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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:


Μοντέλο διαχείρισης αθλητικής εγκατάστασης ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΑΓΩΝΩΝ ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟΣ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ ΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΑ ΤΗΛΕΟΡΑΣΗ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟ ΤΥΠΟΣ VIP-(ΟΛ.ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΑ) ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΑ ΣΠΟΝΣΟΡΑΣ ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ Δ/ΝΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗΣ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ Δ/ΝΤΗΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΩΝ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣDOPING ΑΠΟΝOΜΕΣ ΕΞΥΠΗΡΕΤΗΣΗ ΘΕΑΤΩΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΗ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΕΣ ΠΡΟΜΗΕΙΕΣ Here is the structure of a typical venue team and you can see that there are a significant number of different functional areas represented. You cannot build this team overnight….. This requires significant communication, education, understanding, compromise, and detailed operational planning. The process of ‘operations planning and integration’ is a challenging one and must start now. Discuss the Concept of dual reporting Many of us have run a major sports event before, but the Olympics and Paralympics 60-day event is a completely different ball game. Let’s take the typical journey of an athlete: Before he even arrives in the country, Sport, Accreditation, Villages and Transport would have had to work out his accreditation, accommodation and transport plans The Airport operations that receive him as he enters the country needs to be an integrated service between immigration, Olympic Family, Accreditation, Transport and Security The Village operations that supports him has to be an INTEGRATED service between the Catering that feeds him, the Security that protects him, the Transport that delivers him, and the Village Operations that provides him with entertainment, retail facilities, and housekeeping facilities The Training facilities that he trains in have to be an INTEGRATED service between Sport, Transport and Security. His arrival at the venue has to be provided with an INTEGRATED service between: Transport who got him there on time Accreditation who has worked out the DEDICATED pathways for him to travel through the venue without spectators and press Spectator Services who ushers him throughout the venue Security who protects him Catering who feeds him Sport who run the field of play Logistics who delivered his Sport Equipment there on time and in the right place Doping Control who test him Medal Ceremonies who award him Language Services who interprets for him Press and Broadcast who need to interview him and then deliver his results instantaneously to over 200 countries around the world And that’s only 1 of the 10,000 athletes who will have to go to over 30 venues and 50 training venues. When you add the broadcasters, the media, the spectators, the sponsors, and the Olympic Family, and then on top of that you remember that you have the entire city of Athens that you have to keep operating . . . you’ve got one complicated event that requires INTEGRATION and OPERATIONAL PLANNING. I will now hand over to David Michel who will outline how we are going to move forward. ΕΙΚΟΝΑ ΙΑΤΡΙΚΕΣ ΥΠΗΡ. ΥΠ. ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΥ ΗΛ. ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑ ΕΙΣΙΤΗΡΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝ ΦΩΤΙΣΜΟΣ ΔΙΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΣΗ ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ ΗΧΟΣ ΠΩΛΗΣΕΙΣ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΕΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΣΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ ΕΠΕΙΓΟΝΤΑ ΠΕΡΙΣΤΑΤΙΚΑ

Είσοδος Θεατών Χώρος Θεατών Εισιτήρια Εστιατόριο Θεατών Αναμνηστικά Θεατές Έλεγχος Doping Αποτελέσματα Χώρος Παγκ. Ομοσπονδίας Χώρος Αθλητών Χώροι Προθέρμανσης Αθλητές Χώρος Διοίκησης Εγκατάστασης Κέντρο Τύπου Αγωνιστικός Χώρος Χώροι Ξεκούρασης Κέντρο Τηλεοπτικής Αναμετάδοσης Αποδυτήρια Αίθουσα Κλήσης Αθλητών Απονομές Χώρος πληροφόρησης Αθλητών Απονομές Ιατρικές Υπηρεσίες VIP Χώρος Κέντρο Τεχνολογίας VIP /ΜΜΕ Χώρος Διαιτητών Κριτών Κέντρο Διαχείρισης Διαχείριση Αθλ. Εγκατάστασης Ασφάλεια Διευκόλυνση Θεατών Τροφοδοσία Τεχνολογία Κέντρο Επικοινωνίας Κέντρο Μεταφοράς Κέντρο Χρηματοοικονομικών Τεχνική Υποστήριξη Εγκατάστ. Εικόνα και Ταυτότητα Τροφοδοσία Εθελοντές Προσωπικό Αποθήκες Κεντρική Διαχείριση Τροφοδοσίας Κέντρο Καθαρισμού Διαπιστευμένοι


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