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Επαμεινώνδας Χριστοφιλόπουλος

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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "Επαμεινώνδας Χριστοφιλόπουλος"— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:

1 Επαμεινώνδας Χριστοφιλόπουλος epaminondas@help-forward.gr
7ο Πρόγραμμα Πλαίσιο Δίκτυο ΠΡΑΞΗ Εθνική υποδομή για την ερευνητική συνεργασία, τη μεταφορά τεχνολογίας την καινοτομία και την επιχειρηματικότητα Επαμεινώνδας Χριστοφιλόπουλος

2 Μία στρατηγική συμμαχία
ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΩΝ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΩΝ ΒΟΡΕΙΟΥ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ & ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ Σε συνεργασία με το Σύνδεσμο Θεσσαλικών Βιομηχανιών και το Επιστημονικό και Τεχνολογικό Πάρκο Κρήτης

3 Αποστολή Προώθηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας των ελληνικών μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων μέσα από την ανάπτυξη και τη μεταφορά τεχνολογίας Προώθηση της χρήσης και ιδιαίτερα της εμπορικής αξιοποίησης των ερευνητικών αποτελεσμάτων Προώθηση της καινοτομίας στις επιχειρήσεις και της επιχειρηματικότητας στα ερευνητικά εργαστήρια Προώθηση της οικονομικής ανάπτυξης των ελληνικών περιφερειών μέσα από τη χρήση νέων τεχνολογιών Ενδυνάμωση των σχέσεων μεταξύ έρευνας - παραγωγής - επενδυτικών κεφαλαίων σε εθνικό και σε διεθνές επίπεδο

4 Υπηρεσίες Το ΠΡΑΞΗ παρέχει υπηρεσίες προς επιχειρήσεις (κυρίως μΜΕ αλλά και μεγάλες) και ερευνητικά εργαστήρια ακαδημαϊκών και ερευνητικών Ιδρυμάτων 1. Υποστήριξη για την αξιοποίηση εθνικών και ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων 2. Υποστήριξη για την εμπορική αξιοποίηση ερευνητικών αποτελεσμάτων 3.Προώθηση Ελληνικών τεχνολογιών στο εξωτερικό 4. Ζήτηση τεχνολογιών από το εξωτερικό για λογαριασμό επιχειρήσεων.

5 National Contact Point για το 7ο ΠΠ
Cooperation Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies Transport (including Aeronautics) Security Space Capacities International co-operation Horizontal Legal and financial NCP

6 Δραστηριότητες σε σχέση με προγράμματα
Λειτουργία help-desk για άμεση εξυπηρέτηση σε θέματα συμμετοχής σε προγράμματα Επισκέψεις σε εργαστήρια και επιχειρήσεις για διάγνωση των δυνατοτήτων τους σε θέματα ΕΤΑ Έκδοση μηνιαίου δελτίου ΠΡΑΞΗ-Διάχυση τεχνολογίας από το 1996 με παρουσίαση νέων προκηρύξεων και ευκαιριών συνεργασίας Λειτουργία του τεχνολογικού portal για έγκαιρη και ολοκληρωμένη πληροφόρηση πάνω σε θέματα προγραμμάτων και διεθνών συνεργασιών Οργάνωση ημερίδων πληροφόρησης με καλεσμένους ομιλητές από την ΕΕ και εθνικούς εκπροσώπους Οργάνωση εκπαιδευτικών σεμιναρίων πάνω σε εξειδικευμένα θέματα συμμετοχής σε προγράμματα ΕΤΑ Υποστήριξη στην εξεύρεση ερευνητικών εταίρων

7 FP7 Structure

8 FP7 – Specific Programmes
Co-operation – Collaborative Research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity € 32, 292m FP7 – Specific Programmes € 7, 460m € 4, 727m € 4, 291m Plus € 1,751m for Joint Research Centre Total over Seven Years ( ) of €50 521m (excluding EURATOM)

9 FP7 Structure Moving from FP6 to FP7 Co-operation Capacities Health
Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Security and Space Research Infrastructures Research for the Benefit Of SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science in Society Activities of International Co-operation Coherent Development of Policies Moving from FP6 to FP7 People – Marie Curie Initial Training of Researchers Lifelong Learning and Career Development Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways The International Dimension Specific Actions Ideas – European Research Council (ERC) Starting Independent Researcher Grants Advanced Investigator Grants

10 FP7 – Specific Programmes
Co-operation – Collaborative Research (€ million) FP7 – Specific Programmes 10 thematic research areas European priority driven – top down research Transnational co-operation, from collaborative projects and networks to the co-ordination of research programmes International co-operation between the EU and third countries is an integral part of this action Scientific support to policy work and emerging areas are also to be governed under each of the ten themes. Specific Programmes available at

11 FP7 – Specific Programmes
Co-operation – Collaborative Research (€ million) FP7 – Specific Programmes Work programmes implemented on annual(?) basis by: Calls for proposals Commission specified topics Commission specified project types Evaluation procedure could differ (One/two step/stage) Could also specify estimated budget, size and composition of consortium (types and locations of partners)

12 From FP6 Instruments to FP7 Funding Schemes
FP6 Keyword ‘Optimum’ Size? (as per FP6) ‘Optimum’ Budget? Collaborative Projects (CP) (IP/STREP) Deliverables New Knowledge 3-20 participants € Million (average < €10 Million) Network of Excellence (NoE) (NoE) Integration 6-12 €4-15 Million (€7 Million) Co-ordination and Support Actions (CSA) (CA) Co-ordination (SSA) Laying the Groundwork 13-26 1-15 € Million (€1 Million) € Million (€0.5 Million) Moving from FP6 to FP7

13 Maximum Reimbursement Rates
FP6 FP7 – Industry Public Bodies, Universities, SMEs, etc. RTD 50% 75% Demonstration 35% Other* 100% ERC Proposing 100% direct costs plus 20% flat rate for indirect costs FP7 Participation * Co-ordination and Support Actions, Training, Management

14 Collaborative Research
Co-operation – Thematic Areas Collaborative Research 1. Health €6 050 M FP7 – Co-operation 2. Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology €1 935 M 3. ICT €9 110 M  4. Nanosci, Nanotech, Material & Production Tech €3 500 M INCO R&D Needs Policy Work 5. Energy €2 300 M 6. Environment (including Climate Change) €1900 M 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) €4 180 M 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities € M 9. Space €1 350 M 10. Security €1 430 M + Euratom: Fusion energy research, nuclear fission and radiation protection

15 628 M€ 19 April Health - open Areas
Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies for human health • Translating research for human health • Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European Citizens 628 M€ April 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security

16 FP7 – Co-operation - FAB 192 M€ 2 May FAB - open Areas
Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest, and aquatic environments • ‘Fork to farm’: Food, health and well being • Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food products and Processes 192 M€ May 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 – Co-operation - FAB

17 FP7 - Co-operation - ICT 1019 M€(ICT-1) 8 May ICT – open Areas
ICT Technology Pillars • Integration of Technologies • Applications Research • Future and Emerging Technologies 1019 M€(ICT-1) 8 May 1. Health 2. Food 3. ICT 4. Nano 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Security and Space FP7 - Co-operation - ICT

18 FP7 - Co-operation - NMP 364 M€ (2007) various NMP –open Areas
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies • Materials • New production • Integration of technologies for industrial Applications 364 M€ (2007) various 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 - Co-operation - NMP

19 FP7 – Co-operation - Energy
Energy – open Areas Renewables, clean energy, C02 emissions, efficiency, etc. • Nuclear fission and radiation protection (under Euratom FP) • Fusion energy research (under Euratom FP) 109 M€ RTD-3 May 128 M€ TREN-3 May 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 – Co-operation - Energy

20 FP7 – Co-operation – Environment
Environment– open Areas Climate change, pollution and risks • Sustainable management of resources • Environmental technologies • Earth observation and assessment tools 200 M€ May 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 – Co-operation – Environment

21 FP7 – Co-operation - Transport
Transport – open areas • Aeronautics and air transport • Surface transport (rail, road and waterborne) • Support to the European global satellite navigation system (Galileo) Various budgets: Total: 229 M€ 3 May 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 – Co-operation - Transport

22 FP7 – Co-operation - SSH 58.5 M€ 10 May, 29 November
Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities – open Areas Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society • Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective • Major trends in society and their implications • Europe in the world • The citizen in the European Union • Socio-economic and scientific indicators • Foresight activities 58.5 M€ 10 May, 29 November FP7 – Co-operation - SSH

23 34.5 M€ 19 June Space – open Areas FP7 – Co-operation – Space
Space-based applications at the service of the European society • Exploration of space • RTD for strengthening space foundations 34.5 M€ June 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 – Co-operation – Space

24 FP7 – Co-operation - Security
Security – open Areas Protection against terrorism and crime • Security of infrastructures and utilities • Border security • Restoring security in case of crisis • Security systems integration and interoperability • Security and society • Security research Coordination and structuring 80.3 M€ May 1. Health 2. FAB 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security FP7 – Co-operation - Security

25 FP7 – Specific Programmes - Ideas
Ideas – Frontier Research (€7 460 million) FP7 – Specific Programmes - Ideas New to FP7 To enhance competition at EU level for ‘Frontier Research’ Frontier Research = creating new knowledge and developing new understanding Starting Independent Research Grant Advanced Investigator Grant ERC Website Launched -

26 ERC First Call ‘Starting Independent Research Grant’
First due to be launched Dec 06/Jan 07, annual calls to 2013 Call budget Around €300 million ~ 200 grants Eligibility Between 2 and 8 years post PhD (some allowance for maternity and other reasons), any nationality but must be based in EU or Associated State, any legal entity (incl industry) Project Size € 100,000 to €400,000 per year up to 5 years Evaluation Panels Projects submitted to 20 panels split across Social Sciences and Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering Evaluation Process Two stage, strict page limits for each stage, reserve of 20% to promote interdisciplinarity Evaluation Criteria Potential of the Principal Investigator, Quality of the research project and the research environment FP7 – Ideas - ERC

27 FP7 – Specific Programmes
People – Human Potential (€4 728 million) FP7 – Specific Programmes To make Europe more attractive to researchers Part of integrated strategy to strengthen human potential by: Encouraging people to become researchers Encouraging researchers, from Europe and the whole world, to carry out their research in Europe Structuring effect on the European Research Area through transnational and intersectoral mobility in order to create a European labour market for researchers Builds on FP6 Marie Curie Actions

28 FP7 – Specific Programmes
Capacities – Research Capacity (€4 217 million) FP7 – Specific Programmes Research infrastructures €1 850 million Research for the benefits of SMEs €1 336million Regions of Knowledge €126 million   Research potential €370 million  Science in Society €280 million  International co-operation €185 million Coherent development of research policies €70 million Co-ordination of national programmes (incl. ERA-NET +)

29 Further Information

30 FP7: Participation and Preparation
Further Information ΔΙΚΤΥΟ ΠΡΑΞΗ DG Research Cordis European Research Council FP7: Participation and Preparation

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