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ΔημοσίευσεAricia Kellis Τροποποιήθηκε πριν 10 χρόνια
teacher of Physics, Business Administration & Informatics site: 4epal-athin.att.sch.gr e-mail: pimou@otenet.gr Urban Solutions 2 Seminar 16-18/10/2013, Athens, Greece Urban Solutions 2 Seminar 16-18/10/2013, Athens, Greece “Schools as Urban Sustainability Centers: the Case of 4th Vocational High School of Athens” Konstantina Paschou
Our Vocational High School’s Sustainability Vision is to … Sustainability Vision “meet the needs of present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (WCED, 1987)
To implement our vision we follow a model of sustainability: the harmonization of social, cultural, economic, technological and natural micro-environment of our school through active participation of school and community members firstly in 5th district of Athens and gradually going global. How to get there…
Ecological Sustainability Model of 4 th Vocational High School of Athens Source: Espinosa, A, Porter, T, 2011, «Sustainability, complexity and learning: insights from complex systems approaches.», The Learning Organization, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 54-72, MODIFIED. Sustainability Factors in the Macro-Environment Biosphere Human Systems Social Cultural Financial Technological Sustainability Factors in the micro-Environment
Human Resources: Creativity & Innovation, Voluntarism, Alternative Teaching Methods Culture of sustainability: Sustainable Schools Award (4 th & 2 nd prize 2011-13) Decentralized Structure 1. Avoiding bureaucracy 2. Teachers are empowered to take initiatives & responsibility for the implementation of projects they propose. Strengths
Human Resources: Initiatives for partnerships and financing are taken from a small percentage of HR. Culture: Not all School Community Members share the same vision for sustainability and some are not fully committed. Structure: Most processes are defined centrally from the Greek Ministry of Education. Weaknesses
Global Trends: International directives for Human Rights & Environmental Protection. Learning Communities, Multiculturalism Subsidies: European subsidies cover a significant part of national education financing in Greece Technological Development: Advanced Distance-Learning & Communication tools Opportunities
Globally: Socio-Economic Depression, Cultural Conflicts, Urbanization. Regionally: Young people delinquency & criminality, isolation and propensity to addiction (drugs, alcohol, e.t.c.), Students drop out, Youth Unemployment SocioPolitical System: Do not provide the adequate infrastructure and support to youth empowerment. Actually, only elected people are involved in decision making processes. The large population has only the right to vote periodically for his representatives and to participate occasionally in meetings with a default agenda. Challenges
Our school sustainability is inspired by our mentor: Professor of International Business John Thanopoulos, at the University of Piraeus http://www.unipi.gr/faculty/JT/Subjects-En.html who gave us the message: “Believe in Yourself!” “Think-Create-You Can-Smile” Sustainability Practices_1
ἄ μμες δέ γ' ἐ σσόμεσθα πολλ ῷ κάρρονες We will be much better than you are!
1. Reach 1. Reach your full potential! 2. Attitude 2. Attitude is everything! 3. Sky 3. Sky is the limit! 4. Think 4. Think out of the box! 5. Balance 5. Balance priorities! 6. Be 6. Be Ethical! 7. Think 7. Think Global! 8. Enjoy 8. Enjoy the trip! 9. Let’s 9. Let’s make a difference! 10. Self 10. Self actualize! 11. You 11. You can!!! 1. Κ άνε τη δουλειά σου χόμπι! 2. Η νοοτροπία είναι το παν! 3. Φ θάσε όσο πιο ψηλά μπορείς! 4. Σ κέψου δημιουργικά! 5. Ι σορρόπησε τις προτεραιότητές σου! 6. Ά κουσε τη συνείδησή σου! 7. Τ ο παγκόσμιο χωριό, το σπίτι μας! 8. Α πόλαυσε το ταξίδι! 9. Α ς φτιάξουμε ένα καλύτερο κόσμο! 10. Γ νώρισε τον εαυτό σου! 11. Μ πορείς!!!
1. Reach 1. Reach your full potential! 2. Attitude 2. Attitude is everything! 3. Sky 3. Sky is the limit! 4. Think 4. Think out of the box! 5. Balance 5. Balance priorities! 6. Be 6. Be Ethical! 7. Think 7. Think Global! 8. Enjoy 8. Enjoy the trip! 9. Let’s 9. Let’s make a difference! 10. Self 10. Self actualize! 11. You 11. You can!!! 1. F ă lucrul care îi place! 2. M entalitatea este mai sus ca orice! 3. S ă ajungi cât de sus poi! 4. G ândete-te creând! 5. P riorităile echilibrului! 6. A scultă sovistea ta! 7. S atul internaional, casa noastră! 8. B ucurăte de excursie! 9. S ă construim o lume,mai buna! 10. C unoate-te pe tine însui! 11. P oi!!!
Άκουσε τη Συνείδησή σου! Κάνε τη δουλειά σου χόμπι! Η νοοτροπία Είναι το παν! Φθάσε όσο πιο Ψηλά μπορείς! Το παγκόσμιΟ χωριό μας, το σπίτι μας! Ας φτιάξοΥμε ένα καλύτερο κόσμο!
Κάνε τη Δουλειά σου χόμπι! Η νοοτροπία είναι το παν! Φθάσε όσο Μπορείς πιο ψηλά! ΜπορεΙς! ΣκέψΟυ δημιουργικά! Ας φτιάξοΥμε ένα καλύτερο κόσμο! ΙσορΡόπησε προτεραιότητες! Ψάξε Για αυτοπραγμάτωση! Άκουσε τΗ συνείδησή σου! Το παγκόΣμιο χωριό, το σπίτι μας! ΑπόλαυσΕ το ταξίδι!
Μπορείς! Ισορρόπησε Προτεραιότητες! Γνώρισε τον εαυτΟ σου! Η νοοτΡοπία είναι το παν! Κάνε τη δουλΕιά σου χόμπι! Απόλαυσε το ταξίδΙ! ΑΣ φτιάξουμε ένα καλύτερο κόσμο!
S M I L E Κάνε τη δουλειά σου Χόμπι! Ακουσε τη συνείδησή σου! Μπορείς! Ας φτιάξΟυμε ένα καλύτερο κόσμο! Γνώρισε τον εαυτό σου! ΣκΕψου δημιουργικά! Φθάσε όσο πιο ψηΛά μπορείς! Απόλαυσε το ταξίδι! Ξέρετε; Τα πάντα γίνονται με χαμόγελο!!!
Extracurricular, voluntary activities include: cross-cultural actions recycling-reusing-reforming, road safety, urban environment interventions, blood donation etc. promotion of sustainability components through posters, graffiti, brochures and events (theater, seminars etc.). Sustainability Practices_2
1) Graffiti is usually a controversial art expression depending on the legal, social and cultural environment. The project "Youth in Action" in Greece (E.U. funded) helped young people to be expressed in colors and designs on public buildings. 2) Recycling fried oil is relatively widespread for restaurants. But, a school that collects the fried oil from the school and local community members and transform it to biodiesel and soap in order to give it back to the community, is something interestingly different! Sustainability Practices_3
Biodiesel 2 nd Generation
Multicultural Environment Young people from 10 countries School Documents in 10 Languages 4epal-athin.att.sch.gr
We are looking forward to meeting you @ School of the world: We are Different but We create Together!!!
TSILLER & ROS 1, ATHENS 11144 Phone: 210-2114078 & 210-2114750 mail@4epal-athin.att.sch.gr 4epal-athin.att.sch.gr
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