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Παρουσίαση Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
Κωνσταντίνος Τζαβάρας Sales Manager
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Business Applications Business Intelligence
Προφίλ SiEBEN Ολοκληρωμένη Προσέγγιση Microsoft Dynamics CRM Systems’ Integration Business Applications Business Intelligence Internet / Intranet Applications .NET Programming In a fully realized implementation of CRM, we have one record for each customer - what is commonly referred to as the 360 degree view of the customer - that includes a centralized database for Account information, including multiple locations and reporting hierarchies Contact information Opportunity descriptions and forecasted values Integration with the accounting system Support for team account selling and customer service Campaign / marketing management Customer self-service Various forms of analysis and reports Improving our relationships with our customers is dependent on having the right information delivered to the right individuals at the right time. This is only possible through integrated systems.
Προφίλ SiEBEN No1 σε πλήθος εγκαταστάσεων στην ελληνική αγορά (ECDL Hellas, Πλαστικά Κρήτης, Future Kids, Εγνατία ΕΠΕ, New Age κτλ.) Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Επέκταση στα Βαλκάνια
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Ολοκληρωμένη λύση CRM
Sales Καλύτερη διαχείριση των πωλήσεων Marketing Βελτίωση των πελατειακών σχέσεων Customer Service Παροχή καλύτερων υπηρεσιών στους πελάτες Microsoft CRM Modules Εξυπηρέτηση πελατών Διαχείριση Πωλήσεων Αυτοματοποίηση του Marketing Microsoft CRM is a customer relationship management solution that provides of the tools and capabilities needed to create and easily maintain a clear picture of customers from first contact through purchase and post-sales. With modules for sales, marketing, and customer service, Microsoft CRM delivers a fast, flexible, and affordable solution that drives consistent, measurable improvements in every business process, enables closer relationships with customers, and helps achieve new levels of profitability. Sales: Create Demand and Generate New Business No matter how complex a company’s sales processes are, Microsoft CRM provides easy-to-use features and capabilities to help improve the way sales and marketing organizations target new customers, manage marketing campaigns, and drive sales activities. The Sales module helps businesses: Increase the sales pipeline with qualified sales leads and opportunities. Maximize the sales strategy through centralized, coordinated sales processes, including scripts and other activities. Help the sales force arrive prepared for important customer meetings by accessing sales opportunities and service histories for each customer. Unify customer and responses by automatically capturing discussion threads as part of each customer’s history record. Marketing: Better Decision-Making and a Clearer View of Customers In today’s information-driven economy, most companies are awash in customer data. Success requires the ability to transform that information into clear, actionable knowledge and respond more quickly to changing customer needs and preferences. With Microsoft CRM sales and marketing organizations can have instant access to complete customer information no matter where it is stored, along with the tools needed to turn that information into action. This allows a company to: Create a single view of each customer based on every piece of information collected. Focus marketing efforts using intelligent list and segmentation tools to reach prospective customers more effectively. Execute smarter marketing campaigns with powerful new analytic tools. Understand what customers are really saying with reporting and analysis tools built on Microsoft® SQL Server™. Customer Service: Provide More Value to Customers Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to strengthen that customer’s loyalty by providing high levels of personalized service. Because it helps companies offer customers targeted, relevant information about the products and services that they are interested in, Microsoft CRM can help take advantage of opportunities to enhance customer relationships while maximizing the ability to both up-sell and cross-sell. With the Customer Service module an organization can: Respond faster to service issues by delivering the right answers to customers in real-time. Resolve customer issues according to desired service levels. Schedule and dispatch service resources using new features that make it easy to find professionals who can deliver the right services. Use centralized scheduling and dispatching to manage resources and coordinate services.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Βασικά οφέλη
Λειτουργεί σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις σας Ακολουθεί τις τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις Συμβαδίζει με τις εταιρικές λειτουργίες Προσαρμόζεται εύκολα στις εταιρικές λειτουργίες Παραμετροποιείται και επεκτείνεται ανάλογα με τις απαιτήσεις Ενσωματώνεται πλήρως στο Outlook Microsoft CRM 3.0 While delivering a full suite of marketing, sales, and customer service for small and midsized businesses, and divisions of global enterprises, it is important to note that Microsoft CRM 3.0 will deliver upon the following core tenets: Works the Way You Do: Provide rich CRM capabilities into the applications you know and use today. Our explicit goal with CRM 3.0 is to provide the most natural way for Microsoft Office users to establish better relationships and insight about their customers. Microsoft CRM 3.0 Professional integrates directly into Outlook and other Microsoft Office applications including Microsoft Office, Word, Excel®, and PowerPoint, enabling employees to work within the familiar, comfortable Outlook environment. The result: People will quickly be able to begin using Microsoft CRM 3.0 Professional tools for managing sales, services, and marketing processes. Works the Way Your Business Does: Provide an adaptable CRM platform that can be altered to meet the needs of every unique business. Quick customization of the CRM forms, views, objects and relationships allow you to build powerful CRM features and solutions yourself- without the need to write your own custom programming. Every company has its own processes, its own culture, and its own way of reaching out to customers. Microsoft CRM 3.0 Professional is a flexible solution that can be quickly customized to any company’s current needs while providing a flexible, scalable platform that will grow business expands. Works the Way Business Does: Mergers, acquisitions, and years of shifting IT priorities have left many companies struggling with the problem of how to integrate a wide range of often incompatible legacy applications. Microsoft CRM 3.0 Professional was created to enable companies to standardize and consolidate customer information no matter where it is created or stored. For those organizations that need even further customization, Microsoft CRM provides amazing extensibility and integration across your enterprise. Leveraging our pervasive web services across the Microsoft architecture, your organization effectively has a completely robust, secure and scalable solution to build your business upon.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Ενισχύστε τους τελικούς χρήστες
“Η έκδοση 3.0 του Microsoft Dynamics CRM ενοποιεί πλήρως τις λειτουργικότητες του Office με αυτές του CRM … είναι σχεδόν αδύνατο να διαχωρίσεις το ένα από το άλλο.” - Bruce Richardson, AMR Research Λειτουργεί σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις σας Λειτουργεί μέσα από το Outlook Περιορισμένες ανάγκες εκπαίδευσης Εύκολο στη χρήση Let’s talk some more about how Microsoft CRM works the way that you do. For many people , Microsoft Office and Outlook are central to where they spend their day and how they organize their work. Microsoft CRM is built on the very simple premise that it’s better to integrate CRM into how people already spend their workday than to try to drive people to use a separate and more complicated CRM application. Microsoft CRM looks and acts like a natural extension to Microsoft Office and Outlook, and many users will find it difficult to tell where Microsoft Outlook leaves off and Microsoft CRM begins. It follows the same look and feel as Microsoft Outlook, and automatically synchronizes calendar items , contacts , tasks , and . The amount of CRM functionality that is presented is based on the role of the user . For example, a front desk clerk might see a small slice of CRM activities and data, perhaps the ability to set up appointments for other people in the organization, whereas the head of sales operations may have a much broader and deeper set of CRM data and capabilities at his or her disposal . Putting the right amount of CRM capabilities right where people already work, and tied into how they already work, is the fastest and most reliable way to ensure user adoption within the organization, and user adoption is critical to the success of any CRM strategy . +
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Καλύπτει τις ανάγκες της επιχείρησης
Λειτουργεί σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες της επιχείρησης “Το Microsoft CRM 3.0 μας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσουμε τις διαδικασίες και τα πεδία που επιθυμούμε σε πραγματικό χρόνο.” - Sandy Clifford, IT Director, United Way Προσαρμόζεται στις ανάγκες κάθε επιχείρησης Εύκολη παραμετροποίηση Εύκολη εγκατάσταση Microsoft CRM is designed to work the way your business does . Two of the most important things in a CRM system are consistent process execution and to the measurability of those processes. The workflow engine in Microsoft CRM manages the definition and execution of processes within the system. External applications and data can be accessed before or after any workflow step, allowing unlimited flexibility in how workflows are connected across the enterprise . When it comes to measuring progress and results of CRM activities within the system , Microsoft CRM provides a powerful range of options. The new version of Microsoft CRM leverages the full power of SQL Server Reporting Services (SRS), which provides a highly-scalable server based platform for reporting and analysis . However, we recognize that the world’s most widely used business intelligence tool is Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft CRM provides an automatic way to take the data into Microsoft Excel for analysis while maintaining a Live connection to the underlying CRM data model. This means that you can take data into Excel, go offline , work with the data while on the road , and then automatically refresh the spreadsheet with the latest data when you reconnect to the system . One powerful feature of Microsoft CRM’s data management strategy is that all user roles and permissions are stored in the database itself. This means that users can’t “go around” the CRM application to gain access to data from other tools (for example, BI tools). Instead, the database will enforce the permissions and access rights that are defined in the CRM system no matter how a user tries to get at the data.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Εύκολο στη διαχείριση και συντήρηση
“Το Microsoft CRM λειτουργεί σε Windows Server 2003 και SQL Server—πλατφόρμες και εφαρμογές με τα οποία είμαστε ήδη εξοικειωμένοι και χρησιμοποιούμε στην επιχείρησή μας.” - Greg Hughes, Director, Security & IT, Corillian Corporation Ακολουθεί τις τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις Γνώριμη επιχειρηματική πλατφόρμα Ασφάλεια Δυνατότητα επέκτασης - Roles-Based User Experience - Finally , Microsoft CRM really works the way technology should . It delivers a great user experience , a rich set of application functionality , and a fast flexible and affordable platform that can grow and change with your business. Your CRM platform should bring together all of the pieces within your environment : your end user’s desktop productivity tools , a scalable and secure place to manage your customer information , powerful integration and presentation technologies , and a complete mobility solution from laptops to handheld devices . Microsoft CRM does that for you; it is built with a modern service-oriented architecture and relies on tools and industry standards that your organization already knows . It allows you to quickly and easily integrate with external applications and data , and automatically generates web services interfaces for every object in the CRM system . Business Workflow and Visibility Integration and Extensibility
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Πολιτική licensing Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Λειτουργικότητα
Marketing Sales Service Reporting Δύναμη για τους Εργαζόμενους Σύνδεση με τους πελάτες Πληροφόρηση για τη Διοίκηση Ενοποιημένο περιβάλλον για τους συνεργάτες
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Λειτουργικότητα
CRM πλατφόρμα και όχι Out-Of-The-Box λύση Απεριόριστες Δυνατότητες Παραμετροποίησης Παραμετροποίηση οθονών Δημιουργία νέων οντοτήτων Παραμετροποίηση ενεργειών (activities) Δυναμικές αναζητήσεις Ισχυρό Εργαλείο Workflow Αυτοματοποίηση διαδικασιών Παρακολούθηση ροής εργασιών Παρακολούθηση κύκλου πώλησης Custom Λειτουργικότητα – Office Integration SDK Excel integration (autorefresh pivot tables) Word Integration (mail merge) Infopath
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Λειτουργικότητα
Sales Lead Management Account & Contact Management Ευκαιρίες Πώλησης (Opportunity Management) Προσφορές (Quotes) Παραγγελίες (Orders) Κατάλογος προϊόντων Ανταγωνισμός Αρχειοθέτηση εγγράφων (Sales Literature) Service Marketing Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A world leader in providing computerized transaction processing, data communications, software, and information services, ADP has 450,000 global clients and worldwide revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. Brokerage Services Group in Automatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates a 102 percent Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by upgrading the ADP BrokerViewTM* platform to Windows® 2000 Advanced Server. Primary business benefits include a 33 percent improvement in time-to-market, significantly reduced deployment and support costs, and enhanced competitive advantage through Internet-based support. By taking advantage of other Windows 2000 Server capabilities—such as virtual private networking and Smart Card security—ADP can expect a 169 percent IRR. Marks & Spencer UK’s premier clothing and food retailer for 120 years, operates in over 680 locations worldwide. With revenues of £13.2 billion in 1999, Marks & Spencer is legendary in the retail industry for supplier relationships and innovation. The company wanted to turn an already strong integration with suppliers into a flexible, responsive, and customer-oriented infrastructure that could respond quickly to customer needs. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk® Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at £12 million. Barnes & Noble.com The world’s largest in-stock inventory of any online bookseller, and is ranked by Media Metrix as one of the four most popular shopping sites on the Web. The analysis determined that Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions. Reporting
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Λειτουργικότητα
Sales Διαχείριση Συμβολαίων (Contract Management Εξυπηρέτηση αιτήσεων (Service requests) Προγραμματισμός Τεχνικών (Service Calendar) Διαχείριση πόρων (resources / facilities) Τυποποίηση υπηρεσιών (Services, σύνδεσή τους με πόρους) Knowledge Base Αυτόματη δρομολόγηση αιτημάτων Service Marketing Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A world leader in providing computerized transaction processing, data communications, software, and information services, ADP has 450,000 global clients and worldwide revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. Brokerage Services Group in Automatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates a 102 percent Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by upgrading the ADP BrokerViewTM* platform to Windows® 2000 Advanced Server. Primary business benefits include a 33 percent improvement in time-to-market, significantly reduced deployment and support costs, and enhanced competitive advantage through Internet-based support. By taking advantage of other Windows 2000 Server capabilities—such as virtual private networking and Smart Card security—ADP can expect a 169 percent IRR. Marks & Spencer UK’s premier clothing and food retailer for 120 years, operates in over 680 locations worldwide. With revenues of £13.2 billion in 1999, Marks & Spencer is legendary in the retail industry for supplier relationships and innovation. The company wanted to turn an already strong integration with suppliers into a flexible, responsive, and customer-oriented infrastructure that could respond quickly to customer needs. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk® Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at £12 million. Barnes & Noble.com The world’s largest in-stock inventory of any online bookseller, and is ranked by Media Metrix as one of the four most popular shopping sites on the Web. The analysis determined that Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions. Reporting
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Λειτουργικότητα
Sales Παρακολούθηση Marketing Campaigns Διαχείριση λιστών (Marketing Lists) Budgeting Cost / Benefit Analysis Service Marketing Reporting
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Λειτουργικότητα
Sales Service Έτοιμες +150 αναφορές SQL Server Reporting Services SQL Server Analytics Excel Integration (δυναμικά pivot tables) Marketing Reporting
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Microsoft CRM Πολιτική Licensing
Professional Edition Παρέχει όλες τις λειτουργικότητες CRM χωρίς όρια χρηστών Προαιρετική άδεια χρήσης για external connector Small Business Edition Απαιτείτε η εγκατάσταση του SBS Επιπλέον χαρακτηριστικά του SBS
Microsoft CRM Professional vs. Small Business Edition
CRM 3.0 Small Business Edition CRM 3.0 Pro Number of Supported Users 35 or less recommended (75 max) Unlimited Runs on Small Business Server 2003 Runs on Windows Server 2003 Marketing Automation Service Management Enhancements Service Appointments Work Calendar Work Management Scheduling Notifications Activity Customization Merge Duplicates Account Rollup Campaigns and Reports Quotes, Orders, and Invoices for Services Fax Server Integration Small Business Server Console Integration Business Contact Manager Data Migration Quotas Quotes, Orders, and Invoices CRM 3.0 Small Business Edition CRM 3.0 Pro Workflow Product Catalog Competitor Tracking Sales Literature Leads Routing Case Management Knowledgebase Management Activity and Case Queuing Management (Auto-Response) Case Routing Account & Contact Management Calendar Notes & Attachments Direct via Microsoft CRM Exchange Connector Activity & Task Management
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Επίδειξη CRM
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Οφέλη για την επιχείρηση
Διατήρηση πελατών Διαχείριση αιτημάτων Έλεγχος στρατηγικών marketing Βελτίωση διαχείρισης δυνητικών πελατών Απόκτηση νέων πελατών Άλλο
Οφέλη - Πλεονεκτήματα Πλατφόρμα ανάπτυξης
Ευελιξία – Μεγάλες δυνατότητες παραμετροποίησης – Προσαρμογή στις ιδιαίτερες απαιτήσεις Ισχυρό workflow εργαλείο Office Integration Αξιοποίηση των πλέον σύγχρονων τεχνολογιών Εγγύηση της μεγαλύτερης παγκοσμίως εταιρείας λογισμικού Αύξηση πωλήσεων Αύξηση επιπέδου εξυπηρέτησης πελατών Βελτιστοποίηση πρακτικών marketing Βελτίωση σχέσεων και ικανοποίησης πελατών
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Hardware Servers
Small Business Server (ιδανικό έως 25 χρήστες, υποστηρίζει έως 40) Minimum απαιτήσεις: Processor: Single 700MHz Xeon PIII Ram: 512 MB Controller: SCSI with Hardware RAID 5 Κάρτα Δικτύου: 10/100 Mb Προτεινόμενες απαιτήσεις: Processor: Dual 1.8 GHz Xeon P4 Ram: 1 GB Controller: SCSI with Hardware RAID 5 (3 drives for RAID 5-2 for RAID1) Κάρτα Δικτύου: 100 Mb
Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Hardware Clients
Προδιαγραφές για Browser Clients Minimum απαιτήσεις: Processor: PIII στα 500MHz Ram: 64 MB Κάρτα Δικτύου: 10/100 Mb Προτεινόμενες απαιτήσεις: Processor: PIII στα 650MHz ή περισσότερο Ram: 128 MB Κάρτα Δικτύου: 10/100 Mb
Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Hardware Clients
Προδιαγραφές για Outlook Clients Minimum απαιτήσεις: Processor: PIII στα 300MHz Ram: 128 MB 100 MB ελεύθερος χώρος στο σκληρό δίσκο Κάρτα Δικτύου: 10/100 Mb Προτεινόμενες απαιτήσεις: Processor: PIII στα 650MHz ή περισσότερο Ram: 512 MB 100 ΜΒ ελεύθερος χώρος στο σκληρό δίσκο Κάρτα Δικτύου: 10/100 Mb
Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές
Software Servers Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (ή Advanced Server) με Service Pack 3 ή μεταγενέστερο. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 με Service Pack 2 ή μεταγενέστερο. Software Exchange router Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (ή Advanced Server) με Service Pack 3 ή μεταγενέστερο. Windows Exchange 2000 Server με Service Pack 3.
Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές
Software Clients (Browser Clients) Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, Microsoft Windows 2000 (Server ή Professional), Microsoft Windows XP (Professional ή Home) Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 με Service Pack 2 ή μεταγενέστερο. Software Clients (Outlook Clients) Microsoft Windows 2000 (Server ή Professional) με Service Pack 3, ή Microsoft Windows XP Professional με Service Pack 1. Microsoft Office 2000 με Service Release 1, ή Microsoft Office XP και Microsoft Office 2003 με CRM 1.2
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Κόστος αδειών χρήσης Άδειες χρήσης
Ανά Server Ανά χρήστη Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Professional Edition 2.570€ 770€ 1.280€ 640€
Κόστος εγκατάστασης Εγκατάσταση Ανάλυση και Παραμετροποίηση Εκπαίδευση
3.000€ και 100€ / χρήστη Ανάλυση και Παραμετροποίηση 10.000€ για 150 ώρες 70 για κάθε επιπλέον ώρα Εκπαίδευση 60 / ώρα για τους χρήστες 70 / ώρα για τους administrators
Agenda Προφίλ SiEBEN Microsoft CRM 3.0: Τεχνολογία
Microsoft CRM 3.0: Licensing Demo Πλεονεκτήματα – Οφέλη Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές Κόστος Υλοποίησης Επίλογος
Γιατί με τη SiEBEN? Πρωτοποριακά project στο χώρο του e-Business σε κορυφαίες εταιρίες Άρτια καταρτισμένο προσωπικό Προσαρμοσμένες λύσεις στις απαιτήσεις των πελατών μας Δυναμικό After Sales Support
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