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ΔημοσίευσεGregory Gerou Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 10 χρόνια
ICT – based regional development Michalis Vafopoulos University of the Aegean 24th EuroCHRIE Congress Program
Regional development major issues Lack of interoperability of actions - island of functions and knowledge “ critical mass ” problem in resources and markets – transportation cost Market failures – imperfect competition
Development is a complex problem Economics describes the solution framework Trans-disciplinary analysis is needed
Our solution in few words.. G-work is introducing an innovative, complete and direct method to employ ICT for local development by offering a creative and functional environment, which encourages, structures and diffuses personal and social knowledge instauration. At the first stage, we develop synergies among human activities by mapping implementation paths for the most popular of them. Based on this structured information standard, a web-based Virtual Organization (VO) is constructed, which integrates all the major activities of a local economy. The final stage of g-work constitutes the creation of personal grid e-workspace for every citizen and company.
from e-work to g-work G-work is defined to have four interconnected aspects: Digital Storage (bytes) Network Traffic (bits per second) Processing Power (hertz) Web Services (one-stop)
g-work and computon Computon A new – under construction! - metric for the four parts. An example Every citizen is been credited 1.000 computons which can be consumed in receive, store, process and transmit information
User-centric design semantic virtualisation & integration of the basic information flows
re-use existing applications
final phase
scientific basis -1 Full Information Approximation (hyper)network effect eInclusion ICT-Βased Regional Development SemanticWeb GridComputing Topic Maps Knowledge Management
scientific basis -2 extensive networking hyperconnectivity to be potentially connected anytime-anywhere glocalization a merging of global opportunities and local interests, aiming to create a more socio- economically balanced world.
Our solution in few words.. G-work is introducing an innovative, complete and direct method to employ ICT for local development by offering a creative and functional environment, which encourages, structures and diffuses personal and social knowledge instauration. At the first stage, we develop synergies among human activities by mapping implementation paths for the most popular of them. Based on this structured information standard, a web-based Virtual Organization (VO) is constructed, which integrates all the major activities of a local economy. The final stage of g-work constitutes the creation of personal grid e-workspace for every citizen and company.
Implementation issues Implementation issues involve organizational, social, economical and technological aspects. General principles driving our analysis could be summarized in the following: co-operation culture technological level
Determine… (a) Business model (public-private funding mixture) (b) Technology (centrality of entities)
Lisbon strategy In March 2000, the European Council in Lisbon set out a tenyear strategy to make the Union “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”.
News 4: EU ICT call 2005 “With myriads of interconnected devices, we need to explore how to tap into all this computing and networking power in a way that can be adapted to different needs. To build service-oriented infrastructures that autonomously shares and manages multiple resources across customers, business units and applications is a challenge that requires further research in areas like software, Grid and knowledge technologies.”
Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδος [1] «η πρόσβαση κάθε πολίτη στην δομημένη πληροφόρηση και στους μηχανισμούς επεξεργασίας της για τα βασικά οικονομικά, κοινωνικά και πολιτικά ζητήματα, καθώς και η παροχή ατομικά κατανεμημένης ισχύς ηλεκτρονικής επεξεργασίας δεδομένων, αποτελεί δημόσιο αγαθό το οποίο παρέχεται ή/και οργανώνεται από το κράτος.» [1][1] Βάσει της αναθεώρησης του 2012.
“ The most valuable social asset is great ideas. The major challenge it to realize them collaboratively in short time.” «Το πιο πολύτιμο αγαθό μιας κοινωνίας είναι οι καλές ιδέες. Η πρόκληση είναι να τις υλοποιήσουμε συνεργατικά σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα.»
Thanks for your attention. I am waiting your hard questions!
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