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Retinoblastoma Gene
p53 Gene
Figure 4-H-6. The roles of p53 in growth arrest and apoptosis
Figure 4-H-6. The roles of p53 in growth arrest and apoptosis. (a) The cell cycle progression into the S phase requires the enzyme Cdk2, which can be inhibited by p21. The progression into the M phase requires Cdc2 which can be inhibited by p21, GADD45 or s. p53 regulates the expression of these inhibitory proteins to induce growth arrest. (b) Apoptosis can be induced by the binding of Caspase 9 to cytochrome c and Apaf1. p53 may activate the expression of Apaf1 and Bax. The latter can then stimulate the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria (see Mitochondria, Apoptosis and Aging).
Γονιδιακή Θεραπεία με p53
Οικογενής Πολυποδίαση Παχέος Εντέρου: 1/10000
Γονίδια που κωδικοποιούν Ένζυμα Επιδιόρθωσης του DNA στον Καρκίνο του Παχέος Εντέρου
MSH p15-p % MLH p % PMS q31-q % PMS p %
MSR1=macrophage scavenger receptor 1
Gene Name Chromosomal Location CAPB Prostate Cancer/ Brain Cancer Susceptibility 1p36 HPC1 Prostate Cancer, Hereditary 1q24-q25 PCAP Predisposing for Prostate Cancer 1q42.2-q43 HPC2 17p HPC20 20q13 HPCX Prostate Cancer, Hereditary X-linked Xq27-q28 MSR1=macrophage scavenger receptor 1 Researchers examined rare germ-line mutations in MSR1 and found men with a particular mutation were twice as likely to have prostate cancer. This holds true in both Caucasian and African-American men.
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