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Γλωσσικές δεξιότητες στην αγγλική γλώσσα: διδασκαλία και αξιολόγηση
Γλωσσικές δεξιότητες στην αγγλική γλώσσα: διδασκαλία και αξιολόγηση Δέσποινα Παπαγγελή Σχολική Σύμβουλος
Linguistic Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing Mediation
LISTENING Successful listening skills are acquired overtime and with lots of practice. When Ss are blocking, convince them that not understanding is OK. They have to listen to English as often as possible, but for short periods of time (use of the gradual approach). Teach listening: we need to teach not only English but also how it is used.
Listening Skills Bottom up listening skills
direct decoding language into meaningful units Top down listening skills refers to how our knowkedge of social convention helps us understand meaning.
Ηχητικά αποσπάσματα βιβλίων Αγγλικής Γυμνασίου
. Επιλέγοντας ένα από τα βιβλία ακολουθείτε τη διαδρομή (από το αριστερό μενού) Επιλογές Μαθήματος > Αρχεία Μαθήματος > Ηχητικά Αποσπάσματα για να κατεβάσετε το αρχείο και να το αποσυμπιέσετε σε κάποιο σημείο στον Η/Υ σας.
SPEAKING Study phrases, not individual words
Do not study grammar rules Listen first Slow, deep learning is best Use point-of-view mini stories Use real English conversations & materials Use listen and answer stories
and Start Using English!
Stop Studying English and Start Using English!
READING Vocabulary Surveying, Scanning, Skimming
Guessing and Predicting from Context
READING Skimming - used to understand the "gist" or main idea
Scanning - used to find a particular piece of information Extensive reading - used for pleasure and general understanding Intensive reading - accurate reading for detailed understanding
7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5! 1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG 17 WA5 H4RD BU7 N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H 0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PROUD! 0NLY C3R741N P30PL3 C4N R3AD 7H15. PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F U C4N R34D 7H15. The amazing adaptability of the BRAIN
WRITING Choose writing objective
Find a writing exercise that helps to focus on the specific objective If possible, tie the subject matter to student needs Provide feedback through correction activities that call on students to correct their own mistakes Have students revise work
How to write a letter of inquiry
MEDIATION “In both the receptive and productive modes, the written and/or oral activities of mediation make communication possible between persons who are unable, for whatever reason to communicate with each other directly. Mediating language activites –(re)processing of an existing text– occupy an important place in the normal linguistic functioning of our societies”
Methodology Διαφοροποιημένη διδασκαλία Ομαδοσυνεργατική προσέγγιση
Μεθοδολογικές καινοτομίες που συμβάλλουν στην ποιότητα της διδασκαλίας Διαφοροποιημένη διδασκαλία Ομαδοσυνεργατική προσέγγιση Διαθεματικότητα Βιωματική μάθηση Ενθάρρυνση της δημιουργικότητας των μαθητών, ψυχολογική ενίσχυση του μαθητή και δημιουργία θετικού κλίματος Χρήση ψηφιακής τεχνολογίας Ερευνητικές εργασίες (projects)
Planning lessons As teachers, we should have in mind:
Who are the students? How long is the lesson? What do students/teachers want to do?) How the students/teachers are going to do it? What methodology will be used? What can we teach with? What is going to be used for these activities? What are our freedoms and constraints? What is the type of our class? Unpredictability of working with people
A lesson plan In Pre-planning a teacher considers: some factors about the Ss, the syllabus, planning elements. A lesson plan is o probable sequence of a lesson, a proposal for an action, rather than a lesson to be followed slavishly. Elements of a lesson plan: Class description aims of the lesson Activities Procedure Time
Motivation A kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something Need for exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge Kinds of motivation Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation
Assessment Aim: tο inform the Ss, their parents and the school about the progress made towards a learning target. Kinds of assessment: continuous, final Testing
Η ολοκληρωμένη αξιολόγηση απαιτεί συνδυασμό παραδοσιακών και εναλλακτικών μορφών
Παραδοσιακές γραπτές δοκιμασίες Παρατήρηση από τον εκπαιδευτικό Αυτο-αξιολόγηση, ετερο-αξιολόγηση Τήρηση φακέλου Συνθετικές δημιουργικές εργασίες (2001:228)
Self- ASSESSMENT Self-assessment is an evaluation of oneself or one’s actions, attitudes, or performance Teachers should encourage students to make self-assessments and record their own progress
European Language Portfolio
Some thoughts on Success and Failure
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty Sir Winston Churchill
Bibliography Learning and Teaching in an EFL Context, Teaching Listening and Speaking, Ε.Α.Π., Πάτρα 2004, τόμος Α΄ Learning and Teaching in an EFL Context, Teaching Reading and Writing, Ε.Α.Π., Πάτρα 2004, τόμος B΄
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