Optimized for server integration SharePoint Integration Advanced IRM IM and presence Outlook w/ BCM included only in Volume Licensing Suites Install 1 copy on up to 3 licensed devices Product Key Card to unlock single image New PCs only 1 license / 2 device Unlocks the SKUs preloaded with Office Single Image Does not include media Full Package Product 1 license / 1 device (Home & Student: 3 devices) Portable device rights License is transferable Includes media Volume Licensing Unlimited installs per licensed device Downgrade rights Portable device rights Choice of physical media or download Software Assurance can be Purchased Software Assurance Lowers the Price of Acquisition Flexible Annual Payment Moves expense from CAPEX to OPEX Reduces upgrades tied to hardware Preinstalled on new PCs only 1 license / 1 device Does not include media Objective and Key Messages The idea here is to focus on what the SKU’s are for each one of the three Retail and OEM/PKC SKU’s and the two VL SKU’s to highlight the new apps (One Note and Web Apps) and the new SKU (Office 2010 Home and Business). Starting with the left side of (more pertinent to OEM/PKC/FPP) the first four columns on the left. Some key points to highlight include: New Home and Business SKU PKC’s New PCs only 1 license for 1 device Used to unlock the SKUs preloaded with Office Single Image Does not include media Applies across all OEM, PKC and FPP Suites Increased functionality adds value Starter being OEM only Includes advertising Reduced functionality Web Apps with Windows Live for the OEM/PKC/FPP As for the two VLs, some key points to highlight include: Lowers the Price of Acquisition ( N-1 UTD) Flexible Annual Payment Moves software expense from CAPEX to OPEX Reduces upgrades tied to hardware Optimized for server integration IRM protection Workflow XL/Access services Presence BCM only included in Volume Licensing Suites Web Apps included in VL suites  Deployed on SharePoint for manageability & control Access Web Apps on Windows Live

Microsoft Office 2010 in Volume Licensing Standard Professional Plus Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Publisher Access InfoPath Communicator -> Lync Groove -> SharePoint Workspace In the MCP exam you should recommend Office Standard 2010 or Office Professional Plus 2010. Office Home&Business, Office Home&Student and Office Professional will never be the correct answer.

Desktop Applications Volume Licensing OEM, PKC FPP Licensed per device Perpetual use rights (not in EAS / OVS) Downgrade rights - Re-imaging rights Portable use rights Re-assignment rights (No need to buy new licenses when hardware is replaced) Use on a Terminal Server Software Assurance Benefits: Roaming Use Rights Home Use rights eLearning Office MLP

Windows Desktop OS OEM and FPP are the only way to purchase a “full” Windows desktop OS licence Windows 7 Professional sold through Volume Licensing is an “Upgrade” license only Not designed to be installed on a “naked” PC * Προϋπόθεση για την αγορά λειτουργικού, μέσα από τα προγράμματα αδειών χρήσης, είναι η ύπαρξη νόμιμου προ-εγκατεστημένου λειτουργικού συστήματος

Tι ισχύει μόνο για τα Windows O/S… Για καινούριους υπολογιστές η άδεια που απαιτείται παραμένει να είναι μόνο τα προ-εγκατεστημένα Windows (OEM). Για εταιρείες που επιθυμούν τρόπο επικύρωσης ή νομιμοποίησης των άδειων χρήσης του λειτουργικού του οποίου η προέλευση είναι αβέβαιη ή τα αποδεικτικά των αδειών χρήσης έχουν χαθεί και δεν είναι δυνατόν να αντικατασταθούν: GGWA (Get Genuine Windows Agreement) Πλήρης άδεια χρήσης των Windows 7, Windows Vista Business ή εναλλακτικά των Windows XP Professional (δικαίωμα downgrade) Δεν απαιτείται η απεγκατάσταση του λογισμικού που πρέπει να νομιμοποιηθεί.

Open Value Company-wide Windows Desktop OS Qualifying OS for Windows 7 Professional Upgrade via VL Open Value, Open License, Select License, Select Plus Enterprise Agreement, Open Value Company-wide (new) (existing) Academic Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) Enterprise  Professional Ultimate Home Premium - Starter Edition Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit) Business Home Basic Windows XP (32-bit or 64-bit) Tablet Edition Home Edition Windows 2000 Professional Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Windows 98 (incl. 2nd Edition) Apple Macintosh

Windows Desktop OS Volume Licensing OEM FPP Upgrade Full version and upgrade Perpetual use rights (not in EAS / OVS) License lives and dies with the hardware Perpetual Downgrade rights - Re-imaging rights Online license management (VLSC) Software Assurance Benefits: Additional Functionality Virtualization Rights Roaming Use Rights Purchase right for MDOP Add Software Assurance within 90 days

Windows Desktop OS Windows 7 Professional: 1 instance Windows 7 Professional + Software Assurance = Windows 7 Enterprise: 1+4 instances Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Enterprise

(Upgrade) & SA Windows VDA may be licensed separately Additional features Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) BitLocker Drive Encryption BitLocker to Go AppLocker Search Federation Subsystem for Unix-based Applications (SUA) Direct Access (Windows Server 2008 R2 required) BranchCache (Windows Server 2008 R2 required) Additional use rights Local use: You may run on the licensed device, at any one time: 1 instance in the POSE + up to 4 instances in VOSEs. Remote access: You may remotely access from the licensed device, at any one time: 1 instance in the POSE + up to 4 instances in VOSEs on servers Roaming Use Rights: The single primary user of the licensed device may remotely access instances running on servers from a qualifying 3rd party device Windows VDA may be licensed separately (e.g. for Thin Clients) Additional features may be used even after Software Assurance has expired. Virtualization rights and Roaming Use Rights expire with Software Assurance. (Upgrade) & SA

Volume Activation 2.0 (1) Microsoft Microsoft (2) MAK KMS Proxy Individual Purpose Centrally managed activation of multiple PCs Per machine activation Centrally managed activation of multiple PCs Activations One time; No re-activation required Re-activation at least every 180 days PC environment PCs may/may not connect to the Internet PCs usually connect to Internet Managed PCs that regularly connect to corporate networks How PCs activate One connection to Microsoft to activate multiple PCs Each PC connects to Microsoft to activate Each PC connects to company network to activate/re-activate (1) KMS Host Microsoft Microsoft Proxy (2) KMS Clients KMS Host

Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Volume Licensing seminar. Volume Licensing Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Προεγκατεστημένο λογισμικό (ΟΕΜ/DSP) ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΛΟΓΙΣΜΙΚΟΥ MICROSOFT Προεγκατεστημένο λογισμικό (ΟΕΜ/DSP) Λογισμικό προ-εγκατεστημένο μαζί με νέο Η/Υ αποκλειστικά από κατασκευαστές Η/Υ με σκοπό την μεταπώληση Συνοδεύει άπαξ τον ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή ή server στον οποίο εγκαταστάθηκε αρχικά από τον κατασκευαστή του (System Builder ή OEM Κατασκευαστή), χωρίς τη δυνατότητα μεταφοράς σε άλλον υπολογιστή/server. Χαμηλό κόστος Υποστήριξη πελάτη από κατασκευαστή – όχι από Microsoft Πακέτα Λιανικής (Retail – Full Packaged Products / FPP - PKC) Τα πακέτα λιανικής Retail / FPP είναι διαθέσιμα μέσω καταστημάτων λιανικής πώλησης και απευθύνονται τόσο σε οικιακούς χρήστες όσο και σε πολύ μικρές εταιρίες έως 10 Η/Υ. Στην συσκευασία περιλαμβάνονται τα αποθηκευτικά μέσα και οι έντυποι όροι της άδειας χρήσης Οι άδειες ενεργοποίησης PKC (Product Key Card) αποτελούν ένα νέο τρόπο αγοράς συγκεκριμένων εκδόσεων του Microsoft Office 2010 και απευθύνονται τόσο σε οικιακούς χρήστες όσο και σε πολύ μικρές εταιρίες έως 10 Η/Υ. Οι κάρτες PKC ενεργοποιούν το προ-εγκατεστημένο λογισμικό στον Η/Υ εφόσον υπάρχει το αντίστοιχο image του MS Office 2010.

ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΛΟΓΙΣΜΙΚΟΥ MICROSOFT Προγράμματα Αδειών Χρήσης (Volume Licensing Programs) Απευθύνονται σε εταιρίες που επιθυμούν να προμηθευτούν τουλάχιστον 5 άδειες Μεταφέρσιμες άδειες (εκτός της περίπτωση του λειτουργικού Windows) Άδειες για όλα τα προϊόντα Μειωμένο κόστος διαχείρισης & επώνυμες άδειες Επιπλέον δικαιώματα (SA Benefits, downgrade, etc.) Καλύτερα επίπεδα τιμών ανάλογα με την ποσότητα Ευέλικτοι τρόποι αγοράς (π.χ. τριετής εξόφληση) Online Services Απευθύνονται κυρίως σε μικρές και μεσαίες εταιρίες που θέλουν να αποκτήσουν λογισμικό πληρώνοντας μηνιαία συνδρομή και χρησιμοποιώντας το ως υπηρεσία Περιλαμβάνει προϊόντα που διατίθενται ως συνδρομητική υπηρεσία και φιλοξενούνται από την Microsoft μέσω του Microsoft Online Services Portal (υποστηρίζονται από τα Datacenters της Microsoft με SLA 99.9%). από την Microsoft μέσω του Volume License προγράμματος : Enterprise Agreement

ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΛΟΓΙΣΜΙΚΟΥ MICROSOFT Hosting – SPLA Απευθύνεται κυρίως σε μικρές και μεσαίες εταιρίες που θέλουν να αποκτήσουν λογισμικό πληρώνοντας μηνιαία συνδρομή και χρησιμοποιώντας το ως υπηρεσία (Software-as-a-Service). Το πρόγραμμα ονομάζεται Service Provider License Agreement και επιτρέπει την πληρωμή του λογισμικού ανάλογα με την χρήση (ανά μήνα/ανά χρήστη). Άδειες νομιμοποίησης / επικύρωσης λογισμικού (Get Genuine) Τα συγκεκριμένα προγράμματα αφορούν πελάτες που θέλουν να νομιμοποιήσουν το λογισμικό για το οποίο δεν κατέχουν άδεια χρήσης. Ως άδεια GGWA (Get Genuine Windows Agreement) για εταιρίες που θέλουν να νομιμοποιήσουν τουλάχιστον 5 άδειες λειτουργικού (OS) και ως GGK (Get Genuine Kit) για πελάτες που θέλουν να νομιμοποιήσουν λιγότερες από 5 άδειες

Volume License Positioning Customer Segment Transactional Comprehensive (Relational) Perpetual (Owned) Non-Perpetual (Time-defined) Small and Mid-Sized Organizations Open Value Open Value Company-Wide Open Value Subscription Large Organizations All markets OEM (5-250 PC) Microsoft Select Plus ( > 250 PC) Discussion: EA targets for sales, balance how we can position EA to transactional large customers. We offer different Volume Licensing programs, in two dimensions: by customer segment and by transaction 1. The vertical dimension is the customer segment. We distinguish between Small and Mid-Sized Organizations, typically any company between five and 500 PCs, and Large Organizations with 250+ PCs. Note that there is an overlap between these segments. For each of these two segments, we have a separate Volume Licensing training. Please bear in mind that Large Organizations sometimes also use a Volume Licensing program that is meant for Small and Mid-Sized Organizations, for example, when they need relatively few licenses. This is why we do recommend that LARs and ESAs attend both Volume Licensing training sessions. 2. On the horizontal dimension you see Transactional and Annuity-Based programs. A Transactional program requires a license to be obtained before the installation takes place. OEM, FPP, Open License and Select Plus are all based on this approach. Customers can “buy as and when they need” the licenses. The administrative overhead can be a major burden for both you and your customer. That is why we also have Annuity-Based Programs, which allow an annual count of the number of PCs or installed copies, annual ordering and annual payment. The benefits are obvious: a massive reduction of the administrative overhead and spread payments. Other points to note: Open Value (OV) Perpetual is not annual ordering for True Up. Annual ordering is for EA,EAS and OVS. You can say use 1st and pay later. For OV you need to buy within 30 days from time of install. EA,EAS,OVS would be annually. Annuity-based programs are for customer who want a stronger relationship and commitment with MS. EA is best for companies with >250 PCs, and OV for those <250 PCs Entity-Wide standardization TIP: Customer’s procurement process provides clue into their purchasing habit – and therefore whether you can propose enterprise-wide standardization

Transactional and Relational Licensing Transactional Licensing Relational Licensing Payment term: pay up-front (Ad-hoc purchases) Payment term: Spread, predictable payments, 0% interest Obtain licenses if and when needed Annual ordering Licensing programs: Open License Select Plus1 Open Value CW Enterprise Agreement Characteristics Flexible No ongoing commitments Appropriate for decentralized decision taking and ordering No price protection Finance your purchases Reduced overhead costs Lower cost per license Appropriate for centralized decision taking and ordering Long-term price protection Explain it in terms of payment flexibility/one-off. Licenses can be obtained in two distinct ways: Transactional Licensing means that the license follows the software program. If you decide to install a particular copy or make another copy, then a license is needed. This approach is very flexible: you only obtain licenses if and when needed. Volume Licensing programs that use this approach are Open License for Small and Mid-Sized Organizations and Select Plus for enterprises with at least 250 PCs. When many installations take place, the administrative overhead of monitoring installations, placing purchase orders and processing invoices make licensing a time-consuming process. As an alternative, customers can deploy Annuity-Based Licensing, which means that the customer only needs to count its desktops or installed copies, place a purchase order and pay one invoice per annum. Volume licensing programs that are Annuity-Based are MYO License*, OSL* and Open License Value for organizations with 5 to 250+ PCs, and Enterprise Agreement and Enterprise Subscription Agreement for Larger Organizations. *EMEA only programs In the case of Contoso, which uses a lot of Microsoft solutions, if I was the IT manager, transactional licensing would be too expensive to bear. With 0% interest, I might as well spread the payment out. 1 Spread payments for L&SA and SA-only.

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) OEM / COEM Support for all OEM Licensed software programs is provided by the hardware assembler, not Microsoft This is stipulated in the system builder license (attached to the side of the system builder pack) Value of OEM providing end-user support justifies lower pricing for OEM software Software Assurance & OEM Software Assurance Must be acquired within 90 days of the OEM Licensing acquisition Acquisition of SA provides Volume Licensing usage rights to the OEM Licensing Reimaging, downgrade right, right to move Office OEM 10000 units for OEM Support Support is an important issue with regards to OEM licensing. License agreements between Microsoft and OEM partners clearly state that the support is to be provided by the OEM in all cases. This is reflected in the amount that Microsoft charges OEMs for its software.

Why Volume Licensing? Volume Licensing programs provide customers the ability to buy just the rights required and the flexibility in acquiring it. These programs offer supplementary benefits, such as: Up-front or annual spread payments Additional savings and benefits associated with technology standardization on the desktop Cross-Language Rights Re-imaging Rights Portable Use Rights Software Assurance Downgrade Rights Simplify license management with single agreement and online tracking tool (VLSC) One VL key for activation – lower administration costs Speaker Notes: Volume Licensing programs offer SMB organizations the flexibility to choose the way these organizations acquire their software licenses. By separating the license from the media and documentation, and packaging, Volume Licensing offers cost-effective pricing, based on the size of the acquisition. SMB organizations require custom-tailored licensing solutions for their various needs. Microsoft Volume Licensing programs offer customized options and a variety of benefits that far outweigh those offered by Full Packaged Product (FPP) or Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) licensing solutions. These benefits include: The right to downgrade to any previous version of the software. The right to use other language versions of the software. The right to copy software onto multiple devices from one standard image, using Volume Licensing media. The right to install a second license on a portable computer. Note: This right is applicable to applications only.

Qualified Desktop Qualified Desktop means any PC, portable computer, workstation or similar device that is used by or for the benefit of the customer in its Enterprise Qualified Desktops do not include servers Industry devices = Line-of-Business-Devices devices running an embedded OS that do not access a VDI

Open Regional Affiliates To qualify as an Open regional affiliate, a corporate affiliate must: Be located in the same geographic region as the Open customer. Meet the definition criteria of a regional affiliate. Meet any additional affiliate definition for its specific region. Speaker Notes: In Open License, the name mentioned on the agreement must be that of the legal entity using the software. However, re-ordering by other entities within the same holding is permitted. Entities within the Open Value and Open Value Subscription programs can share the same agreement across entities in the same territory. In certain situations, multinational customers can share their Open License authorization number with their affiliates. This enables affiliates to place orders under one authorization number and at associated price levels. The Open License Agreement provides corporate customers with the ability to extend their purchasing power to qualifying affiliates throughout a single geographic region. Affiliates are permitted to take advantage of the Open customer’s price level without an upfront order commitment. This is on the condition that the order is placed with a participating Microsoft reseller within the affiliate's country and during the term of the Open authorization number. The Regional Affiliate program defines specific regions and participating countries for sharing authorization numbers. Definition Criteria: “The participating affiliate owns and controls, is owned and controlled by, or is under common ownership and control with the Open customer.”

Affiliates An affiliate organisation is one that is more than 50% owned by the main customer Customers and their affiliates in the European Union and European Free Trade Association can share an agreement Customers can choose how to handle affiliates when entering into an agreement based on entity wide standardisation Slide Overview: For attendees to understand how an affiliate is defined and how they are handled within a licensing agreement Notes to Presenter (Microsoft Confidential): Look at the link below for a comprehensive description of the European Free Trade Association. Supporting Information: Details on affiliates with Open and Open Licence Agreements at: When entering into an agreement based on entity wide standardisation (Open Value Companywide and Open Value Subscription) customers have three options: Not to include any affiliates Include only a specific set of affiliates Include all affiliates within the territory plus all affiliates that will be founded or acquired during the agreement term If the customer chooses the third option, then new affiliates are automatically covered by the Open Value agreement. Depending on the type of agreement, licences for the selected companywide products must be ordered at the end of the month (Open Value Companywide) or on the next anniversary of the agreement (Open Value Subscription). Transition: And moving on to what a customer needs to do to start an agreement

Centralized-Decentralized Purchasing Volume Licensing program Customer need Agreement for one company in one region Agreement for multiple companies in one region Agreement for multiple companies across regions Open License  – Open Value Select Plus Enterprise Agreement Explain entity/territory in context of geo – have it on slide Definitions - Entity: An organization or being that possesses separate existence for tax purposes. Examples would be corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts. - “Customer” means the entity that has entered into this agreement and its Affiliates; affiliate: Any legal entity that owns, is owned by, or is under common ownership with the customer. “territory” means the region in which customer is located. Lead customer = Company signing the VL agreement. Can include multiple companies (affiliate) reporting into it.

Product Use Rights/MSLT Agreement with Microsoft Microsoft Software Licence Terms (MSLT, EULA) Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is the license proof Download from FPP OEM Agreement with OEM or System Builder Microsoft Software Licence Terms (MSLT) Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is the license proof Agreement with Microsoft Product Use Rights

Check-point Question (1 of 3): Solution Which of the following software license types would accompany a personal laptop computer with pre-loaded software, purchased from a consumer outlet? Certificate of Authenticity and End User Licensing Agreement (or MSLT) Certificate of Authenticity and Product Use Rights Product Use Rights and End User Licensing Agreement Product Use Rights Speaker Notes: Answer key: Option A is correct. A personal laptop with pre-loaded software purchased from a consumer outlet comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and an End User License Agreement. Option B: This is only partially correct. Option C: This is only partially correct. Option D: This is incorrect. Option E: This is incorrect. Option A is correct.

The 7 items needed to provide right to own Your Agreement Your enrollments (where applicable – EA, Select) Microsoft Online Record (MVLS, eOpen) Proof of Purchase (PO, receipt, etc.) Records of any transfer of license (in or out) COA (in case of OEM / DSP) Date of Purchase – Hardware vs. Software (in case of OEM / DSP)

Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Open Business and Open Volume seminar. Open License Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Open license ΠΡΟΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΙΣ: 5 Άδειες (για άδειες λειτουργικού only upgrades*) ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ: Ισόβια ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ: 2 έτη ΤΙΜΕΣ: «Κλειδώνει» το επίπεδο τιμών για τα 2 έτη (επιπλέον αγορές) ΕΠΙΠΕΔΑ ΤΙΜΩΝ: Α (NL), C ΠΛΗΡΩΜΗ: Άμεση – το συνολικό ποσό (Προπληρωμή) Software Assurance: Προαιρετικό (για εξασφάλιση νέων εκδόσεων) ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΕΣ ΠΡΟΪΟΝΤΩΝ: Operating Systems, Servers, Applications ACADEMIC, GOVERMENT NL  5-499 πόντοι C  500+ πόντοι

Pricing and Payment Open Licenses are to be paid for in full when acquired. Subsequent acquisitions may be made on an existing authorization number, or a new agreement may be initiated. The Open License Agreement is valid for two years from the date of the initial order. Reordering: Is optional until the Open License Agreement expires. Does not involve any restrictions on the minimum reorder size. On expiration, reorders cannot be placed, but Software Assurance can be renewed with a new Open Agreement. Speaker Notes: The Open License term: Starts on the effective date of the initial order, and runs for a full 24 months, ending on the last day of the calendar month in which the term ends. Lasts for two years from the date of the initial order. Reordering – Reordering under an existing Open authorization number can be done any time during its two year term. The Open License Agreement does not involve any restrictions on the minimum reorder size. Reorder price levels remain equivalent to the price level defined by the initial order. Thus, reordering within the agreement term has no direct impact on the price levels or the expiration dates. Expiration: Customers cannot place a reorder when the term of an Open License Agreement ends. Customers can, however, renew Software Assurance by starting a new Open License Agreement. Open Licenses are perpetual licenses. Thus, although the term of agreement ends after two years, the right to use the license is everlasting.

Calculating Points and Pools OPEN BUSINESS – LEVEL NL Minimum order of five licenses or one single processor Server License + + + + OPEN VOLUME – LEVEL C POINTS Speaker Notes: Open License Business customers can: Start their agreement by acquiring as few as five licenses, or a single processor server license. Note: A single license, along with Software Assurance, amounts to two licenses. Software Assurance counts as a separate license. Note: Other products that require only a single license to start an agreement are detailed in the Product List. Order licenses in any combination of products and product types. Open License Volume uses points and pools to achieve the Open Volume price level. Microsoft products are categorized into three types of product pools: Applications Systems Servers For each product pool, customers initiate a separate Open agreement, and receive an authorization number as a part of the process. Each Microsoft product is assigned a point value under Open Volume. In many cases, a single product license equates to more than one point. The point values for the products can be found by using the product Price List. POOLS 5 Application System Minimum 500 points required Server Each product is assigned a point value

Calculating Points and Pools (Cont.) Software Nos. Points Total Points Office XP MapPoint 2002 Project 2002 FrontPage 2002 45 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 90 2 4 1 Applications With 500 points in the Systems pool the customer is qualified for an Open Volume Agreement for Systems. 97 Windows XP Professional Upgrade 250 2 500 Systems Speaker Notes: To calculate points and pools in Open License Volume: Compile a list of software that you need. Assign each product to the relevant product pool. Assign points to each product. Add up the points in each product pool separately. Find your price level for each product pool. The points accumulated in each pool determine the agreement that the product pool would be eligible for. The minimum points required for an Open License Volume Agreement are 500. Windows 2000 Server Exchange 2000 Server Exchange 2000 CAL 1 1 45 15 15 1 15 15 45 Servers 75 Note: Full OS licenses are not included in Volume Licensing programs.

Check-point Question (2 of 2) A leading publishing firm had entered into an Open Licensing Volume Agreement for servers. The firm had placed an initial order for server software programs, worth 575 points in total. The initial order was placed on March 11, 2004. The customer now wants to order an Exchange Server plus 22 CALs with Software Assurance on April 15, 2004. Which of the following should the client opt for? L&SA as a new Open License Business (LEVEL NL). L&SA on the existing Open Volume (Level C) authorization number. Software Assurance, using a new Open License Business. None of the available licensing programs would allow this. Speaker Notes: Answer key: Option B is correct. The customer can order L&SA under an existing Open Volume Authorization Number. The advantage is a price that is lower than a new Open License, which would yield an Open License Business price level. Option B is correct.

Supporting Tools Customers: Partners: Microsoft License Advisor: An easy-to-use, online resource that can help customers find and select Microsoft products, choose the right Volume Licensing program, and determine estimated retail pricing (ERP) based on their software needs. Partners: Microsoft LicenseWise: The “one-stop shop” that can help partners recommend product and licensing solutions for their customers, optimize the sales process, and build new revenue opportunities. eAgreements for OV and OV Subscription 2008: Partners, resellers, and distributors can complete and validate Open Value and Open Value Subscription 2008 Corporate and Government license agreements online with preformatted templates that customers can accept electronically. Speaker Notes: The License Configurator: Is a pre-sales tool for channel partners to create licensing quotes. Contains extensive information about Microsoft licensing solutions. Helps simplify licensing programs for customers by providing clarity on points, pools, and related Software Assurance benefits. Facilitates the partner sales process by providing part numbers, software program descriptions, and estimated retail prices. The License Configurator can be accessed through the Worldwide Partner Program Web site.

Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) https://www. microsoft Formerly MVLS Manage VL agreements and license acquisition activity View, manage and activate SA Benefits Download software (instead of physical media) Access product keys, including MAKs and KMS keys VLK: Office 2007 MAK/KMS: Office 2010, Windows Server, Windows Desktop OS Compare license programs: License Advisor SQL Server: no VLK; no MAK, no KMS -> product key on the server media

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open License Summary Feature Benefit Transactional Volume Licensing Flexibility: buy licenses if and when needed – no commitments, no contract Ongoing volume discounts Lower cost for acquisitions placed during the next two years Low entry level Most customers qualify Optional SA Predictable costs of new versions Tools: eOpen site License management and Volume License Keys Summary Entry level Volume Licensing: Easy to qualify. Flexible: buy as much or as little throughout term of agreement. SA entirely optional. Acquisitions accessible through secure, online portal (eOpen).

Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Open Value seminar. Open Value Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Open value ΠΡΟΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΙΣ: 5 Άδειες (για άδειες λειτουργικού only upgrades) ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ: Ισόβια ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ: 3 έτη ΤΙΜΕΣ: «Κλειδώνει» η τιμή για τα 3 έτη (price protection για επιπλέον αγορές) ΕΠΙΠΕΔΑ ΤΙΜΩΝ: Α (NL), C ΠΛΗΡΩΜΗ: Τριετής εξόφληση (3 ισόποσες δόσεις) Software Assurance: Ενσωματωμένο (για εξασφάλιση νέων εκδόσεων) Επίπεδο A/NL : 5-249 PCs Επίπεδο C : 250+ PCs

Open Value: Features & Benefits The Open Value program offers the following features and benefits: Entry Minimum – Initial order of a minimum of five licenses. Agreement Structure – A single agreement with a three-year agreement term. Pricing and Payments – The L&SA payments can be spread equally over the term of the agreement. Purchase Options – Flexibility to acquire: New licenses with Software Assurance. Software Assurance for renewals Speaker Notes: The Open Value program offers the following features and benefits: Entry Minimum – An initial order under the Open Value program would include a minimum of five licenses. Software Assurance is automatically included with the Open Value program. Agreement Structure – The Open Value program has a three-year agreement term, with the option to extend the agreement by three years at the end of the term. The Open Value program operates under a single agreement for all ongoing license acquisitions. In addition, license acquisitions for affiliates can be streamlined through a single agreement. Pricing and Payment – The size of the initial order determines the price level of the acquisition, and reorders are based on the initial price of the acquisition. In addition, Open Value is a Comprehensive program that enables customers to establish an annual schedule of predictable payments by spreading License &Software Assurance (L&SA) or Software Assurance-only payments equally over the term of the agreement. Purchase Options – Under the Open Value program, customers can acquire: New licenses that include Software Assurance. Windows Desktop Operating System Upgrade License with Software Assurance. Software Assurance for renewals.

Open Value Companywide Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value Companywide Benefit: control costs Message: receive Microsoft's best prices for software, including 10% discounts (for Platform products) when you purchase Companywide. Price protection ensures your costs will not increase over those three years. Benefit: simplify license management Message: purchase Companywide and standardize all your PCs on the same software version, but still have the flexibility to run previous versions if required.

Products available through Companywide Option Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Products available through Companywide Option Platform Companywide Products Platform Discount Desktop Professional Platform Windows 7 Professional Upgrade (ENT) Office Professional Plus 2010 Core CAL1 15% 1 Windows CAL + Exchange CAL + SharePoint Portal Server CAL + Systems Center Configuration Manager CML. Can be obtained for every device (Device CAL) or for every user (User CAL). Discount structure Companywide (10%) Platform discount (15%) Volume discount if 250+ desktops (“C” instead of “NL) The Platform Discount will be granted to customers who choose the entire Small Business Platform or the entire Desktop Professional Platform. Mixing products from these platforms is allowed but won’t yield the Platform Discount. The Platform Discount is a “once in a lifetime opportunity”: only if one of the entire platforms is chosen at the start of the agreement will the discount be granted.

Platform Options Platform Products OV/OVS 2008 Office Professional Plus CAL Enterprise CAL Core CAL SBS Standard CAL SBS Premium CAL OS Vista Business (Windows 7 Pro) Vista Business /w MDOP (Win7) Replacing the 2 preset Desktop platform options, will be individual Platform component SKUs with “Platform” pricing. These will be listed on the price list with “Platform” in the “Offering” column as well as reflected in the SKU description. This will allow customers to mix and match Platform components that best suit their business requirements. Customers may choose from: Office Small Business Edition, Office Professional Plus, or Office Enterprise Enterprise CAL, Core CAL, Windows Small Business Server CAL Suite, or Windows Small Business Server Premium CAL Suite (Windows Essential Server CAL Suite and Premium CAL Suites available November 1st) Vista Business, or Vista Business w/MDOP

Open Value: Features & Benefits Company-wide version Open Value Non-company-wide Target Customer Five + licenses Five to 250 desktops Agreement Term Three years Three years License Type Perpetual Perpetual Annual Payments Yes Yes Target Customer Messaging Ability to spread payments for L&SA annually Single price per desktop for both platforms Additional Savings Opportunity Significant savings over FPP option Up to 10 percent for individual products Speaker Notes: The Open Value program offers easier asset management because of the existence of one license agreement for all desktop needs. The Open Value program guarantees the same price for software, which exists on desktops at the time of licensing, during the term of the agreement. Standardized savings across all desktops offer an additional savings opportunity on: One or more Enterprise Products. The Enterprise Platform The Small Business Platform Microsoft offers the best pricing to organizations that standardize on all three software components in either the professional platform or the small business platform. Entry Level Minimum of five licenses with Software Assurance Minimum of five desktops Products Offered Most popular Microsoft products Most popular Microsoft products Both platforms

Open Value (Non-Companywide) benefits Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value (Non-Companywide) benefits The perpetual (ever-lasting) right to use the licenses that have been ordered The right to install the current and previous versions – plus future versions that are released while the agreement lasts Free media kits Other Software Assurance benefits Office Home Use Rights eLearning Problem Resolution Support TechNet Right to install a Cold Backup Server The distribution of media kits also includes new versions that are shipped until the agreement expiry date.

Options at agreement expiry Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Options at agreement expiry Customers can renew Software Assurance 3-year Open Value renewal New Open Value agreement Other type of agreement 30-day grace period with backdating 4 x Office Pro: initial 3 licenses plus one obtained through a reorder.

Check-point Question (1 of 5) Which of the following statements are true? Software Assurance is optional in Open Value. Software Assurance is not offered in Open Value. Software Assurance is built into all Open Value Agreements. Software Assurance is built in only for Open Value company-wide. Software Assurance is not included in Open Value Subscription. Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Option C is correct. Software Assurance is built into all Open Value Agreements. Options A, B, D, and E are incorrect. Software Assurance is built into all Open Value Agreements. Option C is correct.

Check-point Question (2 of 5) When ordering Open Value, which of the following members can be responsible for configuring and completing the agreement on the eAgreements tool? Distributor Reseller Microsoft Customer Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Options A and B are correct: Generally, the distributor is responsible for configuring and completing the agreement on the eAgreements tool. In some parts of the world, however, the reseller may perform this task, instead of the distributor. Options A and B are correct.

Check-point Question (3 of 5): Solution Which of the following products fall under the Professional Platform? Windows 7 Professional Upgrade Microsoft Office Small Business Edition Microsoft Core CAL Microsoft Office Professional Plus Edition Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Options A, C, and D are correct. Windows Professional Desktop Upgrade, Microsoft Core CAL, and Microsoft Office Professional Edition fall under the Professional Platform. Option B is incorrect. Microsoft Office Small Business Edition falls under the Small Business Platform. Options A, C, and D are correct.

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value summary Open Value Open License Customer Lead customer + optional affiliates Single legal entity License type Perpetual  Product portfolio Most products License portfolio L&SA, SA L, L&SA, SA Duration 36 full calendar months 24 full calendar months Optional renewal 36 calendar months SA for 2 or 3 years Ordering Initial order of 5+ licenses (L&SA, SA) Initial order of 5 line items (L, SA) Reordering Optional – place within the month of installation Optional – place before installation Payment Annual or up-front Up-front Price protection For subsequent payments – Price levels Single level Two levels Media kits Included Optional Open License allows affiliates to share an Open License Authorization Number for reordering. However, customers cannot accumulate licenses needed by multiple affiliates to a single initial purchase order.

Open Value Subscription Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Open Value Subscription seminar. Open Value Subscription Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Open Value SUBSCRIPTION ΠΡΟΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΙΣ: Τουλάχιστον 5 Η/Υ, 1 Τουλάχιστον άδεια από τα προϊόντα βασικής «Πλατφόρμας», Αγορά αδειών προϊόντων βασικής πλατφόρμας για όλους τους Η/Υ ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΟΙΚΙΑΣΗΣ: 3 έτη ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ: Προσωρινή ΤΙΜΕΣ: «Κλειδώνει» η τιμή του ενοικίου για τα 3 έτη (Price Protection) ΕΠΙΠΕΔΑ ΤΙΜΩΝ: Α (NL), C ΠΛΗΡΩΜΗ: Τριετής πληρωμή ενοικίων Software Assurance: Ενσωματωμένο (για εξασφάλιση νέων εκδόσεων) Επίπεδο A/NL : 5-249 PCs Επίπεδο C : 250+ PCs

OVS Program: Features and Benefits Three-year agreement with annual True-up/True-down Various software available under the program Non-perpetual licenses All Eligible PCs licensed Price protection Entry minimum of five computers OVS Features & Benefits Speaker Notes: The OV Subscription program is a non-perpetual license, which provides a time- limited right to use a particular software program. The OV Subscription program offers the following features: Entry Minimum – OV Subscription requires an entry minimum of five desktops, which means that most organizations can participate in this program. Agreement Structure – OV Subscription is a three-year agreement with annual ordering, which allows for adjustments in desktop counts and product deployment. The orders are placed annually for the actual number of desktops being used, thus considerably reducing administrative overheads. Price and Payments – The license price remains constant for the term of the agreement. This facilitates budgeting. The only increase in budget will be for the new desktops that may be added. Purchase Options – Customers can choose a mix of software programs from both the Enterprise Platform and the Small Business Platform, and obtain licenses along with Software Assurance for any combination of software. Enterprise-wide – OV Subscription is enterprise-wide, which means that all eligible desktops are licensed. The enterprise-wide feature is especially beneficial to customers who desire to have one or more Enterprise Platform product or Small Business Platform product across eligible desktops.

Open Value Subscription Platform Products Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value Subscription Platform Products Platform Companywide products Platform discount Small Business Platform Windows 7 Professional Upgrade (ENT) Office Professional Plus 2010 Windows Small Business Server CAL 5% Desktop Professional Platform Core CAL Discount structure Companywide UTD Discount (50% in the first year for previous editions of Platform Products ) Platform discount (5%) Volume discount if 250+ desktops (“C” instead of “NL” in price list – EMEA only) Office Standard Edition as well as separate Office products (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, InfoPath, Outlook and Publisher) are available as Additional Products. Office Standard Edition carries a higher price than Office Small Business Edition and Office Professional, though, because the latter two products are always chosen for all desktops.

Platform Options Platform Products OV/OVS 2008 Office Professional Plus CAL Enterprise CAL Core CAL SBS Standard CAL SBS Premium CAL OS Vista Business (Windows 7 Pro) Vista Business /w MDOP (Win7) Replacing the 2 preset Desktop platform options, will be individual Platform component SKUs with “Platform” pricing. These will be listed on the price list with “Platform” in the “Offering” column as well as reflected in the SKU description. This will allow customers to mix and match Platform components that best suit their business requirements. Customers may choose from: Office Small Business Edition, Office Professional Plus, or Office Enterprise Enterprise CAL, Core CAL, Windows Small Business Server CAL Suite, or Windows Small Business Server Premium CAL Suite (Windows Essential Server CAL Suite and Premium CAL Suites available November 1st) Vista Business, or Vista Business w/MDOP

Open Value Subscription: expiry options Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value Subscription: expiry options Agreement expires after 36 months Customers’ options: Renewal New agreement Buy-out: Initial fee * number of desktops * 1,75 + initial fee * desktops added in 3rd year Other licensing solution Delete and destroy

Check-point Question (2 of 2): Solution Which of the following prevents customers from transferring the OV Subscription? Licenses on a short-term basis OV Subscription software temporary licenses Software Assurance coverage Customers do not own licenses Speaker Notes: Answer key: Option D. A customer cannot transfer an OV Subscription license because the customer does not own the license. A license can only be transferred if the customer owns it. Option D is correct.

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value Subscription – Open Value with Companywide Option comparison (1/2) Open Value Subscription Open Value with Companywide Option Customer Lead customer + optional affiliates  License type Non-perpetual Perpetual Product portfolio All products; Companywide Products only available Companywide All products; Small Business & Desktop Professional Products also through Companywide Option License portfolio Non-perpetual L&SA, buy-out L (perpetual) & SA, SA Duration 36 + optional 36 months Ordering Initial order for 5+ PCs

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value Subscription – Open Value with Companywide Option comparison (2/2) Open Value Subscription Open Value with Companywide Option Payment Annual Annual or up-front Price protection for Companywide Products For subsequent payments and reorders  Price protection for Additional Products For subsequent payments, not for reorders Price levels Single level 1  1 Platform discount 5% 15% Media kits Included 1 Discount for 250+ desktops in EMEA

Positioning Open Value Subscription – Open Value Companywide For customers who want to prepare for a license reduction For customers who want to minimize short-term cost For customers who prefer annual ordering for companywide products Open Value Subscription For customers who want to minimize long-term cost For customers who feel uncomfortable with the idea of having non-perpetual licenses Open Value Companywide

Program 1 Your customer has 175 Desktops with various versions of Windows and Office. They want to use Windows Vista and Office Professional Enterprise 2007 on all desktops Which volume license program would you recommend? Open Value Company-wide Select License Enterprise Agreement Enterprise Subscription Agreement

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Program comparisons

Open Value customer benefits Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Open Value customer benefits Microsoft Open License Microsoft Open Value Subscription Microsoft Open Value Microsoft Open Value + Companywide Option Spread payments –  Annual ordering 1) Standardization Multiple entities Ownership Subscription with optional buy-out Agreement 2-year agreement 3-year contract Price protection  1) Notice: no final decision has been taken so far about extending the price protection to additional products so the note at the bottom of the table may disappear in a next version of this presentation. 1) for Companywide products only

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Choice of products Microsoft Open License Microsoft Open Value Subscription Microsoft Open Value Microsoft Open Value + Companywide Option Choice of products Microsoft business products Companywide Products (Additional Products through Open Value) Companywide Products + Additional Products Software Assurance Optional  Standardization Minimum 5 x L, SA 1 5 x L&SA, SA 5 PCs In Open License, Software Assurance counts as a license. 1 L&SA counts as L + SA

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Payments Microsoft Open License Microsoft Open Value Microsoft Open Value + Companywide Option Microsoft Open Value Subscription Spread payments –  Price protection  2) Cost of Software Assurance 2 years – coverage until end of agreement Reflects remaining contract duration Included in annual price per desktop Decreasing license count Click on the box at the top of the table to show: Ordering and payments for the OLV perpetual programs (click on the box “Open License Value” or the box “Open License Value Companywide”) Ordering and payments for OLV Subscription (click on the box “Open License Value Subscription”) You will automatically return to this slide. The price protection does not apply to additional copies of additional products. Notice: no final decision has been taken so far about extending the price protection to additional products so the note at the bottom of the table may disappear in a next version of this presentation. 1) Companywide Products must be ordered annually 2) For Companywide Products only

Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Price levels Microsoft Open License Microsoft Open Value Microsoft Open Value + Companywide Option Microsoft Open Value Subscription Entry price level: 5 licenses/ desktops  Volume discount if 250 PCs+  1) –  2) Platform Discount 15% 5% Up-to-date Discount 50% on 1st year fee Click on the box “Open License Value Subscription” for an explanation and an example of the up-to-date discount. You will automatically return to this slide. 500 points required Only available for Company wide products. Additional products are available through a single price level.

Desktop Standardisation Overall Comparison Open Value Company Wide Select EA EA Sub Entry level 5 PCs 250 PCs Price Bands 5 – 250 250+ A, B, C & D Licence Type Perpetual Non-Perpetual Agreement term 3 years Desktop Standardisation Yes No Company Wide True Up/Down True Up only N/A True-up only Spread Payments No* Software Assurance Included Optional

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) – companies that develop software solutions – interested in embedding Microsoft products within their own value-added business solution ISV Run-Time License. Some licensed products offered through the ISV Royalty Licensing Program are offered with additional restricted use rights. Your customers can use these applications only with the unified solution with which they were acquired. Your customers cannot use the Microsoft licensed products to run any other application, to develop new applications, or in any context independent of the unified solution with which they were acquired. Microsoft Operations Manager Microsoft Project Server Microsoft SharePoint® Portal Server Microsoft SQL Server™ Microsoft Virtual PC Microsoft Virtual Server Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications Microsoft Speech Server (North America only) Microsoft Windows® Terminal Server Client Access Licenses (CALS) only Microsoft Application Center Microsoft BizTalk® Server Microsoft Commerce Server Microsoft Content Management Server Microsoft Dynamics™ CRM Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Host Integration Server Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server Microsoft MapPoint® Business Mapping Software

ISV Requirements Must be an Independent Software Vendor with, or developing, a solution in the marketplace Minimum of U.S. $10,000 (or published non-U.S. currency amount if applicable) in royalties paid to Microsoft in two years (eight full calendar quarter agreement term) Maintain “Certified” or “Gold” level membership in the Microsoft Partner Program or purchase Microsoft Professional Support Services with five prepaid incidents Monthly reporting of distributed Microsoft licenses Provide product support for the unified solutions To integrate or embed means to include a Microsoft product with the ISV’s application in any of the following ways: By embedding the Microsoft product into the ISV application code or By including a Microsoft product along with the ISV’s application on the installation media or By pre-installing the Microsoft product on a computer system that is part of the unified solution For more information regarding the Microsoft Partner Program, please go to

What Is a SPLA? The Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) allows an organization to license Microsoft products and use them to provide software services to its customers. Agreement term Three-year term; may be extended Payment term Monthly reporting and payment based on actual use No up-front commitment required Annual price protection Licensing Per Processor or SAL (Subscription Access License) The SPLA reduces the complexity of offering software services because you, not the customer, are the licensee. Services Provider Use Rights (SPUR) Subscriber Access License (SAL) and Per Processor Model Not version specific Allows for commercial use of Microsoft products Global Reach Software services can be delivered worldwide without licensing limitations

Is SPLA Right for Your Business? With the SPLA, services providers and independent software vendors (ISVs) can license Microsoft products on a monthly basis during a three-year agreement term. They can use these products to provide software services and hosted applications to their customers. The SPLA may be right for you if you have one of the following business models: Application services providers Platform infrastructure providers Business process outsourcers (BPO) PC rental companies Franchisees and franchises Streaming media providers IT outsourcers that provide software licenses Web hosting providers Independent software vendors that provide hosted applications Messaging or collaboration services providers Web or Internet services providers

Transferring Licenses Licensing for Small and Mid-Sized Organizations March 2006 (draft) Transferring Licenses Open License: Can only transfer entire Open License including all reorders Open Value: May only transfer fully paid licenses in connection with a merger or [takeover]. Open Value Subscription: Same plus : may only transfer licenses acquired under this agreement by first exercising buy-out option How to transfer You may only transfer OSL software Perpetual Licenses to an affiliated or an unaffiliated third party and you must provide written notice of your intention to do this. For all other transfers of OSL software licenses, written consent is required. Any transfer made in violation of the requirements or restrictions will be void. When transfers are not permitted You may not transfer: Licenses on a short-term basis. OSL software temporary licenses. SA coverage. Perpetual Licenses for any version of any product acquired through SA independently from the underlying Perpetual Licenses for which that SA coverage was ordered. Upgrade licenses for a desktop OS product separate from the underlying desktop OS license or from the computer system on which the software program is first installed.

Check-point Question A large mining group in Colorado plans to standardize its 2,000 computers on Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Office Professional. They also need Core CAL. Which Volume Licensing program best fits this organization's requirements? Microsoft Campus Agreement Enterprise Agreement Select License Open License Speaker Notes: Answer key: Option B is correct. The Enterprise Agreement, designed for large organizations opting for Comprehensive Programs, is the appropriate Volume Licensing program in this case. Option A: This is incorrect. Campus Agreement is meant for educational organizations. Option C: This is incorrect. A Comprehensive Program, such as the Enterprise Agreement, is more appropriate for this organization. Option D: This is incorrect. Open Licenses are for small and mid-sized organizations. Option B is correct.

Check-point Question A New York based insurance group wants the flexibility of enabling its regional offices, with 200 computers each, choose and purchase Microsoft products when required. It is also interested in making an initial purchase of 1,000 Microsoft Office Professional licenses. Which program best fits these requirements? Enterprise Agreement Enterprise Subscription Agreement Open License Select License Speaker Notes: Answer key: Option D is correct. Select License is the appropriate program for an organization that is planning to acquire a large number of licenses, but wants individual offices to have the ability to acquire licenses as and when required. Option A: This is incorrect. The Enterprise Agreement is a Comprehensive Program that is not appropriate for an organization that wants individual offices to acquire licenses as and when needed. Option B: This is incorrect. This License is for EMEA customers only. Option C: This is incorrect. The Open License is suitable for small and mid-sized organizations. Option D is correct.

Check-point Question A medium-sized distributor of diesel engine lubricants in Canada, needs to standardize its computer applications. The organization is concerned about the overhead of managing licenses and staying current with the technology. Which Volume Licensing program would you recommend to this customer? Original Equipment Manufacturer Open License Volume Select License Open Value Speaker Notes: Answer key: Option D is correct. Open Value is a perpetual license with a Comprehensive Program for small and mid-sized organizations. Option A: This is incorrect. OEM licenses are for organizations that purchase hardware and software together. Option B: This is incorrect. The Open License Volume is for customers opting for Transactional Programs. In this case, the organization requires the benefits of a Comprehensive Program. Option C: This is incorrect. The Select License is for larger organizations. In this case, the organization requires the benefits of a Comprehensive Program. Option D is correct.

Terminology Perpetual V Non-Perpetual Entities Centralised V Decentralised Transactional V Relational/Comprehensive

Perpetual and Non-Perpetual Licensing Licensing Essentials - Sales Track March 2006 Perpetual and Non-Perpetual Licensing Perpetual License Non-Perpetual License ‘Everlasting’ License ‘Defined end date’ License Open License Open Value Open Value Company-Wide Open Value Subscription Transactional or Annuity-Based Licensing determines how and when you will buy licenses. Now let’s look at the kind of licenses. A Perpetual License is bought once and provides the right to use a particular version or a particular software program forever. This is also referred to as an ‘everlasting’ license. In the long run, this is often most cost-effective, but it does impact on a customer’s cash flow. Compare this to the choice between buying a new car or leasing one. A Non-Perpetual License is temporary, and provides a time-limited right to use a particular software program until a specific end-date. Non-Perpetual Licenses are only available through Annuity-Based Licensing Programs: OSL and Enterprise Subscription Agreement .

Centralized and Decentralized Licensing Licensing Essentials - Sales Track March 2006 Centralized and Decentralized Licensing Volume Licensing program Customer need Agreement for one entity Agreement for multiple entities in one territory Agreement for multiple entities across territories Open License  – Open Value

Transactional  Relational Programs Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Transactional  Relational Programs Transactional (Open License) Relational (OV, OV CW, OVS) Upfront payment → cash flow Annual payments Transactional → no standardization; overhead costs Monthly or annual ordering No price protection; no spread payments → budgeting Long-term price protection Single legal entity → inappropriate for decentralized use Centralized agreement So far, we have reviewed the features of Open License. It is flexible, but we have also seen some drawbacks: The impact on the customer’s cash flow can be substantial, especially if many licenses with SA need to be bought and paid for upfront. Open License is based on Transactional Licensing, so the licenses must be ordered before the software programs are installed. Open License does not provide any price protection, so it is very difficult to predict what the budget should be for next year. An Open License is always entered into by a single legal entity, which makes manageability challenging and reduces the likelihood of achieving economies of scale.

OV Non Company Wide License OVS Both OV NCW License and OVS A customer owns Office 2003 licenses without SA. He now wants to obtain new Office Licenses with SA. Which volume licensing program or programs will somehow reward the customer for these existing licenses? Open License OV Non Company Wide License OVS Both OV NCW License and OVS

Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Software Assurance seminar. Software Assurance Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

What is Microsoft Software Assurance? A comprehensive maintenance offering that helps customers get most value from software investment Sell SA Benefits as part of solution Customers can benefit immediately for lifetime of agreement Microsoft program exceeds standard upgrade and support—with no additional cost beyond current maintenance price SOFTWARE ASSURANCE What is Microsoft Software Assurance for Volume Licensing? It’s a comprehensive maintenance offering that helps customers get the most value possible from their investment in Microsoft software. Solution=Microsoft Product + Software Assurance Software Assurance needs to be sold as part of the solution. When customers purchase Microsoft products with SA, they gain access to an immediate set of benefits, that can help them realize the full value of their Microsoft investment. With SA customers get much more then industry standard upgrade and support services with no additional cost, after they pay the maintenance price.

Software Assurance Benefits New Products New Version Rights Step Up Licenses Windows 7 Enterprise Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) Deployment Office Roaming Use Rights Office Multi Language Pack (MLP) Packaged Services TechNet Benefits for Software Assurance Software Assurance Benefits Training Training Vouchers E-Learning Home Use Program Support 24x7 Problem Resolution Support Extended Hotfix Support Specialized Cold Back-up for Disaster Recovery Enterprise Source Licensing Program Spread Payments

Software Assurance Pricing in Open License Licensing for SMO - Sales Track March 2006 (draft) Software Assurance Pricing in Open License Windows Professional SA = 29% of Upgrade License price per year Applications SA = 29% of Full License price per year Servers SA = 25% of Full License price per year Availability in Open License L + 2 years SA (‘L&SA’) SA for 2 years (‘SA-only’) – for renewing Software Assurance or for enhancing OEM licenses and some products obtained through FPP within 90 days The pricing of SA is linked to the price of the license for the software program it applies to. It is priced at 29% of the license price per year for desktop OS and applications. For Server software programs (OS and applications), it is priced at 25% of the license price per year. SA coverage ends when the Open License expires. This makes ordering SA in an Open License reorder less attractive. SA-only is meant for SA and UA renewals and for situations where SA is obtained for Windows XP Professional OEM and FPP, Office 2003 OEM and Windows Server and Windows Small Business Server OEM and FPP.

What Software Assurance Means for You Software Assurance (SA) helps you: Build long-term relationships: Drive benefit consumption—the more benefits a customer uses, the more likely they are to renew Increase customer satisfaction: Demonstrate your value across the entire software lifecycle Create new business opportunities: Assist with deployment planning and provide other services that build upon SA benefits Identify customer pain points and align them with Software Assurance benefits to demonstrate how they bring value to the organization Software Assurance can help you in a number of ways. It helps: Enable long-term relationships: Customers who have activated and used one of more of their benefits renew their agreements. In fact, benefit consumption is the strongest indicator for renewals – and a significant opportunity. Increase customer satisfaction: Greater satisfaction and commitment to the Microsoft platform enables you to demonstrate your value across through the entire software lifecycle – from facilitating smoother deployments, to lowering training, maintenance, and support costs. Create new business opportunities: Provide deployment planning and other services that leverage Software Assurance solutions and maintenance benefits.

Addressing Customer Issues - Examples SA Benefit How They Help Cost and complexity of deployment Packaged Services: - Desktop Deployment Planning Services - SharePoint Deployment Planning Services Provides consulting services to develop an actionable deployment plan Employee Productivity New version rights Home Use Program, Roaming Use Rights E-Learning Old Technology vs. New Technology IT staff and end-user training Training Vouchers, E-Learning Helps employees get up to speed fast with Microsoft education solutions Budget unpredictability Spread Payments Spreads the cost of purchasing new software over a set period of time Product Support 24x7 Problem Resolution Support, TechNet Accelerates problem resolution and reduces downtime, in turn lowering costs Let’s look at common business scenarios customers may face and explain how Software Assurance benefits deliver real business value to your customer’s organization.

ROI of customer SA spending Demonstrate a customer’s potential ROI and compare with the costs of training, consulting services, support, and acquiring full licenses every three years SA BENEFIT DESCRIPTION COST Packaged Services Delivers structured engagements to assist with planning and deployment including Desktop, SharePoint, Exchange, and Business Value Planning Services 1500$ per day Windows 7 Enterprise Helps organizations lower costs, reduce risks, and stay connected Calculate the upgrade cost of win 7 additional offerings prices at 250$ Training Vouchers Provides in-depth technical classroom training for IT professionals and developers 350$ /day Home Use Program (HUP) Increases productivity by giving employees licensed copies of Microsoft Office programs for their home you need to check vs ERP prices office pro plus, visio, project E-Learning: Applications, Systems, Servers Offers self-paced interactive training designed for end-users and IT Professionals 55 $ - 400$ per license (pc and server) Office Multi Language Pack (MLP) Enables IT to deploy a single Office 2007 image with support for 37 languages cost of MLP ERP is 100euro in OLP 24 x 7 Phone Support Incidents Enhances existing Premier Support agreements by providing around-the-clock incident support $590 per incident TechNet Plus Direct Gives IT staff easy access to all the S/W for testing purposes, and access to experts and technical info 2400$ per subscription (1 ID per server license) Cold Backup for Disaster Recovery Helps maintain IT operating efficiency and protect mission-critical solutions Calculate the cost of a new s/w license for each server

Check-point Question (2 of 2) Juan Rodriguez, a software developer for Conquest IT Solutions, was recently informed that his organization had acquired Software Assurance with their server licenses, which enables him to take advantage of TechNet Plus Subscription. Which of the following describes the benefits of this feature for Juan? A yearly subscription to IT Solutions and Engineering magazine Access to additional copies of media and user guides Access to content featuring IT information relevant to Microsoft server software All of the above Option C is correct.

Check-point Question A. Enterprise Subscription Agreement Plumpits Insurance Group, based in New York City, wants make an initial purchase of 1,000 Microsoft Office licenses. The organization wants to standardize its desktop software, and needs a licensing program that is perpetual. Plumpits also expects to increase the number of desktops after a year, and requires a licensing program that keeps the costs constant. Which of the following program best meet Plumpits' requirements? A. Enterprise Subscription Agreement B. Open Value Subscription C. Open License D. Open Value Company-wide Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Option D is correct. Open Value Companywide would be appropriate for an organization that wants to standardize its desktop software and control costs through spread payments. This program enables customers to increase the number of platform licenses. Customers can also plan their budgets, because the licensing cost remains constant throughout the licensing term. Option A is incorrect. Enterprise Subscription Agreement is a non-perpetual program. Option B is incorrect. Open Value Subscription is a non-perpetual program. Option C is incorrect. Open License is suitable for small and mid-sized organizations. Option D is correct!

Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Select Licensing seminar. Select Plus Licensing Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Customer Target Audience Midsize or larger businesses (same as Select) Typically purchase through a Select agreement Value the flexibility of purchasing software when needed (project specific needs) Want volume licensing pricing advantage across the organization and its affiliates May not add SA in all their software purchases

Select Plus Licence Program Aimed at customers with 250+ desktops Perpetual licences 36 month Software Assurance optional Evergreen agreement Four price levels based on points and pools Select SAM offered Monthly ordering Optional payments Slide Overview: To give an overview of the key features of a Select Licence agreement Notes to Presenter (Microsoft Confidential): There are different payment options available if a customer chooses SA – don’t get into that on this deck – this will be covered in the Part 2 module Ensure that the notion of forecasting is understood Supporting Information: Customers order the licences in the month of installation and pay at that point too. If they have opted for L&SA for those licences then they can choose to spread the payments (more on this in Module 2). Select Licence is based on the customer’s forecast but Microsoft assesses the forecasts before entering into a Select Licence agreement. Don’t forget that early terminations may negatively impact your relation with the customer, and so you shouldn’t always offer Select to those customers that seem to meet the volume criteria – another program like Open Value Non-Companywide may very well be a better choice. Software Assurance is optional in Select but if a customer chooses to purchase L&SA, the cost is divided annually over the term of their agreement. Transition: We’ve mentioned that price levels are based on points and pools so let’s take a closer look at that

Select Plus Price Level There are 4 levels of pricing under the Select Plus Program Price Level is established at the Lead Affiliate Level All Affiliates associated with the Lead Affiliate will purchase at the price level The initial order qualifies an organization for the corresponding price level Automatic tiered pricing when next price level is achieved Level Points A 500 B 4000 C 10000 D 25000

Automatic Tiered Pricing No point forecasting Additional discounts are applied to the order that achieves the next price level at any time in the year Purchases from all affiliates apply to the organization’s price level Compliance once per year. Purchases from the previous 12 months are reviewed If the purchase minimum for the current level is not met the customer is moved down a maximum of one pricing level New Agreement Anniversary Compliance Check C B A T1 5,000 pts Server Pool Level B T2 20,000 pts Server Pool D New price level on T2 transaction 25000 pts 10000 pts 500 pts 4000 pts Pricing; In Select Plus there is no point forecasting, additional price levels are applied to the order that achieves the price level and this happens at any time in the year. The price level is applied for the organization at the lead affiliate level (purchases from all affiliates apply to the organizations price level). Once per year compliance is run and purchases from the previous 12 months are reviewed, if the purchase minimum for the current level is not met the customer is moved down a maximum of one pricing level. In Select there is point forecasting and the first year price level is based on the point forecast. At the end of year one compliance is run and a new price level may be established (you can move down multiple price levels vs. Select Plus where there is a maximum move of one price level also the customer’s enrollment can be terminated if they don’t purchase enough vs. Select Plus where the agreement is put ‘on hold’ until the minimum purchase is made). In Select a customer may purchase enough points to achieve a better discount early in a year but they need to wait until compliance to receive the better price level and that price level isn’t applied to any past purchases. In EA the price level is based on the initial order of platform products by pool.

Q&A - Billing Options Q. When can a customer choose billing options?   Q. When can a customer choose billing options? A. Customers can choose billing options at the time of the order using any of the three options available with Select Plus (Annual, Anniversary, Order anniversary). Q. Does each registered affiliate have its own affiliate anniversary date, or are these aligned to the lead affiliate’s anniversary? A. Each affiliate has their own anniversary date to use for billing and coverage alignment.

Q&A : Auto tiered pricing Q. If a customer is at Level A and does not meet compliance the first year, are they placed on hold the next year?  A. YES. If a customer is at Level A and purchases fewer than 500 annual points in a product pool for a given year, the customer’s account is put on hold for that pool until the customer reaches the 500 point level again. An order for the minimum annual points automatically reactivates the product pool, with no need to sign new forms or renegotiate the agreement terms.

Check-point Question (2 of 2) After the customer sets the price level, identify the parties who agree on the final pricing, from the options given. Microsoft and the customer The customer and the LAR The LAR and Microsoft Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Option B is correct. After Microsoft has set the price levels for the customer, the LAR and the customer will agree on the final pricing. Option B is correct.

Enterprise Agreements Speaker Notes: Welcome to the Enterprise Agreements course. Enterprise Agreements Copyright © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and other Microsoft products are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your volume license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control.

Enterprise Agreements Το Enterprise Agreement έχει σχεδιαστεί για σημαντικούς εταιρικούς και κυβερνητικούς πελάτες που τους ενδιαφέρει να υιοθετήσουν ομοιογενή πλατφόρμα λογισμικού (Centralized Organizations) Καλύπτει όλους τους υπολογιστές ενός οργανισμού (min. 250 PCs) Ανάλογα με τον αριθμό των Η/Υ ο πελάτης αποκτά ένα ανάλογο level έκπτωσης Η Microsoft τιμολογεί απευθείας τον τελικό πελάτη και ο Σύμβουλος Λογισμικού (ESA) προσφέρει υπηρεσίες στον πελάτη που αφορούν τη διαχείριση του συμβολαίου

Enterprise Agreements ΠΡΟΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΙΣ: 250 PCs (για άδειες λειτουργικού only upgrades) ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΑΔΕΙΩΝ ΧΡΗΣΗΣ: Ισόβια ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ: 3 έτη ΤΙΜΕΣ: «Κλειδώνει» η τιμή για τα 3 έτη (price protection για επιπλέον αγορές) ΕΠΙΠΕΔΑ ΤΙΜΩΝ: Α, B, C, D ΠΛΗΡΩΜΗ: Τριετής εξόφληση (3 ισόποσες δόσεις) Software Assurance: Ενσωματωμένο (για εξασφάλιση νέων εκδόσεων) Οι νέοι υπολογιστές που θα αποκτηθούν μετά την υπογραφή της σύμβασης δηλώνονται μία φορά κάθε επέτειο και η αποπληρωμή γίνεται άμεσα για όλο το ποσό (true up) Οι πελάτες που επιλέγουν όλη την πλατφόρμα παίρνουν επιπλέον 15% έκπτωση To επίπεδο τιμής των επιπλέον προϊόντων εξαρτάται από το επίπεδο των Enterprise προϊόντων A: 250 – 2.399 PC B: 2.400 – 5.999 PC C: 6.000 – 14.999 PC D: 15.000+ PC

Enterprise subscription Eίναι παρόμοιο με το EA … Ίδιο πρόγραμμα software Ίδια επίπεδα τιμών Ίδιο κανάλι Ίδια δομή Ίδια επιπλέον προνόμια … αλλά έχουμε να κάνουμε με σχήμα ενοικίασης (leasing)

Introduction to the Enterprise Agreements ESA EA FEATURES Suitable for organizations with 250+ desktops ü ü Comprehensive program ü ü Perpetual licenses ü û Non-perpetual licenses û ü Optional, additional software programs available ü ü Entity-wide standardization Speaker Notes: The Enterprise Agreement and Enterprise Subscription Agreement, with their entry minimum of 250 desktops, have been designed to target both large organizations and medium business organizations. The Enterprise Agreement and Enterprise Subscription Agreement are Comprehensive programs. The Enterprise Agreement provides perpetual licenses that are everlasting and valid as long as the software is used in accordance with the Product Use Rights (PUR) requirements. The Enterprise Subscription Agreement provides non-perpetual licenses that are temporary and provide a time-limited right to use particular products. The Enterprise Agreement has no end date. When the Enterprise Enrollment ends after three years, the customer owns a perpetual license for the then-current version. The customer can extend the agreement by one or three years, and only pay for Software Assurance. A customer can add additional desktops, by True-up ordering, and also add additional products during the term of the enrollment. ü ü Three-year agreement term ü ü Channel-assisted procurement model ü ü Subscription-based model û ü

Enrollment and Entities Enterprise Agreement programs are structured for centralized organizations. Multiple entities can share an agreement if they are part of the same organization. Advantages of multiple entities sharing an agreement: The price level is determined by the requirements of the organization and all the affiliates under the agreement. Therefore, it is easier to achieve a favorable price level. Speaker Notes: The Enterprise Volume Licensing programs are based on the “opt-in” mechanism. Under this mechanism, every entity can decide whether or not to participate in the agreement. The benefits of the Opt-in mechanism are: A single agreement for multiple entities is much easier to manage than a set of agreements. This can assist a decentralized organization in the process of standardization compliance. The number of qualified desktops determines the price level for Enterprise Agreement and Enterprise Subscription Agreement.

Three year L&SA Price Level Procurement The price level is calculated at the beginning of the enrollment. The price per desktop is fixed for the term of the enrollment. Desktops Three year L&SA Price Level 250 – 2,399 A 2,400 – 5,999 B 6,000 – 14,999 C 15,000 and over D Payments are spread over three years and made in three equal annual installments. Speaker Notes: While signing an Enterprise Agreement, customers are responsible for reporting the total number of qualified desktops within the whole organization. Customers must commit every qualified desktop, and ensure that the qualified desktops are covered with one or more of the Enterprise Platform software. The total quantity of initial qualified desktops determines the price level for the Enterprise software during the initial term. The payments for the initial number of desktops are made in three equal yearly installments, which are due at the start of the first, second, and third year. Additional desktops, or True Up, are to be paid for at the end of the first, second, and third year. At the end of the third year, on the fourth anniversary of the enrollment, a customer only pays for any additional desktops. If a customer wants to acquire additional products under the Enterprise Agreement, the same pricing model applies. Additional products added at signing can have payments spread, and added copies can be True-up as well.

Check-point Question (1 of 2) You are an Enterprise Software Advisor. One of your customers is a medium-sized manufacturing company that wants to standardize desktop software with Microsoft Enterprise products and get access to the latest versions. They have 300 desktops that they would like to license. However, due to budget constraints, they are looking for ways to defray costs. Identify the license agreement that is most appropriate for your customer. Select License Enterprise Agreement Enterprise Subscription Agreement Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Option C is correct. Because the customer is a medium-sized organization and has over 250 desktops, they qualify for the Enterprise Agreement program. However, because they are interested in defraying costs, the best option for them would be the Enterprise Subscription Agreement program. In addition, the Enterprise Subscription Agreement program is a leasing model, and is more cost-effective than the Enterprise Agreement model. Option C is correct.

Check-point Question (2 of 2) What should the customer do when the Enterprise Enrollment Agreement expires after a duration of three years? The customer has to acquire a new Enterprise Agreement. The customer will own perpetual licenses for the then-current versions of products acquired under the Enterprise Agreement. The customer has to count the new qualified desktops that they have bought in the last year of the agreement. Speaker Notes: Answer Key: Options B and C are correct. The customer will own a perpetual license for the then-current version. They can sign a new enrollment, if they want to, and begin acquiring Software Assurance on all their licenses that were previously covered under Software Assurance. Moreover, customers are required to count licenses added in the last year, and to make a payment. There is no final payment on the original licenses, because they have made three payments, but there is a final True-up and payment for those licenses added in the final year of the enrollment. Options B and C are correct.

VL Agreements – key words… Program Key word Open License Flexible for 5 licenses or more Open Value Desktop Standardization Open Value Subscription Desktop Standardization and Rental Select & Select Plus Pay as you go Entreprise Agreement Enterprise Subscription Agreement

Skills Measured by Exam 70-671

Skills Measured by Exam 70-671

Skills Measured by Exam 70-671

Skills Measured by Exam 70-671 Windows 7 Professional / Enterprise Windows Vista Business / Enterprise Functionality, Upgrade, Downgrade (OEM,VL) Windows Server Editions and Virtualization Rights, User CAL / Device CAL, External Connector Exchange Server Standard CAL and Enterprise CAL OCS Server / Lync Server SharePoint Server Windows SharePoint Services / SharePoint Foundation SharePoint Server / SharePoint Server fIS Core CAL Suite / Enterprise CAL Suite SQL Server Server+CAL / per Proc Management Servers SCCM, SCOM