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ΔημοσίευσεGregorie Ronda Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 10 χρόνια
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO FASTER ICT – Financial and Accounting Seminars Targeting European Regions You are expected to prepare a ppt presentation for each point of the program assigned to you Athens University of Economics and Business Τα επόμενα βήματα του FASTER Σάνδρα Κοέν, Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Λογιστικής
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO FASTER ICT – Financial and Accounting Seminars Targeting European Regions You are expected to prepare a ppt presentation for each point of the program assigned to you Athens University of Economics and Business 1/1/2012Μάιος 2012 ΈναρξηInformation Day Οκτώβριος 2012 Information Day Ανάπτυξη faster Pre-alfa version Work in progress Έλεγχος faster Pre-alfa version
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Είσοδος στο FASTER
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Είδη ασκήσεων Ερωτήσεις σωστού λάθους Ερωτήσεις πολλαπλής επιλογής Ασκήσεις λογιστικών εγγραφών Ασκήσεις κατάρτισης λογιστικών καταστάσεων Ασκήσεις σύνταξης λογιστικών καταστάσεων με δεδομένα σε ισοζύγια Ασκήσεις σύνταξης λογιστικών καταστάσεων με δεδομένα σε ισοζύγια και λογιστικές εγγραφές …..
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO Inventories are assets Question 1 Yes No Click on your answer:
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO Inventories are assets Question 1 – Wrong Answer Feedback Not quite. Assets are economic resources owned by an economic entity that are expected to benefit future operations. Inventories are economic resources that economic entity intends to sell in order to create future benefits. Next Question
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO Inventories are assets That is correct. Assets are economic resources owned by an economic entity that are expected to benefit future operations. Inventories are economic resources that economic entity intends to sell in order to create future benefits. Question 1 – Correct Answer Feedback Next Question
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO The financial statement that reports firm’s income is: Question Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Income Statement Others Click on your answer:
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO The financial statement that reports firm’s income is: Question – Wrong Answer Feedback Income statement is the financial statement that reports firm’s income. Next Question
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO The financial statement that reports firm’s income is: Question – Correct Answer Feedback Income statement is the financial statement that reports firm’s income. Next Question
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO Print out the following list of accounts and decide whether they are assets or liabilities: Question Check your answer
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO Print out the following list of accounts and decide whether they are debited or credited: Question - Feedback
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Exercise On 10/10/2012, XYZ company bought a building paying of €23,000; €21,000 with cash and €2,00o on credit. Event 1 10/10/2012 Buildings & Equipment 23000 Cash 21,000 Accounts Payable 2,000
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Glossary
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Assets Assets are economic resources owned by n economic entity that are expected to benefit future operations: Monetary: cash and money etc. Non-monetary physical items: inventories, land, buildings and equipment etc. Non-physical: rights granted by patents, trademarks or copyrights etc. Assets are economic resources owned by n economic entity that are expected to benefit future operations: Monetary: cash and money etc. Non-monetary physical items: inventories, land, buildings and equipment etc. Non-physical: rights granted by patents, trademarks or copyrights etc. Διαφάνειες θεωρίας
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Liabilities Liabilities are present obligations of a firm to pay cash, transfer assets, or provide services to other entities in the future. Among these obligations are debts of the business, amounts owed to suppliers for goods or services bought on credit, borrowed money, salaries owed to employees and taxes owned to government etc. Liabilities are present obligations of a firm to pay cash, transfer assets, or provide services to other entities in the future. Among these obligations are debts of the business, amounts owed to suppliers for goods or services bought on credit, borrowed money, salaries owed to employees and taxes owned to government etc. Διαφάνειες θεωρίας
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Επιστημονικά περιοδικά
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Βιβλία
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Ηλεκτρονικά βιβλία
FASTER LOGO Athens University of Economics and Business Νομοθεσία
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO FASTER ICT – Financial and Accounting Seminars Targeting European Regions You are expected to prepare a ppt presentation for each point of the program assigned to you Athens University of Economics and Business 1/1/2012Μάιος 2012 ΈναρξηInformation Day Οκτώβριος 2012 Information Day Ανάπτυξη faster Pre-alfa version Έλεγχος faster Pre-alfa version
1/6/2012 FASTER LOGO FASTER ICT – Financial and Accounting Seminars Targeting European Regions You are expected to prepare a ppt presentation for each point of the program assigned to you Athens University of Economics and Business Σας περιμένουμε να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή !!!
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