Patra Our city. Where are we from? The Hellenic Republic Borders with... Heritages of ancient Greece, the Roman and Byzantine Empires.

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Patra Our city. Where are we from? The Hellenic Republic Borders with... Heritages of ancient Greece, the Roman and Byzantine Empires."— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Patra Our city

2 Where are we from? The Hellenic Republic Borders with... Heritages of ancient Greece, the Roman and Byzantine Empires

3 Hellas Birthplace of……. Member of the E.U. since 1981 Athens is the capital

4 Hellas Total surface of 132 000 km², Population of about 11,000,000 inhabitants.

5 Patras 3 rd largest urban centre Capital of the prefecture of Achaia Located in northern Peloponnesus, 215 kilometres west of Athens Built at the foothills of Mount Panachaikon, overlooking the Gulf of Patras Has nearly 200,000 inhabitants

6 European Capital of Culture 2006 Has two public universities and one Technological Institute The Rio-Antirio bridge Patras was European Capital of Culture 2006

7 European Capital of Culture 2006 Has two public universities and one Technological Institute The Rio-Antirio bridge Patras was European Capital of Culture 2006

8 The port of Greece to the West Europe

9 Trion Simmahon square

10 Roman odeon and the castle

11 Carnival

12 Psila Alonia

13 Saint Andrew

14 Pantocratoras

15 Patras lighthouse

16 Εσύ θα μείνεις θεατής; 7 o ΕΠΑΛ Γ΄ Γυμνασίου Leonardo Da Vinci, Δαίδαλος, Προγράμματα Περιβαλλοντικά, Αγωγής Υγείας …γεμάτη σχολική ζωή Και τώρα πού πάμε; Εδώ!

17 ...για το ταξίδι στην γνώση Αφετηρία Εγγονοπούλου & Καβάφη (πλησίον Παμπελλοποννησιακού σταδίου) Διαδρομή Τομείς: Υγείας-Πρόνοιας Οικονομίας-Διοίκησης Γεωπονίας -Περιβάλλοντος Πληροφορικής Προορισμός Απολυτήριο Λυκείου Πτυχίο Ειδίκευσης Εισαγωγή σε: ΑΕΙ, ΑΤΕΙ Αγορά εργασίας Εγγονοπούλου και Καβάφη Τηλ. 2610643118 Fax 2610643125 7 ο Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο Πάτρας Πρόσθετη Διδακτική Στήριξη

18 Biotechnology-Genetic engineering and Green Chemistry Organic pesticides r Ionic solvents, Supercitical fluids…. Waste limitation renewable resources Biological processes

19 Let’s protect our planet. We, too, live in it!

20 Give me your hand and let’s join our fists Give me a glance and let’s join our hopes

21 You have to ask what you deserve

22 Don’t leave them take away your dreams

23 Protect your planet and don’t forget: You live in it!

24 So we can keep going on and dreaming more

25 Viability is the development that satisfies the needs of now And does not put in danger the possibility we have that future generations can fulfill theirs!

26 Viability is the key…

27 It doesn’t matter if it is good When it also causes harm

28 Now is the time to use Green Chemistry instead

29 See you in January for the rest!!!

Κατέβασμα ppt "Patra Our city. Where are we from? The Hellenic Republic Borders with... Heritages of ancient Greece, the Roman and Byzantine Empires."

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