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Παρουσίαση με θέμα: "COMENIUS ΠΟΛΥΜΕΡΗΣ ΣΧΟΛΙΚΗ ΣΥΜΠΡΑΞΗ Αριθμός σύμβασης 2013-1-RO1- COM06-29674 8 ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ : ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ."— Μεταγράφημα παρουσίασης:


2  Χώρες που συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα και περιοχές που βρίσκονται τα σχολεία :  1. Ελλάδα – Πυργί Χίος  2. Ρουμανία - Iasi  3. Ιταλία - Castellalto/ Abruzzo  4. Ισπανία - Moguer /Andalucía  5. Σλοβενία - Grize  6. Τουρκία - Κωνσταντινούπολη

3  Motivation-Music becomes universal when different nations listen to it and have the same messages and tastes. As much as we listen different local music, we make them universal, start to do differences the similarities of us and music become indispensable in our lives. Every culture has local songs worthy to be known by others and those local songs need to be listened to and sung.

4  Purpose-Through the local songs and choir that we will create with our students, we intend to promote our students’ participatory spirit, self- expression, self-confidence, creativity, musical enrichment by removing the narrow spaces, improving art and languages skills, recognition and melting different cultures in the same pot, teamwork, encouraging the learning of less spoken languages. We think we will have more benefit than we imagined for our students, for our parents and for the consciousness of European citizenship.

5  Action-The problem we focused on is seen in our schools and in some ways every partner shares. Those are the lack of participating of our pupils, their sides of insufficient self- confidence, lack of self-expression, not knowing the other cultures and not having the opportunity to improve their artistic skills. We are eight partner schools and in every project meeting, we will choose some local songs of the host school, our students will work together to sing them in choir during 3 days and will perform a mini concert at the cultural night before leaving the country. During these processes, they will recognize the culture, way of life, music and all sides of the cultures through visits, exchanges, etc. These ways will allow our children to melt with different cultures and the “others” will become “ours”.

6  Objectives:  to increase the European dimension of education by advancing joint cooperation of the 7 partners in the creation of the Song and playing in the Musical.  to develop knowledge and understanding among young people and educational staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value via activities like introducing traditional music instruments, developing a multilingual dictionary.  to design an interactive Sing-Act website to spread the effect of the project to the world and to develop ICT skills  to integrate various cultures in the creation of the Song via the use of different instruments of each participating country  to help students with special needs to achieve success in their future life via involving them in the Musical  to share knowledge and exchange experiences about special needs children in 7 meetings  to encourage and motivate students and teachers in language education through mobilities and other activities  to promote group work in all the project activities  to support musical learning and training with the use of traditional instruments  to produce CDs including all materials and actions taken

7  The subjects we intend to address are:  to break down the barriers of division, of hatred, of prejudice in minds with cooperation  to have a cross-cultural dialogue amongst different ethnicities through music  to fight against racism and xenophobia via sharing  to understand the diverse cultures represented in European society  to see language variety in Europe  to acquire skills and competences for students’ better future  to improve English  to boost our motivation to learn  to make better use of ICT skills  to acquire and share information about pupils with Special Needs  to support individual talents

8  Approaches:  using Music to integrate nations, overcome prejudices and facilitate language learning  using Multiply Intelligences theory to fully involve every student in project work  taking advantage of TPR method used for practicing and teaching various activities  creating a website  using e-twinning portal  using the explanatory method, posters, calendars, presentations, magazines, booklets, videos, dvds  involving parents in the exchange of hospitality and sharing of information  involving the local media to raise the public’s attention to the project  arranging a multi-lingual dictionary  preparing cds of the Song  preparing video cds of the Musical play-the final activity.  sharing strategies already being used in partner schools

9  Pupils will  - have more knowledge about the traditional instrument and diversity of music and musical theatre  - be more tolerant to other cultures  - become more motivated to learn their mother tongue and foreign languages  - improve their proficiency in English as a foreign language and communicate with their friends in Europe  - increase their intercultural competence and have a positive influence on everyday life in schools  - understand and appreciate their own music and culture  - demonstrate what they have prepared in front of the partners so this will improve their self-confidence  - increase their group work abilities while preparing the song and acting out the play and other activities  - increase their technology competence such as searching, communicating via internet, video chats, preparing power point  presentations and magazines  - be aware of their own music, instruments and language skills  - enjoy knowing traditional music instruments of the participant countries, their songs and dances

10  Teachers will  - have a chance to exchange information relating to music  - focus on team work and have much more experience about European projects and widen their horizon  - create new ideas apart from school education and school work and take part in a variety of social activities  - exchange information about their teaching methods and practices  - share knowledge, experiences about SEN pupils

11  Schools will  - know and compare different school systems and training strategies from each other  - stimulate a cooperative and active training  - create a good environment to improve the English skills of its staff  - have "brother schools" in Europe  - feel the melody of this European cooperation

12  All the participants, families and the school society in general will  - get exposed to different cultures  - get familiar with different rhythms, songs, dances  - get the chance to know new instruments and musical theatre  - see the open attitude towards European values concerned with culture and language learning  - use the products of this project like the Song, the Musical, the website, the dictionary, the calendar etc.

13  Some of the activities of the project will be integrated into the curriculum depending on the specific of each school:  IT classes - creating website, taking documentary, videos, PP presentations; booklet; DVD  Religion classes - presentation of each country's main religion  Art and Music - exhibition of collages, paintings, posters; preparing international evenings, practising folk songs of the host country, giving concerts, creating COMENIUS SONG  Foreign languages - lists of useful phrases in native language translated into English; writing scripts, letters/diary pages, essays; writing/translating materials for the booklet and DVD; writing a glossary of musical terms  Sports - sports games and activities  Literature - presentations of activities done  Civic education - debates, case studies on issues related to tolerance and social exclusion  An optional called "Folk European Music/ Singing in Europe" will be introduced in the curriculum (1h/week) that students can choose at the beginning of the academic year.

14  1. Δημιουργία Ιστοσελίδας http://ofthecomeniousprojec.wix.com/lsongsinaeuro choir http://ofthecomeniousprojec.wix.com/lsongsinaeuro choir  2. Έκδοση Βιβλίου  3. Γλωσσάρι σε 6 διαφορετικές γλώσσες  4. Συναυλία ( Ιάσιο Ρουμανίας 4 Ιουνίου 2015) /  Comenius Anthem – Το Δ. Σ Πυργίου έγραψε τον καλύτερο στίχο και έγινε το refrain του ύμνου / Σύντομα θα αναρτηθεί στο διαδίκτυο

15  1. Ελλιπής υλικοτεχνική υποδομή του σχολείου  2. Προσωπικό που μετακινείται σε πολλά σχολεία ( Δάσκαλος Μουσικής 5, Δασκάλα Αγγλικών 2 / το πρόγραμμα Comenius στην Α / θμια δεν δικαιολογεί τις 2 ώρες όπως συμβαίνει στην Β / θμια ! )  3. Το σχολείο δεν είχε καθηγητή πληροφορικής στο Ολοήμερο πρόγραμμα ( Σχ. Έτος 2014-15) και τα παιδιά δεν ασχολήθηκαν με τη χρήση νέων τεχνολογιών στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος σπουδών τους ).

16  Σχολικός Σύμβουλος & Δ / νση Α / θμιας Εκπαίδευσης Χίου  Ε. Μ. Χ / Γραφείο Τουρισμού Δήμου Χίου  Ιερά Μητρόπολη Χίου Ψαρών & Οινουσσών  Δήμαρχος Χίου  Αντιπεριφερειάρχης  Στρατόπεδο Αρμολίων / Δήμος Μαστιχοχωρίων  Τοπικά Μ. Μ. Ε, Σχολική Κοινότητα, Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων, Γονείς Μαθητών, Επαγγελματίες, κ. α.











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