Τεχνολογικά Εργαλεία Πωλήσεων

Παρόμοιες παρουσιάσεις

Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Τεχνολογικά Εργαλεία Πωλήσεων"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Τεχνολογικά Εργαλεία Πωλήσεων

2 Agenda Καλοσώρισμα Δημήτρης Καλύβας, Partner Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas Κουνάκη Μαρία, Account Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Εταιρικές Λύσεις Συνεργασίας Δημήτρης Καλυβας, Partner Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas Mobile Sales Force Automation Ισίδωρος Σιδερίδης, Business Development Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Κωνσταντίνος Τζαβάρας, Sales Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Διάλειμμα - Καφές Microsoft Business Solutions CRM Πάνος Γκίκας, Business Solutions Product Manager, Microsoft Hellas Έλενα Γαλιάτσου, Business Applications Implementator SiEBEN Innovative Solutions

3 Η εταιρία Η εταιρία μας ιδρύθηκε τον Οκτώβριο του 2000 και
παρέχει καινοτόμες λύσεις πληροφορικής Η SiEBEN συνεργάζεται με την Microsoft χτίζοντας τις εφαρμογές της σε προϊόντα της κορυφαίας εταιρείας λογισμικού [Slide Objective: Articulate the current and future market trends that will be driving the business of OEM system developers in the new decade] The embedded marketplace is undergoing fundamental change as market trends such as ever-increasing customer demands, new technologies, and the ongoing evolution of the technology industry offer challenges and opportunities to the embedded system developer. 1) Customer Demands are Changing: Customers are increasing asking their devices to do more, cost less, and connect with everything. Customers want richer functionality that include some of the latest desktop and server features to provide richer applications and services. They want lower cost, not only in terms of the device cost they pay but the ongoing support costs to manage and update the device more easily and centrally. Finally they are looking for greater interoperability and connectivity to access and exchange information with their existing and evolving IT infrastructure and other computing systems 2) The Technology Industry continues to evolve The second major embedded industry trend is the influence of the larger ongoing computer industry trends as hardware and bandwidth costs continue to fall at 30-50% per year. In addition, increasing standardization and time-to-market pressures encourage the greater use of commodity off-the-shelf hardware, open communication standards and commercial rather than proprietary embedded operating systems. 3) Because of these customer and industry changes, New Technologies continue to enter the embedded marketplace as their use becomes more popular, possible, and affordable Technologies like: Increasingly TCP/IP centric communication options Richer GDI/GUI for user interactivity Availability of Distributed computing through object-oriented application technologies Methods to integrate with databases, mail servers, and web servers Configurable Internet browsing Remote Device Manageability The combination of these market trends result in escalating demands for more features, delivered more quickly to the marketplace at lower and lower costs. Moreover, this trend will only accelerate further as 32-bit computing and standardized pervasive connectivity become more standard. Έχει τη διάκριση του Microsoft Gold Certified Partner για τους τομείς ISV Software Solutions και Information Worker Solutions

4 Τομείς Δραστηριοτήτων
Mobile Division Αναπτύσσει επιχειρηματικές εφαρμογές που βασίζονται σε φορητές συσκευές (PDAs, SmartPhones, Tablet PCs) και βοηθούν τους εν κινήσει χρήστες να διεκπεραιώνουν τις καθημερινές τους εργασίες ενώ βρίσκονται μακριά από την έδρα τους. Internet & Intranet Division Προσφέρει λύσεις βασισμένες στο web, όπως κατασκευή και φιλοξενία ιστοσελίδων, ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών internet και σχεδίαση εταιρικών portals. Systems Integration Division Προσφέρει υπηρεσίες ολοκλήρωσης πληροφοριακών συστημάτων και δικτύων, με λύσεις που ανταποκρίνονται σε όλο το φάσμα των επιχειρήσεων. Business Applications Division Αναλαμβάνει έργα CRM και Reporting, παρέχοντας παράλληλα και συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες σχετικές με την πετυχημένη αφομοίωση της τεχνολογίας από τις επιχειρήσεις.

5 Agenda Καλοσώρισμα Δημήτρης Καλυβας, Partner Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas Κουνάκη Μαρία, Account Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Εταιρικές Λύσεις Συνεργασίας Δημήτρης Καλύβας, Partner Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas Mobile Sales Force Automation Ισίδωρος Σιδερίδης, Business Development Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Κωνσταντίνος Τζαβάρας, Sales Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Διάλειμμα - Καφές Microsoft Business Solutions CRM Πάνος Γκίκας, Business Solutions Product Manager, Microsoft Hellas Έλενα Γαλιάτσου, Business Applications Implementator SiEBEN Innovative Solutions

6 Σύγχρονες Επιχειρηματικές Λύσεις Συνεργασίας
Δημήτρης Καλύβας Partner Technology Specialist

7 Ατζέντα Εισαγωγή Τεχνολογίες SharePoint Office System 2003
Windows Share Point Services Office Share Point Portal Server 2003 Ενοποιημένη πλατφόρμα Office - Sharepoint Office System 2003

8 Η πληροφορία σήμερα Περισσότερο από το 80% της ψηφιακής πληροφορίας της επιχείρησης βρίσκεται στο σκληρό δίσκο προσωπικού υπολογιστή και σε προσωπικά αρχεία. 50%-75% της χρήσιμης πληροφορίας για τον υπάλληλο προέρχεται άμεσα από άλλους ανθρώπους. Βασικές Προκλήσεις Σύνδεση ατόμων, πληροφοριών και επιχειρηματικών διαδικασιών Σύνδεση και συνεργασία με πελάτες συνεργάτες και προμηθευτές Αποτελεσματική συνεργασία ομάδων Προστασία εμπιστευτικής πληροφορίας Τελικά … Αύξηση παραγωγικότητας εργαζομένων Μείωση του λειτουργικού κόστους Ο εργαζόμενος έχει το κλειδί για την οικονομία και την αξιοποίηση της γνώσης και η περισσότερη πληροφορία χάνεται όταν φύγει από την επιχείρηση. Πηγή: “The Knowledge Worker Investment Paradox” Gartner research 7/17/2002

9 Επιχειρηματικά Θέματα
Δύσκολη Πρόσβαση στις Πληροφορίες Προβλήματα Οργάνωσης της Πληροφορίας In almost every organization, regardless of industry or structure, finding, organizing and managing information is extremely challenging. It’s difficult to locate information inside organizations. It’s stored in many different storage types: Internet share, Intranet shares, file shares, local files stores, Exchange public folders and in Notes databases, just to name a few. And it’s in many different file formats – Office documents, HTML files, text files. Even once you find what you’re looking for, it’s very hard to organize information. Users want only info relevant to them and their jobs Finally, from the Web administrator perspective, it’s complex to administrate the tools which house information. The many different search, document creation, document management, portal creation and portal management tools are overwhelming to choose from and expensive to implement. They can be difficult to set up. Managing a divsions’ or organizations’ end-user content creation and publishing process is time-consuming from an administrators perspective, and provides additional training for end-users Πολύπλοκα συστήματα, Δύσκολα στη διαχείριση

10 Εστιάζοντας στο Office System
Η Ενοποιημένη Πλατφόρμα της Microsoft Εστιάζοντας στο Office System

11 Τεχνολογίες SharePoint
Λύση Enterprise Portal βασισμένη στις τεχνολογίες SharePoint Κεντρικό σημείο διαχείρισης και ενοποίησης για τους προσωπικούς και ομαδικούς τόπους SharePoint SharePoint Portal Server Νέα και Links Site Directory and Connections Προσωπικά Sites Audience Targeting Index, Search και Alerts Single Sign-On Συνδεσιμότητα μέσω BizTalk Λύση για συνεργασία ομάδων πέρα από τα κλειστά πλαίσια των κλασικών file servers Κλιμακούμενη πλατφόρμα Workspace SharePoint Services Αποθήκευση εγγράφων και συνεργασία ομάδων Ευέλικτες Λίστες Σελίδες από Web Parts Υποστήριξη Personalization Εύκολη διαχείριση του κύκλου ζωής του Site Επέκταση Scale-Up/Out SharePoint Products and Technologies development groups practice what Microsoft preaches about building .NET applications. SharePoint Products and Technologies invested significantly in .NET technology to build Server software, and it has paid off in big way •          Leverage power of SQL Server for all storage: metadata, documents, configuration data <Click to bring in SharePoint Services and ASP.NET info> •          Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server 2003 are ASP.NET-delivered applications •          Windows SharePoint Services is delivered by Windows Server The site framework foundation allows you to provision, manage and use thousands and thousands of sites that provide: •          Team collaboration services such as document collaboration, team calendars, announcements surveys and discussions •          Infrastructure for delivering Web Pages made up of Web Parts <Click to bring in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 info> SharePoint Portal Server 2003 is a scalable portal server built on top of this infrastructure.  SharePoint Portal Server 2003 leverages Windows SharePoint Services to provide portal pages for people, applications, information and organizations.  In addition, SharePoint Portal Server adds entire classes of additional functionality to the enterprise •  Enterprise Application Integration •  Search or browse for documents, information, SharePoint sites, and people •  Organize, manage and provision SharePoint sites •  Target information, applications and Web Services to Audiences Provide My Sites to every member of the organization

12 Windows SharePoint Services
Σενάρια για Information Workers Συνεργασία σε projects, κείμενα, συναντήσεις Διαλειτουργηκότητα σε πληροφορίες και ιδέες Διαχείριση virtual teams Χαρακτηριστικά Document check in/check out, versioning Shared calendars, discussions, surveys Templated sites Ενοποίηση με το Office 2003, και τον Live Communication Server Οφέλη Ευκολία Χρήσης Empower individuals and managers Build and manage team community

13 Συνεργασία Ομάδων Group Coordination
Αρχική Σελίδα Ομάδων Event Calendars, Εργασίες, Links και Contacts Enable and Facilitate Communication Ενσωμάτωση με το , instant messaging και με free/busy πληροφορία Team focused notifications Self-service Discussions Group Surveys Meeting workspaces


15 Windows SharePoint Services Προσθήκη Web Parts
Does everyone need to work within Project? We’d like that! But, we offer several ways of accessing Project information and collaborating with others. You can use Windows SharePoint Services, WSS, but you could easily do this in SharePoint Portal Server too. These tools are a platform for building web sites. With WSS, you can design what a collaborative web site and work space. Is this hard? No we predefined web parts: Project Center – view project portfolios and drill down to project details Project Manager Updates – gives the PM a summary of team member updates Project Portfolio Analyzer – Accesses the tool we saw earlier Project Report – shows a grid view of your project’s tasks Project Resource Assignments – presents the build team function Project Timesheet – easily track hours spent on task activities Risks – proactively manage projects by identifying and planning mitigation of risks You can further customize these web parts. Just think how much development time they’ll save…

16 Microsoft Office SPS 2003 Σενάρια για Information Workers
Οργάνωση SharePoint sites μέσα στον Οργανισμό Συγκέντρωση Εταιρικής Γνώσης Πρόσβαση σε σχετική πληροφορία και Εφαρμογές Χαρακτηριστικά Συγκέντρωση, Οργάνωση, Διαχείριση, provision SharePoint sites Enterprise Application integration MySites Audience targeting Search or browse for documents, websites, teams and people Οφέλη Put information to work Connect collaborative people and workspaces Tailor and target information to be more productive

17 Indexing & Search Κατηγοριοποίηση Search Subscriptions & Notifications
Δυνατότητα εύρεσης όχι μόνο εγγράφων αλλά και Categories, Teams, Sites, and People (το public view του ‘My Site’) Subscriptions & Notifications Ελαχιστοποίηση του χαμένου χρόνου για την συλλογή πληροφοριών «Push» content προς τους χρήστες Πληροφορίες για το τι έχει αλλάξει Κατηγοριοποίηση Οργάνωση της πληροφορίας με βάση την θεματολογία Λειτουργούν σαν home pages για συγκεκριμένα θέματα – σαν πρώτο σημείο αναφοράς για όλες τις πληροφορίες Δυνατότητα Customization Ενσωματώνει έτοιμες ομάδες κατηγοριών που ταιριάζουν σε πολλές ανάγκες Ασφαλής πρόσβαση στις κατηγορίες ανάλογα με τα δικαιώματα του χρήστη

18 Microsoft Office System

19 Ολοκλήρωση Office & Sharepoint

20 Ολοκλήρωση Office & Sharepoint

21 Ολοκλήρωση Office & Sharepoint

22 Ολοκλήρωση Office & Sharepoint

23 Ολοκλήρωση Office & Sharepoint


25 Office 2003 Information Rights Management (IRM)
Ελεγχόμενη πρόσβαση και χρήσης επιχειρηματικής πληροφόρησης Περιορισμός ανεπιθύμητης χρήσης εγγράφων/ μηνυμάτων: Αποτρέπει μη εγκεκριμένη προώθηση, αντιγραφή, ή εκτύπωση εγγράφων, μηνυμάτων και επισυναπτομένων (attachments) Δυνατότητα προσθήκης ημερομηνίας λήξης εγγράφων/ μηνυμάτων Θέτει έλεγχο πρόσβασης είτε στο συνολικό έγγραφο, είτε σε μέρος αυτού Protect and control who can access vital business information by using IRM, enabled by Windows Rights Management Services (WRMS) on Microsoft Windows Server IRM prevents or limits documents from being used in unintended ways, giving organizations and information workers greater control of their sensitive information. You can: Help secure company assets by using IRM capabilities to prevent people who receive documents or messages from forwarding, copying, or printing documents and attachments. Reduce document sharing or unintended use by setting an expiration date on a document, after which it cannot be viewed or edited. Protect your documents from being unintentionally changed by using Word Formatting and Editing Restrictions. You can set permission controls on entire documents or portions of a document to prevent editing or reformatting. Partner Opportunity Partners need to fill critical Windows Rights Management ecosystem roles to enable rich scenarios across the broadest possible customer base Infrastructure Hosted Services: Develop ASP-model, hosted services for RMS licensing, Server Enrollment, and Lockbox Distribution Revocation Services: Provide alternate revocation authorities for the RM ecosystem Key Escrow Services: Provide escrow services to enterprise customers and traditional hosting companies to strengthen internal and external SLA’s System Integrator: System Integrators to develop key LOB scenarios with specific customers addressing our target verticals Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Enterprise information/document management ISV’s: Evaluate platform integration opportunity Build and deliver RM-enabled applications

26 Πρόσβαση κάθε στιγμή, από κάθε συσκευή
Outlook 2000/XP/2003 Outlook Web Access Αυξημένη Παραγωγικότητα Exchange Server ActiveSync Outlook Mobile Access

27 Τι είναι το Microsoft InfoPath;
Ένα νέο πρόγραμμα του Microsoft Office Συμπεριλαμβάνεται στις εκδόσεις του Office Pro Ent. Ed. 2003 Διατίθεται και ανεξάρτητα Είναι εφαρμογή γραφείου Είναι η πλατφόρμα για την νέα γενιά ηλεκτρονικών φορμών Διασυνδέει το desktop και τους servers What is InfoPath 2003?  Microsoft® Office InfoPath™ 2003 is a new Office system application that streamlines the process of gathering information by enabling teams and organizations to easily create and work with rich, dynamic forms.  The information collected can be integrated with a broad range of business processes because InfoPath supports customer-defined XML schemas and integrates with XML Web services.  The native file format for InfoPath forms is industry-standard XML, which makes it easy for companies to integrate the forms into existing business processes.  As a result, InfoPath helps to connect information workers directly to organizational information, giving them the ability to act on it, which leads to greater business impact.  ·         Converting Data to Knowledge: InfoPath enables people to connect data with context so they can make better-informed decisions. ·         Increase Efficiency: InfoPath provides an efficient and accurate way to collect information. ·         Share Information throughout the Organization: InfoPath enables teams and organizations to easily reuse and repurpose the information that they collect.  The information can then be used across business processes and the organization. ·         Manage Information More Flexibly: InfoPath gives teams and organizations more flexibility in dealing with rapidly changing business conditions. ·         Take Advantage of Existing IT Investments: IT professionals can take advantage of existing IT investments to ease the cost of deploying InfoPath.

28 Παράδειγμα για Επιχειρήσεις Συγκέντρωση στοιχείων πωλήσεων
Πριν το InfoPath Μετά το InfoPath CRM ERP AP In scenario that is typical in today’s work place, users perform processes that take related information from one or more sources and post that information to several backend services. (CLICK) With InfoPath, that information is consolidated into one or more forms and is posted automatically to the appropriate backend service. InfoPath uses an application server, such as BizTalk to integrate with backend services. 1 πώληση = 4 εφαρμογές «στεγανά δεδομένων» Χάσιμο Παραγωγικότητας Σφάλματα καταχώρησης δεδομένων 1 πώληση = 1 εφαρμογή Διάχυση της πληροφορίας στον Οργανισμό Αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας Έγκυρη και ακριβής πληροφορηση

29 Παράδειγμα για Ομάδες Εργασίας Team/Department Status Report
Πριν το InfoPath Μετά το InfoPath Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint™ Services (WSS) InfoPath 2003 Another scenario that is common in today’s workplace is the sharing of information between team members and managers. (CLICK) InfoPath can be used to facilitate collaboration by taking information in a form and sharing that information with team members and managers in a structured format. Διαφορετικοί τρόποι εισαγωγής δεδομένων Δυσκολία στην παρακολούθηση Δυσκολία στην συλλογή στοιχείων Δυσκολία στην διάχυση της πληροφορίας 1 πλούσια, δυναμική φόρμα InfoPath Έγκυρη και ακριβής πληροφορία Εύκολα προσβάσιμη Εύκολη στην διανομή και επαναχρησιμοποίηση

30 Συγκέντρωση Πληροφορίας
Αξιολόγηση με βάση ενσωματωμένους κανόνες Φιλικό περιβάλλον, ταχύτητα στην εισαγωγή δεδομένων, data acquisition; date picker, auto-fill Εικόνες Υποστήριξη rich text (π.χ. αριθμημένες λίστες) InfoPath can be used to gather information in a standard, structured format. Parts of an InfoPath form can collect and distribute many types of information. Τμήματα επιλογής, επαναλαμβανόμενα, προσαρμογή * Υποστήριξη για χρήση offline

31 © 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

32 Mobile Sales Force Automation

33 SiEBEN PocketBiz Sales Η απόλυτη λύση στις mobile εφαρμογές
Οργανώστε τις πωλήσεις σας Αποκτείστε πλήρη έλεγχο των πωλήσεων Οργανώστε καλύτερα το δίκτυο πωλήσεων Επιταχύνετε τη διαδικασία παραγγελιοληψίας τιμολόγησης & merchandising Δώστε νέα reports στη διοίκηση Διαχειριστείτε και βελτιώστε τις σχέσεις σας με τους πελάτες σας Βελτιώστε τους χρόνους εξυπηρέτησης Δώστε τους άμεση πληροφόρηση & αποφύγετε λάθη Ενισχύστε την εικόνα σας προς αυτούς Βελτιώστε την παραγωγικότητα της επιχείρησής σας Δώστε νέα εργαλεία στο τμήμα πωλήσεων Καταργείστε τις διπλό-καταχωρήσεις Μειώστε τα λάθη των παραγγελιών Μειώστε τους χρόνους στις επιχειρησιακές διαδικασίες

34 PocketBiz Sales GPRS / RAS PocketBiz ERP Connectivity PocketBiz
Administration GPRS / RAS PocketBiz Server Η συνολική λειτουργία του PocketBiz

35 PocketBiz Client Πλήρες λογισμικό Point Of Sale
Πλήρως λειτουργική παραγγελιοληψία με αυτόματο υπολογισμό συνολικού κόστους και στοκ προϊόντων στην κεντρική αποθήκη Τιμολόγηση επί αυτοκινήτου Merchandising Καρτέλα πελάτη με παρακολούθηση λογιστικού υπολοίπου και πίστωσης πελάτη Ταμείο: Εισπράξεις από πελάτες & Εξοδολόγιο πωλητή Στατιστική πωλήσεων Sell out Συμπλήρωση ερωτηματολογίων από τον πωλητή Καταγραφή διαδρομής πωλητή με GPS Προσαρμοσμένο σε κάθε πωλητή Δυνατότητα επέκτασης και προσαρμογής της εφαρμογής PocketBiz Server PocketBiz Admin Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A world leader in providing computerized transaction processing, data communications, software, and information services, ADP has 450,000 global clients and worldwide revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. Brokerage Services Group in Automatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates a 102 percent Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by upgrading the ADP BrokerViewTM* platform to Windows® 2000 Advanced Server. Primary business benefits include a 33 percent improvement in time-to-market, significantly reduced deployment and support costs, and enhanced competitive advantage through Internet-based support. By taking advantage of other Windows 2000 Server capabilities—such as virtual private networking and Smart Card security—ADP can expect a 169 percent IRR. Marks & Spencer UK’s premier clothing and food retailer for 120 years, operates in over 680 locations worldwide. With revenues of £13.2 billion in 1999, Marks & Spencer is legendary in the retail industry for supplier relationships and innovation. The company wanted to turn an already strong integration with suppliers into a flexible, responsive, and customer-oriented infrastructure that could respond quickly to customer needs. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk® Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at £12 million. Barnes & Noble.com The world’s largest in-stock inventory of any online bookseller, and is ranked by Media Metrix as one of the four most popular shopping sites on the Web. The analysis determined that Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions. PocketBiz ERP connectivity

36 PocketBiz Server Κεντρικό σύστημα πληροφόρησης & επικοινωνίας
PocketBiz Client Επικοινωνία μέσω Internet, RAS ή LAN με τις συσκευές των πωλητών Κεντρική βάση δεδομένων αποθήκευσης όλων των στοιχείων Δυνατότητα διασύνδεσης με υπάρχοντα πληροφορικά συστήματα Λειτουργία μέσα από Virtual Machine PocketBiz Server PocketBiz Admin Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A world leader in providing computerized transaction processing, data communications, software, and information services, ADP has 450,000 global clients and worldwide revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. Brokerage Services Group in Automatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates a 102 percent Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by upgrading the ADP BrokerViewTM* platform to Windows® 2000 Advanced Server. Primary business benefits include a 33 percent improvement in time-to-market, significantly reduced deployment and support costs, and enhanced competitive advantage through Internet-based support. By taking advantage of other Windows 2000 Server capabilities—such as virtual private networking and Smart Card security—ADP can expect a 169 percent IRR. Marks & Spencer UK’s premier clothing and food retailer for 120 years, operates in over 680 locations worldwide. With revenues of £13.2 billion in 1999, Marks & Spencer is legendary in the retail industry for supplier relationships and innovation. The company wanted to turn an already strong integration with suppliers into a flexible, responsive, and customer-oriented infrastructure that could respond quickly to customer needs. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk® Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at £12 million. Barnes & Noble.com The world’s largest in-stock inventory of any online bookseller, and is ranked by Media Metrix as one of the four most popular shopping sites on the Web. The analysis determined that Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions. PocketBiz ERP connectivity

37 PocketBiz Administration Η λειτουργική διαχείριση του PocketBiz
PocketBiz Client Άντληση πληροφοριών & εκτεταμένο reporting Δυνατότητα πλήρους παραμετροποίησης της εφαρμογής Δυνατότητα ελέγχου εφαρμογής και μέσω internet Υποστήριξη Αγγλικής, Ρουμανικής και Βουλγαρικής γλώσσας Λειτουργικότητα και μέσω desktop εργαλείου PocketBiz Server PocketBiz Admin Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A world leader in providing computerized transaction processing, data communications, software, and information services, ADP has 450,000 global clients and worldwide revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. Brokerage Services Group in Automatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates a 102 percent Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by upgrading the ADP BrokerViewTM* platform to Windows® 2000 Advanced Server. Primary business benefits include a 33 percent improvement in time-to-market, significantly reduced deployment and support costs, and enhanced competitive advantage through Internet-based support. By taking advantage of other Windows 2000 Server capabilities—such as virtual private networking and Smart Card security—ADP can expect a 169 percent IRR. Marks & Spencer UK’s premier clothing and food retailer for 120 years, operates in over 680 locations worldwide. With revenues of £13.2 billion in 1999, Marks & Spencer is legendary in the retail industry for supplier relationships and innovation. The company wanted to turn an already strong integration with suppliers into a flexible, responsive, and customer-oriented infrastructure that could respond quickly to customer needs. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk® Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at £12 million. Barnes & Noble.com The world’s largest in-stock inventory of any online bookseller, and is ranked by Media Metrix as one of the four most popular shopping sites on the Web. The analysis determined that Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions. PocketBiz ERP connectivity

38 PocketBiz ERP Connectivity Σύνδεση με το ήδη εγκατεστημένο ERP
PocketBiz Client On-line συγχρονισμός δεδομένων με το υπάρχον πληροφοριακό σύστημα Αποφυγή διπλο-καταχωρήσεων Ενοποιημένα reports Δυνατότητα σύνδεσης με όλους τους δυνατούς τρόπους (ODBC, COM, XML, Ascii) PocketBiz Server PocketBiz Admin Automatic Data Processing (ADP) A world leader in providing computerized transaction processing, data communications, software, and information services, ADP has 450,000 global clients and worldwide revenues exceeding $5.5 billion. Brokerage Services Group in Automatic Data Processing (ADP) anticipates a 102 percent Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by upgrading the ADP BrokerViewTM* platform to Windows® 2000 Advanced Server. Primary business benefits include a 33 percent improvement in time-to-market, significantly reduced deployment and support costs, and enhanced competitive advantage through Internet-based support. By taking advantage of other Windows 2000 Server capabilities—such as virtual private networking and Smart Card security—ADP can expect a 169 percent IRR. Marks & Spencer UK’s premier clothing and food retailer for 120 years, operates in over 680 locations worldwide. With revenues of £13.2 billion in 1999, Marks & Spencer is legendary in the retail industry for supplier relationships and innovation. The company wanted to turn an already strong integration with suppliers into a flexible, responsive, and customer-oriented infrastructure that could respond quickly to customer needs. Rapid Economic Justification confirmed Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft BizTalk® Server provide the flexibility and options needed for the project, and projected that Marks & Spencer could assess the Net Present Value of the system at £12 million. Barnes & Noble.com The world’s largest in-stock inventory of any online bookseller, and is ranked by Media Metrix as one of the four most popular shopping sites on the Web. The analysis determined that Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server could help Barnes & Noble.com meet promised delivery dates to its customers and exceed its internal goal of 99 percent on-time delivery this past holiday season—even as the company saw a 300 percent increase in sales and fulfillment transactions. PocketBiz ERP connectivity

39 Νέα έκδοση PocketBiz Sales ver3.0
Νέο module Sell out Καταγραφή πωλήσεων Καταχώρηση επιστροφών Δυνατότητα απογραφής Παρακολούθηση των στόχων πωλήσεων Νέο module Ερωτηματολόγια Συμπλήρωση απλού ερωτηματολογίου Συμπλήρωση κατευθυνόμενου ερωτηματολογίου Ιστορικό ερωτηματολογίων Αναλυτικό reporting στο administration tool Νέο module GPS Καταγραφή της θέσης του πωλητή Καταγραφή πραγματοποιούμενου δρομολογίου Καταγραφή του χρόνου που χρειάστηκε για την ολοκλήρωση του δρομολογίου

40 Νέα features Ανανεωμένο interface Multilingual εφαρμογή
Υποστήριξη νέων 3G PocketPC Phone Edition Desktop εργαλείο για το PocketBiz Administration Υποστήριξη συσκευών με VGA οθόνες Extended reporting με χρήση SQL Reporting Services & Analysis services Κλήση πελάτη από PocketBiz με Pocket PC Phone Edition Αποδοχή παραγγελίας με υπογραφή Fax printing από ταμείο, παραγγελία κλπ.

41 PocketBiz Roadmap 4ο τρίμηνο 2006 PocketBiz 4.0 1ο τρίμηνο 2006
3ο τρίμηνο 2005 2ο τρίμηνο 2004 PocketBiz 2.5 PocketBiz 3.0 PocketBiz 3.5 PocketBiz 4.0

42 PocketBiz Express Απευθύνεται σε μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις που επιδιώκουν να αυτοματοποιήσουν τις καθημερινές τους διαδικασίες και να αυξήσουν τις πωλήσεις τους Ιδανική λύση για εταιρίες με 1 έως 5 χρήστες Συνδυάζει τα modules: Παραγγελιοληψίας/XVAN, Καρτέλες Πελατών και Ταμείο του PocketBiz Sales

43 PocketBiz Support Τηλεφωνική υποστήριξη σε όλους τους χρήστες από ειδικευμένο τεχνικό προσωπικό Απομακρυσμένη υποστήριξη για τον Server και για τις συσκευές των χρηστών 24x7x365 server administration στην περίπτωση του ASP Εκπαίδευση για τους απλούς χρήστες και τον System Administrator Συνεχή updates της εφαρμογής Οργανωμένο Help Desk βασισμένο στο MS CRM Management Console

44 Συνεργασία με Intellisync
Στη νέα έκδοση 3.0 του PocketBiz Sales έχει ενσωματωθεί το Systems Management εργαλείο της Intellisync, που επιτρέπει την απομακρυσμένη διαχείριση των φορητών συσκευών Δυνατότητα remote updates Χρήση management console

45 PocketBiz SmartPhone Κεντρικά Internet ERP SiEBEN SmartPhone Server
Πελάτες Κεντρικά ERP Internet Χρηματ/νομικά [Slide Objective: Articulate the current and future market trends that will be driving the business of OEM system developers in the new decade] The embedded marketplace is undergoing fundamental change as market trends such as ever-increasing customer demands, new technologies, and the ongoing evolution of the technology industry offer challenges and opportunities to the embedded system developer. 1) Customer Demands are Changing: Customers are increasing asking their devices to do more, cost less, and connect with everything. Customers want richer functionality that include some of the latest desktop and server features to provide richer applications and services. They want lower cost, not only in terms of the device cost they pay but the ongoing support costs to manage and update the device more easily and centrally. Finally they are looking for greater interoperability and connectivity to access and exchange information with their existing and evolving IT infrastructure and other computing systems 2) The Technology Industry continues to evolve The second major embedded industry trend is the influence of the larger ongoing computer industry trends as hardware and bandwidth costs continue to fall at 30-50% per year. In addition, increasing standardization and time-to-market pressures encourage the greater use of commodity off-the-shelf hardware, open communication standards and commercial rather than proprietary embedded operating systems. 3) Because of these customer and industry changes, New Technologies continue to enter the embedded marketplace as their use becomes more popular, possible, and affordable Technologies like: Increasingly TCP/IP centric communication options Richer GDI/GUI for user interactivity Availability of Distributed computing through object-oriented application technologies Methods to integrate with databases, mail servers, and web servers Configurable Internet browsing Remote Device Manageability The combination of these market trends result in escalating demands for more features, delivered more quickly to the marketplace at lower and lower costs. Moreover, this trend will only accelerate further as 32-bit computing and standardized pervasive connectivity become more standard. Alerts Reports Προϊόντα SiEBEN SmartPhone Server

46 PocketBiz SmartPhone Λειτουργική Περιγραφή
On-Line Reports για κάθε κρίσιμο τομέα της επιχείρησης σε κάθε κινητό τηλέφωνο της αγοράς Αυτόματη ενημέρωση από το ERP / εμπορολογιστικό Δεν χρειάζεται καμία τηλεπικοινωνιακή επένδυση Ασφαλής πρόσβαση στους Servers της SiEBEN Δυνατότητα προβολής custom πληροφοριών

47 PocketBiz πλατφόρμα Η ανάπτυξη ενός κοινού κορμού της εφαρμογής επιτρέπει: Εύκολο upgrade Άμεση υποστήριξη Ενσωμάτωση νέων εκδόσεων Ενσωμάτωση customs

48 Τεχνολογικά άρτιες λύσεις
Τεχνολογική αρτιότητα Microsoft πιστοποίηση .NET εφαρμογή: υποστηρίζει εκτός από PDAs και Tablet PCs Γίνεται χρήση των SQL 2000/2005, SQL Replication, Windows Mobile 2003/5 Τεχνολογικά άρτιες λύσεις

49 Στρατηγικές συνεργασίες
Η SiEBEN έχει να επιδείξει συνεργασίες με τις δυναμικότερες εταιρίες του χώρου της πληροφορικής και της υψηλής τεχνολογίας

50 Παγκόσμια αναγνώριση Η SiEBEN πρόσφατα έλαβε την τιμητική διάκριση του Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Μία από τις 12 εταιρίες υποψήφιες παγκοσμίως για την ανάπτυξη πρωτοποριακής mobile εφαρμογής

51 Infinitum Technologies
Δίκτυο μεταπωλητών Διόλκος AT Solutions Computer Project Option Multix Compet Cybersoft Dynacomp Office Plus Infinitum Technologies Alfa Voicys Network Society Algosystems Mobile Technologies ΣΥΝΟΛΟΝ Business Solutions Issus ΚΑΜΠΟΥΡΑΣ ΜΑΡΚΟΣ & ΣΙΑ Latris Software Engineering Intersys V&D Network Accountable Altec Systemart Αθήνα Επαγγελματικοί Λογαριασμοί Myconos Multimedia Φρατζεσκάκης TI&PS Logon BNET Support Services ΚΟΜΝΗΝΟΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ AT Solutions Beyond

52 Δραστηριοποίηση στο εξωτερικό
PowerSoft Computer Systems Η SiEBEN έχει αναπτύξει δίκτυο μεταπωλητών σε Κύπρο, Βουλγαρία, Ρουμανία, Σερβία-Μαροβούνιο και FYROM Supernova Consulting Unisoftware Λειτουργούν εγκαταστάσεις στην Κύπρο και στη Ρουμανία ενώ σύντομα θα ολοκληρωθεί ένα νέο έργο στην Βουλγαρία Kombos & Sons Ltd Καλλινίκου Κυθρεώτης Brailact Καρέλλιας

53 Ενδεικτικό πελατολόγιο

54 PocketBiz Romania Η SiEBEN ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες της διεθνούς αγοράς Σύντομα θα αναγγείλει την ίδρυση θυγατρικής εταιρίας στη Ρουμανία

55 Demo

56 Agenda Καλοσώρισμα Δημήτρης Καλυβας, Partner Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas Κουνάκη Μαρία, Account Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Εταιρικές Λύσεις Συνεργασίας Δημήτρης Καλύβας, Partner Technology Specialist, Microsoft Hellas Mobile Sales Force Automation Ισίδωρος Σιδερίδης, Business Development Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Κωνσταντίνος Τζαβάρας, Sales Manager, SiEBEN Innovative Solutions Διάλειμμα - Καφές Microsoft Business Solutions CRM Πάνος Γκίκας, Business Solutions Product Manager, Microsoft Hellas Έλενα Γαλιάτσου, Business Applications Implementator SiEBEN Innovative Solutions

57 Introduction to Microsoft Business Solutions CRM
Panos Gikas Microsoft Business Solutions Elena Galiatsou SiEBEN Innovative Solutions

58 Agenda Microsoft Business Solutions Importance of a CRM strategy
Microsoft CRM Design Pillars Demo Microsoft CRM Microsoft CRM Advantages

59 Microsoft Business Solutions

60 Internal Integration Accounting A/R A/P Order Entry Sales Marketing
Manufacturing Sales A/P Marketing Shipping Warehouse Accounting A/R Purchasing Retail Store Order Entry Integration within the Organization The sharing of real-time information across internal departments has become essential to companies at all levels... Note to speaker: the point of the slide is to explain that a business solution is about connecting the entire company – it is about invoicing, sales order processing, financial transaction posting, production orders, inventory picking and inventory replenishment.

61 External Collaboration
Employees Web Store Customers Partners & Suppliers Business solutions provide not just efficiency of internal business process – but we enable our customers to increase their competitive advantage and touch points… with 24 x 7 accessibility. Let’s look at how we help customers with these business issues. 24 X 7 Accessibility

62 Integrated Innovation Optimizing Customer Value
Utilizing the best of all solutions User Familiarity Seamless Integration Standard Infrastructure Flexible Processes

63 Microsoft Business Solutions

64 Global Leader 8,000 partners 350,000 customers
Sieben: Partnership, extensive CRM knowledge, 7 installations live. …in more than 140 countries

65 Product Overview - Local
The four main product lines are Axapta, Great Plains, Navision and Solomon. Navision and Axapta are the solutions sold most widely in EMEA and later today you will hear a lot more about these two solutions, as well as MS CRM. In addition, there are a number of other MBS solutions. These are either sold in a limited segment or in a limited geography. The following slides will give you a little more information about some of these products.

66 Our Vision Of Interconnected CRM
Intelligent and easy business solutions that enable extraordinary customer experiences Customer Service Sales Force Automation Field Service Connected Customers Empowered Employees Marketing Automation eCommerce “Intelligent and easy business solutions that enable extraordinary customer experiences” Our vision for CRM is to provide the functionality needed to exceed expectations for what a CRM solution should offer our customer, including not only the traditional operational aspects but also the ability to collaborate with team members, partners, and the customers themselves to ensure highest possible levels of customer satisfaction and profitability. And with the ability to provide the functionality and collaboration is the drive to provide the business analytics capabilities demanded by our customers – growing to meet customers ever changing needs. Integrated Partners Informed Management

67 Microsoft’s Deep Commitment to CRM Effort
Microsoft CRM Core MBS initiative 3 years customer research & R&D Hundreds of dedicated resources CRM experts from Onyx, Pivotal, SalesLogix, Oracle, Siebel & Goldmine MSFT experts from Office, Windows, Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange, BizTalk Server & more Deep integration & technology value from Office, Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange, BizTalk Server, ERP Microsoft Business Solutions $2.5B acquisition investment 20 years business applications experience MBS in top 5 of total Business Application Spending Many experiences combined to make the CRM group today: -Great Plains and NAvison partnership with Siebel for the mid market

68 Importance of a CRM Strategy

69 Why Be Concerned With Improving Your Customer Strategy?
It is 6-7 times more expensive to gain a new customer than retain an existing customer. Harvard Business Review A five percent improvement in customer retention rates can yield a 25 percent to 100 percent increase in profits. The Loyalty Effect Most companies focus on selling product to new customers but all research shows that the focus on retention instead of acquisition has a very powerful impact on the company bottomline Corporations lose approximately half of their customers within five years. The Loyalty Effect

70 The satisfied customer...
Ensures you a flow of revenue and profits. Recommends you to friends, relatives, and colleagues Makes you the “favored supplier” in family/company Tries out your new products. Keeps you in business! An happy customer will be your most strategic employee and ally. Repeat sales, referral, make you the preferred supplier, he’s willing to take risk and test new product, the implication of an happy customers is far reaching and goes beyound the benefit of the current transaction.

71 Actually, every company already manages relationships with their customers
Sales relationships Marketing relationships Service relationships Financial relationships Every company is in the business to serve their customers but there has never been a coordinated approach to put the customer in the center of the company But these relationships are often poorly managed, unstructured and uncoordinated

72 Business Without CRM “Have you called here before?”
“I don’t have that information in this system. But if you call back…” “One of our repair techs will be there either Tuesday or Wednesday, sometime between 8 and 5.” “Have you called here before?” Imagine that as a customers you have to face such customer experience with a company. How long do you think that you could accept to be treated this way? You will walk away at the first opportunity and find a more customer friendly vendor. The reality is that without good CRM system, any company, and probably yours included, without realizing it , is probably today giving inadvertly similar customer experience. It goes without saying that the future for such company will be very limited… “Are you a customer of ours?”

73 Disjointed Customer Management
Marketing The Customer Order Processing Customer Service Historically we have what are often referred to as “islands of information”. Different parts of our organizations have access to different, unconnected views of our customer base. Much of the data is kept in local copies of popular contact management products like Outlook, ACT! And Maximizer. Some of it is in specialized customer service / call center systems. A great deal of it is in traditional BackOffice accounting applications. How many times have you called a customer and been embarrassed because there was something that the customer expected you to know and you had no idea? For example, imagine the sales rep that drops in to see a customer to sell him more of your products and finds out that the customer has a number of outstanding service requests that have not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner. What are the chances for a sale? What was the cost of that face-to-face visit? In direct dollars for travel & the salesperson’s time. How about for loss of organizational credibility? Or, consider this. You call a customer with an answer to a problem and find out they have already obtained it from somebody else in your organization – two days ago. Now you have turned what was a good situation – the customer was probably thinking your support was pretty good – into a bad situation. Now the customer is thinking that your organization is not very efficient. Sales Support Inside Sales Outside Sales (Yankee Group)

74 The Vision for Customer Management
Marketing The Customer Order Processing Customer Service In a fully realized implementation of CRM, we have one record for each customer - what is commonly referred to as the 360 degree view of the customer - that includes a centralized database for Account information, including multiple locations and reporting hierarchies Contact information Opportunity descriptions and forecasted values Integration with the accounting system Support for team account selling and customer service Campaign / marketing management Customer self-service Various forms of analysis and reports Improving our relationships with our customers is dependent on having the right information delivered to the right individuals at the right time. This is only possible through integrated systems. Sales Support Inside Sales Outside Sales (Yankee Group)

75 A Better Way Focus on customers, not internal processes
Consistent customer interactions Pervasive organizational knowledge of each customer Single source for all customer interactions A clear view of customer data at all levels Management Sales Customer Service Marketing And here is where you want to drive your company to be able to have a full CRM culture

76 Microsoft CRM Design Pillars

77 Microsoft CRM Design Pillars
Improve Business Productivity Integrate Powerfully Extend Easily Lower TCO Make informed business decisions Help Improve Sales Success Deliver Superior Customer Service Share Information Set-up easily Customize easily Use easily Maintain easily On-premises or ASP hosted deployments CRM w/SBS for small business Microsoft Office (Outlook) Financial Management Other business systems Web services Tailor for vertical or industry specific deployments Complete SDK Open and secure APIs Web services Improve Business Productivity: We will truly make CRM work for users as well as managers by: Working as they work inside of their productivity applications (Outlook and Web Interface) so they can leverage their current knowledge and software usage patterns Activities are captured by the system as the user does them so there is no backtracking and recording of activities later Users are empowered across touches with the customer. Sales people do not have to launch a separate tool to see service incidents with a customer and likewise the CSR’s can be informed by actions taken by a salesperson that a specific customer is in need of extra care Like Office, the success of CRM will happen because of user massive adoption of the system in realizing the productivity gain and not because they will be mandated by their management to use it. Lower TCO We will target bringing down the total cost of ownership by reducing the current 2½-3:1 service to software cost down to 1:1 by: Making set up of servers simple and integrated across the suite Enabling remote set-up of individual clients with minimal/no software footprint on any machines Making true “one-button” upgrades a reality by respecting customizations done on one version as a business upgrades to a new one Reducing training costs of users by making the application intuitive and work the way users want it to work Integration We will bring a whole new realm to the world of integration for CRM. Back office will not seem distinct and separate from front office. Your web site will be an extension of how you interact with customers with customer activity on that site enabled through features and tracked in the CRM application. Quotes, orders, contracts, shopping carts, field service, product configurators will not be separate applications from CRM that need to be integrated with, but rather extensions of your CRM application that are just more activity points that you can create and track with your customers. Extend Easily While we will do a great job at leveraging the Microsoft Business Solutions (ex Great Plains and Navision) and Microsoft channels to reach as broad and deep within the mid-market of companies, our goal is to extend even beyond the reach of Microsoft and its channel partners. By leveraging the .Net platform and creating great tools for ISV’s, we will enable 3rd parties to leverage constructs of our CRM applications as components of overall vertical software solutions targeted at the narrowest of business niches.

78 The Next Step… Helping you build stronger customer relationships
Introducing Microsoft CRM… Combine Outlook An easy to use CRM Solution with And based on the Key design pillars, we are please to introduce you… Microsoft CRM

79 Microsoft CRM Architecture Overview
Custom Enterprise Portals BI and Analytics .NET / XML User interfaces Microsoft Outlook 3rd Party Applications MBS Financials Web Services .NET / XML Sales & Marketing Customer Service .NET / XML Sales and Marketing Offline client Core CRM Server Microsoft Internet Explorer SQL Server Full Service and Sales and Marketing Windows Server System

80 Flexible Deployment Options
Low End Server ( users) Scale Up and Out (1000+ users) Microsoft CRM has been architectured from the ground up to scale and support multiple deployment scenarios to fit the need of mid market companies. You can have a full MSCRM server running on top of a SBS2003 server with only one machine and you will be able to support up to 20 users. On the high end by running MSCRM with multiple SQL, Windows 2003, domain controller servers you could easily support up to 1000 users as one of our biggest client to date. Small Scale Out ( users)

81 Elena Galiatsou Business Applications Implementator SiEBEN
Demo Elena Galiatsou Business Applications Implementator SiEBEN

82 Microsoft CRM Advantages

83 Microsoft CRM Amplifies Productivity
Deep set of sales, marketing, and customer service tools Establishes a single source for all customer info Improves business decision making with powerful analysis and reporting services Automates sales processes Enables consistent customer service Improves sales success ratio Allows users to continue using Outlook Brings together sales, marketing, customer service, contact management, , calendar, and tasks This is the summary of the key points around Productivity gain with Microsoft CRM

84 Microsoft CRM Low TCO - Strong ROI
Runs on low-cost, high-power hardware Easy to customize, deploy, and integrate Requires very little user training (Outlook) Lower consulting costs Lower maintenance costs Reduced personnel costs Reduced marketing costs Helps improve profits on sales This is the summary of the key points around TCO gain with Microsoft CRM

85 Demo

86 Πλατινένιους Χορηγούς: Computer Project Cosmos Business Systems Effect
Ευχαριστούμε τους Πελάτες Συνεργάτες Χορηγούς Εισαγωγή στον Mogens (Μοενς) Munkhlolm Elsberg Γενικό Διευθυντή του Microsoft Navision παγκοσμίως. Κύριος Χορηγός : ΗΡ Πλατινένιους Χορηγούς: Computer Project Cosmos Business Systems Effect Exodus Real Consulting Scicom Step One Consulting Χρυσός Χορηγός Fortune Technologies Ασημένιοι Χορηγοί Ace Hellas Data Communication KPMG Intersys Χορηγός Επικοινωνίας ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΤΙΚΗ © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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