Courtesy of British Computer Society Who are we • BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT – Est. 1957 – 70,000 members wordwide • Promotes wider.

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Courtesy of British Computer Society Who are we • BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT – Est. 1957 – 70,000 members wordwide • Promotes wider."— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 courtesy of British Computer Society Who are we • BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT – Est. 1957 – 70,000 members wordwide • Promotes wider social and economic progress through the advancement of information technology science and practice. – We bring together industry, academics, practitioners and government to share knowledge, promote new thinking, inform the design of new curricula, shape public policy and inform the public. – As the professional membership and accreditation body for IT, we serve over 70,000 members including practitioners, businesses, academics and students, in the UK and internationally. We deliver a range of professional development tools for practitioners and employees.

2 courtesy of Mission Our mission is to enable the information society by promoting change and wider social and economic progress through the advancement of information technology, science and practice.

3 courtesy of Vision Our vision is to be a world-class organisation for IT. To achieve this we need to ensure that our profession has the skills and capabilities to meet the IT demands of a changing world.

4 courtesy of Values • Our values shape how we establish BCS as a world- class organisation for IT, and IT as a world-class profession. We pledge to:  Think ahead and focus on action by putting things in place to meet the future needs of all our stakeholders.  Be open and work together by sharing best practice and encouraging collaboration between our members, customers and the industry.  Drive progress and enable change by advancing the role of IT in bettering society, the economy, business and education.

5 BCS – Hellenic Section • To Ελληνικό Παράρτημα συστάθηκε τον Ιούλιο του 2006 (28/07/06) • Τα ιδρυτικά Μέλη ήταν 20. Στο σύνολό τους τα Μέλη είναι πανω απο 200 • Διεύθυνση: Κοραή 3, 105 64 Αθήνα. – Τηλ. 210 3729155, Fax 210 3729159

6 Εκδηλώσεις α’ εξαμηνου 2009 • «Ποιες καινοτόμες υπηρεσίες του Διαδικτύου μπορεί να είναι επιτυχείς στην Ελλάδα;» 25/02/09 Ομιλία του Γ. Λεών, μέλους του Δ.Σ. του BCS, στελέχους της UNISYSTEMS • «Crime in Informatics» 06/05/09 ομιλία του κ. Γιάννη Πάσχου, Αξιωματικού της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας

7 Παρουσίες στο Διαδίκτυο • BCS – Hellenic Section official web site – • BCS – Hellenic Section στο Linkedin –

8 Chartered IT Professional (CITP) • In the rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive world of IT, providing proof of your experience, ability and breadth of knowledge could make all the difference in helping you to take the next step forward in your career. – Employers, recruiters and clients are actively searching for something extra from their candidates: a mark of integrity and dedication to the industry. Chartered IT Professional status is proof that you are one of the best in the business. – If you're an independent consultant looking to secure new business, or an IT professional seeking advancement, becoming Chartered can give you that much-needed edge over the competition, expand your horizons and boost future earnings. courtesy of

9 Becoming a Chartered IT Professional (CITP) The process • Application • Breadth of Knowledge Test • Assessment Interview

10 Thank You! Stefanos Stefanou MSc MBCS BCS Hellenic Section

Κατέβασμα ppt "Courtesy of British Computer Society Who are we • BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT – Est. 1957 – 70,000 members wordwide • Promotes wider."

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