Curriculum Syllabus Lesson planning Nelly Zafeiriadou, MA, Ed D ELT School Advisor

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1 Curriculum Syllabus Lesson planning Nelly Zafeiriadou, MA, Ed D ELT School Advisor

2 What a curriculum is not A list of subjects to be transmitted and learned that is a syllabus details of methods and times that is a timetable

3 A curriculum is : “ an attempt to communicate the essential features and principles of an educational proposal in such a form that it is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice. “ Stenhouse 1975

4 Values which influence curriculum design are those of: the curriculum designers the teachers the learners the society in which it is delivered

5 Every curriculum has three levels: Planned : what is intended by designers Delivered : what is organised by institution what is taught by teachers Experienced: what is learned by students

6 The Crossthematic Unified Curriculum Teaching/learning aim The aim of teaching English in Primary and Secondary Education is to facilitate the development of language skills that will enable pupils to communicate effectively in different linguistic and cultural contexts.

7 The Crossthematic Unified Curriculum The acquisition of foreign language literacy can assist in the promotion of multilingualism and multiculturalism as basic guiding principles for the development of cognitive and social skills The teaching of English can contribute to the development of pupils’ ability to use the language in real-life communication situations, in predictable and non-predictable settings, using linguistic, and paralinguistic means of communication Pupils will also be given the opportunity to realise that language can not only be used for communication purposes, but also as a tool for acquiring and managing knowledge and information from different subject areas.

8 CONTENT GUIDING PRINCIPLES Literacy Multilingualism Multiculturalism

9 LITERACY Pupils should: acquire knowledge of the English language form, structure and function. develop and practice speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in order to be able to understand and use all kinds of information and knowledge as well as express opinions and ideas.

10 MULTILINGUALISM Pupils should: develop an awareness and understanding of the differences between language and speech. develop an awareness of the differences between languages. develop an understanding of the English language as a common linguistic code. be able to communicate not only with native speakers but with non-native speakers of English as well.

11 MULTICULTURALISM Pupils should: develop an awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity. develop an appreciation and understanding of people of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. develop intercultural awareness and cross- cultural communication skills. learn to accept and appreciate ‘otherness ’

12 COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES: LEARNING, TEACHING, ASSESSMENT The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) is a comprehensive document created to encourage reflection and communication about every aspect of language learning, teaching and assessment.

13 COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE FOR LANGUAGES: LEARNING, TEACHING, ASSESSMENT CEF helps teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum developers, materials designers and educational institutions to: communicate coordinate their efforts focus their work

14 CEF consists of nine chapters: 1. Definition of aim, objectives and functions 2. Explanation of the approach adopted 3. Introduction of the common reference levels 4. Identification of categories needed for the description of language use 5. Categorisation of the user’s/learner’s general and communicative competence 6. The processes of language learning and teaching, the relation between acquisition and learning, the nature and development of multilingual competence 7. The role of tasks in language learning and teaching 8. The implications of linguistic diversity for curriculum design, multilingualism and multiculturalism 9. Assessment and assessment types

15 Responsibility of the English language teacher Students in Europe today live and act in a multilingual and multicultural environment. English language teachers have even more responsibility than other teachers; the responsibility originating from the nature of the discipline they teach. Among other things English language teachers provide students with a special communication tool which promotes mutual understanding and tolerance.

16 Thus the English language teacher should: make sure that students achieve an ability to communicate which goes beyond simple linguistic capacity raise students’ awareness as to the diversity of languages and cultures provide a key for them to discover other cultures and go beyond superficial views and stereotypes educate European citizens in the spirit of understanding and respect for diversity and tolerance in order to combat prejudice and xenophobia.

17 New teaching material for primary and secondary education The design of the new teaching material was based upon current methodological and pedagogical principles of literacy, plurilingualism and pluriculturalism as set by CEF (2001) and the Cross-curricular Unified Framework (2003)

18 Lesson planning Aim Anticipated problems Class profile Stages Pre-reading/writing/listening etc. While-reading/writing/listening etc. Post-reading/writing/listening etc.

19 Planning a reading/listening lesson The pre-reading/listening stage the teacher should motivate the learners to read/listen, create a purpose for reading/listening and activate their prior knowledge, that is relevant schemata either formal or content so that learners can exploit their prior knowledge of both content and language in order to comprehend the text The while-reading/listening activities should be associated with the reading/listening process and skills suitable to help learners interact with the text in order to extract meaning. The post-reading/listening stage provides an opportunity for skill integration because in real life we always talk or write about things we have read and because skill integration reinforces learning.

20 ΦΟΡΜΑ ΠΡΟΤΕΙΝΟΜΕΝΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΙΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΜΑ: ΤΑΞΗ: ΕΝΟΤΗΤΑ/ΕΣ: ΕΙΣΗΓΗΤΗΣ: 1.Διδακτικός στόχος: 2.Σκοπός: 3.Διδακτική προσέγγιση: 4.Μέσα διδασκαλίας-υλικά-προϋποθέσεις: 5.Σύντομη περιγραφή: 6.Δομή μαθήματος: Αναλυτική περιγραφή επιμέρους βημάτων διδασκαλίας Δραστηριότητες μαθητών Αξιολόγηση μαθητών 7.Βιβλιογραφία: Ηλεκτρονικές διευθύνσεις, διαφάνειες, προτεινόμενα CD’s…

21 ΣΧΕΔΙΟ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΠΡΟΤΕΙΝΟΜΕΝΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ/ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ-1 Α. Εισηγητές/τριες του προγράμματος................................................... Β. Τίτλος............................................... Γ. Διαδικασίες 1. Σκοπός Συγκεκριμένος σκοπός του Προγράμματος/προβλήματος που θα μελετηθεί/επιλυθεί 2.Στόχοι Απλοί και συγκεκριμένοι στόχοι σε συνδυασμό με τις προτεινόμενες διδακτικές παρεμβάσεις, οι οποίες θα ακολουθηθούν, προκειμένου να υλοποιηθούν οι στόχοι. 3. Εννοιολογικό πλαίσιο Καθορισμός του εννοιολογικού πλαισίου 4.Μεθοδολογία Μέθοδος project Μελέτη πεδίου Επίλυση προβλήματος κλπ

22 ΣΧΕΔΙΟ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΠΡΟΤΕΙΝΟΜΕΝΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ/ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ -2 5. Πλάνο εργασιών και συγκεκριμένο χρονοδιάγραμμα εργασιών 6. Χωρισμός των μαθητών/ριων σε ομάδες και καταμερισμός εργασιών ανά ομάδα : Προγραμματισμός επισκέψεων Συγκέντρωση πληροφοριών Κατασκευές ή και αγορά οργάνων Κλπ 8. Παρουσίαση /Διάχυση του προγράμματος 7.Αξιολόγηση Αξιολόγηση της πορείας και του τελικού προϊόντος/αποτελέσματος του προγράμματος. 9.Βιβλιογραφία

23 Sources ΔΕΠΠΣ, Government Gazette, FEK 304/13- 03-03 Pedagogic Institute: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (2001) Council of Cultural Cooperation Education Committee, Modern Languages Division, Strasbourg: CUP

24 Last useful tips … Teach me and I ’ ll forget Show me and I will remember Involve me and I will learn (old Chinese proverb)


26 Thanking you for your time and patience ……

27 I wish you all the best of luck … in your teaching career

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