Where do you think our word “alphabet” comes from?
Tune of “Itsy bitsy spider” alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota (spider song) kappa lambda mu nu xi (and) omicron pi rho sigma tau (and) upsilon phi chi psi omega (and we’re done!)
α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι ! κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω
Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι ! Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω
alpha = a in “father” Α α Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
beta = b in “boy” Β β Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
gamma = g in “go” Γ γ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
delta = d in “dog” Δ δ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
epsilon = e in “met” Ε ε Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
zeta = z in “daze” Ζ ζ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
eta = e in “obey” Η η Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
theta = th in “thing” Θ θ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
ι iota = i in “intrigue” Ι Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
kappa = k in “king” Κ κ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
lambda = l in “law” Λ λ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
mu = m in “milk” Μ μ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
nu = n in “new” Ν ν Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
xi = x in “axiom” Ξ ξ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
omicron = o in “not” Ο ο Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
pi = p in “peach” Π π Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
rho = r in “rod” Ρ ρ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
σ ς Sigma = s in “sing” Σ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
tau = t in “tea” Τ τ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
upsilon = “oops” umlaut Υ υ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
phi = ph in “phone” Φ φ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
χ chi = Scottish “loch” Χ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
psi = ps in “lips” Ψ ψ Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
omega = o in “vote” Ω ω Letter drawing from Nina Barclay. Eucleides' World: An Exploratory Introduction to Ancient Greek to Accompany Ecce Romani. CANE (Classical Association of New England), 2002.
γκ = ngk, like “ankle” γγ = ng, like “angle” γχ = ngkh, like “ankh” gamma nasal γκ = ngk, like “ankle” γγ = ng, like “angle” γχ = ngkh, like “ankh” γξ = ngks, like “thanks”
ι diphthongs α + ι = αι “aisle” written ᾳ ε + ι = ει “eight” written ῃ ο + ι = οι “oil” written ῳ υ + ι = υι “suite”
υ diphthongs α + υ = αυ “kraut” ε + υ = ευ “feud” ο + υ = ου “soup”
Diaeresis ϊ Marks vowel letter not pronounced as part of diphthong
Breathings Rough Smooth ἀ ἁ