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ICT Forum Διεύρυνση της Πώλησης: Στοχεύοντας Ψηλότερα Γιώργος Ρυμικής Distribution Business Manager
Intel Confidential 2 ICT Forum Η διεύρυνση της πώλησης Στρατηγική ΆνθρωποιΤακτικές Πώλησεων
Intel Confidential 3 ICT Forum Τακτικές Πωλήσεων (για μέλη καναλιού μεταπωλητών Intel) Οδηγοί σωστής πώλησηςΟδηγοί sell-up & cross-sell
Intel Confidential 4 ICT Forum Άνθρωποι: Εκπαίδευση Webinars Εκπαίδευση Προιοντικές πληροφορίες
Intel Confidential 5 ICT Forum Άνθρωποι: Εκπαίδευση Ολοκληρωμένο εργαλείο για εκπαίδευση πωλητών: Retail Edge Εκπαίδευση
Intel Confidential 6 ICT Forum Στρατηγική Η Διεύρυνση της Πώλησης: Κορυφαία στρατηγική επιλογή Χαρακτηρίζει και μετασχηματίζει όλα τα τμήματα, πόρους, διαδικασίες και στόχους της επιχείρησης Οδηγεί στο στρατηγικό επαναπροσανατολισμό της επιχείρησης με σκοπό την επιβίωση και διαρκή ανάπτυξη μέσα στο εντεινόμενο ανταγωνιστικό περιβάλλον White Papers
Intel Confidential 7 ICT Forum Το «μείγμα» των διαφορετικών τύπων επιχειρήσεων Hardware & Software ΥπηρεσίεςΛύσεις MSP ISV VAR SB SP Οι τύποι των επιχειρήσεων είναι πλέον όλο και λιγότερο διακριτοί
Intel Confidential 8 ICT Forum Πώς βοηθούμε τους συνεργάτες μας να πετύχουν; Το παράδειγμα του Πέρα από το hardware …
Intel Confidential 9 ICT Forum Συντήρηση & Διαχείριση 89% Επιχειρησιακοί Στόχοι Συντήρηση & Διαχείριση 11% 89% Source: Gartner Δείκτης: # συντηρούμενων συστημάτων ανά άτομο IT Τι επηρεάζει αρνητικά το κόστος χρήσης Χειρωνακτική Απογραφή Παγίων “Χαμένα” πάγια Επιτόπια συντήρηση Αδυναμία Διαχείρισης συστημάτων εκτός λειτουργίας Χειρωνακτικό Patching Πολυτυπία/Ανομοιομορφία
Intel Confidential 10 ICT Forum H πρωτοποριακή τεχνολογία Intel ® vPro ™ Ενσωματωμένη διαχειρισιμότητα Προληπτική ασφάλεια Εντυπωσιακές επιδόσεις με χαμηλή κατανάλωση ενέργειας
Intel Confidential 11 ICT Forum Τεχνολογία Intel ® vPro ™ : Δημιουργώντας τις βάσεις για ένα νέο επιχειρησιακό μοντέλο Intel ® Core ™ 2 Duo Chipset, άλλες τεχνολογίες Intel ® vPro ™ technology Μοναδικές Επιδόσεις >40% υψηλότερη ενεργειακή αποδοτικότητα Intel ® Active Management Technology Intel ® Virtualization Technology Intel ® Matrix Storage Technology Η Ιδανική πλατφόρμα για τις επιχειρήσεις + =
Intel Confidential 12 ICT Forum Βασικά Οφέλη Τεχνολογίας Intel ® vPro ™ † Optional second hard drive available from your PC manufacturer Επιδόσεις με χαμηλή κατανάλωση ρεύματος Hardware-based προστασία από hackers και ιούς Προστασία επιχειρησιακών δεδομένων Απομακρυσμένη διάγνωση και επισκευή Απογραφή και συντήρηση λίστας παγίων hardware & software HWΥπηρεσίες
Intel Confidential 13 ICT Forum Μοντέλο Διαχείρισης Υπηρεσιών Ο Μεταπωλητής ως παροχέας Υπηρεσιών IntelIntel ΜεταπωλητήςΜεταπωλητής ΜΜΕΜΜΕ ΜΜΕΜΜΕ ΜΜΕΜΜΕ … … … ISVISV
Intel Confidential 14 ICT Forum Copyright © 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel. Leap ahead., the Intel. Leap ahead. logo, and Intel vPro are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of their respective owners. HP OpenView Υποστήριξη από Software Vendors
Intel Confidential 15 ICT Forum Intel ® System Defense Utility
Intel Confidential 16 ICT Forum Σας ευχαριστώ Intel Channel Conferences – Φθινόπωρο 2007 ΘεσσαλονίκηΤετ 31/10 AθήναΤετ 7/11 Εγγραφείτε: http://www.intelicc.comhttp://www.intelicc.com ή καλέστε 210 - 6752001 Γιώργος Ρυμικής george.m.rimikis@intel.c om
Intel Confidential 17 ICT Forum Back up Foils
Intel Confidential 18 ICT Forum Managed Service Provider Option PC support … 24 x 7 MSPs can offer comprehensive 24 x 7 PC support at costs less than in-house solutions* Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can provide money-saving PC support for small businesses using PCs with Intel ® vPro™ technology Engineering... to meet growth MSPs can provide state of the art PC and network engineering services to meet your growing business needs PCs with Intel ® vPro™ technology MSPs can repair, inventory, and maintain security even when your PCs are powered off or the OS is down *See foils 19-20. Actual costs and savings may vary.
Intel Confidential 19 ICT Forum PCs with built-in remote maintenance capabilities Remote Diagnostics and Repair with an MSP Diagnose, reboot, and repair PCs down-the-wire Reduce support costs and increase up-time: MSPs can remotely repair PCs even if PC is powered down or the OS is inoperable Improve productivity: MSPs can maintain your systems off hours, even if the PC is turned off MSP remotely reboots PC from standard OS image on MSP appliance MSP technician at console diagnoses problem and repairs issue as appropriate Small-Business Network 6 PC unable to boot 1 PC sends an alert to MSP appliance 2 Intel ® vPro ™ technology- enabled desktop PCs MSP in-house management appliance Managed Service Provider console at remote location 3 MSP management appliance alerts MSP MSP appliance creates a secure network connection between MSP and broken PC through firewall Internet Firewall 5 4
Intel Confidential 20 ICT Forum Keep security patches up to date: MSPs can remotely push security patches to PCs off hours without interrupting user productivity Small-Business Network MSP in-house management appliance Managed Service Provider console at remote location MSP management appliance contacts MSP console and downloads security update Internet Firewall Push security updates to PCs even at night or if powered off Virus DAT file on PC updated and rebooted if necessary Encrypted power-off command sent to PC 5 6 MSP appliance constantly reviews software versions on clients and compares to version on MSP console 1 4 Unique encrypted power-on command issued by MSP appliance to wake up PCs 1 New security update on MSP console discovered by MSP appliance 2 3 1 Can be accomplished by script on MSP appliance or by secure connection with MSP console Intel ® vPro ™ technology- enabled desktop PCs Firewall PCs with Proactive Security Remote Security Updates with an MSP
Intel Confidential 21 ICT Forum Usage Models
Intel Confidential 22 ICT Forum IT console polls PCs for unique client ID PC reports unique client ID back to IT console even if powered down IT Management Console 1 1 Network PCs with Superior Manageability Remote Asset Inventory Count your networked PCs even when powered down or the OS is inoperable Faster, more accurate than manual audits Assist compliance with government regulations Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ Technology 2
Intel Confidential 23 ICT Forum PCs with Superior Manageability Hardware and Software Inventory Accurately inventory hardware and software assets Remote hardware inventories assist with upgrade planning or lifecycle management Reduce duplicate licensing fees with accurate software inventories IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology IT console polls PC for hardware IDs and software versions regardless of power state PC reports hardware IDs and software versions 1 2 Network HARDWARE Hard drive: Make, Model Memory: Size, Speed CPU: Type, GHz SOFTWARE Virus SW: Version Management SW: Version OS: Version
Intel Confidential 24 ICT Forum PCs with Superior Manageability Remote Diagnostics and Repair Diagnose, reboot, and repair PCs down-the-wire Reduce the number of deskside visits Rapid response gets users up and running quickly PC remotely rebooted from standard image on management server Technician diagnoses problem and repairs issue as appropriate (remote SW update, local HW install) 3 Network 4 PC unable to boot 1 PC sends an alert 2 IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology
Intel Confidential 25 ICT Forum Network PCs with Superior Manageability Management Agent Presence Checking Keep agents operating correctly Management agents in place ensure more accurate PC asset inventory IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology IT management console repairs non-working management agent PC alerts IT console that management agent is missing or non-functioning 4 3 2 Management agent fails to check in 1 Management or security agent is continuously checking in with Intel vPro technology Agent Present? YESNO Intel ® AMT 1 YESNO Security Agent Mgmt. Agent Agent Present? YESNO Intel ® AMT 1 YESNO Security Agent Mgmt. Agent Agent Present? YESNO Intel ® AMT 1 YESNO Security Agent Mgmt. Agent ( ( ( ( ( ( Intel® Active Management Technology requires the platform to have an Intel® AMT-enabled chipset, network hardware and software, connection with a power source, and a network connection.
Intel Confidential 26 ICT Forum PCs with Superior Manageability Virtualized Configuration Management Ensure greater security with up to date configurations Increase IT policy compliance across your PC Fleet IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology Appliance alerts management console to deploy a remediation, if needed 5 Network IT console sets configuration policy 1 2 Virtual appliance Virtual appliance polls user configuration list to make sure they are operating Ensure system configurations are compliant with IT policy Virtual Appliance Virtual appliance required configuration list Virus DAT Required software Required patch OS version VPN version PC reports missing software or agent 4 User configuration Virus DAT Required software Required patch OS version VPN version Missing software or agent discovered 3 Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM), and for some uses, certain platform software enabled for it. Functionality, performance, or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations and may require a BIOS update.
Intel Confidential 27 ICT Forum PCs with Strengthened Security Encrypted, Remote Power-On and Update Push security updates to PCs even if they are powered off Encrypted, remote deployment of patches without user interruption Reduce time required to deploy patches, reduces vulnerability Virus DAT file on PC updated and rebooted if necessary Encrypted power-off command sent to PC Network 3 4 IT Management Console reviews agent software report in management database for client DAT version to identify clients requiring update 1 2 IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology Unique encrypted power-on command issued by IT console
Intel Confidential 28 ICT Forum PCs with Strengthened Security Encrypted, Remote Power-On and Update Push security updates to PCs even if they are powered off Encrypted, remote deployment of patches without user interruption Reduce time required to deploy patches, reduces vulnerability Virus DAT file on PC updated and rebooted if necessary Encrypted power-off command sent to PC Network 3 4 IT Management Console reviews agent software report in management database for client DAT version to identify clients requiring update 1 2 IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology Unique encrypted power-on command issued by IT console
Intel Confidential 29 ICT Forum PCs with Strengthened Security Hardware-Based Isolation and Recovery Filter harmful viruses and isolate infected PCs Hardware filters add a new level of security to your PC fleet Isolation helps prevent infected PCs from spreading viruses IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology PC sends alert 3 1 32 inbound and 32 outbound hardware filters inspecting traffic 4 IT console traffic allowed to pass through filters to remediate PC Network Filter X When virus is found, filter quarantines system by isolating the OS from the network while keeping remediation channel open to the console 2
Intel Confidential 30 ICT Forum Network PCs with Strengthened Security Security Agent Presence Checking Keep agents operating correctly Security agents in place reduce IT vulnerability IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology IT management console repairs non-working security agent PC alerts IT console that security agent is missing or non-functioning 4 3 2 Security agent fails to check in 1 Management or security agent is continuously checking in with Intel vPro technology Agent Present? YESNO Intel ® AMT 1 YESNO Security Agent Mgmt. Agent Agent Present? YESNO Intel ® AMT 1 YESNO Security Agent Mgmt. Agent Agent Present? YESNO Intel ® AMT 1 YESNO Security Agent Mgmt. Agent ( ( ( ( ( ( Intel® Active Management Technology requires the platform to have an Intel® AMT-enabled chipset, network hardware and software, connection with a power source, and a network connection.
Intel Confidential 31 ICT Forum PCs with Strengthened Security Virtualized Isolation and Recovery Isolate outbreaks at the source PC before they spread Isolation helps prevent infected PCs from spreading viruses More programmable than hardware filters Appliance versatility enables a wide variety of defenses IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology PC sends alert 3 1 Infection starts at PC 4 IT management console repairs PC Virtual Appliance Inspection Program Network X Virtual appliance Virtual appliance inspection program detects virus and Isolates OS 2 Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM), and for some uses, certain platform software enabled for it. Functionality, performance, or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations and may require a BIOS update.
Intel Confidential 32 ICT Forum PCs with Strengthened Security Virtualized Intrusion Protection Stop intrusions before they access vital data Increased security from vulnerabilities and malicious software Protects your data assets from damage or theft IT Management Console Desktop PCs with Intel ® vPro ™ technology Alert is sent to IT console 4 1 Intrusion attempted 5 Virtual Appliance Inspection Program IT console deploys remediation, if needed Virtual Appliance Inspection program inspects inbound and outbound traffic for intrusion patterns 2 3 Intrusion is detected and eliminated by virtual appliancevirtual appliance Network Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM), and for some uses, certain platform software enabled for it. Functionality, performance, or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations and may require a BIOS update.
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