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ΔημοσίευσεἜραστος Ιωαννίδης Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 9 χρόνια
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine1 Εισαγωγή στην Μηχανή Εισαγωγή αντικειμένων Βασικές αρχές torque script Εγγραφή στο forum Επιλογές ασκήσεων
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine2
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine3 Torque Script Script files *.cs Compiled files *.dso Πάντα τηρείται Client – Server δομή Common vs. Control folders Mission area maps Textures – interiors –data Player files – bot files
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine4 Variable Scope Two scopes: global -Variables of global scope have a "$" prefix local - variables of local scope have a "%" prefix. E.g. $maxplayers and %maxplayers %maxplayer can only be used within a specific function, while $maxplayer can be used anywhere in a program. This independence is like having two namespaces.
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine5 Objects and Object Classes Objects are instances of object classes, which are a collection of properties and methods that together define a specific set of behaviors and characteristics. A Torque object is an instantiation of an object class. After creation, a Torque object has a unique numeric identifier called its handle. An instance of an object can be thought of as being somewhat like a copy of an object. When an object exists in a multiplayer game with a server and multiple clients, the server and each client allocate their own handle for the object's storage in memory.
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine6 Datablocks A datablock is a special kind of object containing a set of characteristics that are used to describe another object's properties. Datablock objects exist simultaneously on the server and all its connected clients. Every copy of a given datablock uses the same handle whether it is on the server or a client. By convention, datablock identifiers have the form NameData. VehicleData, PlayerData, and ItemData are all examples of datablock identifiers. Although datablocks are objects, we typically don't explicitly call them objects when referring to them, in order to avoid semantic confusion with regular objects.
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine7 Τι θα κάνουμε σήμερα; Extract lab3_triggers.zip Θα εμπλουτίσουμε ένα υπάρχον παιχνίδι Θα προσθέσουμε στον κόσμο μας μερικά δέντρα Θα προσθέσουμε στον κόσμο μας μια φωτιά Θα ορίσουμε ένα trigger area στην περιοχή της φωτιάς Θα συνδέσουμε το event της εισόδου του παίκτη στο trigger area με την δημιουργία ενός bot.
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine8 World editor Με F11 μπαίνουμε στον mission editor World editor inspector World editor creator Δημιουργία δέντρου: –World editor creator (κάτω δεξιά παράθυρο) –StaticShapes ->control->data->Tree –Τοποθέτηση στο χώρο –Αλλαγή θέσης από τον World Editor Inspector, αλλάζοντας το Transform και πατώντας Apply –Μετά από σημαντικές αλλαγές θυμόμαστε να σώζουμε το mission file από το αντίστοιχο μενού γιατί αλλιώς οι αλλαγές χάνονται μετά τον τερματισμό του παιχνιδιού
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine9 Δημιουργία Φωτιάς –World editor creator (κάτω δεξιά παράθυρο) –Mission objects -> environment ->particleEmitter –Θα φτιάξουμε ένα particleEmitter με όνομα myFire και με datablock FireParticleEmitterNoc –Άλλο ένα particleEmitter με όνομα mySmoke και με datablock SmokeParticleEmitterNoc –Φροντίζουμε από τον world editor inspector οι δύο emitters να έχουν ίδια θέση (Transform) –Αλλάζουμε το μέγεθος κάθε emitter επιλέγοντας το και κρατώντας πατημένα τα πλήκτρα ctrl + alt –Πίσω στον world editor creator, πάνω από εκεί που διαλέξαμε τα mission objects διαλέγουμε: StaticShapes ->control->data->campfire –Του δίνουμε όνομα campfire από τον inspector και ίδιο transform με την φωτιά και τον καπνό –Αλλάζουμε το μέγεθος του επιλέγοντας το campfire και κρατώντας πατημένα τα πλήκτρα ctrl + alt –Σώζουμε το mission file
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine10 Create Trigger Area (I) Ανοίγουμε “server.cs" script file που βρίσκεται στο "lab3_trigger/control" και μέσα στην συνάρτηση onServerCreated() function προσθέτουμε στο τέλος την εξής γραμμή: exec("./triggers.cs"); world editor creator, κάτω δεξιά στα Mission Objects διαλέγουμε mission – trigger Δίνουμε όνομα myTrigger και διαλέγουμε για datablock αντί για το defaultTrigger το MyFirstTrigger Από τον inspector τοποθετούμε το trigger στην ίδια θέση με την φωτιά Αλλάζουμε το μέγεθος του επιλέγοντας το trigger και κρατώντας πατημένα τα πλήκτρα ctrl + alt Mission Editor and select the "File->Save Mission" menu item Απομακρύνουμε τον παίκτη από την φωτιά και τον κάνουμε να πλησιάσει και πάλι. Τι γίνεται; Πως εξηγείται;
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine11 MyFirstTrigger datablock TriggerData( MyFirstTrigger ) // tickPeriodMS is a value is used to control how often the console // onTriggerTick callback is called while there are any objects // in the trigger. The default value is 100 MS. tickPeriodMS = 100; function MyFirstTrigger::onEnterTrigger( %this, %trigger, %obj ) // This method is called whenever an object enters the %trigger // area, the object is passed as %obj. function MyFirstTrigger::onLeaveTrigger( %this, %trigger, %obj ) // This method is called whenever an object leaves the %trigger // area, the object is passed as %obj. function MyFirstTrigger::onTickTrigger( %this, %trigger ) // This method is called every tickPerioMS, as long as any // objects intersect the trigger.
12 Μαΐου 2009Torque Game Engine12 "Mission Objects->Mission" In the "Mission" directory, you should see several entries to choose from. Click the "Trigger" entry just once to place it into the world. This will bring up a small dialog box which will ask you to give the new Trigger a name. Name the new Trigger something like "myTrigger". You can name it anything you like, but I recommend using the word "trigger" in the name to keep things clear. Next, click the drop-down box labeled "Data Block" and select "TempleOfEvilTrigger". Click the dialog's "Ok" button to finalize the settings. 10 At this point you should see a small, yellow cube somewhere in your editor's view, which represents the Trigger's intersection volume. If the Trigger object is really far away, you can hit the "Delete" key to delete it and try again by re-aiming your view to be more local. Note: It's advisable to place trigger some where near the ground so it will be easier to walk our player through it for testing. 11 Next, we're going to scale up our Trigger's area a bit so it will be easier for us to register a hit with it. To do this, select the Trigger object and then hold down both the "Ctrl" and "Alt" key. As you hover your mouse over the yellow cube that surrounds the Trigger's center, you'll notice that the cube's sides highlight as the mouse hovers over. Pick and scale a side by clicking and holding the left mouse button down and moving the mouse. Note: Some sides of the yellow cube, which are on the far side, can not be selected and scaled unless you maneuver around to the other side of the object being scaled. 12 Once you've positioned and scaled the Trigger like you want, place your player somewhere outside the Trigger's area and hit the F11 key to exit the Mission Editor. Now, move your player in-and-out of the Trigger's area and once you're done, hit the "~" key to bring down the game's console and note how our player's movement through the trigger was logged in the console. You should see something like the following: As you should remember, these messages are coming from our Trigger's call-back functions, which get called when ever a player interacts with a Trigger object in the game. Of course, It's now your responsibility to add code to these call-back functions so your game can react to the player's presence. 13 If you want to save your work, hit F11 to re-enter the Mission Editor and select the "File->Save Mission" menu item. If not, simply hit the Escape key to exit out of the game.
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