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Σημειώσεις για συζήτηση πάνω στο θέμα «ποιότητα στις υπηρεσίες»

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Σημειώσεις για συζήτηση πάνω στο θέμα «ποιότητα στις υπηρεσίες»"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Σημειώσεις για συζήτηση πάνω στο θέμα «ποιότητα στις υπηρεσίες»
Σημειώσεις για συζήτηση πάνω στο θέμα «ποιότητα στις υπηρεσίες» Μάρκετινγκ Υπηρεσιών Άννα Ζαρκάδα

2 5 διαστάσεις της ποιότητας όπως την αντιλαμβάνεται ο καταναλωτής
Reliability: Reliability reflects a company’s consistency and certainty in terms of performance. Reliability is the most important dimension for the consumer of services Tangibles: Since there is no physical element to be assessed in services, clients often trust the tangible evidence that surrounds it when making their assessment Responsiveness /Responsibility The degree to which company employees are helpful and capable of providing fast service Security / Assurance This dimension encompasses the company employees’ competence, courtesy and precision in delivering the service Empathy: The capacity a person providing the service has to experience the customer’s feelings.

3 Λειτουργία των διαστάσεων της ικανοποίησης του πελάτη

Επικοινωνία μεταξύ Πελατών Προσωπικές Ανάγκες Εμπειρία Προσδοκώμενες Υπηρεσίες ΠΕΛΑΤΗΣ KENO 5 Αντιλαμβανόμενες Υπηρεσίες KENO 4 Παρεχόμενες Υπηρεσίες KENO 1 Επικοινωνία με Πελάτη KENO 3 ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΗ Χαρακτηριστικά Υπηρεσιών KENO 2 Μετάφραση Ε. Στειακάκης Αντίληψη Διοίκησης για Προσδοκώμενες Υπηρεσίες

5 Περιγραφή των κενών και διορθωτικές κινήσεις
Remedies GAPS = discrepancies GAP 1: between the perception of executives and the real expectations of consumers. GAP 2: between management's perception of client expectations and the specifications of service quality. GAP 3 : between service quality specifications and the service actually delivered. GAP 4: between the service’s specified quality and what the company communicates externally. GAP 5: the difference between what the client expects and what the company actually delivers. GAP 1: Open formal and informal channels of communication from the clients to the top, passing through the people in contact with the public; better market surveys on service quality and apply them with greater frequency, and; reduce hierarchy levels. GAP 2: Management’s commitment; Make resources available and use tools to bring the voice of the client to specifications GAP 3: Make specifications known, ensure the necessary profile of the collaborator at recruiting or complete it with training; and assess collaborator performance through greater and better supervision or improvements in team work and in the organizational climate. GAP 4: Improve the communication between the diverse sectors of the company and between it and the target public for the communications or hold communication to what is actually delivered. GAP 5: Correcting those gaps with problems.

6 Ερωτηματολόγιο SERVQUAL για την ανώτατη εκπαίδευση
STATEMENTS EXPECTATION PERFORMANCE AUEB PERFORMANCE SM DISAGREE TOTALLY AGREE TOTALLY EXCELENT VERY BAD Tangibility 1 – Excellent Higher education institutions must have modern equipment, such as laboratories. 1 2 3 4 5 2 – Higher education institution installations must be well conserved. 3 – Employees and teachers at excellent institutions of Higher education must present themselves (clothes, cleanliness, etc.) in an appropriate manner for their position. 4 - The material associated with the service provided in excellent institutions of Higher education, such as journals, printed matter, must have a good visual appearance and be up to date. Reliability 5 – When excellent institutions of Higher education promise to do something in a certain time, they must do so.

7 Μια άλλη άποψη: η εμπειρία του καταναλωτή
The Learning Experience Survey (LEX)

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